Wow, Republicans expanded their majority in the House last night

Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

the media doesnt want to talk about that


they also do not want to talk about this leftist nutcase New York democrat that lost her seat last night


check out his freak

Ulster NY Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Traffic Stop (FULL)
They have no idea the House-cleaning they are about to get.
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

This was already a Republican held seat and given that it's Utah, the most Republican state in the country, the odds of them losing were pretty slim.
The same can be said of the VA governorship. Dem state, previous governor was a Dem, and the Dem had a substantial lead for a long time.
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

the media doesnt want to talk about that


they also do not want to talk about this leftist nutcase New York democrat that lost her seat last night


check out his freak

Ulster NY Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Traffic Stop (FULL)
They have no idea the House-cleaning they are about to get.

i know they are spoon fed what to say and think


actually it is yet another example of their motto " winning by losing"

Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

the media doesnt want to talk about that


they also do not want to talk about this leftist nutcase New York democrat that lost her seat last night


check out his freak

Ulster NY Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Traffic Stop (FULL)
They have no idea the House-cleaning they are about to get.

i know they are spoon fed what to say and think


actually it is yet another example of their motto " winning by losing"

I gotta was quite funny watching these moron governor elects make nasty anti Trump statements on behalf of the entire country. :lmao:
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

the media doesnt want to talk about that


they also do not want to talk about this leftist nutcase New York democrat that lost her seat last night


check out his freak

Ulster NY Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Traffic Stop (FULL)
They have no idea the House-cleaning they are about to get.

i know they are spoon fed what to say and think


actually it is yet another example of their motto " winning by losing"

I gotta was quite funny watching these moron governor elects make nasty anti Trump statements on behalf of the entire country. :lmao:

indeed --LOL

it is going to bite em

Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

We are talking about the bluest state in Utah. Hardly unexpected. They did not expand anything since a Republican won a Republican held seat. If you look at what happened in Virginia, the Democrats won 6 of the 11 Congressional districts.

No, they did not because no one was running for Congress you mental midget!
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!
They retained a seat in deep red yokel country. They did not win a new one.
And Democrats retained a governorship in commie government fascist Blue VA. What's all the hype about?
We won a governorship in New Jersey.

That and it seems VA has permanently become a blue state. Good news all around :thup:
NJ is predominately Blue, and the previous governor had a 16% approval rating. what next will the Democrat hype be equivalent to the moon landing, wins in California?

On the other hand this serves as a good warning shot to the republicans to get their act together and stop this internal bickering.

There are several reasons for this being a big deal. Gillespie got 100.000 more votes than Cuccinelli did 4 years ago. However the Democrats got 330,000 votes than the current Democrat Governor did 4 years ago. Also Democrats have picked up at least 15 House seats which was not expected. Also the Democrat did better than Clinton among blacks and women.

It should serve a warning to Republicans. The things they are trying to do are not what voters want. 39% of voters voted on the basis of healthcare and Democrats got 77% Only 15% and 12% voted on the basis of taxes and immigration and they voted heavily for Gillespie. Yet Republicans are bent on destroying Obamacare when voters want it fixed not repealed. Also they see taxes and immigration as their issues when most people don't.

Virginia only has 11 House seats in Congress.

If you meant Virginia House of Delegates, then they are Delegates.
Explain what exactly would be the fascism element.
Begin with his attempts to neutralize the media.
How? Ragging on dishonest left-biased media is not fascism. It's protected speech and accurate.
Protected speech is speech protected from government interference. The Pres. is the government. Hence, the press is supposed to be protected from the Pres. In fascist states, the media is not protected by gov., it is attacked and neutralized.
The POTUS is a citizen and doesn't forfeit rights because he's President. Unless you're a fascist and thinks so.
You are wrong, again. Public officials are required to waive certain rights to perform their paid jobs.
You're thinking of the USSA.
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

This was already a Republican held seat and given that it's Utah, the most Republican state in the country, the odds of them losing were pretty slim.
The same can be said of the VA governorship. Dem state, previous governor was a Dem, and the Dem had a substantial lead for a long time.

Not so much. Virginia is a swing state
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

This was already a Republican held seat and given that it's Utah, the most Republican state in the country, the odds of them losing were pretty slim.
The same can be said of the VA governorship. Dem state, previous governor was a Dem, and the Dem had a substantial lead for a long time.

Not so much. Virginia is a swing state
A swing state that somehow voted overwhelmingly for Hillary, who's previous governor was Clinton confidant Terri Mcauliffe, who's lieutenant governor happened to be Ralph Northam, the same guy that ran for governor and won? This thing was rigged from the get-go.
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

This was already a Republican held seat and given that it's Utah, the most Republican state in the country, the odds of them losing were pretty slim.
The same can be said of the VA governorship. Dem state, previous governor was a Dem, and the Dem had a substantial lead for a long time.

Not so much. Virginia is a swing state
A swing state that somehow voted overwhelmingly for Hillary, who's previous governor was Clinton confidant Terri Mcauliffe, who's lieutenant governor happened to be Ralph Northam, the same guy that ran for governor and won? This thing was rigged from the get-go.


let them keep fooling themselves

it really pays off in the end

Does expanding the lead in the house matter? Not really - they have a virtual lock in the house and have enough on board to get anything that they really want to get passed done. The governorship was more important but also much harder to hold onto.
How does a governorship actually help Democrats nationally?
The Northrum ad against Gillespie that labels all his supporters as racists who want to mow down minority children with a truck is just way over the top and has been denounced all over the country.

How is it over the top when you Nazis ran over people in Charlottesville?

Take your Confederate participation trophies and piss off.
One guy ran over commies, who don't qualify as people.
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

the media doesnt want to talk about that


they also do not want to talk about this leftist nutcase New York democrat that lost her seat last night


check out his freak

Ulster NY Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Traffic Stop (FULL)

Holy Shit what a Loon!!!!
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

the media doesnt want to talk about that


they also do not want to talk about this leftist nutcase New York democrat that lost her seat last night


check out his freak

Ulster NY Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Traffic Stop (FULL)
They have no idea the House-cleaning they are about to get.

who are the people that would even vote in a nutcase like that

in the first place
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

the media doesnt want to talk about that


they also do not want to talk about this leftist nutcase New York democrat that lost her seat last night


check out his freak

Ulster NY Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Traffic Stop (FULL)

Holy Shit what a Loon!!!!

when you check it out

she is not a lone "nutcase" when it comes to the democrat KooK party --LOL
Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

the media doesnt want to talk about that


they also do not want to talk about this leftist nutcase New York democrat that lost her seat last night


check out his freak

Ulster NY Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Traffic Stop (FULL)

Yup, Republicans actually expanded their lead in the House to 240. Meanwhile the Dems are in a frenzy because they won a governorship in a state that voted overwhelmingly Blue in the 2016 elections. Whoop de doo!

the media doesnt want to talk about that


they also do not want to talk about this leftist nutcase New York democrat that lost her seat last night


check out his freak

Ulster NY Legislator Jennifer Schwartz Berky Traffic Stop (FULL)


fuck you troll iggy land for you

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