Wow!!! California Professor Trashes Political Correctness


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
We are running out of liberals with integrity but Dr Charles Kesler believes the few who remain "don't recognize the America that these [progressive] people are leading us towards..." To them (and many of us) "It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

Dr. Charles Kesler: The left sees political correctness as 'established religion,' shuns dissenters
"If you look at the Democratic presidential candidates, if you look at the 'squad' in Congress, their agenda is driven by political correctness, and political correctness means you hate and cannot tolerate the imperfection -- the moral imperfection -- of your fellow Americans."

Nodding to Hillary Clinton's monikers for supporters of President Trump, Kesler claimed many liberals see "deplorables" and "irredeemables" as people, "who have not evolved."

"It's become kind of... a Medieval established religion. There's an inquisition, there's an index of forbidden books and forbidden thoughts which you're not supposed to read or think.

"There is a strict moral patrol to make sure that you are not caught thinking things you shouldn't be thinking or saying things you shouldn't say. And it's the antithesis of freedom."

However, Kesler claimed some classical liberals are looking at the leftward shift in the Democratic Party and not agreeing with what they are seeing.

They, "are looking around them and saying we don't recognize the America that these people are leading us towards. It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."
We are running out of liberals with integrity but Dr Charles Kesler believes the few who remain "don't recognize the America that these [progressive] people are leading us towards..." To them (and many of us) "It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

Dr. Charles Kesler: The left sees political correctness as 'established religion,' shuns dissenters
"If you look at the Democratic presidential candidates, if you look at the 'squad' in Congress, their agenda is driven by political correctness, and political correctness means you hate and cannot tolerate the imperfection -- the moral imperfection -- of your fellow Americans."

Nodding to Hillary Clinton's monikers for supporters of President Trump, Kesler claimed many liberals see "deplorables" and "irredeemables" as people, "who have not evolved."

"It's become kind of... a Medieval established religion. There's an inquisition, there's an index of forbidden books and forbidden thoughts which you're not supposed to read or think.

"There is a strict moral patrol to make sure that you are not caught thinking things you shouldn't be thinking or saying things you shouldn't say. And it's the antithesis of freedom."

However, Kesler claimed some classical liberals are looking at the leftward shift in the Democratic Party and not agreeing with what they are seeing.

They, "are looking around them and saying we don't recognize the America that these people are leading us towards. It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

As a slightly left of center moderate, I can agree with the professor. there are others, but they get no MSM coverage, and many got tossed under the bus decades ago, since none of the smart ones wish anything but death to the Democratic Party and want it out of the way so a new American party can be viable; the Democratic Party is nothing but an organized crime syndicate and the Party Of Treason.
The boomers are dying. They are the last vestige of true American Liberalism. The ones that are replacing them are full on Socialists.
As a Californian Republican, it's a breath of fresh air to see someone in my Jerry-Springer-Show of a state attacking this America-hating liberal flow of feces. And you can be ASSURED that my state has the most delirious, violent-criminal, Trump-Derangement-Syndrome, foaming-at-the-mouth, white-hating, PC-crazed vile humanoid mollusks in the entire country; they're invertebrate pond life who slither around on their dozens of insectile legs. That's why I live as an isolated hermit in this area, I don't associate with humanoids on whom I wish a hang-draw-quarter deluxe package. As a Californian, I wish the English language had a profanity VILE enough to accurately depict the violent, leftist thugs infesting the Bay Area....creatures who would fuck a person in the asshole and not even have the goddamned common courtesy to give them a reach-around.
We are running out of liberals with integrity but Dr Charles Kesler believes the few who remain "don't recognize the America that these [progressive] people are leading us towards..." To them (and many of us) "It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

Dr. Charles Kesler: The left sees political correctness as 'established religion,' shuns dissenters
"If you look at the Democratic presidential candidates, if you look at the 'squad' in Congress, their agenda is driven by political correctness, and political correctness means you hate and cannot tolerate the imperfection -- the moral imperfection -- of your fellow Americans."

Nodding to Hillary Clinton's monikers for supporters of President Trump, Kesler claimed many liberals see "deplorables" and "irredeemables" as people, "who have not evolved."

"It's become kind of... a Medieval established religion. There's an inquisition, there's an index of forbidden books and forbidden thoughts which you're not supposed to read or think.

"There is a strict moral patrol to make sure that you are not caught thinking things you shouldn't be thinking or saying things you shouldn't say. And it's the antithesis of freedom."

However, Kesler claimed some classical liberals are looking at the leftward shift in the Democratic Party and not agreeing with what they are seeing.

They, "are looking around them and saying we don't recognize the America that these people are leading us towards. It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."
Apparently, Dr. Kesler was not educated at the Frankfurt School of Communist Bullshit.

The boomers are dying. They are the last vestige of true American Liberalism. The ones that are replacing them are full on Socialists.
Two things:
  • the vast majority of post WW2 baby boomers are still alive, healthy, and kicking
  • there are classical libs among the post, post WW2 gens - most of whom are centrists - whose voices do not attract the attention the Squad-types do.
The boomers are dying. They are the last vestige of true American Liberalism. The ones that are replacing them are full on Socialists.
Two things:
  • the vast majority of post WW2 baby boomers are still alive, healthy, and kicking
  • there are classical libs among the post, post WW2 gens - most of whom are centrists - whose voices do not attract the attention the Squad-types do.
The millennial generation can't stand them though.
We are running out of liberals with integrity but Dr Charles Kesler believes the few who remain "don't recognize the America that these [progressive] people are leading us towards..." To them (and many of us) "It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

Dr. Charles Kesler: The left sees political correctness as 'established religion,' shuns dissenters
"If you look at the Democratic presidential candidates, if you look at the 'squad' in Congress, their agenda is driven by political correctness, and political correctness means you hate and cannot tolerate the imperfection -- the moral imperfection -- of your fellow Americans."

Nodding to Hillary Clinton's monikers for supporters of President Trump, Kesler claimed many liberals see "deplorables" and "irredeemables" as people, "who have not evolved."

"It's become kind of... a Medieval established religion. There's an inquisition, there's an index of forbidden books and forbidden thoughts which you're not supposed to read or think.

"There is a strict moral patrol to make sure that you are not caught thinking things you shouldn't be thinking or saying things you shouldn't say. And it's the antithesis of freedom."

However, Kesler claimed some classical liberals are looking at the leftward shift in the Democratic Party and not agreeing with what they are seeing.

They, "are looking around them and saying we don't recognize the America that these people are leading us towards. It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

I'm just so glad I'm alive long enough to see it....the Woodstock Free Love hippies whose grandchildren turned into Church Ladies Purists.

Man, life is something else.
We are running out of liberals with integrity but Dr Charles Kesler believes the few who remain "don't recognize the America that these [progressive] people are leading us towards..." To them (and many of us) "It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

Dr. Charles Kesler: The left sees political correctness as 'established religion,' shuns dissenters
"If you look at the Democratic presidential candidates, if you look at the 'squad' in Congress, their agenda is driven by political correctness, and political correctness means you hate and cannot tolerate the imperfection -- the moral imperfection -- of your fellow Americans."

Nodding to Hillary Clinton's monikers for supporters of President Trump, Kesler claimed many liberals see "deplorables" and "irredeemables" as people, "who have not evolved."

"It's become kind of... a Medieval established religion. There's an inquisition, there's an index of forbidden books and forbidden thoughts which you're not supposed to read or think.

"There is a strict moral patrol to make sure that you are not caught thinking things you shouldn't be thinking or saying things you shouldn't say. And it's the antithesis of freedom."

However, Kesler claimed some classical liberals are looking at the leftward shift in the Democratic Party and not agreeing with what they are seeing.

They, "are looking around them and saying we don't recognize the America that these people are leading us towards. It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

I would like to add this as well: in many ways, Political Correctness has caused the Left to lose the culture. Yep, bold statement. But we're seeing a desperate grab. All this fluffery about transgenders getting waxed and gender pronouns--it's really a desperate last gasp. Also borne out in how far, far Left the Democrats have gone as a party.

If Trump can win re-election it will be all but assured. The Left has lost the culture. Sure, they will "still have Hollywood, the media" and blah blah blah, but that's just an echo of earlier times. Very few respect or value those institutions anymore.
We are running out of liberals with integrity but Dr Charles Kesler believes the few who remain "don't recognize the America that these [progressive] people are leading us towards..." To them (and many of us) "It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

Dr. Charles Kesler: The left sees political correctness as 'established religion,' shuns dissenters
"If you look at the Democratic presidential candidates, if you look at the 'squad' in Congress, their agenda is driven by political correctness, and political correctness means you hate and cannot tolerate the imperfection -- the moral imperfection -- of your fellow Americans."

Nodding to Hillary Clinton's monikers for supporters of President Trump, Kesler claimed many liberals see "deplorables" and "irredeemables" as people, "who have not evolved."

"It's become kind of... a Medieval established religion. There's an inquisition, there's an index of forbidden books and forbidden thoughts which you're not supposed to read or think.

"There is a strict moral patrol to make sure that you are not caught thinking things you shouldn't be thinking or saying things you shouldn't say. And it's the antithesis of freedom."

However, Kesler claimed some classical liberals are looking at the leftward shift in the Democratic Party and not agreeing with what they are seeing.

They, "are looking around them and saying we don't recognize the America that these people are leading us towards. It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."
Great post
"There is a strict moral patrol to make sure that you are not caught thinking things you shouldn't be thinking or saying things you shouldn't say. And it's the antithesis of freedom."

True, at times. But you CAN continue to think and say things outside the lines. You will no doubt get scolded by some and relegated to the dungheap of deplorables, but as long as you are prepared for an ass chewing, you are still free to say what you will. Is this Professor getting a little offended that anyone would question his erudite opinions?
The boomers are dying. They are the last vestige of true American Liberalism. The ones that are replacing them are full on Socialists.
Two things:
  • the vast majority of post WW2 baby boomers are still alive, healthy, and kicking
  • there are classical libs among the post, post WW2 gens - most of whom are centrists - whose voices do not attract the attention the Squad-types do.
The millennial generation can't stand them though.

I will disagree; I meet many younger people who are moderates; they're just timid about saying so in schools and universities, from fear of their professors and their radicalism and mindless bigotry.
We are running out of liberals with integrity but Dr Charles Kesler believes the few who remain "don't recognize the America that these [progressive] people are leading us towards..." To them (and many of us) "It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

Dr. Charles Kesler: The left sees political correctness as 'established religion,' shuns dissenters
"If you look at the Democratic presidential candidates, if you look at the 'squad' in Congress, their agenda is driven by political correctness, and political correctness means you hate and cannot tolerate the imperfection -- the moral imperfection -- of your fellow Americans."

Nodding to Hillary Clinton's monikers for supporters of President Trump, Kesler claimed many liberals see "deplorables" and "irredeemables" as people, "who have not evolved."

"It's become kind of... a Medieval established religion. There's an inquisition, there's an index of forbidden books and forbidden thoughts which you're not supposed to read or think.

"There is a strict moral patrol to make sure that you are not caught thinking things you shouldn't be thinking or saying things you shouldn't say. And it's the antithesis of freedom."

However, Kesler claimed some classical liberals are looking at the leftward shift in the Democratic Party and not agreeing with what they are seeing.

They, "are looking around them and saying we don't recognize the America that these people are leading us towards. It doesn't seem to be a free country anymore."

I would like to add this as well: in many ways, Political Correctness has caused the Left to lose the culture. Yep, bold statement. But we're seeing a desperate grab. All this fluffery about transgenders getting waxed and gender pronouns--it's really a desperate last gasp. Also borne out in how far, far Left the Democrats have gone as a party.

If Trump can win re-election it will be all but assured. The Left has lost the culture. Sure, they will "still have Hollywood, the media" and blah blah blah, but that's just an echo of earlier times. Very few respect or value those institutions anymore.

their problem is they're insane and infantile, and are trying to sell cognitively dissonant rubbish among demographics that are at odds with many o their other alleged 'ideals', and they can never resolve them into any coherent policy; i.e. they're stupid and clueless, and the sooner the adults start spanking them and throwing them back on the porch like the yapping puppies they are the sooner the country can move ahead.
Political Correctness is yet another tool of the Left to bring down US. They appoint themselves as the moral authority, pander to each group they identify as victims, and then punish anyone who violates the rules of PC. How has PC helped us? It’s made US weaker.
"There is a strict moral patrol to make sure that you are not caught thinking things you shouldn't be thinking or saying things you shouldn't say. And it's the antithesis of freedom."

True, at times. But you CAN continue to think and say things outside the lines. You will no doubt get scolded by some and relegated to the dungheap of deplorables, but as long as you are prepared for an ass chewing, you are still free to say what you will. Is this Professor getting a little offended that anyone would question his erudite opinions?
What you call "his erudite opinions" seem to me just easily observable facts. Often absurd political correctness has badly distorted American discourse.

I am surprised that Cali allows a professor to harbor and even admit such honest thoughts about the "progressive" (pronounced: regressive) BORG.

You seem a little offended that he did.

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