WOW! Amazing Statement By A Very Frustrated Glenn Beck.....

Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
You can't back up your claims it was a fair election either. Your side has not done one thing to help election integrity.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
You can't back up your claims it was a fair election either. Your side has not done one thing to help election integrity.'s funny how scared these innocent dems are when it comes to election audits.
If things were on the up and up they wouldnt be trying so hard to stop them.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
You can't back up your claims it was a fair election either. Your side has not done one thing to help election integrity.'s funny how scared these innocent dems are when it comes to election audits.
If things were on the up and up they wouldnt be trying so hard to stop them.
Um, Republicans in Arizona are trying to stop them. They are ashamed and embarrassed, understandably.

You probably aren't told about that in your world.
And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?


Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.

I have no faith in either party at this point.
And yes people who refuse to engage,lackadaisical people,are a huge part of the problem.
I know you'll disagree with me but Trump opened a lot of peoples eyes.
His rallies proved that,I've never seen a candidate get the support he has....Ever!
And I truly believe dems are leading us down a path to destruction.
I wont bore you with the reasons since they're all over this board.

Trump like Obama had the chance to transform politics but both failed miserably because in both their cases in the end it was all about them.
Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.

In some ways ... They don't even lie about what they are doing.

They may tell lies about why they are doing it, or what will happen when they do.
They'll get the media to produce commentary that looks like Cold War Style Soviet Propaganda ... Journalism is dead.

You know ... In a Banana Republic they build walls around their Federal Buildings to protect themselves from their citizens.
The powerful governments there do that, because they really stopped lying to their people, and just started doing whatever they wanted to instead.


Just look at the white house with all the barricades.
Another indicator is the desire to disarm the populace since they know what they're getting ready to do is going to piss off a lot of people.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
You can't back up your claims it was a fair election either. Your side has not done one thing to help election integrity.'s funny how scared these innocent dems are when it comes to election audits.
If things were on the up and up they wouldnt be trying so hard to stop them.
Um, Republicans in Arizona are trying to stop them. They are ashamed and embarrassed, understandably.

You probably aren't told about that in your world.

You mean RINO's.
And what about the other states?
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
You can't back up your claims it was a fair election either. Your side has not done one thing to help election integrity.'s funny how scared these innocent dems are when it comes to election audits.
If things were on the up and up they wouldnt be trying so hard to stop them.
What is funny is that they deny the ludicrous antics of the people trying to stop the audits. The threats and intimidation going on before their eyes. They will not admit how guilty they look, and they have to know they do.

Dealing with people this dishonest is frustrating.
And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?


Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.

I have no faith in either party at this point.
And yes people who refuse to engage,lackadaisical people,are a huge part of the problem.
I know you'll disagree with me but Trump opened a lot of peoples eyes.
His rallies proved that,I've never seen a candidate get the support he has....Ever!
And I truly believe dems are leading us down a path to destruction.
I wont bore you with the reasons since they're all over this board.

Trump like Obama had the chance to transform politics but both failed miserably because in both their cases in the end it was all about them.

How was it about Trump?
He brought wages up for everyone and employment.
Tell me one thing Trump did to enrich himself during his presidency?
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
You can't back up your claims it was a fair election either. Your side has not done one thing to help election integrity.'s funny how scared these innocent dems are when it comes to election audits.
If things were on the up and up they wouldnt be trying so hard to stop them.
Um, Republicans in Arizona are trying to stop them. They are ashamed and embarrassed, understandably.

You probably aren't told about that in your world.

You mean RINO's.
And what about the other states?

Yes, RINO Hitler Chinese Deep State Swamp Commies.

Also known as Republicans with principles.

PHOENIX — A growing chorus of Arizona Republicans is calling on the GOP-controlled state Senate to end an audit into Maricopa County’s 2020 election results that is increasingly relying on disproven conspiracy theories to challenge President Biden’s victory here.

Republicans say they hope it does not continue after embarrassing revelations that supposedly bombshell allegations by auditors who have perpetuated Trump’s lies were in fact errors made by the auditors themselves.

“I think they should maybe just call it quits. I don’t think that it’s going to serve any purpose. It’s not going to change the election,” former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R), who has administered elections when she served as secretary of state, said this week on "The Gaydos and Chad Show." “The votes have been certified. Biden is the president. It’s not changing. I say move on.”

Auditors later walked back that accusation after the Board of Supervisors issued a blistering letter illustrating exactly where the files were, and accusing the Senate of “a serious lack of understanding of election law.”

“We express our united view that your ‘audit,’ no matter what your intentions were in the beginning, has become a spectacle that is harming all of us. Our state has become a laughingstock. Worse, this ‘audit’ is encouraging our citizens to distrust elections, which weakens our democratic republic,” the supervisors wrote.

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer (R), who won the job overseeing county elections in November, called the auditor’s false claims “unhinged.”

“We can’t indulge these insane lies any longer. As a party. As a state. As a country,” Richer wrote on Twitter, citing Trump’s statements.

Anybody that lets politics impact their life to the point it's making them unhappy has fucked up. We as individuals can't do much outside of vote. If we can't fix the world there's no point being upset about it all the time. I have one life to live. I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend it angry over you idiots.
Agreed. We must accept the fact the world is a mess, thanks to a criminal elite who control it. Why get upset about something you have no control over?
Because America matters.
The America I knew and loved is dead. What we have now is an evil empire.
And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?


Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.

And those lying are both right and left.
It is easy to list lies by Trump, but I originally voted for Obama to end wars, and instead he spread the wars to Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, the Ukraine, etc.
And he never did get out of Iraq or Afghanistan.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
You can't back up your claims it was a fair election either. Your side has not done one thing to help election integrity.'s funny how scared these innocent dems are when it comes to election audits.
If things were on the up and up they wouldnt be trying so hard to stop them.
Um, Republicans in Arizona are trying to stop them. They are ashamed and embarrassed, understandably.

You probably aren't told about that in your world.
Who cares? The voters want this. If those Republicans do not support those voters they are worthless because they are not doing their jobs. It will be their last term.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
You can't back up your claims it was a fair election either. Your side has not done one thing to help election integrity.'s funny how scared these innocent dems are when it comes to election audits.
If things were on the up and up they wouldnt be trying so hard to stop them.
What is funny is that they deny the ludicrous antics of the people trying to stop the audits. The threats and intimidation going on before their eyes. They will not admit how guilty they look, and they have to know they do.

Dealing with people this dishonest is frustrating.

And then you have MAC claiming it's republicans trying to stop the audits.
And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?


Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.

I have no faith in either party at this point.
And yes people who refuse to engage,lackadaisical people,are a huge part of the problem.
I know you'll disagree with me but Trump opened a lot of peoples eyes.
His rallies proved that,I've never seen a candidate get the support he has....Ever!
And I truly believe dems are leading us down a path to destruction.
I wont bore you with the reasons since they're all over this board.

Trump like Obama had the chance to transform politics but both failed miserably because in both their cases in the end it was all about them.

How was it about Trump?
He brought wages up for everyone and employment.
Tell me one thing Trump did to enrich himself during his presidency?

This is an example of what is being discussed here. I said it was all about him. Don't change what I said.
And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?


Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.

I have no faith in either party at this point.
And yes people who refuse to engage,lackadaisical people,are a huge part of the problem.
I know you'll disagree with me but Trump opened a lot of peoples eyes.
His rallies proved that,I've never seen a candidate get the support he has....Ever!
And I truly believe dems are leading us down a path to destruction.
I wont bore you with the reasons since they're all over this board.

Trump like Obama had the chance to transform politics but both failed miserably because in both their cases in the end it was all about them.

How was it about Trump?
He brought wages up for everyone and employment.
Tell me one thing Trump did to enrich himself during his presidency?

This is an example of what is being discussed here. I said it was all about him. Don't change what I said.

In what way was it all about him?
He lost money while he was in office and gained nothing.
Wow, that's one miserable guy right there. I'd imagine many Trumpsters here are just like that.

That's what happens when you choose to only see and believe one side of everything.
Did you really say that? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sure did, Trumpster!
Hypocrisy mean anything to you? You realize that is your problem that comes with censorship, political persecution, intimidation and most of all intolerance?
Tell you what, Trumpster. I'll do something you could never do.

Start a thread on any topic you'd like and tag me. I'll argue your side of the issue for you.

Let's see how I can understand both sides of an issue.

Looking forward to it.
Let's stick with the massive and obvious fraud. After that is proven, I'll think about it.
As usual. I do this every day with you guys. You can never back up your words.

You're wimps and cowards. Boring.
You can't back up your claims it was a fair election either. Your side has not done one thing to help election integrity.'s funny how scared these innocent dems are when it comes to election audits.
If things were on the up and up they wouldnt be trying so hard to stop them.
What is funny is that they deny the ludicrous antics of the people trying to stop the audits. The threats and intimidation going on before their eyes. They will not admit how guilty they look, and they have to know they do.

Dealing with people this dishonest is frustrating.

And then you have MAC claiming it's republicans trying to stop the audits.
Once you start lying it is impossible to stop. The Democrats and media prove it daily.
And you dont think the way this country is headed will affect that one life you have to live?
What about your children life?
I'm not saying I'm Nostradumass but I predicted the shit we're going through right now as far back as the 80's.
Even my Wife of 30 years had to admit I was right all along and she was a skeptic.
Sad to say but I'll bet I'm right on where this country is headed and will be in another 30 years and it ain't pretty.
Go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

That's just the point ... It doesn't matter if you are correct.
What your wife admitted to was that a self-fulfilling prophecy, came true.

The only People making progress, are those in power in Washington DC.
They are tearing the country apart, destroying any chance to oppose them,
and have more than two thirds of the country believing it is for their own good.

We don't have to agree with each other ... They are doing it.
It doesn't matter if you are correct, nor if someone chooses to ignore it.

It's what's happening, and if anyone thinks the Government or anyone in it, is interested in fixing that, they are a damn fool.
So ... What are you going to do?


Thats the point.
People need to realize whats happening,they sit at home all fat and happy while their government sells them down the river.
And I would hardly call it self fufilling I made some educated guesses based on what I was seeing and I was right....over and over again.
People today are to lackadaisical about politics and it will be our downfall.
And maybe your right,there may not be shit we can do about. By the time they become aware of their mistakes we'll be defenseless.
I think the big indicator will be when they try and disarm the people. If they succceed in this we're fucked.

Up until recently I cared. I quit voting for those who lie to us. I suggested others do the same. I was told that they "all lie". That's only because people made excuses for their lies and continued to vote for them.

It's not the lackadaisical that is the problem. It's the majority that are hard core partisans where nothing matters to them outside of their "party" winning.

I have no faith in either party at this point.
And yes people who refuse to engage,lackadaisical people,are a huge part of the problem.
I know you'll disagree with me but Trump opened a lot of peoples eyes.
His rallies proved that,I've never seen a candidate get the support he has....Ever!
And I truly believe dems are leading us down a path to destruction.
I wont bore you with the reasons since they're all over this board.

Trump like Obama had the chance to transform politics but both failed miserably because in both their cases in the end it was all about them.

How was it about Trump?
He brought wages up for everyone and employment.
Tell me one thing Trump did to enrich himself during his presidency?

This is an example of what is being discussed here. I said it was all about him. Don't change what I said.

In what way was it all about him?
He lost money while he was in office and gained nothing.

You are trying to make it about money. (not that he hasn't been raking it in from the gullible) It was about him. He loved the attention. Tweets all hours of the day to get the attention he craved.

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