WOW! Amazing Statement By A Very Frustrated Glenn Beck.....

Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

The People are telling the Government to sell them down the river and giving the Government the power to do so.
The People aren't lackadaisical about politics, their politics overrides their better judgement, and the stench infects the world around them.
The People won't do anything about it, because it is easy to pass the responsibility on to the Government, and think they accomplished something by voting.
If the Government succeeding at disarming the People is a big indicator ... Define "success" because they have been disarming you for decades.

That is a self-fulfilling prophecy ...
When you can see what is happening, and there is no other choice what the result will be.

I'm not going to Git-Mo, or a shallow hole in the desert ... You want a beer, steak ... Got any other ideas?

And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?


Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.
Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.

In some ways ... They don't even lie about what they are doing.

They may tell lies about why they are doing it, or what will happen when they do.
They'll get the media to produce commentary that looks like Cold War Style Soviet Propaganda ... Journalism is dead.

You know ... In a Banana Republic they build walls around their Federal Buildings to protect themselves from their citizens.
The powerful governments there do that, because they really stopped lying to their people, and just started doing whatever they wanted to instead.

And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?

Voting wise, there were attempts to change it. The Repub party continuing to float RINOS sabotages it. The Democratic Party no matter who is elected moves to the left of liberal in their agendas. And gets everything for it even if it is a little on a issue. Moderate and Conservative Dem voters show no concern.
Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite who control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over?
Because America matters.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time.

So if someone is standing over your daughter raping her and there is nothing you can do to stop it, you just say fuck it all, walk away and change the channel on the TV?
If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time.

So if someone is standing over your daughter raping her and there is nothing you can do to stop it, you just say fuck it all, walk away and change the channel on the TV?
That's not what this is though. To be a good sport I will say my frustration would indeed be futile, not that I could avoid it. Do you think it's reasonable for politics to impact somebody as intensely as your example would?
He’s frustrated because the only ones who believe his lies and bonkers narrative are true believer morons who don’t know how to process information. They are sheep to be told what to do. And they claim Dems are sheep for literally evaluating facts. Beck should just check out of life and go be a hermit somewhere.
It's hysterical that people like you tell yourself that you're enlightened
Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

The People are telling the Government to sell them down the river and giving the Government the power to do so.
The People aren't lackadaisical about politics, their politics overrides their better judgement, and the stench infects the world around them.
The People won't do anything about it, because it is easy to pass the responsibility on to the Government, and think they accomplished something by voting.
If the Government succeeding at disarming the People is a big indicator ... Define "success" because they have been disarming you for decades.

That is a self-fulfilling prophecy ...
When you can see what is happening, and there is no other choice what the result will be.

I'm not going to Git-Mo, or a shallow hole in the desert ... You want a beer, steak ... Got any other ideas?


I know plenty of people who dont know jackshit about politics or whats happening in our country.
They believe what the MSM tells them if they even watch the news at all.
Most have no clue whats coming. I've converted many of them to the importance of where we're headed. It's amazing to see the light in their eyes when they finally get it,or the horror in some cases.
As far as them disarming me? I have more guns and ammo then at any time in my life.
Back in the late 80's very few people I knew had an AR or an AK now they're every where,so yes while the left is trying to backdoor confiscation they're failing miserably.
And like you I refuse to go out with a wimper. And I truly believe a lot of Americans are waking up to what dems are trying to accomplish,new gun ownership kinda proves it.
I guess we'll see because we're at a cross road right now.
What comes after still remains to be seen. I hope things dont get to the point of a shooting war but unfortunately I could see it happening.
His anger and frustration is palpable

Because it is JUSTIFIED. Without coming out and saying so, Beck is saying that if not for government ignoring all these issues, looking the other way and not following the law, we would be having none of the problems we have!
  • Crime
  • Corruption
  • Impotent do nothing government
  • Massive debt
  • Low wages
  • Social strife and riots
  • Massive illegal invasion
In effect, most every major issue in our country is BECAUSE of government! Not only what they FAIL to do, but while ignoring all that, what they in fact do!

What is top on Biden's agenda? Hosting Floyd's parents to visit the White House? Banning red meat to counter GHGs?

Are you fucking kidding me? And they thought Trump was a joke??????

Treason, conspiracy, lying, cheating, stealing, getting rich off of quid pro quo, insider trading, selling out to foreign interests.

Meantime, we'd all be in federal prison for doing just 1/100th of that.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?


Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.

I have no faith in either party at this point.
And yes people who refuse to engage,lackadaisical people,are a huge part of the problem.
I know you'll disagree with me but Trump opened a lot of peoples eyes.
His rallies proved that,I've never seen a candidate get the support he has....Ever!
And I truly believe dems are leading us down a path to destruction.
I wont bore you with the reasons since they're all over this board.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.

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