Wow. May 15, 2022 Monkey Pox Simulation Was War-gamed in Nov. 2021, by Gates Backed NTI

National Pulse breaks it down for people like you who can't be expected to understand a science paper.

And what credentials does National Pulse have? You just blindly believe what he says? I doubt you had to write science papers in college.
Mengele was convicted for medical experiments on only a few hundred people. Fauci's forced, coerced mRNA experiment is on hundreds of millions and counting.
He may have fucked up an entire generation of school age children who were forced into abnormal interpersonal relationships for 2 whole years, many of whom are still masked
This ghoul needs to go. Over 2 years of Covid seeding and experimentation was way more than enough
The only way to get monkeypox is to be a fucking moron. Sad that creates a national crisis.
The only way to get monkeypox is to be a fucking moron. Sad that creates a national crisis.

No because coming next is "air transmission" because it mutated. Playing us like a fiddle.

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