Wow! An insightful and comprehensive look at Trump v. H. of Rep. coming soon!

Trump Is Counting on the Supreme Court to Save Him

From the link:

Sometime before June 29, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court will either plunge the United States into the severest constitutional crisis of the Trump years—or save Americans from that crisis.

"Three different committees of Congress, as well as New York State prosecutors, have issued subpoenas to President Donald Trump’s accountants and bankers for his tax and business records. Trump has sued to stop the accountants and bankers from complying. He has lost twice at the district-court level and twice at the appeals-court level. Now he is looking to the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to rescue him."

Please don't comment on this thread without, 1) Reading the Link, and 2) whining that Trump is above the law and this is a witch hunt.

Keep in mind the rules in effect in this forum.

So it the court puts a stop to the unprecedented fishing expeditions this congress has embarked on, it will create a constitutional crisis?


What a crock of commie bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!

Unprecedented behavior on the part of a President

Not really, but you commies will say anything for your propaganda. Carry on commie.


"you commies"? Once again an illiterate uses "commie" as pejorative for anyone who holds opinions which he(?) opposes, i.e. equal rights and equal opportunities for all US Citizens; empathy for the aged, infirm, working poor and children; and of course everyone who is opposed to trumpism, i.e. Authoritarianism.

The current Democrat Party stands for the very same aims and ideas that the Communist Party did.

You don't know that????

You must be a government school grad, huh?
Trump Is Counting on the Supreme Court to Save Him

From the link:

Sometime before June 29, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court will either plunge the United States into the severest constitutional crisis of the Trump years—or save Americans from that crisis.

"Three different committees of Congress, as well as New York State prosecutors, have issued subpoenas to President Donald Trump’s accountants and bankers for his tax and business records. Trump has sued to stop the accountants and bankers from complying. He has lost twice at the district-court level and twice at the appeals-court level. Now he is looking to the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to rescue him."

Please don't comment on this thread without, 1) Reading the Link, and 2) whining that Trump is above the law and this is a witch hunt.

Keep in mind the rules in effect in this forum.

The Supreme Court is well aware of precedents with their decisions

If they want to rule that a President has no obligation to respond to Congressional inquiries and throw out Constitutional checks and balances....the same ruling will apply to all future presidents.

Be careful what you wish for Republicans

So very true. The conservatives act like those rulings only apply to them. The democrats can't do what the courts have said is constitutional to do. Citizen's United is a very good example of that.

So when we have a democratic president and republicans try to go after him, the Supreme Court will have already ruled it's just fine fine for that democrat to ignore subpoenas and do all he can to obstruct.

I don't have confidence in our Supreme Court anymore. It's been controlled by conservatives for way too many decades. There has been way too many rulings that the constitution has been twisted into a pretzel to rule in favor of conservative ideology which has done damage to our nation.
Trump Is Counting on the Supreme Court to Save Him

From the link:

Sometime before June 29, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court will either plunge the United States into the severest constitutional crisis of the Trump years—or save Americans from that crisis.

"Three different committees of Congress, as well as New York State prosecutors, have issued subpoenas to President Donald Trump’s accountants and bankers for his tax and business records. Trump has sued to stop the accountants and bankers from complying. He has lost twice at the district-court level and twice at the appeals-court level. Now he is looking to the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to rescue him."

Please don't comment on this thread without, 1) Reading the Link, and 2) whining that Trump is above the law and this is a witch hunt.

Keep in mind the rules in effect in this forum.

So it the court puts a stop to the unprecedented fishing expeditions this congress has embarked on, it will create a constitutional crisis?


What a crock of commie bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!

Unprecedented behavior on the part of a President

Not really, but you commies will say anything for your propaganda. Carry on commie.


"you commies"? Once again an illiterate uses "commie" as pejorative for anyone who holds opinions which he(?) opposes, i.e. equal rights and equal opportunities for all US Citizens; empathy for the aged, infirm, working poor and children; and of course everyone who is opposed to trumpism, i.e. Authoritarianism.


Trump Is Counting on the Supreme Court to Save Him

From the link:

Sometime before June 29, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court will either plunge the United States into the severest constitutional crisis of the Trump years—or save Americans from that crisis.

"Three different committees of Congress, as well as New York State prosecutors, have issued subpoenas to President Donald Trump’s accountants and bankers for his tax and business records. Trump has sued to stop the accountants and bankers from complying. He has lost twice at the district-court level and twice at the appeals-court level. Now he is looking to the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to rescue him."

Please don't comment on this thread without, 1) Reading the Link, and 2) whining that Trump is above the law and this is a witch hunt.

Keep in mind the rules in effect in this forum.
I never read biased new sources, so for number 1. No.

I've never accused Trump of being above the law.
Trump Is Counting on the Supreme Court to Save Him

From the link:

Sometime before June 29, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court will either plunge the United States into the severest constitutional crisis of the Trump years—or save Americans from that crisis.

"Three different committees of Congress, as well as New York State prosecutors, have issued subpoenas to President Donald Trump’s accountants and bankers for his tax and business records. Trump has sued to stop the accountants and bankers from complying. He has lost twice at the district-court level and twice at the appeals-court level. Now he is looking to the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to rescue him."

Please don't comment on this thread without, 1) Reading the Link, and 2) whining that Trump is above the law and this is a witch hunt.

Keep in mind the rules in effect in this forum.

The Supreme Court is well aware of precedents with their decisions

If they want to rule that a President has no obligation to respond to Congressional inquiries and throw out Constitutional checks and balances....the same ruling will apply to all future presidents.

Be careful what you wish for Republicans

So very true. The conservatives act like those rulings only apply to them. The democrats can't do what the courts have said is constitutional to do. Citizen's United is a very good example of that.

So when we have a democratic president and republicans try to go after him, the Supreme Court will have already ruled it's just fine fine for that democrat to ignore subpoenas and do all he can to obstruct.

I don't have confidence in our Supreme Court anymore. It's been controlled by conservatives for way too many decades. There has been way too many rulings that the constitution has been twisted into a pretzel to rule in favor of conservative ideology which has done damage to our nation.
Huh? Most of the fag rights abound, and it's still legal to slaughter innocent, unborn babies. I'd say you worthless pigs are doing pretty well.
Trump Is Counting on the Supreme Court to Save Him

From the link:

Sometime before June 29, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court will either plunge the United States into the severest constitutional crisis of the Trump years—or save Americans from that crisis.

"Three different committees of Congress, as well as New York State prosecutors, have issued subpoenas to President Donald Trump’s accountants and bankers for his tax and business records. Trump has sued to stop the accountants and bankers from complying. He has lost twice at the district-court level and twice at the appeals-court level. Now he is looking to the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to rescue him."

Please don't comment on this thread without, 1) Reading the Link, and 2) whining that Trump is above the law and this is a witch hunt.

Keep in mind the rules in effect in this forum.

Too funny, a bit of a control you are?
Trump Is Counting on the Supreme Court to Save Him

From the link:

Sometime before June 29, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court will either plunge the United States into the severest constitutional crisis of the Trump years—or save Americans from that crisis.

"Three different committees of Congress, as well as New York State prosecutors, have issued subpoenas to President Donald Trump’s accountants and bankers for his tax and business records. Trump has sued to stop the accountants and bankers from complying. He has lost twice at the district-court level and twice at the appeals-court level. Now he is looking to the conservative majority on the Supreme Court to rescue him."

Please don't comment on this thread without, 1) Reading the Link, and 2) whining that Trump is above the law and this is a witch hunt.

Keep in mind the rules in effect in this forum.

So it the court puts a stop to the unprecedented fishing expeditions this congress has embarked on, it will create a constitutional crisis?


What a crock of commie bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!

Unprecedented behavior on the part of a President

Not really, but you commies will say anything for your propaganda. Carry on commie.


"you commies"? Once again an illiterate uses "commie" as pejorative for anyone who holds opinions which he(?) opposes, i.e. equal rights and equal opportunities for all US Citizens; empathy for the aged, infirm, working poor and children; and of course everyone who is opposed to trumpism, i.e. Authoritarianism.

Nah. "Commie" is short for Communist, a catch-all term for those expounding all things Marxist against the American model.

In other words, Democrats.

Sure, prove it! Prove the Democratic Platform is this: Advocating class war, and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

You clowns are really dumb.
So it the court puts a stop to the unprecedented fishing expeditions this congress has embarked on, it will create a constitutional crisis?


What a crock of commie bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!

Unprecedented behavior on the part of a President

Not really, but you commies will say anything for your propaganda. Carry on commie.


"you commies"? Once again an illiterate uses "commie" as pejorative for anyone who holds opinions which he(?) opposes, i.e. equal rights and equal opportunities for all US Citizens; empathy for the aged, infirm, working poor and children; and of course everyone who is opposed to trumpism, i.e. Authoritarianism.

Nah. "Commie" is short for Communist, a catch-all term for those expounding all things Marxist against the American model.

In other words, Democrats.

Sure, prove it! Prove the Democratic Platform is this: Advocating class war, and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

You clowns are really dumb.

You asshats have been pushing class warfare and racial victim-hood for decades. If you couldn't pit people against others you have nothing to say. Also you want to punish success and not necessarily own, but control every square inch of the country. Yeah, you're as close to commies this country will ever get, of course CPUSA endorsed many of your candidates. OWN IT COMMIE!

So it the court puts a stop to the unprecedented fishing expeditions this congress has embarked on, it will create a constitutional crisis?


What a crock of commie bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!

Unprecedented behavior on the part of a President

Not really, but you commies will say anything for your propaganda. Carry on commie.


"you commies"? Once again an illiterate uses "commie" as pejorative for anyone who holds opinions which he(?) opposes, i.e. equal rights and equal opportunities for all US Citizens; empathy for the aged, infirm, working poor and children; and of course everyone who is opposed to trumpism, i.e. Authoritarianism.

Nah. "Commie" is short for Communist, a catch-all term for those expounding all things Marxist against the American model.

In other words, Democrats.

Sure, prove it! Prove the Democratic Platform is this: Advocating class war, and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

You clowns are really dumb.

Too funny. When have the Democrats NOT advocated for class warfare?

You do understand what wealth redistribution is, yes?

Well, maybe not.
Everyone's a Constitutional lawyer on the Internet. It's frickin' amazing.
The two district courts and the two appeals courts are constitutional experts and they say Trump must release his tax records.

They're wrong, and their justifications are fantasy.
You're a constitutional lawyer, eh?

No. I'm Batman.

Lawyer? No. Scholar? Not too shabby when the stars are aligned.
Everyone's a Constitutional lawyer on the Internet. It's frickin' amazing.
The two district courts and the two appeals courts are constitutional experts and they say Trump must release his tax records.

They're wrong, and their justifications are fantasy.
You're a constitutional lawyer, eh?

No. I'm Batman.

Lawyer? No. Scholar? Not too shabby when the stars are aligned.
I'll trust the experts over some guy on the internet.

OldLady nailed it. :lol:
Everyone's a Constitutional lawyer on the Internet. It's frickin' amazing.
The two district courts and the two appeals courts are constitutional experts and they say Trump must release his tax records.

They're wrong, and their justifications are fantasy.
You're a constitutional lawyer, eh?

No. I'm Batman.

Lawyer? No. Scholar? Not too shabby when the stars are aligned.
I'll trust the experts over some guy on the internet.

OldLady nailed it. :lol:

Knock yourself out. Mueller was the Democrats' expert.
Trump and his followers never seem to understand the unintended consequences, they only act and say what they want at the moment. Not good for a President, a boss or anyone else.

Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.
Leftists can't convince anyone with facts and reason, so they seek to silence opposition with violence. And they can't understand facts and reason, so they assume everyone is violent.

Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.

Said the leftist.
The Court would have ruled that the President is not answerable to Congress and can ignore subpoenas at will.

Will impact all future presidencies and the balance of power

Trump and his followers never seem to understand the unintended consequences, they only act and say what they want at the moment. Not good for a President, a boss or anyone else.

Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

I wasn't worried about that, you made a claim that I wish to bog down trump. That's funny, trump doesn't need my help, he is his own worst enemy. Anyone who echoes trump (witch hunts / fishing expeditions) is probably not smart enough to plan a personal attack (people like that were mocked in my career as being 'felony stupid").

No, I think his worst enemy is all you lefties who openly talked of "resistance" and "Coups" in the aftermath of the election, and then launched massive resistance and actual government investigations based on complete bullshit and abuse of power and office.

Funny, for all your talk about Trump being so bad, you seem terrified to let him have the slightest chance to be judged on his actual job.

Almost like on some level, you know that his policies will, and have, had large and positive impact and you need to distract from that. With bullshit and lies.
Dang, which law say he needs to release his tax records?
None...but how many times did he promise to?


Changed his mind.

You're right...promises no longer matter.
Obama promised us if we liked our health care plans, we could keep them.

Did that promise matter to you?

I kept my healthcare did over 98 percent of Americans
Trump and his followers never seem to understand the unintended consequences, they only act and say what they want at the moment. Not good for a President, a boss or anyone else.

Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

I wasn't worried about that, you made a claim that I wish to bog down trump. That's funny, trump doesn't need my help, he is his own worst enemy. Anyone who echoes trump (witch hunts / fishing expeditions) is probably not smart enough to plan a personal attack (people like that were mocked in my career as being 'felony stupid").

No, I think his worst enemy is all you lefties who openly talked of "resistance" and "Coups" in the aftermath of the election, and then launched massive resistance and actual government investigations based on complete bullshit and abuse of power and office.

Funny, for all your talk about Trump being so bad, you seem terrified to let him have the slightest chance to be judged on his actual job.

Almost like on some level, you know that his policies will, and have, had large and positive impact and you need to distract from that. With bullshit and lies.
The only “coup” complaint I heard was from Trumpites and RW media

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