Wow, April 18 WH Press Conference

Live right now, no link yet.

Train wreck so far.
You should be embarrassed of his current state of mind. WOW.
No information, just insults and lies.
Off the Rails.

Funny as hell.
But Sad.
He-he, "Winnie" Winco, TRIGGERED again. Too damn funny!

He's such an overly-sensitive little pussy. All it takes is to see President Trump's face on the TV, and then he's trrriigggggerrrrredddd!

He-he, and I bet he looks a LOT like the thing in this pic!

A list of Lies, Easily Verified.

I know you live in fantasy trump land, but which lie was NOT really a lie?

Cupboards empty. LIE.
Only (D) Governors are having issues with testing. LIE.
Ammunition Out. LIE.
Broken Junk. HUGE LIE.
No one saw this coming. LIE

Feel FREE to discuss any of these LIES as really 'The Truth.'
I'm waiting.
Last edited:
Feel FREE to discuss any of these LIES as really truth.
I'm waiting.
Trump shows his true colors

This is not leadership, nor a leader

This is a cornered CEO blaming failure on whoever he can, looking for yes men

Still need a link Winco
The ONLY thing Winnie could EVER link to is stupidity. The poor bastard, I actually feel sorry for him sometimes because EVERY one of his posts ARE so damned stupid. Quite sad, but QUITE preventable.

After your bluzman61 continual attacks of me and many others, I challenged you multiple times to have a discussion, and you run away EVERY time.
Just like you will do shortly. Guaranteed.
Otherwise, discuss one of the lies, with what you claim to be truth, and back it up with a link.
Don't run.
Show us you can do it.
Live right now, no link yet.

Train wreck so far.
You should be embarrassed of his current state of mind. WOW.
No information, just insults and lies.
Off the Rails.

Funny as hell.
But Sad.
If you think that's funny wait until you watch Quid Pro Joe with severe dementia debate Trump.
Trump couldn’t out debate Hillary.
Libs game is almost over so they are desperate, living in the past again about what should have been done, trying to avoid or discredit the optimism for America that is starting to occur.

They're really running desperate now because it's almost over for them. We did what they wanted, tons and tons of people lost their jobs, the economy is in the toilet and now we realize it was all for nothing. They're screaming like Karens and yet people are still at the beach, in the restaurants, and this is going to grow and grow and grow. And day by day, this will be revealed to be Not As Advertised...and they lose AGAIN
Live right now, no link yet.

Train wreck so far.
You should be embarrassed of his current state of mind. WOW.
No information, just insults and lies.
Off the Rails.

Funny as hell.
But Sad.
If you think that's funny wait until you watch Quid Pro Joe with severe dementia debate Trump.
Trump couldn’t out debate Hillary.
He did just THAT, ya dumbass. This is one of MANY reasons he defeated the Hildebeast.
Live right now, no link yet.

Train wreck so far.
You should be embarrassed of his current state of mind. WOW.
No information, just insults and lies.
Off the Rails.

Funny as hell.
But Sad.
If you think that's funny wait until you watch Quid Pro Joe with severe dementia debate Trump.
Trump couldn’t out debate Hillary.
He did just THAT, ya dumbass. This is one of MANY reasons he defeated the Hildebeast.
Revisionist history. Hillary out debated Trump in each debate by a healthy margin. Clearly the electoral vote still went in his favor as that wasn’t important to his voters in key states. You can’t change what happened by denying it.
Revisionist history. Hillary out debated Trump in each debate by a healthy margin. Clearly the electoral vote still went in his favor as that wasn’t important to his voters in key states. You can’t change what happened by denying it.

Hillary said things that YOU and other radical socialists wanted to hear. Trump mopped the floor with her and exposed her anti-American worker agenda. You share her agenda and loved what she said - America did not.

A list of Lies, Easily Verified.

I know you live in fantasy trump land, but which lie was NOT really a lie?

Cupboards empty. LIE.
Only (D) Governors are having issues with testing. LIE.
Ammunition Out. LIE.
Broken Junk. HUGE LIE.
No one saw this coming. LIE

Feel FREE to discuss any of these LIES as really 'The Truth.'
I'm waiting.
If true, he has got the heart of a Prog. And that is what gauls you.

A list of Lies, Easily Verified.

I know you live in fantasy trump land, but which lie was NOT really a lie?

Cupboards empty. LIE.
Only (D) Governors are having issues with testing. LIE.
Ammunition Out. LIE.
Broken Junk. HUGE LIE.
No one saw this coming. LIE

Feel FREE to discuss any of these LIES as really 'The Truth.'
I'm waiting.

Yet Trump said none of those things.

As always, the liar is you, spewing mindless demagoguery over the fact that the Wuhan virus is coming to an end and we are still a long way from the election.

Newsom will try to delay opening California, but his actions will cost him dearly. He is up for reelection.

Revisionist history. Hillary out debated Trump in each debate by a healthy margin. Clearly the electoral vote still went in his favor as that wasn’t important to his voters in key states. You can’t change what happened by denying it.

Hillary said things that YOU and other radical socialists wanted to hear. Trump mopped the floor with her and exposed her anti-American worker agenda. You share her agenda and loved what she said - America did not.
Dumbshit the vast amount of Americans thought she won the debates. The polls on that we’re way more lopsided than the election polls. I’m not arguing that Trump didn’t win the electoral college. He did. Good job. He didn’t win because he won the debates. That’s wrong. He won the election in spite of losing the debates.

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