Wow! This Guy Gets It!!!

Liberals are Science Deniers, especially when it comes to that Biology thingy. None of them know anything about Biology just like they are ignorant in Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.

Yup......government schooling.
Another weak attempt to change the subject.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
I believe it's called an "appeal to authority".
An argument from authority (argumentum ab auctoritate), also called an appeal to authority, or argumentum ad verecundiam, is a form of argument in which the opinion of an authority on a topic is used as evidence to support an argument.

China, France, Germany, Russia, the UK must have had their own good reasons for their decision to,
what amounts to, giving a child, a malicious child, a shot gun.
If several of you neighbors all think that's a good idea, give a deadly weapon to a child, that still doesn't
make that deadly decision a good one.

And because China, Russia etc. think it is a fine idea, that doesn't make it so. And only a moron would
think it does, as he did.
Last edited:
Another weak attempt to change the subject.

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Obama did not guarantee nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, you're thinking of Trump.
So you'll cop to lying?

"Obama did not guarantee nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism,..."

Another post, another lie.

"Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us
President Obama's deal with Iran was supposed to keep that nation's mullahs from creating a nuclear weapon with which it could intimidate and dominate the Mideast and much of Europe. Instead, it actually makes it more possible -- and in shorter time.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of a secret side deal that, in the words of the normally circumspect AP, advances "Tehran's ability to build a bomb even before the end of the pact." The accord as agreed to by the U.S. and five other nations was supposed to last 15 years. Or so we were told. Turns out, that's not the case.

...the deal as signed all but guarantees that Iran will someday get a nuclear weapon with which to terrorize its neighbors. What the AP document does is move up the time under which Iran can make a nuclear weapon. So we'll all be at risk sooner than we think.

The so-called "add-on" agreement lets Iran expand its uranium enrichment program after 10 years -- not 15 years, as the public parts of the deal suggested."
Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD


What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

" Iran President Hassan Rouhani endorsed the agreement in a nationally broadcast speech Sunday, saying the accord recognizes Iran's "nuclear rights" even if that precise language was kept from the final document because of Western resistance.

"No matter what interpretations are given, Iran's right to enrichment has been recognized," said Rouhani,...."
US, Iran nuclear deal spurs bipartisan concern in Congress

Iran's right to enrichment has been recognized,

By whom? Obama.....

3.war criminal
- an offender who violates international law during timesof war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillaw
war criminal



"The point of no return on Iran
Cal Thomas
Democratic Senators voting with Obama have guaranteed a nuclear Iran."
The point of no return on Iran

"Obama's Iran deal is finally where it should be — dead
...Iran lied its way into an agreement guaranteeing them a nuclear weapon by 2025 ..."
Obama's Iran deal is finally where it should be — dead

"Of course, there’s a lot of delusion going around. After repeatedly vowing to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons (with signature “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance” candor), President Obama, and his trusty factotum John Kerry, made an agreement that guaranteed Iran would obtain a nuclear weapon."
Trump Dumps Iran Deal | National Review

"In point of fact, however, the deal as signed all but guarantees that Iran will someday get a nuclear weapon with which to terrorize its neighbors. What the AP document does is move up the time under which Iran can make a nuclear weapon. So we'll all be at risk sooner than we think."
Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

"It’s Simple: Under This Deal, Iran Will Have Nuclear Weapons in Little Over a Decade
Our children will live their lives under an Iranian nuclear Sword of Damocles"

It’s Simple: Under This Deal, Iran Will Have Nuclear Weapons in Little Over a Decade

All thanks to a Muslim President, and lying fools who parrot his lies.
"Obama did not guarantee nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism,..."

Another post, another lie.

"Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us
President Obama's deal with Iran was supposed to keep that nation's mullahs from creating a nuclear weapon with which it could intimidate and dominate the Mideast and much of Europe. Instead, it actually makes it more possible -- and in shorter time.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of a secret side deal that, in the words of the normally circumspect AP, advances "Tehran's ability to build a bomb even before the end of the pact." The accord as agreed to by the U.S. and five other nations was supposed to last 15 years. Or so we were told. Turns out, that's not the case.

...the deal as signed all but guarantees that Iran will someday get a nuclear weapon with which to terrorize its neighbors. What the AP document does is move up the time under which Iran can make a nuclear weapon. So we'll all be at risk sooner than we think.

The so-called "add-on" agreement lets Iran expand its uranium enrichment program after 10 years -- not 15 years, as the public parts of the deal suggested."
Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD


What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

" Iran President Hassan Rouhani endorsed the agreement in a nationally broadcast speech Sunday, saying the accord recognizes Iran's "nuclear rights" even if that precise language was kept from the final document because of Western resistance.

"No matter what interpretations are given, Iran's right to enrichment has been recognized," said Rouhani,...."
US, Iran nuclear deal spurs bipartisan concern in Congress

Iran's right to enrichment has been recognized,

By whom? Obama.....

3.war criminal
- an offender who violates international law during timesof war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillaw
war criminal

View attachment 619546


"The point of no return on Iran
Cal Thomas
Democratic Senators voting with Obama have guaranteed a nuclear Iran."
The point of no return on Iran

"Obama's Iran deal is finally where it should be — dead
...Iran lied its way into an agreement guaranteeing them a nuclear weapon by 2025 ..."
Obama's Iran deal is finally where it should be — dead

"Of course, there’s a lot of delusion going around. After repeatedly vowing to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons (with signature “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance” candor), President Obama, and his trusty factotum John Kerry, made an agreement that guaranteed Iran would obtain a nuclear weapon."
Trump Dumps Iran Deal | National Review

"In point of fact, however, the deal as signed all but guarantees that Iran will someday get a nuclear weapon with which to terrorize its neighbors. What the AP document does is move up the time under which Iran can make a nuclear weapon. So we'll all be at risk sooner than we think."
Obama Gave Iran A Faster Route To A Nuke -- And Didn't Tell Us | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

"It’s Simple: Under This Deal, Iran Will Have Nuclear Weapons in Little Over a Decade
Our children will live their lives under an Iranian nuclear Sword of Damocles"

It’s Simple: Under This Deal, Iran Will Have Nuclear Weapons in Little Over a Decade

All thanks to a Muslim President, and lying fools who parrot his lies.

I guess there are limits on Iran's nuclear program now that the deal is dead. Seems like that will guarantee Iran will go back to unregulated uranium enriching. Thanks Trump.

I guess there are limits on Iran's nuclear program now that the deal is dead. Seems like that will guarantee Iran will goI back to unregulated uranium enriching. Thanks Trump.

There are no inspections.....therefore, no limits.

Iran lies almost as much as you do.
"Under the George W. Bush administration, the Republican Party's consensus view on Middle East policy that emerged was that "enemy number one is Iran, and the most reliable partner is Israel." In contrast, the Obama administration pursued a nuclear deal with Iran in a "misguided strategy," while crafting its foreign policy in the belief that the major problem in the Middle East was the Arab-Israeli conflict. The progressive wing of the Democratic party has pulled the party further to the left, casting blame on Israel and influencing domestic energy policy, which has a major impact on the party's Middle East policy.

Trump's diplomacy in the Middle East is a "fundamental distinction that emanates from Reagan," although Reagan "did not bring it to full fruition." Trump "abandoned the idea of a disinterested mediator." By prioritizing Israel as an American ally, Trump "called the bluff of generations of Arabs, who warn that if you move the capital to Jerusalem, if you didn't focus on the Palestinians as the key variable of stability, you'd have absolute chaos."

Instead, the reverse happened: "By taking Jerusalem off the table," the region "adjusted to the reality." Kaufman called Trump's move of the embassy to Jerusalem a "reverse inflection point," the "opposite of Obama's cave-in" on Syria and Biden's "cave-in" on Afghanistan. By keeping his campaign promise, "Trump sent a signal – and a salutary one – to the rest of the world that he meant what he said and said what he meant." The beneficial consequences of moving the embassy extended well beyond the Mideast, Kaufman said. Putin did not make the move on Ukraine under Trump that he is poised to make under Biden, and China did not intimidate Taiwan by violating its airspace under Trump. In contrast, the "Obama-Biden cave-ins had negative repercussions, not just regionally, but globally."
There are no inspections.....therefore, no limits.

Iran lies almost as much as you do.
But not as much as you do:

In January 2016, IAEA verified that Iran had complied with the terms of the nuclear deal, and the sanctions were lifted.
How do the nuclear inspections work?
There are 18 nuclear facilities and nine other facilities in Iran monitored by IAEA. The IAEA inspects these sites to see if their activities match descriptions submitted by Iran.
Kelsey Davenport, Director for Nonproliferation Policy with the Arms Control Association said: “Iran is a unique case in that some key locations are subject to 24-hour surveillance and inspection teams are continually in Iran to verify its compliance with the agreement.”
The IAEA’s main focus in Iran is monitoring uranium enrichment. This process can produce fuel to run nuclear reactors or make a nuclear weapon.
Under the Iran nuclear deal, Iran has promised not to enrich uranium above 3.67 percent. Nuclear weapons are typically made of uranium enriched at 90 percent or more.
The IAEA has not wavered from its conclusion that Iran is compliant. “Iran has not enriched uranium above 3.67%,” the agency said in one of its assessments in 2017.
The IAEA continually measures Iran’s stockpiles of enriched uranium and counts the number of centrifuges.
“Inspectors can also use images, including from satellites, to verify activities and investigate concerns about undeclared activities or sites,” Davenport said.
In 2017, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley expressed concerns that Iran hasn’t declared all of its nuclear activities to the IAEA.
But suspicions aren’t enough to trigger an inspection. “If the IAEA has concerns that Iran is conducting illicit nuclear activities at sites outside of the declared facilities, inspectors must first present Iran with their concerns and ask for clarifications,” Davenport said.
“If Tehran is unable to provide explanations that address the IAEA’s concerns, inspectors can request access to any location, including military sites. Within a 24-day period, Iran must provide the necessary access.”
Since 2016, the IAEA has issued 11 reports certifying that Iran has met its requirements under the deal. The Agency also said it has gained access to all requested sites in 2017. However, the inspections have not included military sites. The Trump administration believes they should.
Statements by Iranian leaders have also concerned officials in Washington.
“The Americans will take their dream of visiting our military and sensitive sites to their graves… It will never happen,” Ali Akbar Velayati, a top adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s highest authority, said in 2017.
Davenport said that Iranian comments on access to military sites are often taken out of context.
“Iran allows inspector access to military sites on a case-by-case basis subject to approval of the Supreme National Security Council,” Davenport said.
According to the official JCPOA document: “The [Iranian] government will not permit access to military sites or nuclear scientists for purposes of IAEA oversight under the pretext of the Agreement, except on a case-by-case basis approved by the Supreme National Security Council.”
But not as much as you do:

In January 2016, IAEA verified that Iran had complied with the terms of the nuclear deal, and the sanctions were lifted.
How do the nuclear inspections work?
There are 18 nuclear facilities and nine other facilities in Iran monitored by IAEA. The IAEA inspects these sites to see if their activities match descriptions submitted by Iran.
Kelsey Davenport, Director for Nonproliferation Policy with the Arms Control Association said: “Iran is a unique case in that some key locations are subject to 24-hour surveillance and inspection teams are continually in Iran to verify its compliance with the agreement.”
The IAEA’s main focus in Iran is monitoring uranium enrichment. This process can produce fuel to run nuclear reactors or make a nuclear weapon.
Under the Iran nuclear deal, Iran has promised not to enrich uranium above 3.67 percent. Nuclear weapons are typically made of uranium enriched at 90 percent or more.
The IAEA has not wavered from its conclusion that Iran is compliant. “Iran has not enriched uranium above 3.67%,” the agency said in one of its assessments in 2017.
The IAEA continually measures Iran’s stockpiles of enriched uranium and counts the number of centrifuges.
“Inspectors can also use images, including from satellites, to verify activities and investigate concerns about undeclared activities or sites,” Davenport said.
In 2017, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley expressed concerns that Iran hasn’t declared all of its nuclear activities to the IAEA.
But suspicions aren’t enough to trigger an inspection. “If the IAEA has concerns that Iran is conducting illicit nuclear activities at sites outside of the declared facilities, inspectors must first present Iran with their concerns and ask for clarifications,” Davenport said.
“If Tehran is unable to provide explanations that address the IAEA’s concerns, inspectors can request access to any location, including military sites. Within a 24-day period, Iran must provide the necessary access.”
Since 2016, the IAEA has issued 11 reports certifying that Iran has met its requirements under the deal. The Agency also said it has gained access to all requested sites in 2017. However, the inspections have not included military sites. The Trump administration believes they should.
Statements by Iranian leaders have also concerned officials in Washington.
“The Americans will take their dream of visiting our military and sensitive sites to their graves… It will never happen,” Ali Akbar Velayati, a top adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s highest authority, said in 2017.
Davenport said that Iranian comments on access to military sites are often taken out of context.
“Iran allows inspector access to military sites on a case-by-case basis subject to approval of the Supreme National Security C

ouncil,” Davenport said.
According to the official JCPOA document: “The [Iranian] government will not permit access to military sites or nuclear scientists for purposes of IAEA oversight under the pretext of the Agreement, except on a case-by-case basis approved by the Supreme National Security Council.”

Just between the two of us, why do you desire to facilitate another Holocaust???

What is the basis of your hostility to Jewish folks???

Why do you Democrats hate Jews????
I often wonder how many Left wing Jews voted for the National Socialists of Germany.

I often wonder how many Left wing Jews voted for the National Socialists of Germany.

I don't know.....but there were four Jewish individuals brought up on charges in the US as having aided the Nazis during the war.

Seems an insignificant number when you look at the number of Jewish folks who vote for the ersatz Nazis, the Democrats.

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