Wow! This Guy Gets It!!!

But not as much as you do:

In January 2016, IAEA verified that Iran had complied with the terms of the nuclear deal, and the sanctions were lifted.
How do the nuclear inspections work?
There are 18 nuclear facilities and nine other facilities in Iran monitored by IAEA. The IAEA inspects these sites to see if their activities match descriptions submitted by Iran.
Kelsey Davenport, Director for Nonproliferation Policy with the Arms Control Association said: “Iran is a unique case in that some key locations are subject to 24-hour surveillance and inspection teams are continually in Iran to verify its compliance with the agreement.”
The IAEA’s main focus in Iran is monitoring uranium enrichment. This process can produce fuel to run nuclear reactors or make a nuclear weapon.
Under the Iran nuclear deal, Iran has promised not to enrich uranium above 3.67 percent. Nuclear weapons are typically made of uranium enriched at 90 percent or more.
The IAEA has not wavered from its conclusion that Iran is compliant. “Iran has not enriched uranium above 3.67%,” the agency said in one of its assessments in 2017.
The IAEA continually measures Iran’s stockpiles of enriched uranium and counts the number of centrifuges.
“Inspectors can also use images, including from satellites, to verify activities and investigate concerns about undeclared activities or sites,” Davenport said.
In 2017, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley expressed concerns that Iran hasn’t declared all of its nuclear activities to the IAEA.
But suspicions aren’t enough to trigger an inspection. “If the IAEA has concerns that Iran is conducting illicit nuclear activities at sites outside of the declared facilities, inspectors must first present Iran with their concerns and ask for clarifications,” Davenport said.
“If Tehran is unable to provide explanations that address the IAEA’s concerns, inspectors can request access to any location, including military sites. Within a 24-day period, Iran must provide the necessary access.”
Since 2016, the IAEA has issued 11 reports certifying that Iran has met its requirements under the deal. The Agency also said it has gained access to all requested sites in 2017. However, the inspections have not included military sites. The Trump administration believes they should.
Statements by Iranian leaders have also concerned officials in Washington.
“The Americans will take their dream of visiting our military and sensitive sites to their graves… It will never happen,” Ali Akbar Velayati, a top adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s highest authority, said in 2017.
Davenport said that Iranian comments on access to military sites are often taken out of context.
“Iran allows inspector access to military sites on a case-by-case basis subject to approval of the Supreme National Security Council,” Davenport said.
According to the official JCPOA document: “The [Iranian] government will not permit access to military sites or nuclear scientists for purposes of IAEA oversight under the pretext of the Agreement, except on a case-by-case basis approved by the Supreme National Security Council.”llThe IAEA is required by the Obama plan to give Iran advance notice before a; inspection.
The Obama plan gave Iran 24 hours advance warning before IAEA inspections.
Do you see how this how makes this makes inspections in Iran utterly moot? president Iran ever had.
The Obama plan gave Iran 24 hours advance warning before IAEA inspections.
Do you see how this how makes this makes inspections in Iran utterly moot? president Iran ever had.

No one was ever able to state that Iran was in conformity with the's simply a contract.....because there could be no inspections.

"In conclusion, according to the agreement, Iran can continue its uranium enrichment program and continue developing its weapon program at its many military sites, and every time the IAEA suspects anything, the Iranians can have 24 days at a minimum and 45 days maximum to delay the access, sanitize the sites, or transfer the unauthorized nuclear work to another unauthorized military site."

"How Iran Will Wriggle Free of Inspections

First: the JCPOA specifies that if the IAEA has concerns regarding undeclared activities, it should first raise the matter with Iran. If the regime’s response proves unsatisfying, the IAEA could then request access to a facility, triggering the 24-day timeline. But the JCPOA leaves unspecified the time Tehran would have to answer the initial IAEA expression of concern — although such a step would, of course, tip off those attempting to conceal illicit activities."

How Iran Will Wriggle Free of Inspections

"Iran Inspections in 24 Days? Not Even Close
Iran can easily stretch out the inspection of suspect nuclear sites for three months or more."

Iran Inspections in 24 Days? Not Even Close
The Obama plan gave Iran 24 hours advance warning before IAEA inspections.
Do you see how this how makes this makes inspections in Iran utterly moot?
Um, no. Are you an inspector? Do you know how long it might take to move heavy equipment and how easy it is to remove radioactive traces?

The US has spy satellites that could detect a fly going in or out of a facility. OK a really big fly.
You're an onion with endless layers of irony. Wasn't it you who proclaimed how people on your side were allowed to think for themselves. I guess that only applies to people who think like you do.

Let's engage that huge leap of imagination, and say that you are capable of thought.

Soooo......answer the question:

....why do you desire to facilitate another Holocaust???

What is the basis of your hostility to Jewish folks???

Why do you Democrats hate Jews????

🌐Iran’s top general says wiping Israel off map is an ‘achievable› world › irans-top-general-says-wiping-israel-off-map-is-an-achievable-goal
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander on Monday said that wiping Israel off the map is now an “achievable goal” thanks to the country’s technological advances.

🌐Iran general says Tehran aims to wipe Israel off the 'global › home › iran general says tehran aims to wipe israel off the ‘global political map’
Iran general says Tehran aims to wipe Israel off the ‘global political map’ Revolutionary Guard deputy leader Hossein Salami warns Israel that any war it starts ‘will end with its elimination’ By..

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That's why it's important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are. - Maya Angelou.
Um, no. Are you an inspector? Do you know how long it might take to move heavy equipment and how easy it is to remove radioactive traces?

The US has spy satellites that could detect a fly going in or out of a facility. OK a really big fly.

Even someone as dumb as you are knows that the language makes inspecions impossible. are an inveterate liar, as well......
No, I still think Trump is the biggest supporter of terrorism in this country. If it gets him installed in office of course.

Is that why he received five Nobel Peace Prize nomination, while your side guarantees nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism......???
Let's engage that huge leap of imagination, and say that you are capable of thought.

Soooo......answer the question:

....why do you desire to facilitate another Holocaust???

What is the basis of your hostility to Jewish folks???

Why do you Democrats hate Jews????

🌐Iran’s top general says wiping Israel off map is an ‘achievable› world › irans-top-general-says-wiping-israel-off-map-is-an-achievable-goal
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander on Monday said that wiping Israel off the map is now an “achievable goal” thanks to the country’s technological advances.

🌐Iran general says Tehran aims to wipe Israel off the 'global › home › iran general says tehran aims to wipe israel off the ‘global political map’
Iran general says Tehran aims to wipe Israel off the ‘global political map’ Revolutionary Guard deputy leader Hossein Salami warns Israel that any war it starts ‘will end with its elimination’ By..

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That's why it's important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are. - Maya Angelou.
I don't answer questions from people who don't answer questions.
Even someone as dumb as you are knows that the language makes inspecions impossible. are an inveterate liar, as well......
Gee, should I believe your or the IAEA? Tough call. Please post your resume so we can better understand your credentials.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous organisation on 29 July 1957.
I don't answer questions from people who don't answer questions.

Actually, you dunce, the answer is clear and evident.

Having no character or integrity, you have no compunctions about slaughter of Jews.....or the long as you can follow the orders of your masters in the Democrat Party.

You, and they, demand the latest iteration of the Nazis be fully nuclear armed, having promised to finish what the socialist Hitler began.

Did you know that Iran changed its name from Persia based on the same desires you curry favor with the Nazis?

The name Iran means ‘Aryan,’ and was chosen to support a massive Nazi-dominated infrastructure which was ready to provide oil to the Nazis. By the early 1930s, Reza Pahlavi's close ties with Nazi Germany began worrying the Allied states.[8] Germany's modern state and economy highly impressed the Shah, and there were hundreds of Germans involved in every aspect of the state, from setting up factories to building roads, railroads and bridges.[9] Germany–Iran relations - Wikipedia

"In 1935 the Iranian government requested those countries which it had diplomatic relations with, to call Persia "Iran," which is the name of the country in Persian.

The suggestion for the change is said to have come from the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of the Nazis. At the time Germany was in the grip of racial fever and cultivated good relations with nations of "Aryan" blood. "
Iran Chamber Society: When "Persia" became "Iran"

“Germany was our age-old and natural ally, Love of Germany was synonymous with love for Iran. The sound of German officers' footsteps was heard on the shores of the Nile. Swastika flags were flying from the outskirts of Moscow to the peaks of the Caucasus Mts. Iranian patriots eagerly awaited the arrival of their old allies. My friend and I would spin tales about the grandeur of the superior race. We considered Germany the chosen representative of this race in Europe and Iran its representative in Asia. The right to life and role was ours. Others had no choice but submission and slavery. We discarded the old maps and remade Iran into a country larger than what it was in Achaemenian times.” E.-Reza Shah -March 20, 1939 ". In various pro-Nazi publications, lectures, speeches, and ceremonies, parallels were drawn between the Shah of Iran and Hitler, and praise the charisma and virtue of the Fuhrerprinzip.

' The Iranian crisis of 1941: The actors, Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union" MIRON Rezun, p. 29​


It isn't enogh that no Democrat voter, and specifically those of the Jewish persuasion, can answer this most signigicant question:

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

More significant, what will Iran do with said nuclear arms, vis a vis Israel?

You know.

"Op-Ed: It’s Time For Democrat Jews To Awaken From Their Political Slumber

By Alan Bergstein

BOCA RATON, FL – This letter goes to those of you who are still strongly affiliated with and support the Democrat Party. I was once there. Until I matured to read news sources other than the NYT and used the internet to truly open my eyes, I was on your side of the fence. But the dreadful, dangerous to this day, “Oslo Accords” of 1993, spawned by President Clinton, whereby he lauded Yasser Arafat as a man of peace, alarmed me to the point of re-thinking my party loyalties. More investigation proved the party was never a friend to the Jews. FDR and Harry Truman were open Jew haters.

Then you have President Jimmy Carter, whose book,“Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” painted him as a passionate (to this day) Jew hater. He spawned the Iran of the Mullahs who continue their threats to destroy Israel on a daily basis. Throw in for good measure, Barack Obama, for whom 75%+ of Jews supported on his two presidency wins. And there has not been one Jew, to this day, who has granted me an answer to my question: “When you voted for Obama, weren’t you aware of his 20+ years as a loyal, devoted member of Rev. Wright’s fervently, Jew hating church? He referred to Wright as his uncle. Wright officiated at the Obama wedding wedding and baptized his daughters. Wright was on his Election Committee. So how could you have voted for him knowing this?” Zilch answers. Normal.

Try, oh do try because the effort will be hilarious...

Where in the accords does Obama guarantee nuclear weapons to iran?

C'mon we know you can do it!
And by that I mean...

We're absolutely certain you're full of crap as a dozen christmas turkeys.
I never could figure out why the jews vote dem.
It's totally against their own interests.
Republicans in 2022 are Jew Hating Fascists.

Unlike idiots who vote against their best interests, I'm looking at you, Jews are smart enough to recognize where there interests lay.
They don't lay with the Fascists in the GQP.

You're welcome.
Gee, should I believe your or the IAEA? Tough call. Please post your resume so we can better understand your credentials.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous organisation on 29 July 1957.

Let's check:

"Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ‘Snapback’"

Iran has been blocking inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from accessing key sites that the watchdog group has cited for having traces of undisclosed nuclear materials, fueling speculation that Tehran is again engaged in the secret construction of nuclear weapons-grade material.

Recently installed IAEA chief Rafael Griossi took the unprecedented step this week of going public about Iran's intransigence, telling Reuters on Tuesday the Islamic Republic is not living up to multiple commitments under the landmark nuclear accord.

"We have insisted and despite all our efforts we have not been able to get that [access], ..."
Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions 'Snapback'

As I have always said, there were never meant to be any inspections.

And....once again....proof that I am never wrong.
Try, oh do try because the effort will be hilarious...

Where in the accords does Obama guarantee nuclear weapons to iran?

C'mon we know you can do it!
And by that I mean...

We're absolutely certain you're full of crap as a dozen christmas turkeys.

You linked to this....then hitched up your skirt and skipped away:

It isn't enogh that no Democrat voter, and specifically those of the Jewish persuasion, can answer this most signigicant question:​

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?​

More significant, what will Iran do with said nuclear arms, vis a vis Israel?​

Republicans in 2022 are Jew Hating Fascists.

Unlike idiots who vote against their best interests, I'm looking at you, Jews are smart enough to recognize where there interests lay.
They don't lay with the Fascists in the GQP.

You're welcome.

It isn't enogh that no Democrat voter, and specifically those of the Jewish persuasion, can answer this most signigicant question:​

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?​

More significant, what will Iran do with said nuclear arms, vis a vis Israel?​

Which party is insistent on guaranateeing nuclear weapons to Iran????

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