WSJ: Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting at Furious Rate, New Study Shows

Oh btw...still waiting to see any evidence the public is caring about the glaciers. And I threw that out there about three days ago. What's up with that?
Again... The sea level was 26 ft higher in the last interglacial and 2C warmer with 120 ppm less CO2, dummy.
We have added so much CO2 so fast we are still catching up in temp and sea level.
THAT is precisely what's so worrisome.

OF COURSE scientists have looked at this and the main reason why:
(Deniers see this as a Giant conspiracy of 10,000 130 IQ people out to get them, who never looked at the history/didn't think of what Ding did and could be refuted by one of his 10 word Non Sequiturs.)

""....The last interglacial is not a perfect scenario for the future.
Incoming solar radiation was higher than today because of differences in Earth’s position relative to the Sun.
Carbon dioxide levels were only 280 parts per million, compared with more than 410 parts per million today.​
Crucially, warming between the two poles in the last interglacial did not happen simultaneously. But under Today’s Greenhouse-gas-driven climate change, warming and ice loss are happening in both regions at the same time. This means that if climate change continues unabated, Earth’s past dramatic sea level rise could be a Small taste of what’s to Come."..."
The rest at:​

Whoops! There goes a 100x repeated Ding gotcha attempt/non sequitur.


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Again, that's a non sequitur.
After 4 or 5 attempts and having it explained, it's a raging Lie/deception.

Because man has raised CO2 so rapidly in the last century/half century, the earth is 'still in the oven', still in the process of warming/reaching it's Equilibrium temp for 400 PPM.
Given a decent amount of time as natural forces do in most climatic change, we Will indeed have higher Temps.

You lose #438.

You're a Drone and this is a Debunked issue.

You have no way to prove your bullshit claims. You are basing everything on bizarre assumptions.
We have added so much CO2 so fast we are still catching up in temp and sea level.
THAT is precisely what's so worrisome.

OF COURSE scientists have looked at this and the main reason why:
(Deniers see this as a Giant conspiracy of 10,000 130 IQ people out to get them, who never looked at the history/didn't think of what Ding did and could be refuted by one of his 0 word Non Sequiturs.)

""....The last interglacial is not a perfect scenario for the future.
Incoming solar radiation was higher than today because of differences in Earth’s position relative to the Sun.
Carbon dioxide levels were only 280 parts per million, compared with more than 410 parts per million today.​
Crucially, warming between the two poles in the last interglacial did not happen simultaneously. But under today’s greenhouse-gas-driven climate change, warming and ice loss are happening in both regions at the same time. This means that if climate change continues unabated, Earth’s past dramatic sea level rise could be a small taste of what’s to come."..."
The rest at:​

There goes a 100x repeated Dingy Ding post.


But the sea level isn't rising any faster than it was 6,000 years ago. According to you CO2 doesn't cause temperatures to rise until the oceans warm up (which totally defies the physics of the GHG effect I might add). So sea level rise should precede ambient temperature rise due to thermal expansion of water. But that hasn't happened. Sea level rise is constant not accelerating.

It's not just the last interglacial either, dummy. All of the previous interglacials were warmer with less CO2 than we have today. Thus proving CO2 did not drive the temperature.
We have added so much CO2 so fast we are still catching up in temp and sea level.
THAT is precisely what's so worrisome.

OF COURSE scientists have looked at this and the main reason why:
(Deniers see this as a Giant conspiracy of 10,000 130 IQ people out to get them, who never looked at the history/didn't think of what Ding did and could be refuted by one of his 10 word Non Sequiturs.)

""....The last interglacial is not a perfect scenario for the future.
Incoming solar radiation was higher than today because of differences in Earth’s position relative to the Sun.
Carbon dioxide levels were only 280 parts per million, compared with more than 410 parts per million today.​
Crucially, warming between the two poles in the last interglacial did not happen simultaneously. But under Today’s Greenhouse-gas-driven climate change, warming and ice loss are happening in both regions at the same time. This means that if climate change continues unabated, Earth’s past dramatic sea level rise could be a Small taste of what’s to Come."..."
The rest at:​

Whoops! There goes a 100x repeated Dingy Ding gotcha attempt/non sequitur.



Quick, $76 trillion in windmills!!!
You have no way to prove your bullshit claims. You are basing everything on bizarre assumptions.
I'm the only one posting credible links, while YOU are a PURE TROLL and 100% OFF TOPIC/amorphous.
Post ON TOPIC please.
Melting Glaciers, warming, etc.

"I don't like you" and "BS" are not debate they're frustrated and hyper-ignorant.

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Orbital effects drive transitions from glacial and interglacial cycles. Solar irradiance drives fluctuations within glacial and interglacial cycles and are influenced by changes of northern hemisphere albedo. It is the northern hemisphere which dominates the climate of the planet because the temperature of the planet is close to the threshold for extensive northern hemisphere glaciation.
You, alas are an ldiot. Stoned Henge.
About stupidest posts I've ever seen, and I destroyed the last two.
as to this one, a non sequitur, no on is suggesting sea level (that I showed was app 1/8" a year but accelerating) is going to inundate any 50 or 60 year old.
However effects are already being felt up and down the East and Gulf coasts as well as alot more of the planet.

Insurance rates in coastal areas are up huge.
Geico will no longer sell Home Insurance in the state of Florida. (smart)
ie, Miami regularly floods without any bad weather, just tides.
etc, etc, etc, x 1000

Now **** off you low IQ moron.

Hey, you Arabic-sounding shit for brains!

Homeowners insurance does NOT cover floods. If you want flood insurance, you have to buy a separate policy just for floods.
I'm the only one posting credible links, while YOU are a PURE TROLL and 100% OFF TOPIC/amorphous.
Post ON TOPIC please.
Melting Glaciers, warming, etc.

"I don't like you" and "BS" are not debate they're frustrated and hyper-ignorant.

Your data is simply made up by the experts in gullible warming.

I honestly believe the earth is warming slightly, but man has little or nothing to do with it! How much CO2 was put into the atmosphere by the current fire burning in Colorado? What about volcanic eruptions?

My best evidence that these scientists are a collection of idiots was document when the AGW morons were kvetching about a glacier melting in Antarctica. The very same day, volcanologists announced they had discovered a massive volcano underneath the Antarctica ice that was responsible for causing melting of the ice in the very same glacier that the AGW morons were blaming on global warming. The ice was warming, but not from the atmosphere, but underneath by the volcano.
You have to love the use of hyperbole from the OP. Furious. Too funny. The temperature has increased by less than a degree in a thousand years and that is causing ice to melt furiously. :rofl:
40 years of the planet is NOT "Weather" you illiterate idiot, it's climate.
Thank you ... this completely validates that we experienced global cooling between 1940 and 1980 ... a time interval where fossil fuel burning was increasing ... in fact, this interval includes both WWII and the rebuilding afterward ... a time where man most altered the Earth systems ... so, with your 40-year time interval, we have a clear counter-example to your theory ... bummer ... we only have 140 years of data, split in two for 70-year intervals is the best we can do ...

You'll have to repeat how it is you're averaging out instrumentation error ... I've not been reading your posts ... they're just insults for the most part which substitutes for knowledge at your young tender age ...
Hey, you Arabic-sounding shit for brains!
Homeowners insurance does NOT cover floods. If you want flood insurance, you have to buy a separate policy just for floods.
Your data is simply made up by the experts in gullible warming.
I honestly believe the earth is warming slightly, but man has little or nothing to do with it! How much CO2 was put into the atmosphere by the current fire burning in Colorado? What about volcanic eruptions?

My best evidence that these scientists are a collection of idiots was document when the AGW morons were kvetching about a glacier melting in Antarctica. The very same day, volcanologists announced they had discovered a massive volcano underneath the Antarctica ice that was responsible for causing melting of the ice in the very same glacier that the AGW morons were blaming on global warming. The ice was warming, but not from the atmosphere, but underneath by the volcano.
All you post is your uninformed opinion and bigotry.
NEVER backed by a link.
It might work for you in the non-science clown sections/98% of your junk.
Not here.
You gotta put some meat on the bone here dishonorably discharged ensign.
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All you post is your uninformed opinion and bigotry.
NEVER backed by a link.
It might work for you in the non-science clown sections/98% of your junk.
Not here.
You gotta put some meat on the bone here dishonorably discharged ensign.
Listen fucktard!

Every link you have provided either says the exact opposite of what you claim or was written by some kindergarteners.

I have provided links that you probably ignored because your ignorance is what gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling.

I would ask you leave my military service out of the conversation as it has nothing to do with your gullibility. I know the only time you ever served was slopping food in the retirement home where you Momma got you a job to keep you from becoming a juvenile delinquent.
All you post is your uninformed opinion and bigotry.
NEVER backed by a link.
It might work for you in the non-science clown sections/98% of your junk.
Not here.
You gotta put some meat on the bone here dishonorably discharged ensign.
dummy, Orbital effects drive transitions from glacial and interglacial cycles. Solar irradiance drives fluctuations within glacial and interglacial cycles and are influenced by changes of northern hemisphere albedo. It is the northern hemisphere which dominates the climate of the planet because the temperature of the planet is close to the threshold for extensive northern hemisphere glaciation.
dummy, Orbital effects drive transitions from glacial and interglacial cycles. Solar irradiance drives fluctuations within glacial and interglacial cycles and are influenced by changes of northern hemisphere albedo. It is the northern hemisphere which dominates the climate of the planet because the temperature of the planet is close to the threshold for extensive northern hemisphere glaciation.

Usually/Up until humans starting drastically changing the atmosphere in a short period (flooding it with GHGs that usually follow but increase warming) that's true.
But THIS time it's Not true.

I have already explained that with both Link, and the whole "How do we know humans are causing Climate change thread and it's many Links. (NASA, Yale, Columbia, etc)

Again on the first front/answer.
Again you repeat a trope/Troll/non sequiturs.

"...The last interglacial is Not a perfect scenario for the future.​
Incoming solar radiation was higher than today because of differences in Earth’s position relative to the Sun. Carbon dioxide levels were only 280 parts per million, compared with more than 410 parts per million today.
Crucially, warming between the two poles in the last interglacial did not happen simultaneously.
But under today’s greenhouse-gas-driven climate change, warming and ice loss are happening in both regions at the same time. This means that if climate change continues unabated, Earth’s past dramatic sea level rise could be a small taste of what’s to come.""​
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Usually/Up until humans starting drastically changing the atmosphere in a short period (flooding it with GHGs that usually follow but increase warming) that's true.
But THIS time it's Not true.

I have already explained that with both Link, and the whole "How do we know humans are causing Climate change thread and it's many Links. (NASA, Yale, Columbia, etc)

Again on the first front/answer.
Again you repeat a trope/Troll/non sequiturs.

"...The last interglacial is Not a perfect scenario for the future.​
Incoming solar radiation was higher than today because of differences in Earth’s position relative to the Sun. Carbon dioxide levels were only 280 parts per million, compared with more than 410 parts per million today.
Crucially, warming between the two poles in the last interglacial did not happen simultaneously.
But under today’s greenhouse-gas-driven climate change, warming and ice loss are happening in both regions at the same time. This means that if climate change continues unabated, Earth’s past dramatic sea level rise could be a small taste of what’s to come.""​
You are confusing the two. You are describing orbital forcings which trigger glacial cycles.

Fluctuations within cycles are driven by changes in solar irradiance and albedo changes of the northern hemisphere.
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Usually/Up until humans starting drastically changing the atmosphere in a short period (flooding it with GHGs that usually follow but increase warming) that's true.
But THIS time it's Not true.

I have already explained that with both Link, and the whole "How do we know humans are causing Climate change thread and it's many Links. (NASA, Yale, Columbia, etc)

Again on the first front/answer.
Again you repeat a trope/Troll/non sequiturs.

"...The last interglacial is Not a perfect scenario for the future.​
Incoming solar radiation was higher than today because of differences in Earth’s position relative to the Sun. Carbon dioxide levels were only 280 parts per million, compared with more than 410 parts per million today.
Crucially, warming between the two poles in the last interglacial did not happen simultaneously.
But under today’s greenhouse-gas-driven climate change, warming and ice loss are happening in both regions at the same time. This means that if climate change continues unabated, Earth’s past dramatic sea level rise could be a small taste of what’s to come.""​

"The Earth is presently in an interglacial period which began about 10,000 years ago. But greenhouse gas emissions over the past 200 years have caused climate changes that are faster and more extreme than experienced during the last interglacial. This means past rates of sea level rise provide only low-end predictions of what might happen in future."

I'd like to see the math on these claims ... current rate of sea level rise is 3.0 (±0.4) mm/yr with an acceleration of 0.084 (±0.025) mm/yr/yr ... that gives us 1/2 meter sea level rise by year 2100 (center of data) ... 20 inches ... based on satellite altimeter data {Cite} ...

You're the one who insists on the 40-year climate time interval ... that sets the above in stone ... you'll have to live with it ... ha ha ha ...
While everyone is focusing on Antarctica and Greenland, S Asia could lose much of it's Ag due to AGW.

""Glaciers across the Himalayas are melting at an extraordinary rate, with new research showing that the vast ice sheets there shrank 10 times faster in the past 40 years than during the previous seven centuries.

Avalanches, flooding and other effects of the accelerating loss of ice imperil residents in India, Nepal and Bhutan and threaten to disrupt agriculture for hundreds of millions of people across South Asia, according to the researchers. And since water from melting glaciers contributes to sea-level rise, glacial ice loss in the Himalayas also adds to the threat of inundation and related problems faced by coastal communities around the world.

“This part of the world is changing faster than perhaps anybody realized,” said Jonathan Carrivick, a University of Leeds glaciologist and the co-author of a paper detailing the research published Monday in the journal Scientific Reports. “It’s not just that the Himalayas are changing really fast, it’s that they’re changing ever faster.”
The new finding comes as there is scientific consensus that ice loss from glaciers and polar ice sheets results from rising global temperatures caused by greenhouse-gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels."..."

It doesn't matter what you post on here, the far right climate change deniers on here will try to find a way to undermine the study and / or I'll try to shout you down insult you to death whatever they don't want to hear this they don't want to know the truth they want to keep their heads in the sand. Good luck. Thanks for the message.
Soot from India and China to blame
Definitely part of the problem. Short from all the power plants and all the factories producing goods for the rest of the world. Goods that the rest of the world are practically dependent upon now. But yes try to blame them individually. Use them as a scapegoat. Don't allow the blame to fall on the entire human race was continued rape of this planet.

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