WOW, shades of 2016 - Bernie-ism = Trump-ism


"Bern has hinted that his 1st Executive Order will be to change the name of America from USA to USSA."

Nah … I simply reject your bitterness and delusions. Life ain't fair and obviously you lost.

"Bernie-ism = Trump-ism?"

So you reject America-Firstism and embrace Bernie's socialism? And you say you are the centrist and everyone else is a radical? :lol:
Here we go again with the rote response to anyone who likes Bernie...I must be a loser. Damn that’s dumb. Why are so many cons dumb?

I won. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you I want my fellow Americans who are suffering, to receive the same kind of help your beloved.1% get.
Why do you suppose these people have gone full drama queen over a thread that merely points out a similarity in the motivations of both Trump and Bernie supporters?

I swear, psychologists will have a field day with this period in our history. This is fuckin' NUTS.

I gave you a homework assignment to figure out WTF the "=" sign meant.

Apparently you are still refusing to educate yourself.

I assume from your posts this has been a trait since birth for you.
I start a thread pointing out that pent-up anger and frustration animates both Sanders and Trump supporters. In response, you nutters go positively mental. Deflection, personal insults, name calling.

I wonder why that is.

I'm not asking, of course, since nothing that people like you say can be believed.

But I do wonder.
YOU: Bernie = Trump

Thinking People: Tell us how Bernie = Trump

YOU: Um, don't ask me how Bernie =Trump or I will cry and whine.

Thinking People: :21:

There is some resemblance between the two groups as they both mobilize behind a personality more so it seems than policy. Perhaps that's more likely on the Trump side however the cult of personality is strong on both sides. I don't consider that to be the far left and right resembling each other that Mac wants it to be. To some extent it's human nature however Trump supporters and the Bernie bros take things too far. Threaten or insult others only because they don't feel the same amount of devotion.

There have been cults of personality around other figures as well even the two previous presidents. However what I'm seeing now is disgusting. Two groups that claim to be grown ups with severe daddy issues. I see the Trump supporters have taken this further than anyone in so called mainstream politics and perhaps the Bernie bros will get there but I hope not. Where the two groups diverge is Trumpism seems to attract the worst of the far right, nationalism, racism and religious bigotry. Where as Sanders supporters pool from the more inclusive left. Both sides (Sanders, Trump) will ignore any criticism of their little girl crush and it's a shame as it allows them to get away with potential corruption and crime.

That being said, not all people who support Trump or Sanders fall into this group, but far too may do and it has little to do with political ideology other than perhaps where people begin to line up.

EDIT: The poster above me is a perfect example of a non thinking Trump fanbot who couldn't even comprehend how to be critical of Trump. Memes, way over used.
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YOU: Bernie = Trump
Thinking People: Tell us how Bernie = Trump
YOU: Um, don't ask me how Bernie =Trump or I will cry and whine.
Thinking People: :21:
There is some resemblance between the two groups...
There was some resemblance between 1930s Nazis and Commies but spin this all you like, Bernie does not equal Trump.
YOU: Bernie = Trump
Thinking People: Tell us how Bernie = Trump
YOU: Um, don't ask me how Bernie =Trump or I will cry and whine.
Thinking People: :21:
There is some resemblance between the two groups...
There was some resemblance between 1930s Nazis and Commies but spin this all you like, Bernie does not equal Trump.

I'm actually not talking about Sanders or Trump, only their cult of personality followers who don't dare even pretend their crush isn't perfect. I'm no fan of Sanders but at least the guy has a brain and doesn't have his office drawers stuffed with large quantities of sudafed for...whatever purpose.

Trump's fan girls should insist he provide his tax records and Bernie's bitches should demand they see his full medical records.
I start a thread pointing out that pent-up anger and frustration animates both Sanders and Trump supporters. In response, you nutters go positively mental. Deflection, personal insults, name calling.
I wonder why that is.

Let me forward this then Mac

Hope & change Vs MAGA

go ahead, pick your campaign bumper sticker sound byte slogan

they're all the same

politicians convincing their constituents they are going to do something good for them

good luck talking to the sheeppeople , they only understand ONE language

Why do you suppose these people have gone full drama queen over a thread that merely points out a similarity in the motivations of both Trump and Bernie supporters?

I swear, psychologists will have a field day with this period in our history. This is fuckin' NUTS.

I gave you a homework assignment to figure out WTF the "=" sign meant.

Apparently you are still refusing to educate yourself.

I assume from your posts this has been a trait since birth for you.

Did you read the entire OP, or did the title tire you out?
Yep, and no.

Then you are asking stupid questions. Next.
What questions would those be that you consider 'stupid'?

Be specific and quote the questions.

Fine. They aren't questions, but annoyingly stupid comments across the board. Would you like some examples? Okay, sure:

So, they are exactly the same.............except for issues.

No, you fuck tard. Had you read the OP and/or actually had even the most tenuous grasp of the English language, Mac is pretty clear that he doesn't believe Sanders and Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) are the same person. The '=' sign in between the '-ism' in the title pretty clearly denotes their supporters, and how the behavior of their supporters are similar. How do you keep missing that, winger tard? Are you impaired in some way to where context and reading comprehension confuse you? Are you 12?

Oh, so you are too stupid to know what the “=“ sign means.

Everyone but you seems to know what equal means. The '=' sign in between the '-ism' in the title pretty clearly denotes their supporters, and how the behavior of their supporters are similar. Once again, how do you keep missing that, winger tard? Are you impaired in some way to where context and reading comprehension confuse you? Are you 12?

Clue us in, detective. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, because you're coming off as very obtuse. Is it intentional?
We may have to pick a point in time and toss out all legislation from that point onward where the elites took over to the detriment of overall society.

Okay, how do you see that happening?
Ask Bernie as he said it numerous times on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show.
Perhaps going back to the end of the Carter era when we didn’t sell out Americans for Asians.

Why ask Bernie? I asked you, and you're giving me nothing but platitudes and what ifs. You tell me the middle class and poor are angry and I ask you how to solve it. It would be a lot more effective to say 'I have no idea' and then we could move on from that.
You can download the Thom Hartmann App, subscribe to his service and search the archives for Lunch with Bernie.
I have no desire to pay for the archives but at least I listened to what Bernie has to say in the early 2000s; it’s obvious you didn’t.

Bernie said to tax offshoring corps at 90+% until they bring back every last job and do the same for any business using business visas.
Trespassers were the love of his life back then and now.
He also called for free gas, electric, water and health care.
And he wasn’t screaming like a loon when he said it.
He hated both parties equally and said that behind closed doors they corroborated.

Again, I wasn't asking you for the thoughts of others. I asked what your solution is to alleviate the anger of the middle class and poor. It seems a very simple question to me. Why can't you answer it? Do you not possess any original thoughts of your own?
the reason Trump rose to power is because we have too much democracy in america

let's not make the same mistake with Crazy Bernie, my friends!
the reason Trump rose to power is because we have too much democracy in america

let's not make the same mistake with Crazy Bernie, my friends!

That comment makes zero sense. Care to try again?
electoral college system is flawed, so is the Democrat nominating system.

i long for the smoke-filled rooms...ahhh, simpler times!

I gave you a homework assignment to figure out WTF the "=" sign meant.

Apparently you are still refusing to educate yourself.

I assume from your posts this has been a trait since birth for you.

Did you read the entire OP, or did the title tire you out?
Yep, and no.

Then you are asking stupid questions. Next.
What questions would those be that you consider 'stupid'?

Be specific and quote the questions.

Fine. They aren't questions, but annoyingly stupid comments across the board. Would you like some examples? Okay, sure:

So, they are exactly the same.............except for issues.

No, you fuck tard. Had you read the OP and/or actually had even the most tenuous grasp of the English language, Mac is pretty clear that he doesn't believe Sanders and Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) are the same person. The '=' sign in between the '-ism' in the title pretty clearly denotes their supporters, and how the behavior of their supporters are similar. How do you keep missing that, winger tard? Are you impaired in some way to where context and reading comprehension confuse you? Are you 12?

Oh, so you are too stupid to know what the “=“ sign means.

Everyone but you seems to know what equal means. The '=' sign in between the '-ism' in the title pretty clearly denotes their supporters, and how the behavior of their supporters are similar. Once again, how do you keep missing that, winger tard? Are you impaired in some way to where context and reading comprehension confuse you? Are you 12?

Clue us in, detective. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, because you're coming off as very obtuse. Is it intentional?
What is your guess as to why this thread has sent them so completely bonkers?

It's a relatively benign premise, it just points out a fairly obvious similarity, but these people are freakin' traumatized.
the reason Trump rose to power is because we have too much democracy in america

let's not make the same mistake with Crazy Bernie, my friends!

That comment makes zero sense. Care to try again?
electoral college system is flawed, so is the Democrat nominating system.

i long for the smoke-filled rooms...ahhh, simpler times!

Uh huh. Are you impaired in some way?

electoral college system is flawed, so is the Democrat nominating system.

You can't just 'say shit' like that without expounding on your assertion and be expected to be taken seriously. Or was that the full extent of your effort?

i long for the smoke-filled rooms...ahhh, simpler times!

Then buy a smoke machine and sit in a room with it by yourself. Problem solved. Is there an actual point you're trying to make here?
We may have to pick a point in time and toss out all legislation from that point onward where the elites took over to the detriment of overall society.

Okay, how do you see that happening?
Ask Bernie as he said it numerous times on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show.
Perhaps going back to the end of the Carter era when we didn’t sell out Americans for Asians.

Why ask Bernie? I asked you, and you're giving me nothing but platitudes and what ifs. You tell me the middle class and poor are angry and I ask you how to solve it. It would be a lot more effective to say 'I have no idea' and then we could move on from that.
You can download the Thom Hartmann App, subscribe to his service and search the archives for Lunch with Bernie.
I have no desire to pay for the archives but at least I listened to what Bernie has to say in the early 2000s; it’s obvious you didn’t.

Bernie said to tax offshoring corps at 90+% until they bring back every last job and do the same for any business using business visas.
Trespassers were the love of his life back then and now.
He also called for free gas, electric, water and health care.
And he wasn’t screaming like a loon when he said it.
He hated both parties equally and said that behind closed doors they corroborated.

Again, I wasn't asking you for the thoughts of others. I asked what your solution is to alleviate the anger of the middle class and poor. It seems a very simple question to me. Why can't you answer it? Do you not possess any original thoughts of your own?
I agree with Bernie that we rip up any legislation that allows off-shoring and business visas be null and void; this would require one or more EOs.
This action would reduce the need for trespassers due to high employment demand of Americans and the return of pensions, profit sharing and health care that was virtually eliminated overnight under Reagan.
Trespassers get dirt pay and too many are inter-generational paupers.
Taxation and hand-outs are a cop-out “cure” for globalism.
I agree! And where Trump redefined his party further to the right, if Bernie wins, he will pull the party far to the left.

There are a lot of similarities at play, from the attitudes of the establishment to the devoted following he attracts.

The one big difference though, Bernie is not a lying, narcissistic self serving brute.

There is a host of differences, once you start looking bit under the hood, and avoid falling for Mac's superficial siren calls of "all so very similar".

Bernie will drag his party a bit to the left. He may even work for universal healthcare, and towards making sure no one goes bankrupt because of medical needs - as it is in the entire developed world outside the U.S. That, however, might cut a bit into Big Pharma's bottom line.

He might even work for a minimum wage that represents a living wage - now there's a radical idea. That, however, might cut a bit into Big Corp's bottom line.

He might even work to address the single-most important challenge humankind is facing, that is, climate change - as it is in the entire developed world outside the U.S., haltingly and insufficiently, but... That, however, might cut a bit into Big Oil's bottom line.

As to the "establishment", yeah, Sanders views them with suspicion because they are bought-and-paid-for in the pockets of the plutocracy, and they stand in the way of the aims benefiting ordinary Americans, because a fair income distribution and a safety net deserving its name isn't in the interest of the plutocrats.

Trump and Trumpletons view the establishment with suspicion because they are an obstacle to the above-the-law power of the narcissistic megalomaniac and wannabe autocrat. They even stand in the way of "a lying, narcissistic self serving brute" using the powers of his office to serve his personal aims.

Trump attracts a following to him personally. They are with him pretty much no matter what Trump spouts or does. That's a personality cult.

I would wager Sanders attracts a devoted following behind his policy aims, and most of them, the overwhelming majority, would abandon him in a heartbeat were Sanders to advocate for children in cages, or allow for insurance to discriminate because of preexisting conditions, or show himself to be fine with a $7.20 minimum wage.

Vast, enormous, unmistakable differences.
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Okay, how do you see that happening?
Ask Bernie as he said it numerous times on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show.
Perhaps going back to the end of the Carter era when we didn’t sell out Americans for Asians.

Why ask Bernie? I asked you, and you're giving me nothing but platitudes and what ifs. You tell me the middle class and poor are angry and I ask you how to solve it. It would be a lot more effective to say 'I have no idea' and then we could move on from that.
You can download the Thom Hartmann App, subscribe to his service and search the archives for Lunch with Bernie.
I have no desire to pay for the archives but at least I listened to what Bernie has to say in the early 2000s; it’s obvious you didn’t.

Bernie said to tax offshoring corps at 90+% until they bring back every last job and do the same for any business using business visas.
Trespassers were the love of his life back then and now.
He also called for free gas, electric, water and health care.
And he wasn’t screaming like a loon when he said it.
He hated both parties equally and said that behind closed doors they corroborated.

Again, I wasn't asking you for the thoughts of others. I asked what your solution is to alleviate the anger of the middle class and poor. It seems a very simple question to me. Why can't you answer it? Do you not possess any original thoughts of your own?
I agree with Bernie that we rip up any legislation that allows off-shoring and business visas be null and void; this would require one or more EOs.
This action would reduce the need for trespassers due to high employment demand of Americans and the return of pensions, profit sharing and health care that was virtually eliminated overnight under Reagan.
Trespassers get dirt pay and too many are inter-generational paupers.
Taxation and hand-outs are a cop-out “cure” for globalism.

Thank you. So, you are for eliminating the shenanigans American corporations currently use to shift assets off shore, therefore essentially ducking their fair share of paying their US taxes. You want that shit to go away forever. Is that what you're saying?
Ask Bernie as he said it numerous times on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show.
Perhaps going back to the end of the Carter era when we didn’t sell out Americans for Asians.

Why ask Bernie? I asked you, and you're giving me nothing but platitudes and what ifs. You tell me the middle class and poor are angry and I ask you how to solve it. It would be a lot more effective to say 'I have no idea' and then we could move on from that.
You can download the Thom Hartmann App, subscribe to his service and search the archives for Lunch with Bernie.
I have no desire to pay for the archives but at least I listened to what Bernie has to say in the early 2000s; it’s obvious you didn’t.

Bernie said to tax offshoring corps at 90+% until they bring back every last job and do the same for any business using business visas.
Trespassers were the love of his life back then and now.
He also called for free gas, electric, water and health care.
And he wasn’t screaming like a loon when he said it.
He hated both parties equally and said that behind closed doors they corroborated.

Again, I wasn't asking you for the thoughts of others. I asked what your solution is to alleviate the anger of the middle class and poor. It seems a very simple question to me. Why can't you answer it? Do you not possess any original thoughts of your own?
I agree with Bernie that we rip up any legislation that allows off-shoring and business visas be null and void; this would require one or more EOs.
This action would reduce the need for trespassers due to high employment demand of Americans and the return of pensions, profit sharing and health care that was virtually eliminated overnight under Reagan.
Trespassers get dirt pay and too many are inter-generational paupers.
Taxation and hand-outs are a cop-out “cure” for globalism.

Thank you. So, you are for eliminating the shenanigans American corporations currently use to shift assets off shore, therefore essentially ducking their fair share of paying their US taxes. You want that shit to go away forever. Is that what you're saying?
Yep...Wall Street bought Washington, DC and both have been yanking us around since Reagan.
Tons of legal corruption and no bought and paid for politician to reverse the trend...
Until now.

But I want Trump to do more than embarrass these bastards, I want legislation; but Congress will never do it because it’s too lucrative.
We may have to pick a point in time and toss out all legislation from that point onward where the elites took over to the detriment of overall society.

Okay, how do you see that happening?
Ask Bernie as he said it numerous times on the Thom Hartmann Radio Show.
Perhaps going back to the end of the Carter era when we didn’t sell out Americans for Asians.

Why ask Bernie? I asked you, and you're giving me nothing but platitudes and what ifs. You tell me the middle class and poor are angry and I ask you how to solve it. It would be a lot more effective to say 'I have no idea' and then we could move on from that.
You can download the Thom Hartmann App, subscribe to his service and search the archives for Lunch with Bernie.
I have no desire to pay for the archives but at least I listened to what Bernie has to say in the early 2000s; it’s obvious you didn’t.

Bernie said to tax offshoring corps at 90+% until they bring back every last job and do the same for any business using business visas.
Trespassers were the love of his life back then and now.
He also called for free gas, electric, water and health care.
And he wasn’t screaming like a loon when he said it.
He hated both parties equally and said that behind closed doors they corroborated.

They do.

It's called the Council on Foreign Relations.

The parties also ended The League of Women Voters hosting of the Presidential Debates.

Now? If you want to debate on TEE VEE, you have to belong to one of the major parties, and they will collude on topics and questions.

see; RICO. :71:

. . . but of course, no one could ever in their right mind prosecute them under that statute, since all the lawyers and judges are owned by the two major parties.

"Wink wink nudge nudge" "say no more, say no more,"
Why ask Bernie? I asked you, and you're giving me nothing but platitudes and what ifs. You tell me the middle class and poor are angry and I ask you how to solve it. It would be a lot more effective to say 'I have no idea' and then we could move on from that.
You can download the Thom Hartmann App, subscribe to his service and search the archives for Lunch with Bernie.
I have no desire to pay for the archives but at least I listened to what Bernie has to say in the early 2000s; it’s obvious you didn’t.

Bernie said to tax offshoring corps at 90+% until they bring back every last job and do the same for any business using business visas.
Trespassers were the love of his life back then and now.
He also called for free gas, electric, water and health care.
And he wasn’t screaming like a loon when he said it.
He hated both parties equally and said that behind closed doors they corroborated.

Again, I wasn't asking you for the thoughts of others. I asked what your solution is to alleviate the anger of the middle class and poor. It seems a very simple question to me. Why can't you answer it? Do you not possess any original thoughts of your own?
I agree with Bernie that we rip up any legislation that allows off-shoring and business visas be null and void; this would require one or more EOs.
This action would reduce the need for trespassers due to high employment demand of Americans and the return of pensions, profit sharing and health care that was virtually eliminated overnight under Reagan.
Trespassers get dirt pay and too many are inter-generational paupers.
Taxation and hand-outs are a cop-out “cure” for globalism.

Thank you. So, you are for eliminating the shenanigans American corporations currently use to shift assets off shore, therefore essentially ducking their fair share of paying their US taxes. You want that shit to go away forever. Is that what you're saying?
Yep...Wall Street bought Washington, DC and both have been yanking us around since Reagan.
Tons of legal corruption and no bought and paid for politician to reverse the trend...
Until now.

But I want Trump to do more than embarrass these bastards, I want legislation; but Congress will never do it because it’s too lucrative.

And now, we've dared to drill down on our thoughts. And (oh, shit!) we've come to a compromise. You and I are in total agreement on the offshoring point! Hollee shit! We might have just broken the forum for good. :04:

Here's where we differ: I think Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is the furthest thing to solve this problem. Because he is a contributor to this problem.

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