Wow, Trump ripping Hillary a new one

Hillary is the most corrupt politician ever to run for the office of president.
Except for Trump.
So when did Trump take bribes from foreign governments while acting as Secretary of State?

When did Trump have miraculous returns on cattle futures?

When did Trump lie repeatedly to FBI investigators and to the American people about the severity of his email storage of classified documents, some Top Secret, so that foreign governments could hack in and scan them? How much did Hillary sell our nations secrets for?

I hope she stands trial for treason along with Obama and both got put in front of firing squads.
Watch the Hillary apologist come out and say every sentence is a lie.
Prove it.
Let me make sure I understand this. I tell everyone you suck golf balls. You say you don't and then I say prove it?

Is that how it works?
Hillary is the most corrupt politician ever to run for the office of president.
Except for Trump.
So when did Trump take bribes from foreign governments while acting as Secretary of State?

When did Trump have miraculous returns on cattle futures?

When did Trump lie repeatedly to FBI investigators and to the American people about the severity of his email storage of classified documents, some Top Secret, so that foreign governments could hack in and scan them? How much did Hillary sell our nations secrets for?

I hope she stands trial for treason along with Obama and both got put in front of firing squads.
You give Trump a run for his King of all liars crown, you just need to invent your own lies rather than parrot his.
Hillary is the most corrupt politician ever to run for the office of president.
Except for Trump.
So when did Trump take bribes from foreign governments while acting as Secretary of State?

When did Trump have miraculous returns on cattle futures?

When did Trump lie repeatedly to FBI investigators and to the American people about the severity of his email storage of classified documents, some Top Secret, so that foreign governments could hack in and scan them? How much did Hillary sell our nations secrets for?

I hope she stands trial for treason along with Obama and both got put in front of firing squads.
You give Trump a run for his King of all liars crown, you just need to invent your own lies rather than parrot his.
Slate: Donald Trump's Clinton Speech 'Terrifyingly Effective' - Breitbart
'She didn't REALLY 'mis-speak'? We agree on that - she LIED.

Took Responsibility? She was BUSTED Lying - NEVER ran with her head down - and was FORCED to admit it did not happen like she said. Liberals think THAT is 'taking responsibility'.

" she had to reword and put it a certain way in order to satisfy rabid partisans..."
- Yeah HER rabid partisan supporters, like you, so you would continue to defend her lie by making it a little more believable....yet still a LIE.

lying hacks will obviously feel free to continue foaming at the mouth over nonsense.

voters will decide for themselves and hacks will still be squawking over such meaningless crap for 4+ more years.

i noticed how eager y'all are to distract from the laughingstock trump's speech.

Trump said it best himself: “there are so many lies.”

Who is funding the Correct The Record site? Soros? Get out of here with your partisan hack trash.
"Wow, Trump ripping Hillary a new one"

Actually not.

In fact, it’s Trump regurgitating an old one - the same old lies and fallacies republicans have been propagating for years, the same old lies and fallacies most of the American people long ago rejected as being false and without merit.

And Trump is a proven liar, he’s completely devoid of creditability.
"Wow, Trump ripping Hillary a new one"

Actually not.

In fact, it’s Trump regurgitating an old one - the same old lies and fallacies republicans have been propagating for years, the same old lies and fallacies most of the American people long ago rejected as being false and without merit.

And Trump is a proven liar, he’s completely devoid of creditability.
and the clintons now being billionaires, that's all lies and made up to I suppose
Trump kicked his own ass in his stupid speech. He showed a complete lack of understanding and knowledge about all the subjects he touched on.
What was with Trump snorting?

Coke addict?
It's funny, if it weren't so boring now, to see this kind of delusional thread automatically appear on the board, always by the usual knee-jerk suspects after every event such as Trump's dreadful speech.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything Trump said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll call it names instead, and call his supporters names, and slime and smear them, and hope I can somehow persuade somebody that there's something wrong with what he said even though I can't name it.
listen to the news, fact checking his lies in his speech is keeping them all busy!!!!
What lies, all I heard Trump say. Was the truth.
Democrats don't like liars....................they love them.

But only if they're Democrats.
It's funny, if it weren't so boring now, to see this kind of delusional thread automatically appear on the board, always by the usual knee-jerk suspects after every event such as Trump's dreadful speech.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything Trump said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll call it names instead, and call his supporters names, and slime and smear them, and hope I can somehow persuade somebody that there's something wrong with what he said even though I can't name it.
listen to the news, fact checking his lies in his speech is keeping them all busy!!!!
What lies, all I heard Trump say. Was the truth.

Wow! I had no idea you were so misinformed!

Everything that he said that was FALSE is out there, all over the net and major it....about 90% of his accusations against Clinton are proven LIES.

but your man is The King of Lies, there is no denying fact, outside of his uncontrollable forked and dangerous tongue, his lies are his second worst flaw.... some of his ideas are okay, until he back tracks and changes his mind on them 10 times a day all depending how the wind or 'likes' are blowing... :rolleyes:

Donny Dangerous is Unfit to command, unfit for office, and unfit to serve us, and just plain ignorant on so many things...otherwise, he's entertaining....reality tv is perfect for him!
It's funny, if it weren't so boring now, to see this kind of delusional thread automatically appear on the board, always by the usual knee-jerk suspects after every event such as Trump's dreadful speech.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything Trump said, but I hate it anyway. So I'll call it names instead, and call his supporters names, and slime and smear them, and hope I can somehow persuade somebody that there's something wrong with what he said even though I can't name it.
listen to the news, fact checking his lies in his speech is keeping them all busy!!!!
What lies, all I heard Trump say. Was the truth.

Wow! I had no idea you were so misinformed!

Everything that he said that was FALSE is out there, all over the net and major it....about 90% of his accusations against Clinton are proven LIES.

but your man is The King of Lies, there is no denying fact, outside of his uncontrollable forked and dangerous tongue, his lies are his second worst flaw.... some of his ideas are okay, until he back tracks and changes his mind on them 10 times a day all depending how the wind or 'likes' are blowing... :rolleyes:

Donny Dangerous is Unfit to command, unfit for office, and unfit to serve us, and just plain ignorant on so many things...otherwise, he's entertaining....reality tv is perfect for him!
Everything he said about Hillary was true. She is the most corrupt, lying bitch ever to run for president.
Actually, he has. Thousands of them.

Hillary claims to be able to create jobs....yet she doesn't really know how....well...except to and hire people to build things at the cost of the taxpayer

But then again...a monkey can do that. You know. Take from Peter to pay paul and then say you created income for paul.

The chinese and mexicans making his branded shirts are well employed.

He says he is going to cut taxes and then rebuild infrastructure, the military, and triple the size of the INS JBT (Jack Booted Thug) contingent…. Any clue how your messiah will do that?
His vision will increase the debt. I never doubted it.

He was not my fist choice....but I am sorry.....Clinton has shown me that she sees the general electorate as a bunch of unintelligent, non thinking people with her inane explanations of some of her actions, I can never consider voting for her.

When I vote for Trump, I will be voting for the cabinet around him. Not for him.

Not much different from me…

Good Point.

I won’t be voting for Hillary…will be voting for the 4-5 Supreme Court justices she will appoint…that is my main motivation; center/left jurists.

So basically every right you disagree with can be crushed via judicial action, and bypass the amendment process.

Only the clinically insane would actually desire such an outcome.

Or someone without any scruples whatsoever.
The truth is that most of what I think he said, is true.

15 convictions in the Whitewater investigation and she hides the Rose Law firm billing records until after the stay of execution. Yeah she's clean.

Her Tuzla sniper fire big whopper of a lie. Can anyone defend it?

Her saying she didn't support NAFTA, again clearly proved to be a big fat lie.

Her support for the Iraq war and now saying she didn't. Or at least implies she didn't.

Her calling inner city blacks "super predators." Predators that need to be brought under her heel. Clearly, this is what the democrats have done historically to blacks.

If this is the best that the democrat party can to then I see very little future for the party. They might as well pack it up and sit on the floor like babies.

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