WSJ: Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting at Furious Rate, New Study Shows

Irrelevant, as usual.
Crusader Frank running from his 'lab work' position like the Saracens are after him, as usual. He has no problems with the 'scientific consensus' on black holes even though no lab work has been done on them.

He knows Salah Eh Din will have his balls.
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Crusader Frank running from his 'lab work' position like the Saracens are after him, as usual. He has no problems with the 'scientific consensus' on black holes even though no lab work has been done on them.

He knows Salah Eh Din will have his balls.

The "theory " states that increasing CO2 from 280 to 400PPM "raises temperatures".

I ask "by how much?"

You answer, "Squirrel!"
Silly ass, we were at that level in the Pliocene.
And then we entered the ice age, dummy. Thank you for proving CO2 does not drive climate change.

transition to icehouse.png
Crusader Frank running from his 'lab work' position like the Saracens are after him, as usual. He has no problems with the 'scientific consensus' on black holes even though no lab work has been done on them.

He knows Salah Eh Din will have his balls.
If more greenhouse gas leads to increasing temperatures then why is it the planet was 2C warmer with less CO2?

Answer: Because CO2 does not drive climate change.
If more greenhouse gas leads to increasing temperatures then why is it the planet was 2C warmer with less CO2?

Answer: Because CO2 does not drive climate change.

You mean the Vostok Ice cores showing CO2 lagging temperature by 1,000 years over a 450,000 year period are deniers?
Show us the lab work that informs black hole calculations.

Why is it so darn hard to control for 280 vs 400PPM CO2 atmosphere? If there was any lab working showing any increase whatsoever, that's all we'd hear 24/7/365. I think the lab is cruel to your stupid, failed, "theory" Why is it easier to create a black hole than to test for the (nonexistent) temperature difference from small changes in an atmospheric trace element?

Detection of mini black holes at the LHC could indicate parallel universes in extra dimensions
Crusader Frank running from his 'lab work' position like the Saracens are after him, as usual. He has no problems with the 'scientific consensus' on black holes even though no lab work has been done on them.

He knows Salah Eh Din will have his balls.
He and ding-dong are full of fallacious replies and non sequiturs.
He's also a Kweationist who wants a video to prove evolution.

Again, that's a non sequitur.
After 4 or 5 attempts and having it explained, it's a raging Lie/deception.

Because man has raised CO2 so rapidly in the last century/half century, the earth is 'still in the oven', still in the process of warming/reaching it's Equilibrium temp for 400 PPM.
Given a decent amount of time as natural forces do in most climatic change, we Will indeed have higher Temps.

You lose #438.

You're a Drone and this is a Debunked issue.

Two questions -

So what will the earth's temp be with 2,400ppm co2?

Why do alarmists ignore climate history over millions of years?
Two questions -

So what will the earth's temp be with 2,400ppm co2?
If were just for one day/tomorrow, probably nothing.
But one can safely say MUCH, MUCH Hotter over time.
Even if left at 400 PPM we will still be warming/catching up as it take the oceans, etc time to absorb the full heat trapped by the GHG blanket.
  • 1,000-2,000 ppm: level associated with complaints of drowsiness and poor air
  • 2,000-5,000 ppm: level associated with headaches, sleepiness, and stagnant, stale, stuffy air; poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate and slight nausea may also be present.
  • >5,000 ppm: This indicates unusual air conditions where high levels of other gases also could be present. Toxicity or oxygen deprivation could occur. This is the permissible exposure limit for daily workplace exposures.

Why do alarmists ignore climate history over millions of years?
Alarmist is your Stupid word.
As to climate history over any prolonged period.. I absolutely use it: Deniers like you do NOT.
CO2 and Temp are Lockstep:
Here ya go:

co2 temperature - Google Search

You Clown.

If were just for one day/tomorrow, probably nothing.
But one can safely say MUCH, MUCH Hotter over time.
Even if left at 400 PPM we will still be warming/catching up as it take the oceans, etc time to absorb the full heat trapped by the GHG blanket.
  • 1,000-2,000 ppm: level associated with complaints of drowsiness and poor air
  • 2,000-5,000 ppm: level associated with headaches, sleepiness, and stagnant, stale, stuffy air; poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate and slight nausea may also be present.
  • >5,000 ppm: This indicates unusual air conditions where high levels of other gases also could be present. Toxicity or oxygen deprivation could occur. This is the permissible exposure limit for daily workplace exposures.

Alarmist is your Stupid word.
As to climate history over any prolonged period.. I absolutely use it: Deniers like you do NOT.
CO2 and Temp are Lockstep:
Here ya go:

co2 temperature - Google Search

You Clown.

If you take climate history into account, and if you took the time to study climate/geological history, then you will understand how organisms contributed to co2 and how rock erosion contributed too.

You will also understand that temperatures at 2,400ppm was 4c higher than today, so plant life thrived. You would further understand that 440ppm co2 is a bit of a drought. You would also understand that glacial activity took place withing this 2,400ppm co2.

You will also understand the catamalistic event that separated Britain from France.

You will also understand how the earth has been free from ice in the past and how high sea levels have been. If you continue to live within 200 metres of sea level from today, you will continue twine about rising sea level until all ice has melted.

The speed at which co2 increases and the speed ice melts is irrelevant, unless you're an alarmist. Mankind, like every organism in the earth's history, creates co2. Always has, always will. You need to live with that and adapt. To think you can reverse climate to what you're used to, that's the mental illness bit.
If you take climate history into account, and if you took the time to study climate/geological history, then you will understand how organisms contributed to co2 and how rock erosion contributed too.

You will also understand that temperatures at 2,400ppm was 4c higher than today, so plant life thrived. You would further understand that 440ppm co2 is a bit of a drought. You would also understand that glacial activity took place withing this 2,400ppm co2.

You will also understand the catamalistic event that separated Britain from France.

You will also understand how the earth has been free from ice in the past and how high sea levels have been. If you continue to live within 200 metres of sea level from today, you will continue twine about rising sea level until all ice has melted.

The speed at which co2 increases and the speed ice melts is irrelevant, unless you're an alarmist. Mankind, like every organism in the earth's history, creates co2. Always has, always will. You need to live with that and adapt. To think you can reverse climate to what you're used to, that's the mental illness bit.
I have no doubt plant life would do OK.
(And throw in sea level at 2400 PPM too). There goes our coasts and half the population.)

You got KILLED by my Linked FACTS/ and Climate "History" (CO2/Temp) you Raging Loudmouth DOPE.

Meanwhile, during all this so called "melting,"

there is precisely no ocean rise....

Is sea level rising?

Yes, sea level is rising at an increasing rate

"..Global sea level has been rising over the past century, and the rate has increased in recent decades.
In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year.

Higher sea levels mean that deadly and destructive storm surges push farther inland than they once did, which also means more frequent nuisance flooding. Disruptive and expensive, nuisance flooding is estimated to be from 300% to 900% more frequent within U.S. coastal communities than it was just 50 years ago.

The two major causes of global sea level rise are thermal expansion caused by warming of the ocean (since water expands as it warms) and increased melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers and ice sheets. The ocean is absorbing more than 90% of the increased atmospheric heat associated with emissions from human activity.

With continued ocean and atmospheric warming, sea levels will likely rise for many centuries at rates higher than that of the current century....."

Is sea level rising?

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I have no doubt plant life would do OK.
(And throw in sea level at 2400 PPM too). There goes our coasts and half the population.)

You got KILLED by my Linked FACTS/ and Climate "History" (CO2/Temp) you Raging Loudmouth DOPE.

Well, according to your little chart, the thriving dinosaurs apparently wandered about with headaches. I wonder if future generations can unlock the dinosaurs secrets on how to live in such tragic air conditions.

Unfortunately for your frightened days, co2 and sea level will continue to rise. Also, the climate that the earth has displayed in the past, will continue today and into the future, and being "alarmed" at this, simply show's how stupid alarmists are.

I suggest you carry paracetamol tablets and Wellington boots.
With this "furious" ice melting "gripping" the nation, "tearing" the fabric of societies apart, I have a suggestion. Don't live close to sea level. Start to make plans and move. I suggest moving uphill.

You won't believe this, honestly you won't, when sea levels were 200 metres higher millions of years ago, animal and planet life lived on ground above this. Anything below sea level couldn't hold it's breath long enough and perished. No need to thank me for this investigative work, if alarmists require any more life saving tips, just ask. It's a tricky subject, and us deniers are happy to save you.

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