Wroberson, An Introduction


VIP Member
Sep 13, 2012
Soon to be the negative rep points leader.
Wasting bandwidth since 1985.

I'm in the 1%. 99% of the people have more money than I do. Yes. I work. 3 days a week. I deliver Chicken and Waffles. I get paid to sit at home and wait for the phone to ring. Sometimes it does and I make a little more. This is by choice. I could easily find a pizza delivery job. I like working only 3 days a week. This gives me 4 days for myself.

I am in this position by choice. I quit my last job so I could drive my mom to radiation everyday for nearly 2 months. My sister did the chemo runs. Then there was the 5 mini strokes. My mom is better. She was well enough to tell me I could go back to work. 2 weeks later I was back at work.

The last decade has been a strange trip.

In 2003 I was arrested after running a stop sign delivering a pizza. Why the cops were parked near that intersection is beyond me. 30 days later when I was released, I found out that I was being held on a warrant. Not a warrant for me, but it was a warrant for Wroberson. I won $40,000.00.

My lawyer said they were retaliating against me. I don't know if it was retaliation for suing a local cop after he went to my employer and told him I was irate during a traffic stop and change the employer/employee relationship for ever, or if it was for the 12 tirade and verbal assault on the police station that night in 2003.

It wasn't my fault. The police had enough information to issue the ticket, but chose to stuff me into the back of an illegal police car. The leg wells and back seat had been covered up by a 4x8 OSB that was cut to fit. Sitting was impossible. The only way to transport a human in the car was face down. So, I spoke up.

The Cook County Detention Center was no charming palace either. The medical attention was horrific. It was so bad, that me and another inmate were asked to change someone's diaper. The poor guy was missing 40% of his skull and could barely feed himself. We did the best we could.

Then April 14, 2010, I was saved. Asteroid 2012 GA6 was near close approach. A Volcano in Iceland erupted, and a fireball was videotaped streaking over the Midwest from Nebraska to Wisconsin on a NNE trajectory. This all happened within minutes of each other. The next morning I reported the 3 separate events to WGN Radio.

I spent the next 2 years learning about certain aspects related to these three things. The best physical evidence for impact I found is that meteors contain iridium and that volcanoes vent iridium gas. On the quantum side of the equation I found that a single photon can be in 2 places at the same time. This is also a physical fact. Elsewhere in the quantum equation is immortality those this is someone one can only prove to themselves.

In the end I came to two conclusions. That the fireball came from the volcano, and that an asteroid impact of such devastation is beyond the human's range of observation. I certainly wish this not to be the case. I would like to believe that Earth and it's weak gravitational force is physically capable of launching an asteroid to Jupiter.

In retrospect, I've had a great life. I'm a generally happy person. I seek out things that make me happy. My convertible. My 125 gallon fish tank, my vacations. I've grow my own weed. I've had lots of sex and companionship. I don't have any kids, and I don't think I would want it any other way. I will die a happy man

And then there's the superfund site...
I guess it is TMI. I don't like being tagged with an alias just in case I find myself in court. Google comes up clean. So, there's another thing I have going my my. God forbid I end up in court hear the jester say, Wroberson, a.k.a. FQ69...

I can be fun, thanks.

I was going to go this route....

I have a 125 Gallon Fish Tank. It has Old Tank Syndrome. I've been cleaning it up the last 3 weeks and making progress, but the files are too large.

I do have a link though that tells the whole story and I'll get that up when I have 15 posts.

I'll be posting a video after Noon....
Welcome to USMB, Wroberson. Hope you enjoy the boards.

Hope your mom continues to be well thanks to your attention to her elder problems, and best wishes in all else.
You should at least be a break from our usual posters

I like your intro! I get tired of reading that same old stuff all the time, which is what my introduction was like :( oh well lol.
I like happy people.
Lower stress.
Don't let little things get in the way.

When you have so little for so long, you tend to adjust.
There's cash bonanza in the fridge. Keep it half empty.
Camping above the wilderness Boundary is free for 14 days.
Vegas Specific sites will have the lowest prices for Vegas. (comps help too)
Yellowstone requires 9-12 months advance purchase. Get the package deal.
I've been out there. Just hanging out in my mom's basement.

There's only a few things I can actually share that can be helpful.
The links will have to wait.

Budget. Do the math and figure out how much you need per month.
List them from important to least important. Find ways to save money.
It's the same thing we complain about the government. Cut the spending.

My list:
Credit Cards

Rent and mortgage is difficult to save. Moving can cost more than staying put.
25 per month extra on the car payment will pay it off sooner and free up an easy 250 per month.
Insurance pay in full. Do not make monthly payment using credit cards. 2x in interest. There's a good $3.00 a month.
Electricity. There's a house full of eyes. Even the toaster have a clock. Get those things turned off.
Gas. Mostly winter expense. Using the grill can actually be cheaper. As for the car. buying it daily seems to get me more mpg and keeps more money in the bank.
Pay off the credit cards fast. Don't spend your cash and credit at the same time. It's one or the other. Lay-a-way for Christmas. Pay cash and don't use the credit.
Every house has spoiled food in the fridge and can goods that are both out of date and in good supply. Cutting the food bill in half is a solid $125 per month.
We all need to have fun and some entertainment is more expensive than others. If you use redbox, don't allow late fees. Drinking at home will save money, but that's not fun. Recreational things, to each his or her own.

I only bring this bad news up because these days a lot of people are running short.
We want the best for our family and the kids are better off not worrying.
It's hard when you have a lot and you don't want anyone to feel slighted.
Getting that monthly figure is important.

I expect to have my fish tank link up soon, but just in case. Petco is having a $1.00 per gallon sale. Bigger is better, cleaner and easier to manage. It can cost $1000.00 to keep a $3.00 fish alive and well. Filters, media, test kits, heater(s), gravel, plants. Things are cheaper online, you just have to look around.

I have a couple of science and basic preparedness links, that will have to wait.

Thanks again.
Finally hit the 15 post mark and can share my links.

My 125 Gallon Aquarium Thread at Aquarium Advice:

Wroberson's 125 Gallon Tank - Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community

Links you should have on your homepage: Be prepared!

Doppler Radar National Mosaic - NOAA's National Weather Service
SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids
NEO Earth Close Approaches

About Spaceweather:
Here you can check and see if a CME is about to strike Earth to avoid sunburn and shelter yourself from harmful rays.

About N.E.O.:
It's so cool to see an asteroid at close approach and then witness a fireball.

Pseudo Science:
You can also see the Double CME impact and Double Asteroids here that may have played a role in the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami at spaceweather. Just load March 7, 2011 into the time machine. I'm not using time machine lightly, you will be 8 minutes ahead of so many who walk around unaware and unknowing.

Old Faithful Live Video Feed:
Yellowstone Geyser Live!

Next Eruption:
Yellowstone Webcams - Yellowstone National Park

I'm not really into the doomsday scenarios thing. Live has been here for so long I expect it to be around forever.
Soon to be the negative rep points leader.
Wasting bandwidth since 1985.

I'm in the 1%. 99% of the people have more money than I do. Yes. I work. 3 days a week. I deliver Chicken and Waffles. I get paid to sit at home and wait for the phone to ring. Sometimes it does and I make a little more. This is by choice. I could easily find a pizza delivery job. I like working only 3 days a week. This gives me 4 days for myself.

I am in this position by choice. I quit my last job so I could drive my mom to radiation everyday for nearly 2 months. My sister did the chemo runs. Then there was the 5 mini strokes. My mom is better. She was well enough to tell me I could go back to work. 2 weeks later I was back at work.

The last decade has been a strange trip.

In 2003 I was arrested after running a stop sign delivering a pizza. Why the cops were parked near that intersection is beyond me. 30 days later when I was released, I found out that I was being held on a warrant. Not a warrant for me, but it was a warrant for Wroberson. I won $40,000.00.

My lawyer said they were retaliating against me. I don't know if it was retaliation for suing a local cop after he went to my employer and told him I was irate during a traffic stop and change the employer/employee relationship for ever, or if it was for the 12 tirade and verbal assault on the police station that night in 2003.

It wasn't my fault. The police had enough information to issue the ticket, but chose to stuff me into the back of an illegal police car. The leg wells and back seat had been covered up by a 4x8 OSB that was cut to fit. Sitting was impossible. The only way to transport a human in the car was face down. So, I spoke up.

The Cook County Detention Center was no charming palace either. The medical attention was horrific. It was so bad, that me and another inmate were asked to change someone's diaper. The poor guy was missing 40% of his skull and could barely feed himself. We did the best we could.

Then April 14, 2010, I was saved. Asteroid 2012 GA6 was near close approach. A Volcano in Iceland erupted, and a fireball was videotaped streaking over the Midwest from Nebraska to Wisconsin on a NNE trajectory. This all happened within minutes of each other. The next morning I reported the 3 separate events to WGN Radio.

I spent the next 2 years learning about certain aspects related to these three things. The best physical evidence for impact I found is that meteors contain iridium and that volcanoes vent iridium gas. On the quantum side of the equation I found that a single photon can be in 2 places at the same time. This is also a physical fact. Elsewhere in the quantum equation is immortality those this is someone one can only prove to themselves.

In the end I came to two conclusions. That the fireball came from the volcano, and that an asteroid impact of such devastation is beyond the human's range of observation. I certainly wish this not to be the case. I would like to believe that Earth and it's weak gravitational force is physically capable of launching an asteroid to Jupiter.

In retrospect, I've had a great life. I'm a generally happy person. I seek out things that make me happy. My convertible. My 125 gallon fish tank, my vacations. I've grow my own weed. I've had lots of sex and companionship. I don't have any kids, and I don't think I would want it any other way. I will die a happy man

And then there's the superfund site...

never mind. i was just doing the math.

good luck on your negative points quest. let me know when you get there because i cannot see who has what since i asked to be taken off the system. how many do you have now?
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4. But I've already been called the stupidest person on the boards for my defense of America against the subversiveness of staunch patriots who believe with such conviction that the place is going to Hell in a hand basket.
Yeah they cant make up their minds wether we are the greatest or we are crumbing into a heap.
4. But I've already been called the stupidest person on the boards for my defense of America against the subversiveness of staunch patriots who believe with such conviction that the place is going to Hell in a hand basket.

Criticizing the President is not seditious. It may be in Cuba or Venezuela, but so far, we are allowed to voice displeasure with our elected leaders.
Soon to be the negative rep points leader.
Wasting bandwidth since 1985.

I'm in the 1%. 99% of the people have more money than I do. Yes. I work. 3 days a week. I deliver Chicken and Waffles. I get paid to sit at home and wait for the phone to ring. Sometimes it does and I make a little more. This is by choice. I could easily find a pizza delivery job. I like working only 3 days a week. This gives me 4 days for myself.

I am in this position by choice. I quit my last job so I could drive my mom to radiation everyday for nearly 2 months. My sister did the chemo runs. Then there was the 5 mini strokes. My mom is better. She was well enough to tell me I could go back to work. 2 weeks later I was back at work.

The last decade has been a strange trip.

In 2003 I was arrested after running a stop sign delivering a pizza. Why the cops were parked near that intersection is beyond me. 30 days later when I was released, I found out that I was being held on a warrant. Not a warrant for me, but it was a warrant for Wroberson. I won $40,000.00.

My lawyer said they were retaliating against me. I don't know if it was retaliation for suing a local cop after he went to my employer and told him I was irate during a traffic stop and change the employer/employee relationship for ever, or if it was for the 12 tirade and verbal assault on the police station that night in 2003.

It wasn't my fault. The police had enough information to issue the ticket, but chose to stuff me into the back of an illegal police car. The leg wells and back seat had been covered up by a 4x8 OSB that was cut to fit. Sitting was impossible. The only way to transport a human in the car was face down. So, I spoke up.

The Cook County Detention Center was no charming palace either. The medical attention was horrific. It was so bad, that me and another inmate were asked to change someone's diaper. The poor guy was missing 40% of his skull and could barely feed himself. We did the best we could.

Then April 14, 2010, I was saved. Asteroid 2012 GA6 was near close approach. A Volcano in Iceland erupted, and a fireball was videotaped streaking over the Midwest from Nebraska to Wisconsin on a NNE trajectory. This all happened within minutes of each other. The next morning I reported the 3 separate events to WGN Radio.

I spent the next 2 years learning about certain aspects related to these three things. The best physical evidence for impact I found is that meteors contain iridium and that volcanoes vent iridium gas. On the quantum side of the equation I found that a single photon can be in 2 places at the same time. This is also a physical fact. Elsewhere in the quantum equation is immortality those this is someone one can only prove to themselves.

In the end I came to two conclusions. That the fireball came from the volcano, and that an asteroid impact of such devastation is beyond the human's range of observation. I certainly wish this not to be the case. I would like to believe that Earth and it's weak gravitational force is physically capable of launching an asteroid to Jupiter.

In retrospect, I've had a great life. I'm a generally happy person. I seek out things that make me happy. My convertible. My 125 gallon fish tank, my vacations. I've grow my own weed. I've had lots of sex and companionship. I don't have any kids, and I don't think I would want it any other way. I will die a happy man

And then there's the superfund site...

Really like the creative writing.

Wish I could help with your quest, but I don't use the neg function.

Looking forward to your future posts.
The Sedition Act goes back to at least 1912 when the Act used used against the challenger when he was talking trash about the incumbent. My point is, we can talk bad about our country because our enemies will use this information against us. I really mean that. Few people get so upset they attack their own people. I'm kind of hypocritical too. I still talk bad about congress. However, the VP is not as protected and fair game.

Another decent link: Need a house but can't get the loan? Pay cash, or your credit card.
Yes I won a property in Kansas. Only 8 buck a year in tax.


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