Wow Trump's magic wand is doing the trick!

How about we call a spade a spade:
1. 250,000 new jobs U.S. Added 250,000 Jobs in October; Unemployment at 3.7%
2. Wages increased 3.1% finally gaining on inflation
Wages rise at fastest pace in nine years as U.S. adds 250,000 jobs in October

Those are the facts. Trump's economy is doing very well.
Wage increase after inflation is maybe one percent and you are ecstatic over a paltry sum?
1500 to 3000 is not paltry to middle income Americans.
You are either stupid or TERRIBLE at basic math....or both.
Combine that paltry wage increase with those table scrap tax decreases and you could buy a nice used car for your child.

But you know.....that's all paltry meaningless table scraps right???

Talk about being an ignorant voting block...
How about we call a spade a spade:
1. 250,000 new jobs U.S. Added 250,000 Jobs in October; Unemployment at 3.7%
2. Wages increased 3.1% finally gaining on inflation
Wages rise at fastest pace in nine years as U.S. adds 250,000 jobs in October

Those are the facts. Trump's economy is doing very well.
Wage increase after inflation is maybe one percent and you are ecstatic over a paltry sum?
1500 to 3000 is not paltry to middle income Americans.
You are either stupid or TERRIBLE at basic math....or both.
Combine that paltry wage increase with those table scrap tax decreases and you could buy a nice used car for your child.

But you know.....that's all paltry meaningless table scraps right???

Talk about being an ignorant voting block...
I don't work so I get zero increase and if I did one percent increase in one year would be shitty..
And yet...the unemployment rate for those without a high school diploma (traditionally the type who often work in manufacturing) went up from 5.5% to 6.0% last month and high school graduates with no college went from 3.7% to 4.0%.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

Also, clearly, most of these new jobs went to part time, low skilled workers. How do I know?

The number of unemployed in America went UP last month. And only two age ranges saw a DECREASE in the total number of unemployed - 16-17 + 20-24 year olds. EVERY SINGLE other age group saw an increase.

Plus, the U-3 for full time workers went up (from 3.6 to 3.7%). And the U-3 for part time workers went down (4.5 to 4.3%).

Combined, we KNOW that the unemployment situation ONLY improved for children/young adults who work part time last month.

Table A-10. Selected unemployment indicators, seasonally adjusted

So, generally speaking, only well educated and the very young had a good month for unemployment in October.

Looks like the Trump economy is leaving his Trumpbots behind (who are mostly uneducated and older).

The rich help the rich...what a shock.

YOU are perhaps one of the Grandest LOSERS on this forum.
On one hand you point out the "supposed" loss of jobs for uneducated or low-educated Americans......

Then out of the other corner of your mouth, actively and vigorously support illegal immigration, which is probably the biggest reason for their situation (if it's actually correct)

You are exposed as an extremist hypocrite. Or perhaps it's just your gullibility and weakness that you cannot think for yourself....or, your willful ignorance.

I hope America wises up and votes you pathetic pieces of worthless garbage into oblivion next week

Mr.Rocketman, Space Cadet, Pathetic on an epic scale......LOSER extrordinaire
October Surprise: U.S. Added More Than 1,000 Manufacturing Jobs a Day, Best Since 1998
October Surprise: U.S. Added More Than 1,000 Manufacturing Jobs a Day, Best Since 1998 | Breitbart

Obama... maybe you were right... for once! Trump does have a magic wand!

“(Obama) He just says, ‘I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer,” Obama continued condescendingly.
Obama Flashback: Jobs NOT Coming Back Under Trump

And yet...the unemployment rate for those without a high school diploma (traditionally the type who often work in manufacturing) went up from 5.5% to 6.0% last month and high school graduates with no college went from 3.7% to 4.0%.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

Also, clearly, most of these new jobs went to part time, low skilled workers. How do I know?

The number of unemployed in America went UP last month. And only two age ranges saw a DECREASE in the total number of unemployed - 16-17 + 20-24 year olds. EVERY SINGLE other age group saw an increase.

Plus, the U-3 for full time workers went up (from 3.6 to 3.7%). And the U-3 for part time workers went down (4.5 to 4.3%).

Combined, we KNOW that the unemployment situation ONLY improved for children/young adults who work part time last month.

Table A-10. Selected unemployment indicators, seasonally adjusted

So, generally speaking, only well educated and the very young had a good month for unemployment in October.

Looks like the Trump economy is leaving his Trumpbots behind (who are mostly uneducated and older).

The rich help the rich...what a shock.

Of course the weather had nothing to do with that right?
How about we call a spade a spade:
1. 250,000 new jobs U.S. Added 250,000 Jobs in October; Unemployment at 3.7%
2. Wages increased 3.1% finally gaining on inflation
Wages rise at fastest pace in nine years as U.S. adds 250,000 jobs in October

Those are the facts. Trump's economy is doing very well.
Wage increase after inflation is maybe one percent and you are ecstatic over a paltry sum?
1500 to 3000 is not paltry to middle income Americans.
You are either stupid or TERRIBLE at basic math....or both.
Combine that paltry wage increase with those table scrap tax decreases and you could buy a nice used car for your child.

But you know.....that's all paltry meaningless table scraps right???

Talk about being an ignorant voting block...
I don't work so I get zero increase and if I did one percent increase in one year would be shitty..

I agree even 3% of nothing is NOTHING!
But the discussion is about those that do work.
The national average wage index for 2017 is $50,321.89. National Average Wage Index
3% of $50,321.80 is $1,509 a year.
Now I'm sure that's something you sneeze at as you don't work...but it means another $125/month to that average wage worker.
How about we call a spade a spade:
1. 250,000 new jobs U.S. Added 250,000 Jobs in October; Unemployment at 3.7%
2. Wages increased 3.1% finally gaining on inflation
Wages rise at fastest pace in nine years as U.S. adds 250,000 jobs in October

Those are the facts. Trump's economy is doing very well.
Wage increase after inflation is maybe one percent and you are ecstatic over a paltry sum?
1500 to 3000 is not paltry to middle income Americans.
You are either stupid or TERRIBLE at basic math....or both.
Combine that paltry wage increase with those table scrap tax decreases and you could buy a nice used car for your child.

But you know.....that's all paltry meaningless table scraps right???

Talk about being an ignorant voting block...
I don't work so I get zero increase and if I did one percent increase in one year would be shitty..

I agree even 3% of nothing is NOTHING!
But the discussion is about those that do work.
The national average wage index for 2017 is $50,321.89. National Average Wage Index
3% of $50,321.80 is $1,509 a year.
Now I'm sure that's something you sneeze at as you don't work...but it means another $125/month to that average wage worker.
I was earning 65-75k a year in the 1990's so I do sneeze at it. My old man was making the 1990's... So yes the paltry sums you guys jump up and down over just because you like the president are paltry sums to those that can earn a real wage..
How about we call a spade a spade:

U6 employement stats skew reality>


Alternate Unemployment Charts
How about we call a spade a spade:
1. 250,000 new jobs U.S. Added 250,000 Jobs in October; Unemployment at 3.7%
2. Wages increased 3.1% finally gaining on inflation
Wages rise at fastest pace in nine years as U.S. adds 250,000 jobs in October

Those are the facts. Trump's economy is doing very well.
Wage increase after inflation is maybe one percent and you are ecstatic over a paltry sum?
1500 to 3000 is not paltry to middle income Americans.
You are either stupid or TERRIBLE at basic math....or both.
Combine that paltry wage increase with those table scrap tax decreases and you could buy a nice used car for your child.

But you know.....that's all paltry meaningless table scraps right???

Talk about being an ignorant voting block...
I don't work so I get zero increase and if I did one percent increase in one year would be shitty..

I agree even 3% of nothing is NOTHING!
But the discussion is about those that do work.
The national average wage index for 2017 is $50,321.89. National Average Wage Index
3% of $50,321.80 is $1,509 a year.
Now I'm sure that's something you sneeze at as you don't work...but it means another $125/month to that average wage worker.
I was earning 65-75k a year in the 1990's so I do sneeze at it. My old man was making the 1990's... So yes the paltry sums you guys jump up and down over just because you like the president are paltry sums to those that can earn a real wage..

OH...boy so you were one of those 10%ers! How disgustingly hypocritical! You know you could have given back that money to the government.
With the average household income in 1994 of $52,942 you were definitely in the top 10%!

And you have the gall to sneeze at $1,590 wage increase?
Naturally you are a fauxny liberal, pious hypocrite! I even bet you don't think you are a racist also!
The orange didn't do shit....he's riding on Obama's wave, he is busy tweeting and campaigning.....I have never seen a president busy campaigning for other politicians like this fool.

An "Obama" wave? Tell me WHY would businesses want to hire more people if with just this ONE example of how Obama was so ignorant of how businesses worked as exemplified by the attached.

Obviously you and your uninformed NEVER heard about these two aspects of many aspects that stifled economic growth.
1) Were you aware that tanning salons were taxed an additional 10% for one reason? Supposedly tanning caused cancer. Well the ignorant people of
Obamacare thought that by TAXING an industry MORE that would reduce cancer because of why? People wouldn't pay more to be taxed to be tanned!
It certainly wasn't a tax revenue generator:
There were twenty new or higher taxes in Obamacare. The very first one to go into effect--on July 1, 2010--was the tanning tax. What is it, and how has it fared?
According to the American Suntanning Association, nearly 10,000 tanning salons have closed since the tax went into effect.
This has resulted in the loss of nearly 81,000 jobs, according to industry estimates.
Prior to Obamacare, there were over 18,000 tanning salons in America--now there are just over 8500.
Prior to Obamacare, over 164,000 people worked for tanning salons, including the self-employed proprietors. Now that number is down to 83,000, almost exactly half of what was there before.
When Obamacare was passed, the tanning tax was expected to raise $2.7 billion over the first decade of its existence.
Five years into that decade, it has raised less than $500 million. For the decade, the industry projects it's on pace to throw off only $840 million--about a third of what was expected. Annual compliance costs are estimated by the industry to run over $11 million per year, so the tax yield from this is pretty pathetic.

Obamacare's Tanning Tax Turns Five

So this is how Obama incentivized at least this one industry? Wow... the geniuses at Obamacare said OH it will spin off $2.7 billion...
Hmmm... 164,000 people worked before in the tanning industry... after 5 years down to 83,000! Hmmm... I wonder what kind of federal income taxes coming Payroll taxes that was lost?
Average Tanning Salon hourly pay ranges from approximately $8.62 per hour for Sales Associate to $10.43 per hour for Customer Service Representative.
Tanning Salon Salaries in the United States |
So if 81,000 tanning employees were laid off and they and their employer paid annually 12.4% of their wages: that meant payroll taxes revenue loss/year
$180,084,902! And this also doesn't count the fact those 18,000 tanning salons paid income taxes also and now there are 9,500 FEWER tanning businesses!

So not only did the 10% tax NOT work, but it cost 81,000 people's jobs who then went on to unemployment benefits!
Cost 9,100 small businesses to quit and not pay payroll taxes or income taxes.

Yea really brilliant planning and you idiots think Obama's economic plans helped in the recovery?

READ further in the above article by Forbes want the net effect of the other 19 tax programs were!
Then READ the attached to see how "business savvy" Obama was!
Even his architect of Obamacare said it required the stupidity of voters(evidently like you ISSA...) to pass this idiocy!
And then the OTHER monstrosity of Obamacare that totally discouraged economic growth!

Businesses eliminated hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs to avoid Obamacare mandate
Businesses eliminated hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs to avoid Obamacare mandate

The Affordable Care Act requires businesses with more than 50 full-time employees to provide health insurance

Up to 250,000 positions may have been eliminated by small businesses seeking to avoid Obamacare’s employer mandate, according to estimates in a new working paper distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Altogether between 28,000 and 50,000 businesses appear to have reduced their number of full-time employees from 2014 to 2016 because of the mandate.

The share of businesses with fewer than 50 employees grew between 2012 and 2016 to 45% from 37%.
Meanwhile, a June 2016 study determined that 500,000 workers in the retail, hospitality and food service sectors were forced involuntarily into part-time employment as companies sought to circumvent the employer mandate. A separate Goldman Sachs study found that a few hundred thousand people found themselves in this position.

Now for the actual proof!

Obamacare required an employer with 50 or more employees to have group insurance plan, Obama never understood that the employer would be faced
when the employer wanted to hire another employee to the 49 employees it would cost an employer an average of $284/month per employee.
50 employees times $284 equals $14,200 more per month.

Solution: Hire two part-time employees. No need to spend $14,200/month

A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.
The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.
shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

And you idiots that say Obama contributed to the "economic recovery" are the SAME dummies that the guy who designed ACA said it took well here's his exact words:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

STUPIDITY thy name is any idiot that believes OBAMA helped the economy!!!


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