Wright, the pretended Reverend lashes out at Jews & shows his ignorance of the Bible

No big deal when blacks spew hate, right?
I guess what I was trying to imply was that barely anybody gives the slightest fuck about Reverend Wright and Farrakhan. The overwhelming majority of Democrats think they're both religious nutjobs.

Tell me Rocko and tyroneweaver, are you going to start threads about what those 2 said about gay marriage and abortion at that event?

No big deal when blacks spew hate, right?
I guess what I was trying to imply was that barely anybody gives the slightest fuck about Reverend Wright and Farrakhan. The overwhelming majority of Democrats think they're both religious nutjobs.

Tell me Rocko and tyroneweaver, are you going to start threads about what those 2 said about gay marriage and abortion at that event?
I thought not.

No big deal when blacks spew hate, right?
I guess what I was trying to imply was that barely anybody gives the slightest fuck about Reverend Wright and Farrakhan. The overwhelming majority of Democrats think they're both religious nutjobs.

Tell me Rocko and tyroneweaver, are you going to start threads about what those 2 said about gay marriage and abortion at that event?
I thought not.
I bet that was a long lonely journey ;)

No big deal when blacks spew hate, right?
I guess what I was trying to imply was that barely anybody gives the slightest fuck about Reverend Wright and Farrakhan. The overwhelming majority of Democrats think they're both religious nutjobs.

Tell me Rocko and tyroneweaver, are you going to start threads about what those 2 said about gay marriage and abortion at that event?
I thought not.
I bet that was a long lonely journey ;)

No big deal when blacks spew hate, right?
I guess what I was trying to imply was that barely anybody gives the slightest fuck about Reverend Wright and Farrakhan. The overwhelming majority of Democrats think they're both religious nutjobs.

Tell me Rocko and tyroneweaver, are you going to start threads about what those 2 said about gay marriage and abortion at that event?
I thought not.
I bet that was a long lonely journey ;)

Oh come come now, You have to admit that was pretty good.
I guess what I was trying to imply was that barely anybody gives the slightest fuck about Reverend Wright and Farrakhan. The overwhelming majority of Democrats think they're both religious nutjobs.

Tell me Rocko and tyroneweaver, are you going to start threads about what those 2 said about gay marriage and abortion at that event?
I thought not.
I bet that was a long lonely journey ;)

Oh come come now, You have to admit that was pretty good.
Nope. If it was actually good I would've admitted it. I always do. I think you were reaching, and you settled on something that was just 'okay.'

No big deal when blacks spew hate, right?
I guess what I was trying to imply was that barely anybody gives the slightest fuck about Reverend Wright and Farrakhan. The overwhelming majority of Democrats think they're both religious nutjobs.

Tell me Rocko and tyroneweaver, are you going to start threads about what those 2 said about gay marriage and abortion at that event?

Except of course the president who relied on one as a spiritual mentor much of his life.
"Wright, the pretended Reverend lashes out at Jews & shows his ignorance of the Bible"

Just as you show your ignorance of a composition fallacy.
Rev. Wright, Farrakhan Rail Against Jews and the U.S. at Rally

Wright ole buddy ole pal, Jesus was a Jew.
And the Bible says,"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee."
Good way of denying yourself and your congregation blessings from God by being anti Semitic

I also have no use for either of the two speakers, but

I also know that the bible might say that, but God did not, and also ,

how do the Zionist in Israel get away with their anti-Semitism against the orthodox jews. Hypocrites.

Its a real shame the Hebrews never edited and proofed the bible before they wrote it, as only humans can make the errors they did .
Rev. Wright, Farrakhan Rail Against Jews and the U.S. at Rally

Wright ole buddy ole pal, Jesus was a Jew.
And the Bible says,"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee."
Good way of denying yourself and your congregation blessings from God by being anti Semitic

Hi Mr. Weaver,

Actually what you cited is from the Old Testament...according to the New Testament the Jews don't even have God because they deny Jesus...

"(22)Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (23)Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." 1 John 2:22-23

The Jews are NOT "Israel" anymore...:

"...For it is not everybody who is a descendant of Jacob (Israel) who belongs to [the true] Israel." Romans 9:6, Amplified Bible

The true Israel is Christ and those who believe in him:

"(16)Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ...(28)There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. (29)And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Gal. 3:16-29

Peace and may God Bless you. :)
Last edited:
Rev. Wright, Farrakhan Rail Against Jews and the U.S. at Rally

Wright ole buddy ole pal, Jesus was a Jew.
And the Bible says,"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee."
Good way of denying yourself and your congregation blessings from God by being anti Semitic

I also have no use for either of the two speakers, but

I also know that the bible might say that, but God did not, and also ,

how do the Zionist in Israel get away with their anti-Semitism against the orthodox jews. Hypocrites.

Its a real shame the Hebrews never edited and proofed the bible before they wrote it, as only humans can make the errors they did .
Rev. Wright, Farrakhan Rail Against Jews and the U.S. at Rally

Wright ole buddy ole pal, Jesus was a Jew.
And the Bible says,"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee."
Good way of denying yourself and your congregation blessings from God by being anti Semitic

I also have no use for either of the two speakers, but

I also know that the bible might say that, but God did not, and also ,

rosie note----the above poster (penny) claims to be a health care worker
and also claim that a "god" talks to her

how do the Zionist in Israel get away with their anti-Semitism against the orthodox jews. Hypocrites.

rosie note-----the above poster has no idea what "orthodox jew" means----has never been to Israel and has certainly never witnessed the abuse of an orthodox
jew by an Israeli. Most orthodox jews ARE Zionists -----a fact that her
catechism whore denied

Its a real shame the Hebrews never edited and proofed the bible before they wrote it, as only humans can make the errors they did .

rose note-----the slut goes from merely stupid to slobbering imbecility----

IDIOT QUOTATION OF THE YEAR >>>""Its a real shame the Hebrews never edited and proofed the bible before they wrote it""",

the moron (self proclaimed health care worker) seems to imagine
that a book can be edited and proofed BEFORE it is written
Rev. Wright, Farrakhan Rail Against Jews and the U.S. at Rally

Wright ole buddy ole pal, Jesus was a Jew.
And the Bible says,"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee."
Good way of denying yourself and your congregation blessings from God by being anti Semitic

I also have no use for either of the two speakers, but

I also know that the bible might say that, but God did not, and also ,

rosie note----the above poster (penny) claims to be a health care worker
and also claim that a "god" talks to her

how do the Zionist in Israel get away with their anti-Semitism against the orthodox jews. Hypocrites.

rosie note-----the above poster has no idea what "orthodox jew" means----has never been to Israel and has certainly never witnessed the abuse of an orthodox
jew by an Israeli. Most orthodox jews ARE Zionists -----a fact that her
catechism whore denied

Its a real shame the Hebrews never edited and proofed the bible before they wrote it, as only humans can make the errors they did .

rose note-----the slut goes from merely stupid to slobbering imbecility----

IDIOT QUOTATION OF THE YEAR >>>""Its a real shame the Hebrews never edited and proofed the bible before they wrote it""",

the moron (self proclaimed health care worker) seems to imagine
that a book can be edited and proofed BEFORE it is written

No a book gets edited before print. Now imagine, God making light and dark and divided the two , calling it day and night, and then in hindsight he says, oh no , need to make the sun and moon and stars , luminaries, to divide the day and night and for signs. Its a good thing as well because the trees and the grasses need the sunlight.
Rev. Wright, Farrakhan Rail Against Jews and the U.S. at Rally

Wright ole buddy ole pal, Jesus was a Jew.
And the Bible says,"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee."
Good way of denying yourself and your congregation blessings from God by being anti Semitic

I also have no use for either of the two speakers, but

I also know that the bible might say that, but God did not, and also ,

rosie note----the above poster (penny) claims to be a health care worker
and also claim that a "god" talks to her

how do the Zionist in Israel get away with their anti-Semitism against the orthodox jews. Hypocrites.

rosie note-----the above poster has no idea what "orthodox jew" means----has never been to Israel and has certainly never witnessed the abuse of an orthodox
jew by an Israeli. Most orthodox jews ARE Zionists -----a fact that her
catechism whore denied

Its a real shame the Hebrews never edited and proofed the bible before they wrote it, as only humans can make the errors they did .

rose note-----the slut goes from merely stupid to slobbering imbecility----

IDIOT QUOTATION OF THE YEAR >>>""Its a real shame the Hebrews never edited and proofed the bible before they wrote it""",

the moron (self proclaimed health care worker) seems to imagine
that a book can be edited and proofed BEFORE it is written

No a book gets edited before print. Now imagine, God making light and dark and divided the two , calling it day and night, and then in hindsight he says, oh no , need to make the sun and moon and stars , luminaries, to divide the day and night and for signs. Its a good thing as well because the trees and the grasses need the sunlight.

PRINT???? how long in history did the catechism whore tell you that
the printing press has existed?. Do you know the term "concrete thinking"---
it is a sign----characterisitic of psychosis-----but also associated with extreme
lack of intellect
Rev. Wright, Farrakhan Rail Against Jews and the U.S. at Rally

Wright ole buddy ole pal, Jesus was a Jew.
And the Bible says,"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee."
Good way of denying yourself and your congregation blessings from God by being anti Semitic

Hi Mr. Weaver,

Actually what you cited is from the Old Testament...according to the New Testament the Jews don't even have God because they deny Jesus...

"(22)Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (23)Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." 1 John 2:22-23

The Jews are NOT "Israel" anymore...:

"...For it is not everybody who is a descendant of Jacob (Israel) who belongs to [the true] Israel." Romans 9:6, Amplified Bible

The true Israel is Christ and those who believe in him:

"(16)Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ...(28)There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. (29)And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."

Peace and may God Bless you. :)

So if the Jews are not part of God's plan, why was the 1948 formation of the State of Israel one of the most remarkable fulfillment's of Bible prophecy in the Bible

you've taken some scriptures and put your own private interpretation on them, and in some incomprehensible effort even to me that God is going to cast the Jews off.

The only thing I can deduce from your weak interpretation is that you're just as anti-Semitic as Farakan and Wright.

You never really dealt with, "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them, that curse thee." As a Mormon I'm a staunch defender of Israel, you...not so much. Now which one of us is on the Lord's side of the line
Rev. Wright, Farrakhan Rail Against Jews and the U.S. at Rally

Wright ole buddy ole pal, Jesus was a Jew.
And the Bible says,"I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee."
Good way of denying yourself and your congregation blessings from God by being anti Semitic

Hi Mr. Weaver,

Actually what you cited is from the Old Testament...according to the New Testament the Jews don't even have God because they deny Jesus...

"(22)Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (23)Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." 1 John 2:22-23

The Jews are NOT "Israel" anymore...:

"...For it is not everybody who is a descendant of Jacob (Israel) who belongs to [the true] Israel." Romans 9:6, Amplified Bible

The true Israel is Christ and those who believe in him:

"(16)Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ...(28)There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. (29)And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."

Peace and may God Bless you. :)

So if the Jews are not part of God's plan, why was the 1948 formation of the State of Israel one of the most remarkable fulfillment's of Bible prophecy in the Bible

you've taken some scriptures and put your own private interpretation on them, and in some incomprehensible effort even to me that God is going to cast the Jews off.

The only thing I can deduce from your weak interpretation is that you're just as anti-Semitic as Farakan and Wright.

You never really dealt with, "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them, that curse thee." As a Mormon I'm a staunch defender of Israel, you...not so much. Now which one of us is on the Lord's side of the line

you never heard of the "replacement theology" ??------it is the ideology the first reich used to throw jews to the lions and second reich used to toss jews into bonfires in the AUTO DE FE times For the third reich -------they used some other justifications

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