Wow! An insightful and comprehensive look at Trump v. H. of Rep. coming soon!

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

Leftists can't convince anyone with facts and reason, so they seek to silence opposition with violence. And they can't understand facts and reason, so they assume everyone is violent.

Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.

Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.

LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.

Donald Trump has an odd and off putting style. I certainly understand that many people don't like it.

His policies on the other hand, are completely mainstream. That you have to spin political support of him, as being a type of monkey, is just you being an asshole.
Leftists can't convince anyone with facts and reason, so they seek to silence opposition with violence. And they can't understand facts and reason, so they assume everyone is violent.

Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.

Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.

LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.

You sure do get pissy when people don't kiss your ass. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.

As someone has already pointed out, there is no term "Chameleon Word". It's some horseshit you made up -- and expect people to believe simply because you say it -- to let you avoid answering people.

Not only are you an emotional child, you're a coward.

The Way of Words: An Informal Logic
Cahp. 3: A Linguistic Armory, pg, 70
copywrite 1976 by Houghton Mifflin Co.

I never need to have my ass kissed, I'm quite confident in what I post and what I believe. When I wrong I admit it, and offered Mea Culpas many times.

I'm not a child, nor a coward. I enlisted in the Navy in 1967, during wartime. My GQ station was in a 5" gun mount as the projectile man; I didn't serve in a store room counting and sorting boxes, Sgt.

That was a long time ago. YOu are acting like a prissy child now.

Would the you that served in the Navy, really be that offended by a Presidential candidate running on better trade deals and deporting illegals?

Or is this something that happened to you since then, as you got old?
If they want to rule that a President has no obligation to respond to Congressional inquiries and throw out Constitutional checks and balances....the same ruling will apply to all future presidents.

Sorry, but no President should have to respond to frivolous requests by Congress. If the SC allows these types of requests, then just imagine how erroneous the requests will become in the future from a partisan Congress. This is how the SC will look at this issue, as well they should.
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If they want to rule that a President has no obligation to respond to Congressional inquiries and throw out Constitutional checks and balances....the same ruling will apply to all future presidents.

Sorry, but no President should have to respond to frivolous requests by Congress. If they SC allows these types of requests, then just imagine how erroneous the requests will become in the future from a partisan Congress. This is how the SC will look at this issue, as well they should.

If that is the case, then any President can call all requests from Congress frivolous.

We’re endless requests for information about Benghazi “frivolous”?
Then how are requests for information about Trumps financial involvement with Russia frivolous?
If they want to rule that a President has no obligation to respond to Congressional inquiries and throw out Constitutional checks and balances....the same ruling will apply to all future presidents.

Sorry, but no President should have to respond to frivolous requests by Congress. If they SC allows these types of requests, then just imagine how erroneous the requests will become in the future from a partisan Congress. This is how the SC will look at this issue, as well they should.

If that is the case, then any President can call all requests from Congress frivolous.

We’re endless requests for information about Benghazi “frivolous”?
Then how are requests for information about Trumps financial involvement with Russia frivolous?

I didn't say they shouldn't allow requests from Congress, however, just like the impeachment nonsense, we can't entertain unsupported, partisan, fishing expedition requests from Congress.
SCOTUS will have to decide on whether Congress has oversight over the Executive Branch

If the President can just stonewall all requests for information, then that oversight no longer exists
SCOTUS will have to decide on whether Congress has oversight over the Executive Branch

If the President can just stonewall all requests for information, then that oversight no longer exists

Our founding fathers never thought that a partisan Congress would put politics above country. That is what is happening now. The Democrats are ruining our system of government, with the endless investigations and a completely partisan impeachment. We need real Congressional oversight.
You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

Leftists can't convince anyone with facts and reason, so they seek to silence opposition with violence. And they can't understand facts and reason, so they assume everyone is violent.

Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.

Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.

LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.

Donald Trump has an odd and off putting style. I certainly understand that many people don't like it.

I find it completely refreshing, especially when put against the dishonest "My Esteemed Friend and Colleague" nonsense practiced by Congressional members.
SCOTUS will have to decide on whether Congress has oversight over the Executive Branch

If the President can just stonewall all requests for information, then that oversight no longer exists

Our founding fathers never thought that a partisan Congress would put politics above country. That is what is happening now. The Democrats are ruining our system of government, with the endless investigations and a completely partisan impeachment. We need real Congressional oversight.

It seems the Democrats want Legislative oversight of the Executive, which is well and good, but conveniently forget that the Executive is likewise a check and balance against the Legislative.
SCOTUS will have to decide on whether Congress has oversight over the Executive Branch

If the President can just stonewall all requests for information, then that oversight no longer exists

Our founding fathers never thought that a partisan Congress would put politics above country. That is what is happening now. The Democrats are ruining our system of government, with the endless investigations and a completely partisan impeachment. We need real Congressional oversight.

It seems the Democrats want Legislative oversight of the Executive, which is well and good, but conveniently forget that the Executive is likewise a check and balance against the Legislative.

The real check on the idiots in the House is the American people who should vote all of partisan hacks out.
SCOTUS will have to decide on whether Congress has oversight over the Executive Branch

If the President can just stonewall all requests for information, then that oversight no longer exists

Our founding fathers never thought that a partisan Congress would put politics above country. That is what is happening now. The Democrats are ruining our system of government, with the endless investigations and a completely partisan impeachment. We need real Congressional oversight.

It seems the Democrats want Legislative oversight of the Executive, which is well and good, but conveniently forget that the Executive is likewise a check and balance against the Legislative.
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

That is what our founders intended
SCOTUS will have to decide on whether Congress has oversight over the Executive Branch

If the President can just stonewall all requests for information, then that oversight no longer exists

Our founding fathers never thought that a partisan Congress would put politics above country. That is what is happening now. The Democrats are ruining our system of government, with the endless investigations and a completely partisan impeachment. We need real Congressional oversight.

It seems the Democrats want Legislative oversight of the Executive, which is well and good, but conveniently forget that the Executive is likewise a check and balance against the Legislative.
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

That is what our founders intended

Um, I think you need to read this again. I agree with the sentiment.
Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.

LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.

You sure do get pissy when people don't kiss your ass. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.

As someone has already pointed out, there is no term "Chameleon Word". It's some horseshit you made up -- and expect people to believe simply because you say it -- to let you avoid answering people.

Not only are you an emotional child, you're a coward.

The Way of Words: An Informal Logic
Cahp. 3: A Linguistic Armory, pg, 70
copywrite 1976 by Houghton Mifflin Co.

I never need to have my ass kissed, I'm quite confident in what I post and what I believe. When I wrong I admit it, and offered Mea Culpas many times.

I'm not a child, nor a coward. I enlisted in the Navy in 1967, during wartime. My GQ station was in a 5" gun mount as the projectile man; I didn't serve in a store room counting and sorting boxes, Sgt.
Odd how you cite the book, but no relevant passage.

You get an F on your homework, child.

But let's examine it, shall we?

But chameleon words have no identity separate from their disguises. They are what they are made to be by the users of the words.
You keep screeching that, but the words you apply it to have accepted, established meanings.

So the phrase doesn't apply. Dismissed.

Oh, and I was 3E0X2, Electrical Power Production, not Logistics. During my career, I successfully arrested 12 disabled tailhook-equipped aircraft, letting 18 aircrew go home to their families and safely recovering $600 million of aircraft -- among other things.

And I was never too pompous to look down on Logistics troops, without whose work you'd have been absolutely useless.

I didn't quote the passage, simply because I did in my first and only prior post on the issue, doesn't apply to the words you insist it applies to. You're basically just sticking your fingers in your ears yelling LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.

And you somehow insist you're a grownup.
LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.

You sure do get pissy when people don't kiss your ass. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.

As someone has already pointed out, there is no term "Chameleon Word". It's some horseshit you made up -- and expect people to believe simply because you say it -- to let you avoid answering people.

Not only are you an emotional child, you're a coward.

The Way of Words: An Informal Logic
Cahp. 3: A Linguistic Armory, pg, 70
copywrite 1976 by Houghton Mifflin Co.

I never need to have my ass kissed, I'm quite confident in what I post and what I believe. When I wrong I admit it, and offered Mea Culpas many times.

I'm not a child, nor a coward. I enlisted in the Navy in 1967, during wartime. My GQ station was in a 5" gun mount as the projectile man; I didn't serve in a store room counting and sorting boxes, Sgt.
Odd how you cite the book, but no relevant passage.

You get an F on your homework, child.

But let's examine it, shall we?

But chameleon words have no identity separate from their disguises. They are what they are made to be by the users of the words.
You keep screeching that, but the words you apply it to have accepted, established meanings.

So the phrase doesn't apply. Dismissed.

Oh, and I was 3E0X2, Electrical Power Production, not Logistics. During my career, I successfully arrested 12 disabled tailhook-equipped aircraft, letting 18 aircrew go home to their families and safely recovering $600 million of aircraft -- among other things.

And I was never too pompous to look down on Logistics troops, without whose work you'd have been absolutely useless.

I didn't quote the passage, simply because I did in my first and only prior post on the issue, doesn't apply to the words you insist it applies to. You're basically just sticking your fingers in your ears yelling LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.

And you somehow insist you're a grownup.

Buy the book, it's in print and you can buy it on Amazon. It was a text book used in an upper division English Course on logic. Not formal logic, but one which aids in writing clear expository essays.

Post your DD214, send it to me in a PM, I'll read it and then delete it. If you don't do so, I must assume your claim is bogus.
You sure do get pissy when people don't kiss your ass. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.

As someone has already pointed out, there is no term "Chameleon Word". It's some horseshit you made up -- and expect people to believe simply because you say it -- to let you avoid answering people.

Not only are you an emotional child, you're a coward.

The Way of Words: An Informal Logic
Cahp. 3: A Linguistic Armory, pg, 70
copywrite 1976 by Houghton Mifflin Co.

I never need to have my ass kissed, I'm quite confident in what I post and what I believe. When I wrong I admit it, and offered Mea Culpas many times.

I'm not a child, nor a coward. I enlisted in the Navy in 1967, during wartime. My GQ station was in a 5" gun mount as the projectile man; I didn't serve in a store room counting and sorting boxes, Sgt.
Odd how you cite the book, but no relevant passage.

You get an F on your homework, child.

But let's examine it, shall we?

But chameleon words have no identity separate from their disguises. They are what they are made to be by the users of the words.
You keep screeching that, but the words you apply it to have accepted, established meanings.

So the phrase doesn't apply. Dismissed.

Oh, and I was 3E0X2, Electrical Power Production, not Logistics. During my career, I successfully arrested 12 disabled tailhook-equipped aircraft, letting 18 aircrew go home to their families and safely recovering $600 million of aircraft -- among other things.

And I was never too pompous to look down on Logistics troops, without whose work you'd have been absolutely useless.

I didn't quote the passage, simply because I did in my first and only prior post on the issue, doesn't apply to the words you insist it applies to. You're basically just sticking your fingers in your ears yelling LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.

And you somehow insist you're a grownup.

Buy the book, it's in print and you can buy it on Amazon. It was a text book used in an upper division English Course on logic. Not formal logic, but one which aids in writing clear expository essays.

Post your DD214, send it to me in a PM, I'll read it and then delete it. If you don't do so, I must assume your claim is bogus.
Eat shit. You can't be trusted with my information, nor do I have to prove anything to you.

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