WSJ: Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting at Furious Rate, New Study Shows

Is sea level rising?

Yes, sea level is rising at an increasing rate

"..Global sea level has been rising over the past century, and the rate has increased in recent decades.
In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year.

Higher sea levels mean that deadly and destructive storm surges push farther inland than they once did, which also means more frequent nuisance flooding. Disruptive and expensive, nuisance flooding is estimated to be from 300% to 900% more frequent within U.S. coastal communities than it was just 50 years ago.

The two major causes of global sea level rise are thermal expansion caused by warming of the ocean (since water expands as it warms) and increased melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers and ice sheets. The ocean is absorbing more than 90% of the increased atmospheric heat associated with emissions from human activity.

With continued ocean and atmospheric warming, sea levels will likely rise for many centuries at rates higher than that of the current century....."

Is sea level rising?


Must be why Obama and Pelosi bought oceanfront mansions
scientists know eveythang don't they. Just ax them.
Robots Carefully Assembled at a Student Assembly

Unpaid education demoralizes students, so they have no respect for themselves or their own minds. Being slaves with professor overseers, they blindly accept everything they are lectured about, so they graduate with no ability to think for themselves. PhDs go through even more of this creativity-shrinking. run along and tell someone it's just a flu. Goddamn, you people don't even know what is coming out of your own mouths next do ya?

Lol....some never learned the old adage, "Opinions are like assholes...."

100 million Americans think the Covidians are mental cases. They are never rolling up their sleeves. It's the only thing that matters moving forward. The Covidians can go scratch and take bows as they sprint off for 37 booster shots. We are all real proud of ya!!! :clap::clap:
The oceans act as a huge inertial block. The energy is going into the water and will take a long, in human terms, time to come to equilibrium. And, by the same token, even if we start lowering the amount of GHG's, the oceans are going to make the cooling period take a lot longer.

Have you ever heard of a country called China?
If were just for one day/tomorrow, probably nothing.
But one can safely say MUCH, MUCH Hotter over time.
Even if left at 400 PPM we will still be warming/catching up as it take the oceans, etc time to absorb the full heat trapped by the GHG blanket.
  • 1,000-2,000 ppm: level associated with complaints of drowsiness and poor air
  • 2,000-5,000 ppm: level associated with headaches, sleepiness, and stagnant, stale, stuffy air; poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate and slight nausea may also be present.
  • >5,000 ppm: This indicates unusual air conditions where high levels of other gases also could be present. Toxicity or oxygen deprivation could occur. This is the permissible exposure limit for daily workplace exposures.

Alarmist is your Stupid word.
As to climate history over any prolonged period.. I absolutely use it: Deniers like you do NOT.
CO2 and Temp are Lockstep:
Here ya go:

co2 temperature - Google Search

You Clown.

For the First Time in History, a Plague Like the Spanish Influenza Never Came Back

Natural air, which the decadent enemies of human progress call "Clean Air," is the most toxic of all atmospheres humans have experienced. Green Air is a healthy habitat only for certain deadly viruses, which auto emissions wipe out at a far greater rate than at what concentrations superstitious Warmalarmies claim they will wipe us out.
If you take climate history into account, and if you took the time to study climate/geological history, then you will understand how organisms contributed to co2 and how rock erosion contributed too.

You will also understand that temperatures at 2,400ppm was 4c higher than today, so plant life thrived. You would further understand that 440ppm co2 is a bit of a drought. You would also understand that glacial activity took place withing this 2,400ppm co2.

You will also understand the catamalistic event that separated Britain from France.

You will also understand how the earth has been free from ice in the past and how high sea levels have been. If you continue to live within 200 metres of sea level from today, you will continue twine about rising sea level until all ice has melted.

The speed at which co2 increases and the speed ice melts is irrelevant, unless you're an alarmist. Mankind, like every organism in the earth's history, creates co2. Always has, always will. You need to live with that and adapt. To think you can reverse climate to what you're used to, that's the mental illness bit.
I have no doubt plant life would do OK.
(And throw in sea level at 2400 PPM too). There goes our coasts and half the population.)

You got KILLED by my Linked FACTS/ and Climate "History" (CO2/Temp) you Raging Loudmouth DOPE.
- - -- - -

And we've got new NO TOPICAL CONTENT wacky RW Troll. (USMB #2,687,401)
The Sage of Main street.
Probably another Ignore candidate. Give it a few days/posts.

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I have no doubt plant life would do OK.
(And throw in sea level at 2400 PPM too). There goes our coasts and half the population.)

You got KILLED by my Linked FACTS/ and Climate "History" (CO2/Temp) you Raging Loudmouth DOPE.
- - -- - -

And we've got new NO TOPICAL CONTENT wacky RW Troll. (USMB #2,687,401)
The Sage of Main street.
Probably another Ignore candidate. Give it a few days/posts.

You won't lose half the population, you dipstick. Unless sea level goes, ping, 200 metres higher in a flash, houses and so on move further in land over time. And guess what Einstein, future generations will move closer to the coast when levels drop.

Please explain why two prominent American politicians moved to the sea front? They don't seem to hold the same panic feelings as you do.
You won't lose half the population, you dipstick. Unless sea level goes, ping, 200 metres higher in a flash, houses and so on move further in land over time. And guess what Einstein, future generations will move closer to the coast when levels drop.

Please explain why two prominent American politicians moved to the sea front? They don't seem to hold the same panic feelings as you do.
You, alas are an ldiot. Stoned Henge.
About stupidest posts I've ever seen, and I destroyed the last two.
as to this one, a non sequitur, no on is suggesting sea level (that I showed was app 1/8" a year but accelerating) is going to inundate any 50 or 60 year old.
However effects are already being felt up and down the East and Gulf coasts as well as alot more of the planet.

Insurance rates in coastal areas are up huge.
Geico will no longer sell Home Insurance in the state of Florida. (smart)
ie, Miami regularly floods without any bad weather, just tides.
etc, etc, etc, x 1000

Now **** off you low IQ moron.
And mine. Burning fossil fuels is what has created a warming planet. As far as volcanoes go, they are not very good at melting ice. Look at the number of volcanoes covered in ice in Iceland. And then there is the glacier growing inside Mt. St. Helens, cheek and jowl with a hot lava dome.

View attachment 579209

But why is it you people never want to acknowledge China? As if they didn't exist. That's why nobody takes you people seriously. You always leave out the most material information in any discussion. That's kinda ghey.

So China just this week opened up a mega-coal plant....on top of the 2-3 they will be opening between now and every month out to 2030! Fact.

But why is that conveniently ignored by you people?
You, alas are an ldiot. Stoned Henge.
About stupidest posts I've ever seen, and I destroyed the last two.
as to this one, a non sequitur, no on is suggesting sea level (that I showed was app 1/8" a year but accelerating) is going to inundate any 50 or 60 year old.
However effects are already being felt up and down the East and Gulf coasts as well as alot more of the planet.

Insurance rates in coastal areas are up huge.
Geico will no longer sell Home Insurance in the state of Florida. (smart)
ie, Miami regularly floods without any bad weather, just tides.
etc, etc, etc, x 1000

Now **** off you low IQ moron.
Well forum bell end, you are chopping and changing all over the place, thinking it's "destroying" people's argument. Now the dilemma is insurance quotes.

Can you not get a carer again, you are one utter dumbfuck unsupervised.

Mammals and reptiles more than managed in co2 levels of 2,400ppm and greater. They adapt, it doesn't suddenly jump to those levels overnight, you utter fucking mong.

And you still can't explain why the likes of Obama moved to the seafront, despite the climate rhetoric when he was in office. And you've jumped onto the climate band wagon cos you're a thick mong.
Well forum bell end, you are chopping and changing all over the place, thinking it's "destroying" people's argument. Now the dilemma is insurance quotes.

Can you not get a carer again, you are one utter dumbfuck unsupervised.

Mammals and reptiles more than managed in co2 levels of 2,400ppm and greater. They adapt, it doesn't suddenly jump to those levels overnight, you utter fucking mong.

And you still can't explain why the likes of Obama moved to the seafront, despite the climate rhetoric when he was in office. And you've jumped onto the climate band wagon cos you're a thick mong.
7 Billion humans will not be able to adjust quickly enough to rising sea levels (and 500 PPM) by the end of this century.
YOU ******* idiot.
Not only is 2400 PPM unlivable air-wise, but the accompanying warming would inundate Gigantic sections of the planet.
Even at half that number or 1/4 that number it would be disastrous for humans.

You are so ******* crazy and so ******* stupid.

7 Billion humans will not be able to adjust quickly enough to rising sea levels (and 500 PPM) by the end of this century.
YOU ******* idiot.
Not only is 2400 PPM unlivable air-wise, but the accompanying warming would inundate Gigantic sections of the planet.
Even at half that number or 1/4 that number it would be disastrous for humans.

You are so ******* crazy and so ******* stupid.

LMFAO - That has been the biggest RETARDED post I've ever read on a forum.

I wish we could live to the end of the century, just to say to you, "You fucking pillock", when the sky didn't fall.

But seriously, go and see a doctor because you have some serious issues with the kind of climate nonsense you believe in. I can now see why these alarmists super glue their faces to windows and pavements.
Where are the deadly avalanches and floods that the article mentioned?
Is your Google on the fritz again?

As typical ... the OP is just a big copy/paste of things the poster doesn't understand ... and since then all Abu has is potty talk ...

Glaciers retreating for the past 40 years only speaks to the weather ... it's perfectly normal for weather to change ... it's warmer in the afternoon than the morning typically ... and it was warmer in the 1930's than it was in the 1980's ... it was warmest 10,000 years ago, and glaciers were at their smallest then ... not now ...

I'm okay with global warming, and I'm okay with man-kind contributing to this effect ... but these are only slight amounts ... 2ºC over 100 years is a tiny tiny change ... no more change than what we'll see later this morning ...

Glaciers kill people ... we're better off without them ... where they stand now could be used for frolicking deer and tall trees instead ...

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