Wow! An insightful and comprehensive look at Trump v. H. of Rep. coming soon!

Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

I wasn't worried about that, you made a claim that I wish to bog down trump. That's funny, trump doesn't need my help, he is his own worst enemy. Anyone who echoes trump (witch hunts / fishing expeditions) is probably not smart enough to plan a personal attack (people like that were mocked in my career as being 'felony stupid").

No, I think his worst enemy is all you lefties who openly talked of "resistance" and "Coups" in the aftermath of the election, and then launched massive resistance and actual government investigations based on complete bullshit and abuse of power and office.

Funny, for all your talk about Trump being so bad, you seem terrified to let him have the slightest chance to be judged on his actual job.

Almost like on some level, you know that his policies will, and have, had large and positive impact and you need to distract from that. With bullshit and lies.
The only “coup” complaint I heard was from Trumpites and RW media

That is normal liberal selective memory. You guys talk shit, and then just edit the memory out, when it becomes a problem for you down the road.

But yes THe calls for "Resistance" and "coup" were made. And then done. That you now deny it, is par for the course.
Dang, which law say he needs to release his tax records?
None...but how many times did he promise to?


Changed his mind.

You're right...promises no longer matter.
Obama promised us if we liked our health care plans, we could keep them.

Did that promise matter to you?

I kept my healthcare did over 98 percent of Americans

Wow, full of crap as usual.
Obama Officials In 2010: 93 Million Americans Will Be Unable To Keep Their Health Plans Under Obamacare
Trump and his followers never seem to understand the unintended consequences, they only act and say what they want at the moment. Not good for a President, a boss or anyone else.

Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

I wasn't worried about that, you made a claim that I wish to bog down trump. That's funny, trump doesn't need my help, he is his own worst enemy. Anyone who echoes trump (witch hunts / fishing expeditions) is probably not smart enough to plan a personal attack (people like that were mocked in my career as being 'felony stupid").

No, I think his worst enemy is all you lefties who openly talked of "resistance" and "Coups" in the aftermath of the election, and then launched massive resistance and actual government investigations based on complete bullshit and abuse of power and office.

Funny, for all your talk about Trump being so bad, you seem terrified to let him have the slightest chance to be judged on his actual job.

Almost like on some level, you know that his policies will, and have, had large and positive impact and you need to distract from that. With bullshit and lies.

Are you joking? Are you in touch with reality? I hope it's the first, but I suspect it is the latter. Trump is a disaster; history will prove he is the worst person to every serve as POTUS.
Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

I wasn't worried about that, you made a claim that I wish to bog down trump. That's funny, trump doesn't need my help, he is his own worst enemy. Anyone who echoes trump (witch hunts / fishing expeditions) is probably not smart enough to plan a personal attack (people like that were mocked in my career as being 'felony stupid").

No, I think his worst enemy is all you lefties who openly talked of "resistance" and "Coups" in the aftermath of the election, and then launched massive resistance and actual government investigations based on complete bullshit and abuse of power and office.

Funny, for all your talk about Trump being so bad, you seem terrified to let him have the slightest chance to be judged on his actual job.

Almost like on some level, you know that his policies will, and have, had large and positive impact and you need to distract from that. With bullshit and lies.

Are you joking? Are you in touch with reality? I hope it's the first, but I suspect it is the latter. Trump is a disaster

For Democrats and their global cohorts, yes, as he was elected to be.
Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

I wasn't worried about that, you made a claim that I wish to bog down trump. That's funny, trump doesn't need my help, he is his own worst enemy. Anyone who echoes trump (witch hunts / fishing expeditions) is probably not smart enough to plan a personal attack (people like that were mocked in my career as being 'felony stupid").

No, I think his worst enemy is all you lefties who openly talked of "resistance" and "Coups" in the aftermath of the election, and then launched massive resistance and actual government investigations based on complete bullshit and abuse of power and office.

Funny, for all your talk about Trump being so bad, you seem terrified to let him have the slightest chance to be judged on his actual job.

Almost like on some level, you know that his policies will, and have, had large and positive impact and you need to distract from that. With bullshit and lies.
The only “coup” complaint I heard was from Trumpites and RW media

That is normal liberal selective memory. You guys talk shit, and then just edit the memory out, when it becomes a problem for you down the road.

But yes THe calls for "Resistance" and "coup" were made. And then done. That you now deny it, is par for the course.

You need to post some evidence on your claim. Methinks you have confused Moscow Mitch and his desire to make Obama a one term president; who road blocked his nominees for Federal Judges, led the bullshit cry of "Socialism" to try to convince biddable fools to not support healthcare reform.

Your side claimed Impeachment was an attempted "coup" and biddable people believed it, when no one bothered to understand that a coup is an illegal takeover of a government by violence. The clown you support has made easily led people (sheep) to believe everything broadcast or in print is fake.

Only the dumbest of the dumb believe this to be true, or believe anything trump and his dog and pony show is doing at this moment.
Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

I wasn't worried about that, you made a claim that I wish to bog down trump. That's funny, trump doesn't need my help, he is his own worst enemy. Anyone who echoes trump (witch hunts / fishing expeditions) is probably not smart enough to plan a personal attack (people like that were mocked in my career as being 'felony stupid").

No, I think his worst enemy is all you lefties who openly talked of "resistance" and "Coups" in the aftermath of the election, and then launched massive resistance and actual government investigations based on complete bullshit and abuse of power and office.

Funny, for all your talk about Trump being so bad, you seem terrified to let him have the slightest chance to be judged on his actual job.

Almost like on some level, you know that his policies will, and have, had large and positive impact and you need to distract from that. With bullshit and lies.

Are you joking? Are you in touch with reality? I hope it's the first, but I suspect it is the latter. Trump is a disaster; history will prove he is the worst person to every serve as POTUS.

So, to make the argument that he is really bad and has really bad policies, you made an unsupported assertion that he is bad?

Are you capable of realizing that you just demonstrated my point, again?
You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

I wasn't worried about that, you made a claim that I wish to bog down trump. That's funny, trump doesn't need my help, he is his own worst enemy. Anyone who echoes trump (witch hunts / fishing expeditions) is probably not smart enough to plan a personal attack (people like that were mocked in my career as being 'felony stupid").

No, I think his worst enemy is all you lefties who openly talked of "resistance" and "Coups" in the aftermath of the election, and then launched massive resistance and actual government investigations based on complete bullshit and abuse of power and office.

Funny, for all your talk about Trump being so bad, you seem terrified to let him have the slightest chance to be judged on his actual job.

Almost like on some level, you know that his policies will, and have, had large and positive impact and you need to distract from that. With bullshit and lies.
The only “coup” complaint I heard was from Trumpites and RW media

That is normal liberal selective memory. You guys talk shit, and then just edit the memory out, when it becomes a problem for you down the road.

But yes THe calls for "Resistance" and "coup" were made. And then done. That you now deny it, is par for the course.

You need to post some evidence on your claim. Methinks you have confused Moscow Mitch and his desire to make Obama a one term president; who road blocked his nominees for Federal Judges, led the bullshit cry of "Socialism" to try to convince biddable fools to not support healthcare reform.

Your side claimed Impeachment was an attempted "coup" and biddable people believed it, when no one bothered to understand that a coup is an illegal takeover of a government by violence. The clown you support has made easily led people (sheep) to believe everything broadcast or in print is fake.

Only the dumbest of the dumb believe this to be true, or believe anything trump and his dog and pony show is doing at this moment.

Google search brings up some articles behind pay walls and unrelated garbage. You might be able to view some of them, if so, go crazy.

And your side had plenty of violent thugs in the streets when you were talking so tough too.
Trump and his followers never seem to understand the unintended consequences, they only act and say what they want at the moment. Not good for a President, a boss or anyone else.

Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.
Leftists can't convince anyone with facts and reason, so they seek to silence opposition with violence. And they can't understand facts and reason, so they assume everyone is violent.

Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.
Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.
Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

Leftists can't convince anyone with facts and reason, so they seek to silence opposition with violence. And they can't understand facts and reason, so they assume everyone is violent.

Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.

Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.

LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.
"Having a vagina" is not a qualification for office.
A vagina or an ethnic bloodline is qualification to be a Democrat.

Not quite ^^^, only an example of a bigot, i.e. a racist and a misogynist.

What can be inferred, those who are racist and misogynists gravitated directly to trumpism.
You have a pussy hat, don't you?

News flash: Women are people. They're not, like the left believes, just their genitals.

Further: Non-whites are people. They're not, like the left believes, just their skin color.

But remember, kids, treating women like people is misogyny and treating non-whites like people is racism.
Dang, which law say he needs to release his tax records?
None...but how many times did he promise to?


Changed his mind.

You're right...promises no longer matter.
Obama promised us if we liked our health care plans, we could keep them.

Did that promise matter to you?

I kept my healthcare did over 98 percent of Americans
And it cost you big. Your rates almost doubled.
Your desire to bog down Trump and this nation in bullshit witchhunts and fishing expeditions, is not just cause for a subpoena.

Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

I wasn't worried about that, you made a claim that I wish to bog down trump. That's funny, trump doesn't need my help, he is his own worst enemy. Anyone who echoes trump (witch hunts / fishing expeditions) is probably not smart enough to plan a personal attack (people like that were mocked in my career as being 'felony stupid").

No, I think his worst enemy is all you lefties who openly talked of "resistance" and "Coups" in the aftermath of the election, and then launched massive resistance and actual government investigations based on complete bullshit and abuse of power and office.

Funny, for all your talk about Trump being so bad, you seem terrified to let him have the slightest chance to be judged on his actual job.

Almost like on some level, you know that his policies will, and have, had large and positive impact and you need to distract from that. With bullshit and lies.

Are you joking? Are you in touch with reality? I hope it's the first, but I suspect it is the latter. Trump is a disaster; history will prove he is the worst person to every serve as POTUS.
You're such a drama queen.

You leftists, even the alleged males, all sounds like pre-menstrual 14-year-old girls.
"Having a vagina" is not a qualification for office.
A vagina or an ethnic bloodline is qualification to be a Democrat.

Not quite ^^^, only an example of a bigot, i.e. a racist and a misogynist.

What can be inferred, those who are racist and misogynists gravitated directly to trumpism.
You have a pussy hat, don't you?

News flash: Women are people. They're not, like the left believes, just their genitals.

Further: Non-whites are people. They're not, like the left believes, just their skin color.

But remember, kids, treating women like people is misogyny and treating non-whites like people is racism.

You're nuts.
Seems there is no law to prevent my opinions, if you believe there is one, please notify me and the local FBI office.

Or you could simply ignore what I post; I wouldn't want to be responsible for edifying someone like you, it could be very harmful if you had a light bulb moment, however, Cognitive Dissonance is usually not fatal.

You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

Leftists can't convince anyone with facts and reason, so they seek to silence opposition with violence. And they can't understand facts and reason, so they assume everyone is violent.

Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.

Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.

LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.
You sure do get pissy when people don't kiss your ass. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.

As someone has already pointed out, there is no term "Chameleon Word". It's some horseshit you made up -- and expect people to believe simply because you say it -- to let you avoid answering people.

Not only are you an emotional child, you're a coward.
"Having a vagina" is not a qualification for office.
A vagina or an ethnic bloodline is qualification to be a Democrat.

Not quite ^^^, only an example of a bigot, i.e. a racist and a misogynist.

What can be inferred, those who are racist and misogynists gravitated directly to trumpism.
You have a pussy hat, don't you?

News flash: Women are people. They're not, like the left believes, just their genitals.

Further: Non-whites are people. They're not, like the left believes, just their skin color.

But remember, kids, treating women like people is misogyny and treating non-whites like people is racism.

You're nuts.
See, the thing is, words have accepted, established definitions. You don't get to make up new ones and pretend you won the discussion.

Treating women as nothing more than their genitals is indeed misogyny.

Treating non-whites as nothing more than their skin color is indeed racism.

And the left stinks with them both.
I knew from the get go the rules would not be followed, I was hoping that the usual scofflaws would follow the rules, but alas, dishonesty, hypocrisy and willful ignorance are the safe harbor for trump supporters.

Your rules are absurd. First, of course the president is not above the law. Second, there is no constitutional requirement or federal law requiring the president to release such records to Congress or to the general public. It is a fishing expedition of political chicanery, and the lower courts that ruled against the president are a disgrace, indeed, the very culprits of the so-called constitutional crises, you silly ass of a statist bootlick of a fascist thug of a brainwashed twit. It is constitutionally imperative that the Supreme Court shove this nonsense up their leftist asses.
You are projecting. I was addressing your ideas, not threatening to use force to silence you.

Leftists can't convince anyone with facts and reason, so they seek to silence opposition with violence. And they can't understand facts and reason, so they assume everyone is violent.

Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.

Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.

LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.

You sure do get pissy when people don't kiss your ass. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.

As someone has already pointed out, there is no term "Chameleon Word". It's some horseshit you made up -- and expect people to believe simply because you say it -- to let you avoid answering people.

Not only are you an emotional child, you're a coward.

The Way of Words: An Informal Logic
Cahp. 3: A Linguistic Armory, pg, 70
copywrite 1976 by Houghton Mifflin Co.

I never need to have my ass kissed, I'm quite confident in what I post and what I believe. When I wrong I admit it, and offered Mea Culpas many times.

I'm not a child, nor a coward. I enlisted in the Navy in 1967, during wartime. My GQ station was in a 5" gun mount as the projectile man; I didn't serve in a store room counting and sorting boxes, Sgt.
Leftists can't convince anyone with facts and reason, so they seek to silence opposition with violence. And they can't understand facts and reason, so they assume everyone is violent.

Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.

Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.

LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.

You sure do get pissy when people don't kiss your ass. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.

As someone has already pointed out, there is no term "Chameleon Word". It's some horseshit you made up -- and expect people to believe simply because you say it -- to let you avoid answering people.

Not only are you an emotional child, you're a coward.

The Way of Words: An Informal Logic
Cahp. 3: A Linguistic Armory, pg, 70
copywrite 1976 by Houghton Mifflin Co.

I never need to have my ass kissed, I'm quite confident in what I post and what I believe. When I wrong I admit it, and offered Mea Culpas many times.

I'm not a child, nor a coward. I enlisted in the Navy in 1967, during wartime. My GQ station was in a 5" gun mount as the projectile man; I didn't serve in a store room counting and sorting boxes, Sgt.
Odd how you cite the book, but no relevant passage.

You get an F on your homework, child.

But let's examine it, shall we?

But chameleon words have no identity separate from their disguises. They are what they are made to be by the users of the words.
You keep screeching that, but the words you apply it to have accepted, established meanings.

So the phrase doesn't apply. Dismissed.

Oh, and I was 3E0X2, Electrical Power Production, not Logistics. During my career, I successfully arrested 12 disabled tailhook-equipped aircraft, letting 18 aircrew go home to their families and safely recovering $600 million of aircraft -- among other things.

And I was never too pompous to look down on Logistics troops, without whose work you'd have been absolutely useless.
Define "Leftists".

The word is what is known as a Chameleon Word, that is a word that has no generally understood condition governing their use. In short and in this case, it is a pejorative used by illiterate hacks who have no clue, but seek some phantom to blame.

Oh, you self-important, pompous child.

Your inability to accept reality does not alter reality.

Go throw your tantrum somewhere else.

LOL, As The Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "Go Fuck Yourself". If anyone is out of touch with reality, it is you. You may not be the dumbest trumpanzee, but you are in the running.

You sure do get pissy when people don't kiss your ass. You'd think you'd be used to it by now.

As someone has already pointed out, there is no term "Chameleon Word". It's some horseshit you made up -- and expect people to believe simply because you say it -- to let you avoid answering people.

Not only are you an emotional child, you're a coward.

The Way of Words: An Informal Logic
Cahp. 3: A Linguistic Armory, pg, 70
copywrite 1976 by Houghton Mifflin Co.

I never need to have my ass kissed, I'm quite confident in what I post and what I believe. When I wrong I admit it, and offered Mea Culpas many times.

I'm not a child, nor a coward. I enlisted in the Navy in 1967, during wartime. My GQ station was in a 5" gun mount as the projectile man; I didn't serve in a store room counting and sorting boxes, Sgt.
Odd how you cite the book, but no relevant passage.

You get an F on your homework, child.

But let's examine it, shall we?

But chameleon words have no identity separate from their disguises. They are what they are made to be by the users of the words.
You keep screeching that, but the words you apply it to have accepted, established meanings.

So the phrase doesn't apply. Dismissed.

Oh, and I was 3E0X2, Electrical Power Production, not Logistics. During my career, I successfully arrested 12 disabled tailhook-equipped aircraft, letting 18 aircrew go home to their families and safely recovering $600 million of aircraft -- among other things.

And I was never too pompous to look down on Logistics troops, without whose work you'd have been absolutely useless.

I didn't quote the passage, simply because I did in my first and only prior post on the issue,

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