WOW, shades of 2016 - Bernie-ism = Trump-ism

Did you read the entire OP, or did the title tire you out?
Yep, and no.

Then you are asking stupid questions. Next.
What questions would those be that you consider 'stupid'?

Be specific and quote the questions.

Fine. They aren't questions, but annoyingly stupid comments across the board. Would you like some examples? Okay, sure:

So, they are exactly the same.............except for issues.

No, you fuck tard. Had you read the OP and/or actually had even the most tenuous grasp of the English language, Mac is pretty clear that he doesn't believe Sanders and Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) are the same person. The '=' sign in between the '-ism' in the title pretty clearly denotes their supporters, and how the behavior of their supporters are similar. How do you keep missing that, winger tard? Are you impaired in some way to where context and reading comprehension confuse you? Are you 12?

Oh, so you are too stupid to know what the “=“ sign means.

Everyone but you seems to know what equal means. The '=' sign in between the '-ism' in the title pretty clearly denotes their supporters, and how the behavior of their supporters are similar. Once again, how do you keep missing that, winger tard? Are you impaired in some way to where context and reading comprehension confuse you? Are you 12?

Clue us in, detective. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, because you're coming off as very obtuse. Is it intentional?
What is your guess as to why this thread has sent them so completely bonkers?

It's a relatively benign premise, it just points out a fairly obvious similarity, but these people are freakin' traumatized.

hahaha...I bet its because you outsmarted everyone once again...just ask you...ain't that right Mr. Bitchin'
You can download the Thom Hartmann App, subscribe to his service and search the archives for Lunch with Bernie.
I have no desire to pay for the archives but at least I listened to what Bernie has to say in the early 2000s; it’s obvious you didn’t.

Bernie said to tax offshoring corps at 90+% until they bring back every last job and do the same for any business using business visas.
Trespassers were the love of his life back then and now.
He also called for free gas, electric, water and health care.
And he wasn’t screaming like a loon when he said it.
He hated both parties equally and said that behind closed doors they corroborated.

Again, I wasn't asking you for the thoughts of others. I asked what your solution is to alleviate the anger of the middle class and poor. It seems a very simple question to me. Why can't you answer it? Do you not possess any original thoughts of your own?
I agree with Bernie that we rip up any legislation that allows off-shoring and business visas be null and void; this would require one or more EOs.
This action would reduce the need for trespassers due to high employment demand of Americans and the return of pensions, profit sharing and health care that was virtually eliminated overnight under Reagan.
Trespassers get dirt pay and too many are inter-generational paupers.
Taxation and hand-outs are a cop-out “cure” for globalism.

Thank you. So, you are for eliminating the shenanigans American corporations currently use to shift assets off shore, therefore essentially ducking their fair share of paying their US taxes. You want that shit to go away forever. Is that what you're saying?
Yep...Wall Street bought Washington, DC and both have been yanking us around since Reagan.
Tons of legal corruption and no bought and paid for politician to reverse the trend...
Until now.

But I want Trump to do more than embarrass these bastards, I want legislation; but Congress will never do it because it’s too lucrative.

And now, we've dared to drill down on our thoughts. And (oh, shit!) we've come to a compromise. You and I are in total agreement on the offshoring point! Hollee shit! We might have just broken the forum for good. :04:

Here's where we differ: I think Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) is the furthest thing to solve this problem. Because he is a contributor to this problem.
I have been watching Trump interviews for over 20 years and he said exactly what Bernie said in terms of Wall Street buying Capitol Hill.
We needed a well known, “In your face”, impolite representative to prove that We...The People, are fully aware of all the $$$$ bullshit going on for decades.
A moderately well-off person would be ridiculed and ignored by the media as an angry kook.

Sanders went too far left when Hillary entered as a Moderate D.
Sanders wants to tax, tax, tax.
I want jobs, jobs, jobs.

The Multi-Nationals won’t become paupers by bringing those jobs back from the 3rd world countries they currently inhabit.

Yes...old, sociopathic farts who live off their artificially inflated stock portfolios will cry and moan, but...fuck ‘em!
They don’t give a crap about anybody else so why should we care about them?
I have been watching Trump interviews for over 20 years and he said exactly what Bernie said in terms of Wall Street buying Capitol Hill.

Sure, I can agree with that, because that's exactly what Wall Street wants to do. I see it accelerating with the cabinet appointments and alliances under this current *pResident. To me, the benefit to the 1% over the middle class is also accelerating. I also believe the Citizens United decision fucked the country pretty well. What say you?

We needed a well known, “In your face”, impolite representative to prove that We...The People, are fully aware of all the $$$$ bullshit going on for decades.

Honestly, I think this representative encapsulates the worst of political theater to me, reducing politics to a made-for-TV show, and I'm more than tired of it. What you see as 'in your face', I see as refusing political decorum, and a refusal to play by the rules of our constitution. It's an example of financial privilege being awarded undeserved powers. I think the poor and middle class do not have any tangible clear cut path to rise up the economic ladder in this current environment, and they're not happy about it, so they act out of frustration. An understandable response to an administration that's all about appearances, and with our technology, more Americans are able to see beyond the facade our political 'leaders' are trying to present as valid. I believe the 1% hate to be questioned, and now we're seeing the aftermath of it everyday within our own citizens.

Sanders wants to tax, tax, tax.
I want jobs, jobs, jobs.

I agree that the abundance of jobs for Americans is a great thing and pretty much the goal we should consistently strive to achieve and maintain. Sanders seems to simply want to tax the 1% due to the issues I highlighted above. But the economic reality of his pie-in-the-sky policies is the thing his supporters refuse to address. The fact that both parties have pretty much abandoned the country's constantly incurring massive debt is alarming, at the very least. Attacking each other within our own carefully crafted political tribes seems to be what we do in the meantime.

Yes...old, sociopathic farts who live off their artificially inflated stock portfolios will cry and moan, but...fuck ‘em!
They don’t give a crap about anybody else so why should we care about them?

Damn good questions. Let's see if we get cogent responses. Great chat. I appreciate your honesty. It's a refreshing change from the norm I see in here daily. Have a good night.
I have been watching Trump interviews for over 20 years and he said exactly what Bernie said in terms of Wall Street buying Capitol Hill.

Sure, I can agree with that, because that's exactly what Wall Street wants to do. I see it accelerating with the cabinet appointments and alliances under this current *pResident. To me, the benefit to the 1% over the middle class is also accelerating. I also believe the Citizens United decision fucked the country pretty well. What say you?

We needed a well known, “In your face”, impolite representative to prove that We...The People, are fully aware of all the $$$$ bullshit going on for decades.

Honestly, I think this representative encapsulates the worst of political theater to me, reducing politics to a made-for-TV show, and I'm more than tired of it. What you see as 'in your face', I see as refusing political decorum, and a refusal to play by the rules of our constitution. It's an example of financial privilege being awarded undeserved powers. I think the poor and middle class do not have any tangible clear cut path to rise up the economic ladder in this current environment, and they're not happy about it, so they act out of frustration. An understandable response to an administration that's all about appearances, and with our technology, more Americans are able to see beyond the facade our political 'leaders' are trying to present as valid. I believe the 1% hate to be questioned, and now we're seeing the aftermath of it everyday within our own citizens.

Sanders wants to tax, tax, tax.
I want jobs, jobs, jobs.

I agree that the abundance of jobs for Americans is a great thing and pretty much the goal we should consistently strive to achieve and maintain. Sanders seems to simply want to tax the 1% due to the issues I highlighted above. But the economic reality of his pie-in-the-sky policies is the thing his supporters refuse to address. The fact that both parties have pretty much abandoned the country's constantly incurring massive debt is alarming, at the very least. Attacking each other within our own carefully crafted political tribes seems to be what we do in the meantime.

Yes...old, sociopathic farts who live off their artificially inflated stock portfolios will cry and moan, but...fuck ‘em!
They don’t give a crap about anybody else so why should we care about them?

Damn good questions. Let's see if we get cogent responses. Great chat. I appreciate your honesty. It's a refreshing change from the norm I see in here daily. Have a good night.
I worked on Wall Street for many years and nothing stabs you in the heart like a “Polite” scumbag.

The problem with politics in general is that no one is to be trusted just like no one in a corporate board room can be trusted.
It takes balls and years to drain any swamp.
Even scumbags have positive skills that take years to acquire.
I love the fact that everyone on Capitol Hill hates Trump.
They would hate me too.

I think Trump is outrageous to prevent him from being assassinated.
You support socialism for the ultra rich, why not others?
Nah … I simply reject your bitterness and delusions. Life ain't fair and obviously you lost.
One of those threads that illustrate the political horseshoe theory. Look at how pissy and defensive they get. Good.

"Bernie-ism = Trump-ism?"

So you reject America-Firstism and embrace Bernie's socialism? And you say you are the centrist and everyone else is a radical? :lol:
Here we go again with the rote response to anyone who likes Bernie...I must be a loser. Damn that’s dumb. Why are so many cons dumb?

I won. I’m independently wealthy. Unlike you I want my fellow Americans who are suffering, to receive the same kind of help your beloved.1% get.
Why do you suppose these people have gone full drama queen over a thread that merely points out a similarity in the motivations of both Trump and Bernie supporters?

I swear, psychologists will have a field day with this period in our history. This is fuckin' NUTS.

I gave you a homework assignment to figure out WTF the "=" sign meant.

Apparently you are still refusing to educate yourself.

I assume from your posts this has been a trait since birth for you.
I start a thread pointing out that pent-up anger and frustration animates both Sanders and Trump supporters. In response, you nutters go positively mental. Deflection, personal insults, name calling.

I wonder why that is.

I'm not asking, of course, since nothing that people like you say can be believed.

But I do wonder.

In the mirror

You are the biggest hypocrite around and hypocrites are hated where ever they go because universal laws makes people most angry at hypocrisy
I have been watching Trump interviews for over 20 years and he said exactly what Bernie said in terms of Wall Street buying Capitol Hill.

Sure, I can agree with that, because that's exactly what Wall Street wants to do. I see it accelerating with the cabinet appointments and alliances under this current *pResident. To me, the benefit to the 1% over the middle class is also accelerating. I also believe the Citizens United decision fucked the country pretty well. What say you?

We needed a well known, “In your face”, impolite representative to prove that We...The People, are fully aware of all the $$$$ bullshit going on for decades.

Honestly, I think this representative encapsulates the worst of political theater to me, reducing politics to a made-for-TV show, and I'm more than tired of it. What you see as 'in your face', I see as refusing political decorum, and a refusal to play by the rules of our constitution. It's an example of financial privilege being awarded undeserved powers. I think the poor and middle class do not have any tangible clear cut path to rise up the economic ladder in this current environment, and they're not happy about it, so they act out of frustration. An understandable response to an administration that's all about appearances, and with our technology, more Americans are able to see beyond the facade our political 'leaders' are trying to present as valid. I believe the 1% hate to be questioned, and now we're seeing the aftermath of it everyday within our own citizens.

Sanders wants to tax, tax, tax.
I want jobs, jobs, jobs.

I agree that the abundance of jobs for Americans is a great thing and pretty much the goal we should consistently strive to achieve and maintain. Sanders seems to simply want to tax the 1% due to the issues I highlighted above. But the economic reality of his pie-in-the-sky policies is the thing his supporters refuse to address. The fact that both parties have pretty much abandoned the country's constantly incurring massive debt is alarming, at the very least. Attacking each other within our own carefully crafted political tribes seems to be what we do in the meantime.

Yes...old, sociopathic farts who live off their artificially inflated stock portfolios will cry and moan, but...fuck ‘em!
They don’t give a crap about anybody else so why should we care about them?

Damn good questions. Let's see if we get cogent responses. Great chat. I appreciate your honesty. It's a refreshing change from the norm I see in here daily. Have a good night.
I worked on Wall Street for many years and nothing stabs you in the heart like a “Polite” scumbag.

The problem with politics in general is that no one is to be trusted just like no one in a corporate board room can be trusted.
It takes balls and years to drain any swamp.
Even scumbags have positive skills that take years to acquire.
I love the fact that everyone on Capitol Hill hates Trump.
They would hate me too.

I think Trump is outrageous to prevent him from being assassinated.

Pretty funny watching MSNBC's Joy Reid say, "wow, we really underestimated how angry and frustrated and animated these people are. The party had better pay attention to this".

And EXACTLY the same thing was said about Trump and the Trumpsters in 2016. I say it all the time: The two ends can be SO DAMN SIMILAR.

Bernie is this year's Trump, at least for the Democrats.

MSNBC Melts Down As Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses
Hilarious how you’re such a retard at trying to drag everyone else into your Leftard cesspool.

The only way to save the nation is a logic test for voters to stop the unwise from electing crooks

The question is

Will trump call out the military to drain the crooked deep state and set up logic tests for voters so they cannot elect crooks ?
Yep, and no.

Then you are asking stupid questions. Next.
What questions would those be that you consider 'stupid'?

Be specific and quote the questions.

Fine. They aren't questions, but annoyingly stupid comments across the board. Would you like some examples? Okay, sure:

So, they are exactly the same.............except for issues.

No, you fuck tard. Had you read the OP and/or actually had even the most tenuous grasp of the English language, Mac is pretty clear that he doesn't believe Sanders and Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) are the same person. The '=' sign in between the '-ism' in the title pretty clearly denotes their supporters, and how the behavior of their supporters are similar. How do you keep missing that, winger tard? Are you impaired in some way to where context and reading comprehension confuse you? Are you 12?

Oh, so you are too stupid to know what the “=“ sign means.

Everyone but you seems to know what equal means. The '=' sign in between the '-ism' in the title pretty clearly denotes their supporters, and how the behavior of their supporters are similar. Once again, how do you keep missing that, winger tard? Are you impaired in some way to where context and reading comprehension confuse you? Are you 12?

Clue us in, detective. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, because you're coming off as very obtuse. Is it intentional?
What is your guess as to why this thread has sent them so completely bonkers?

It's a relatively benign premise, it just points out a fairly obvious similarity, but these people are freakin' traumatized.

hahaha...I bet its because you outsmarted everyone once again...just ask you...ain't that right Mr. Bitchin'

Yep you caught the phoney big time
Middle America will reject a socialist who honeymooned in Russia
In 1988, which is the year after Trump went (1987).
The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow
Did he Honeymoon there or was it a business trip to make money?
Has the president ever praised socialism or communism?

I honestly don't care. On both questions. It was 20+ years ago, thus only seems relevant to out of touch morons 20+ years later. I'm sorry, was that your big 'gotcha' point? If so, you might want to keep working on it, sport.
WAS the question directed to you?
Why do you suppose these people have gone full drama queen over a thread that merely points out a similarity in the motivations of both Trump and Bernie supporters?

I swear, psychologists will have a field day with this period in our history. This is fuckin' NUTS.

I gave you a homework assignment to figure out WTF the "=" sign meant.

Apparently you are still refusing to educate yourself.

I assume from your posts this has been a trait since birth for you.

Did you read the entire OP, or did the title tire you out?
Yep, and no.

Then you are asking stupid questions. Next.
What questions would those be that you consider 'stupid'?

Be specific and quote the questions.
The guy bounces all over the place just like a tumbleweed no roots no stability

I gave you a homework assignment to figure out WTF the "=" sign meant.

Apparently you are still refusing to educate yourself.

I assume from your posts this has been a trait since birth for you.

Did you read the entire OP, or did the title tire you out?
Yep, and no.

Then you are asking stupid questions. Next.
What questions would those be that you consider 'stupid'?

Be specific and quote the questions.
The guy bounces all over the place just like a tumbleweed no roots no stability

Yep. That proves his serious mental issue problem
Pretty funny watching MSNBC's Joy Reid say, "wow, we really underestimated how angry and frustrated and animated these people are. The party had better pay attention to this".

And EXACTLY the same thing was said about Trump and the Trumpsters in 2016. I say it all the time: The two ends can be SO DAMN SIMILAR.

Bernie is this year's Trump, at least for the Democrats.

MSNBC Melts Down As Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses
I agree! And where Trump redefined his party further to the right, if Bernie wins, he will pull the party far to the left.

There are a lot of similarities at play, from the attitudes of the establishment to the devoted following he attracts.

The one big difference though, Bernie is not a lying, narcissistic self serving brute.
Bernie has to lie to get to the point he has the control to take what you have only an idiot would freely give up 90% of all they own. Bernie is a self-serving cheap ass bastard. back when he was mayor he would go to the local bar "the last chance saloon" in Burlington Vermount he would order the bar special "fat man bud" drop a dollar and wait for his change never leaving a tip for the bartender. His wife was also his media buyer that's how Bernie got his millons by funneling campigan contributions back to him through his wife.
Did you read the entire OP, or did the title tire you out?
Yep, and no.

Then you are asking stupid questions. Next.
What questions would those be that you consider 'stupid'?

Be specific and quote the questions.
The guy bounces all over the place just like a tumbleweed no roots no stability

Yep. That proves his serious mental issue problem
all leftist are mentally disturbed the monikers is a clue but their words are the giveaway.
YOU: Bernie = Trump
So let me see if I have this right.

When I clearly point out the obvious similarities in what motivates and animates their own separate bases (anger and frustration), your mind perceives it as my saying Bernie is the same as Trump, and that they share the same opinions on the issues. AND, you somehow "don't see" the "-ism" part of the OP, sitting there as clear as a bell, which would normally be an indicator that the point is about something other than the man himself.

THAT is your takeaway from my comments.

This place just fascinates me.

Okay. I do believe that you believe that. I just wonder why, but I suspect I'll never know.
Last edited:
I start a thread pointing out that pent-up anger and frustration animates both Sanders and Trump supporters. In response, you nutters go positively mental. Deflection, personal insults, name calling.
I wonder why that is.

Let me forward this then Mac

Hope & change Vs MAGA

go ahead, pick your campaign bumper sticker sound byte slogan

they're all the same

politicians convincing their constituents they are going to do something good for them

good luck talking to the sheeppeople , they only understand ONE language

What is your guess as to why the nutters have gone so loopy on this fairly benign thread?
these people are freakin' traumatized.

That seems to be the closest recommendation I can make. Any time I try to drill down into specifics of winger allegations, the more hostile and psychotic they seem to get. :dunno:
My (current) guess is that they've become so hyper-sensitive that ANY comment that doesn't glorify their beloved leader is considered some kind of attack.

This thread is about the motivations of voters and how they can be similar. But they've gone full mental. Pretty amazing.
There are a lot of similarities at play, from the attitudes of the establishment to the devoted following he attracts.
Look at the behaviors and responses on this thread from both ends.

The OP clearly doesn't address the candidates themselves, but rather points out that both bases are animated by anger and frustration. This is more about sociology, not partisan raving. It's not as if that's some kind of crazy stretch or personal attack or whacko, detached-from-reality theory.

And yet we get this loony-fest, as if I'm attacking their momma.

WTF? Would you agree that they just hate being compared to each other in any way, or am I missing something? Such a straightforward point, and such drama!

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