Wow, Trump ripping Hillary a new one

Nothing new about any of it. People have been pointing out these facts about Hillary for years.

Only "new" thing, is that someone's finally doing it on a national forum.... and the media is now forced to report on it, on pain of being "the only news outlet that's not covering the Presidential race".

Of course, the fact that they're now reporting on it, is a huge change.

Loved the “blackmail file” BS.
How is it BS? If they have her emails, they can blackmail her.
So, candycorn, your "job" is essentially

1. monitor message boards to shout down and censor 911 truth
2. promote Hillary
3. attack Trump
4. watch TV
5. report back to Tel Aviv on progress getting Hillary elected and hence preventing any new 911 investigation

While Candycorn is indeed a Hillary Shill, (paid or not is up to debate, i say not) Your reference to Trutherism (with bonus its teh JOOOOOOS flavor) makes me ask why aren't you slumming in the CT with the rest of the mouth breathers?

Well, I’m late in reporting in to my Mossad handlers so I’ll be brief.

I called it “reheated pablum”….did you hear anything new in this speech? The “Clinton Cash” book quotations seem as though he just discovered the book.

He's going to pull jobs out of a hat.

Ta Da!

Actually, he has. Thousands of them.

Hillary claims to be able to create jobs....yet she doesn't really know how....well...except to and hire people to build things at the cost of the taxpayer

But then again...a monkey can do that. You know. Take from Peter to pay paul and then say you created income for paul.

The chinese and mexicans making his branded shirts are well employed.

He says he is going to cut taxes and then rebuild infrastructure, the military, and triple the size of the INS JBT (Jack Booted Thug) contingent…. Any clue how your messiah will do that?

The INS is small potatoes compared to Democrat social programs. Tripling the size of it won't even make a noticeable burp in the budget.

It's Hilarious that you would call people who enforce laws passed by Democrats "jack booted thugs." I'll bet you have no complaints about the IRS, do you?
He not only nailed her ass, he nailed the whole worthless political class in DC.

Trump said “Everywhere I look, I see the possibilities of what our country could be. But we can’t solve any of these problems by relying on the politicians who created them.

We will never be able to fix a rigged system by counting on the same people who rigged it in the first place.

The insiders wrote the rules of the game to keep themselves in power and in the money.

That’s why we’re asking Bernie Sanders’ voters to join our movement: so together we can fix the system for ALL Americans. Importantly, this includes fixing all of our many disastrous trade deals.

Because it’s not just the political system that’s rigged. It’s the whole economy.

It’s rigged by big donors who want to keep down wages.

It’s rigged by big businesses who want to leave our country, fire our workers, and sell their products back into the U.S. with absolutely no consequences for them.

It’s rigged by bureaucrats who are trapping kids in failing schools.

It’s rigged against you, the American people.”
He's going to pull jobs out of a hat.

Ta Da!

Actually, he has. Thousands of them.

Hillary claims to be able to create jobs....yet she doesn't really know how....well...except to and hire people to build things at the cost of the taxpayer

But then again...a monkey can do that. You know. Take from Peter to pay paul and then say you created income for paul.

The chinese and mexicans making his branded shirts are well employed.

He says he is going to cut taxes and then rebuild infrastructure, the military, and triple the size of the INS JBT (Jack Booted Thug) contingent…. Any clue how your messiah will do that?
His vision will increase the debt. I never doubted it.

He was not my fist choice....but I am sorry.....Clinton has shown me that she sees the general electorate as a bunch of unintelligent, non thinking people with her inane explanations of some of her actions, I can never consider voting for her.

When I vote for Trump, I will be voting for the cabinet around him. Not for him.

Not much different from me…

Good Point.

I won’t be voting for Hillary…will be voting for the 4-5 Supreme Court justices she will appoint…that is my main motivation; center/left jurists.

So basically every right you disagree with can be crushed via judicial action, and bypass the amendment process.

Only the clinically insane would actually desire such an outcome.
So, Hillary didn't land in Bosnia under sniper fire?

she actually did land in bosnia under the threat of sniper fire...

so that is yet another retarded talking point parroted by mental midgets.

squawk sniper fire squawk squawk sniper fire sniper fire... that's a good parrot! :itsok:

"Now let me tell you what I can remember, OK -- because what I was told was that we had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire. So I misspoke -- I didn't say that in my book or other times but if I said something that made it seem as though there was actual fire -- that's not what I was told," she told the newspaper.

"I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can't, I can't rush by her, I've got to at least greet her -- so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left. Now that's my memory of it."

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire -

"Mispoke" is Clintonese for "lied."
Today’s Speech

Here is what we know about this morning: Trump will be depending on widely-discredited sources like right-wing books Clinton Cash, which was panned by many for a lack of evidence and many errors, and Crisis of Character, which has been denounced by Secret Service veterans because the author was too low-ranking to have seen any of what he claims. Trump will also lie about Hillary Clinton today as he has lied about her before. There have been at least a dozen fact checks calling out Trump for lying about Clinton—on the issues, on the polls and on Benghazi. You name it; he’s lied about it.

Trump asserted that Hillary Clinton “started” the birther movement, resulting in Four Pinocchios from The Washington Post, a “False” from PolitiFact, and being called “false” by He claimed Clinton “doesn’t do very well with women,” earning a Pants on Fire from PolitiFact. He earned another pair of Pants on Fire for saying Clinton wants to “release the violent criminals from jail” and that “she wants them all released.” said Trump “distorts the facts” when he claimed Clinton wanted “to abolish the Second Amendment.” Trump has repeatedly lied about Clinton’s leadership during the Benghazi tragedy, claiming that she decided to “go home and sleep” during the attacks and ignored hundreds of calls for help from U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. The comments have earned Trump Pinocchios and a “no evidence” rating. (For more Trump Lies, visit

Trump is also a practiced conspiracy theorist who recently reached a new low. He was a leading voice in the birther movement and, earlier this year, peddled tales about Ted Cruz’s father’s involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Incredibly, following the Orlando attack that killed 49 Americans last week, Trump insinuated President Obama sympathizes with terrorists. In interviews the day after the shooting, Trump suggested about Obama: “maybe he doesn’t want to know about it…there are many people that think maybe he doesn’t want to get it.” He also warned “there’s something going on” with Obama because he refused to use the term “radical Islamic terrorism.”

The corrupt, unscrupulous Donald Trump is in no position to question the ethics of others. Allegations about Trump U by his own staff continue to dog Trump’s campaign. Newspaper editorial boards called for investigations into reports that Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi accepted a $25,000 donation from Trump around the time she declined to investigate Trump U in 2013. Wrote Miami Herald columnist Fred Grimm, “When Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general, he gets his money’s worth.” Further, the Trump Foundation has been accused of operating as a political slush fund rather than a charity. He has tried to make money off of dictators, worked with shady foreign governments and done business with gangsters. Throughout his career, Trump has both sought to curry favor with sworn enemies of the United States and surrounded himself with convicted criminals.

Here are just a few examples:

MEMORANDUM: Donald Trump’s “Major Speech”

Either those statements weren't in Trump's speech, or they aren't lies.
His speech was terrific!
He explained in detail what his plans are for the country and at the same time ripped Hillary a new one.
He looked and sounded Presidential.

:laugh2: terrific!!



The study speaks for itself: Donald Trump would be a disaster for American jobs.

According to whom, some handpicked political hack commie professor? At best your claim is one opinion against another, so "Fact Check" doesn't really check facts, it expresses an opinion about other opinions.

This kind of devious shit is why no one with a brain trusts "Fact Check."
Watch the Hillary apologist come out and say every sentence is a lie.
Prove it.

Adolf Trump is a world-class projectionist.


Projection (Psychological)

1) An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion and denial.

2) A way to blame others for your own negative thoughts by repressing them and then attributing them to someone else. Due to the sorrowful nature of delusion and denial it is very difficult for the target to be able to clarify the reality of the situation.

3) A way to transfer guilt for your own thoughts, emotions and actions onto another as a way of not admitting your guilt to yourself.

Urban Dictionary: Projection
I still haven't seen any lies Trump supposedly said in his speech.
Watch the Hillary apologist come out and say every sentence is a lie.
Prove it.

Adolf Trump is a world-class projectionist.


Projection (Psychological)

1) An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion and denial.

2) A way to blame others for your own negative thoughts by repressing them and then attributing them to someone else. Due to the sorrowful nature of delusion and denial it is very difficult for the target to be able to clarify the reality of the situation.

3) A way to transfer guilt for your own thoughts, emotions and actions onto another as a way of not admitting your guilt to yourself.

Urban Dictionary: Projection
I still haven't seen any lies Trump supposedly said in his speech.

Well, go play stink finger and think about it.
Hillary never said she landed under the THREAT of sniper fire - she clearly declared she landed under SNIPER FIRE and was forced to run with her head down.

she in fact landed "under the threat of sniper fire" that day, as they had orders to vest up and duck down, etc. which is the same as "landing under sniper fire" --- unless, you're a retarded rabid partisan looking to make something out of nothing...

liar, i just gave you the quote where she clarified the partisan misunderstanding...

of course it's understood that rethuglican hacks have been so disappointed ever since, because none of the snipers actually hit her that day... she had obviously descended the plane safely in order to tell the story. derrrp

"I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can't, I can't rush by her, I've got to at least greet her -- so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left. Now that's my memory of it."

Wrong, douche bag. "Landing under threat of sniper fire" can mean virtually anything from "snipers take shots at people here every day" to "once three years ago there was a shot fired, but we don't know by whom."

"Landing under sniper fire" means a sniper is taking shots at you. The only way they would know is if there were bullet holes in the helicopter or in any of the passengers or crew.
Watch the Hillary apologist come out and say every sentence is a lie.
Prove it.

Adolf Trump is a world-class projectionist.


Projection (Psychological)

1) An unconscious self-defence mechanism characterised by a person unconsciously attributing their own issues onto someone or something else as a form of delusion and denial.

2) A way to blame others for your own negative thoughts by repressing them and then attributing them to someone else. Due to the sorrowful nature of delusion and denial it is very difficult for the target to be able to clarify the reality of the situation.

3) A way to transfer guilt for your own thoughts, emotions and actions onto another as a way of not admitting your guilt to yourself.

Urban Dictionary: Projection
I still haven't seen any lies Trump supposedly said in his speech.

Well, go play stink finger and think about it.

In other words, you can't list any lies.

Thanks for playing.
hillary has been wearing her political flack jacket and ducking under partisan sniper fire for DECADES.

the woman is simply amazingly capable and qualified... plus so gracious under fire! :thup:

She's amazingly vile, corrupt, dishonest and incompetent. Her record as SOS is of one disaster after another.

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