WOW!!! City of LA surrenders to OCCUPY!!! Offers them free housing, farmland, office!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Occupy L.A. receives offer to decamp -

What in the holy hell is this!!! What cowards!!! The City of Los Angeles offered OCCUPY LA a 10,000 sq/f building for $1 a year, yes, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, and farmland to farm on, and offered housing for the homeless among them, if they would agree to leave the City Hall property. Just shocking. The 2nd largest city in this great country just blinked. They surrendered to a bunch of spoiled, smelly, whiny entitled hippy college kids.

I'm not gonna use the term "Don't negotiate with terrorists". I dont think that fits, in all fairness. They are morons, and sometimes violent. But "terrorists"? No.

However, I'll bring up the old Southern grandma's quote: "If you feed the cat once, you better be ready to feed it's family forever."

How true. The signs that say "DO NOT FEED WILDLIFE" are there not just to protect the person, but to keep dangerous wildlife away!! Dont feed the bears. Dont feed the gators.

The City of LA just put out a giant batch of red meat outside the tents, and the bears will never go away now.

I truly hope Occupy takes the deal. And in 10 years, lets see what condition, and what progress, has been made of that 10,000 sq/f building and farmland.

Just unbelievable. LA surrenders. What a bunch of cowards running that sad once-great city.
Eh, maybe not such a bad idea. They want an opportunity? Here's an opportunity. Show us what you're made of....
I think I'm going to be sick. What a way to give them legitimacy and let them be total freeloaders now...

Like little children, if they throw a tantrum for long enough they get what they want.
I think I'm going to be sick. What a way to give them legitimacy and let them be total freeloaders now...

Like little children, if they throw a tantrum for long enough they get what they want.

Orrrr....maybe it's simply a matter of giving them just enough rope to hang themselves with.
I think I'm going to be sick. What a way to give them legitimacy and let them be total freeloaders now...

Like little children, if they throw a tantrum for long enough they get what they want.

The worst part is that once word spreads nationwide, every Occupy "encampment" will demand equal and eventually more in ransom. They'll accept the building. Then what? They'll want furnishings. And free food. And then jobs. And where does it end?

It ends with a boot in the ass, or pepper spray.
I think I'm going to be sick. What a way to give them legitimacy and let them be total freeloaders now...

Like little children, if they throw a tantrum for long enough they get what they want.

Orrrr....maybe it's simply a matter of giving them just enough rope to hang themselves with.

Look what they have now:

1 large empty commercial building
1 large lot of farmland
1 offer of free housing for the homeless

They can farm the land, buy a cheap business license, and open an organic grocery store in that building. It can be similar to Whole Foods. Whole Foods was founded with the same small things.

OWS has a chance to do it now. Will they? Hell no. They'll see that its HARD WORK to found and operate a business.

More than likely that 10,000 sq/f building will be "occupied" by drug addicts, college losers playing "Dungeons and Dragons" card games, dumbasses with guitars and drums, and people sitting around how great they would be if only someone would give them what they deserve.

This is gonna be fun to watch.
You guys love being outraged, don't you?

It's like a drug to you guys.

Yeah, on this I am. Why? As a fitness enthusiast, I've always wanted to open and own a commercial gymnasium. But it's expensive. A large building, plus the big insurance cost for the obvious reasons, was too expensive.

But, if someone gave me a 10,000 sq/f building for $1 a year? Sure, then I could do it.

Guess I have to stop showering, grow a shitty beard, have a dance-seizure to a metal drum, and live in a tent while pissing myself to get that deal.

LA just fucked a lot of cities by giving in to these losers. This is like, as you said, giving drugs to an addict. They'll only want more.
You guys love being outraged, don't you?

It's like a drug to you guys.

Yeah, on this I am. Why? As a fitness enthusiast, I've always wanted to open and own a commercial gymnasium. But it's expensive. A large building, plus the big insurance cost for the obvious reasons, was too expensive.

But, if someone gave me a 10,000 sq/f building for $1 a year? Sure, then I could do it.

Guess I have to stop showering, grow a shitty beard, have a dance-seizure to a metal drum, and live in a tent while pissing myself to get that deal.

LA just fucked a lot of cities by giving in to these losers. This is like, as you said, giving drugs to an addict. They'll only want more.

I understand your frustration here. But on the other hand, I hope you can appreciate the other side to this.

1) It's a local decision. If the city wants to do it, they should be allowed to do it. Local governance is the best, even when I disagree with them (like the ding-bat municipalities that outlaw public dancing).

2) We're talking about the people expressing their views and desires. I don't embrace the OWS movement, but I support it as an expression of the will of a significant portion of the populace. While in many ways it's not exactly an organized entity that provides specific gripes, it embodies a general frustration among a significant portion of the populace. I'm a power to the people kind of guy, and if the people assemble en masse take a power stand, I have to stand behind that, again even if I don't necessarily agree with certain portions of it.
You guys love being outraged, don't you?

It's like a drug to you guys.

Yeah, on this I am. Why? As a fitness enthusiast, I've always wanted to open and own a commercial gymnasium. But it's expensive. A large building, plus the big insurance cost for the obvious reasons, was too expensive.

But, if someone gave me a 10,000 sq/f building for $1 a year? Sure, then I could do it.

Guess I have to stop showering, grow a shitty beard, have a dance-seizure to a metal drum, and live in a tent while pissing myself to get that deal.

LA just fucked a lot of cities by giving in to these losers. This is like, as you said, giving drugs to an addict. They'll only want more.

So, it's ENVY that's making you so outraged? They got a free building, and you didn't?
You guys love being outraged, don't you?

It's like a drug to you guys.

So what is your opinion on what LA did?

I don't really have one. Who cares if LA gives an empty building to OWS?

I doubt it would actually happen.

They already offered it. It's up to OWS to accept the offer. Which blows my mind. The City of LA offering free land and a large building to a group of people for nothing more than beggin them to stop camping out on City Hall's lawn.

You do have one. You just know it would sound bad to say that you support OWS'ers being given free shit because deep down, you think it should be on a much more massive scale of giving from those who have to those who, supposedly, do not.
You guys love being outraged, don't you?

It's like a drug to you guys.

Yeah, on this I am. Why? As a fitness enthusiast, I've always wanted to open and own a commercial gymnasium. But it's expensive. A large building, plus the big insurance cost for the obvious reasons, was too expensive.

But, if someone gave me a 10,000 sq/f building for $1 a year? Sure, then I could do it.

Guess I have to stop showering, grow a shitty beard, have a dance-seizure to a metal drum, and live in a tent while pissing myself to get that deal.

LA just fucked a lot of cities by giving in to these losers. This is like, as you said, giving drugs to an addict. They'll only want more.

So, it's ENVY that's making you so outraged? They got a free building, and you didn't?

Nope. The principle. Some people still believe in principles.

I know for a fact that building is screwed. It'll be pissed in, screwed in. Drugs will be shot up 24/7. Windows, walls, electric sockets, etc, all destoryed. And come eviction time....God help us.

I just come from a background of values that believes nothing is given for free. A person earns what he gets. Back then, earning it meant working shitty hours, doing shitty work, saving, and eventually getting what you want.

Suppose "earning" is now defined as living in a tent and whining to anyone who will listen like a crying child demanding a toy. If this is the next phase of how we treat whiners, we're screwed. LA just affirmed the behavior of OWS as somehow being a legitimate way to get something in life for free.
Praise Gawd. Thank you LA.

For what? What good is this gonna do the OWS other than strenghthen their belief that they can get what they want without having to actually work for it?
I think I'm going to be sick. What a way to give them legitimacy and let them be total freeloaders now...

Like little children, if they throw a tantrum for long enough they get what they want.

Orrrr....maybe it's simply a matter of giving them just enough rope to hang themselves with.

Look what they have now:

1 large empty commercial building
1 large lot of farmland
1 offer of free housing for the homeless

They can farm the land, buy a cheap business license, and open an organic grocery store in that building. It can be similar to Whole Foods. Whole Foods was founded with the same small things.

OWS has a chance to do it now. Will they? Hell no. They'll see that its HARD WORK to found and operate a business.

More than likely that 10,000 sq/f building will be "occupied" by drug addicts, college losers playing "Dungeons and Dragons" card games, dumbasses with guitars and drums, and people sitting around how great they would be if only someone would give them what they deserve.

This is gonna be fun to watch.

I don't even think that would be right though. How fair is it that a city-subsidized hipster commune will be competing with a business that actually produces output and is able to stand on it's own two feet while actually paying taxes like Wholefoods.

Next the city will be granting them an allowance for utilities for the building. This is ludicrous.
Not only would I offer them housing, I would make it mandatory.........a nice jail cell.

When watching OWS, I can help but think "Where are all those swarms of killer bees we were warned about when we finally need them:lol:"

Whats gonna be fun is watchin Occupy LA either turn down the offer.....or take it and trash that building and farm land and do absolutely nothing productive with it, while any good businessman could turn that free land and building into a great company.

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