WSJ: Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting at Furious Rate, New Study Shows

skookerasbil said:
Again....still zero evidence from a single climate bozo that anyone is caring! :coffee:

The biggest "care" is where the money is going you 12 IQ fool.​

Renewables made up 92% of new generating capacity in the U.S. in the first half of 2021

[...]" recently released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)...

FERC’s latest monthly “Energy Infrastructure Update” report (with data through June 30, 2021) reveals that renewable energy sources accounted for 91.6% – or 10,940 megawatts (MW) – of the 11,940 MW of new capacity added during the first six months of the year. Wind led the capacity additions with 5,617 MW, followed closely by solar (5,279 MW). Further, wind and solar were the only sources of new capacity additions in June 2021.

Renewables now provide more than a quarter (25.1%) of total U.S. available installed generating capacity. A year ago, their share was only 23.0%. Wind is now more than a tenth (10.4%) of the nation’s generating capacity while utility-scale solar is nearly five percent (4.9%) … and that does not include distributed (e.g., rooftop) solar.

Moreover, FERC data suggest that renewables’ share of generating capacity is on track to increase significantly over the next three years (i.e., by June 2024). “High probability” generation capacity additions for wind, minus anticipated retirements, reflect a projected net increase of 21,129 MW while solar is foreseen growing by 44,385 MW. By comparison, net growth for natural gas will be only 13,241 MW. Thus, wind and solar combined are forecast to provide roughly five times more new net generating capacity than natural gas over the next three years.

If these numbers materialize, by June 2024, renewable energy generating capacity should account for almost 30 percent (29.4%) of the nation’s total available installed generating capacity.

Renewables made up 92% of new generating capacity in the U.S. in the first half of 2021 - Renewable Energy World

Renewable energy sources dominated new U.S. electrical generating capacity additions in the first half of 2021.
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As typical ... the OP is just a big copy/paste of things the poster doesn't understand ... and since then all Abu has is potty talk ...

Glaciers retreating for the past 40 years only speaks to the weather ... it's perfectly normal for weather to change ... it's warmer in the afternoon than the morning typically ... and it was warmer in the 1930's than it was in the 1980's ... it was warmest 10,000 years ago, and glaciers were at their smallest then ... not now ...

I'm okay with global warming, and I'm okay with man-kind contributing to this effect ... but these are only slight amounts ... 2ºC over 100 years is a tiny tiny change ... no more change than what we'll see later this morning ...

Glaciers kill people ... we're better off without them ... where they stand now could be used for frolicking deer and tall trees instead ...
40 years of the planet is NOT "Weather" you illiterate idiot, it's climate.
"Weather" is what 90% of the Denier clowns her post daily. "It cold in Iowa/my backyard today/this week so it can't be warming.
That's "weather."
There's a 10 year running skookerasbil thread full of those daily, weekly, local WEATHER events as 'proof' there is no warming.
ALL short/local backyard or regional Weather.

Go after it you Hypocrite Clown

What you are trying but too stupid/illiterate to say is that it IS Warming but it's natural climate warming (GW) not AGW.
Of course, many here deny that there is GW as well.
See the above mentioned thread and hundreds of other "There's snow in my backyard threads."

I tackled the GW v AGW issue in another thread you could not have missed.


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So you're an expert on this. The world has never heard of you so who would take notice of you.
No I just know the difference between 'weather' and 'climate.'
Weather is what you get every day on TV from some cutie describing the next few days in your local area/region.
Climate is a long term Global phenomenon describing years, decades, or longer.

You clown.


Note Low IQ wise guy colin-oscopy norris Trolls again below.
No topical content.
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No I just know the difference between 'weather' and 'climate.'
Weather is what you get every day on TV from some cutie describing the next few days in your local area/region.
Climate is a long term Global phenomenon describing years, decades, or longer.

You clown.

Really? I never knew that. From now on I'll get an accurate forecast on everything meteorological.
You're a blessing to society.
I have no doubt plant life would do OK.
(And throw in sea level at 2400 PPM too). There goes our coasts and half the population.)

You got KILLED by my Linked FACTS/ and Climate "History" (CO2/Temp) you Raging Loudmouth DOPE.
- - -- - -

And we've got new NO TOPICAL CONTENT wacky RW Troll. (USMB #2,687,401)
The Sage of Main street.
Probably another Ignore candidate. Give it a few days/posts.

The sea level was 26 ft higher in the last interglacial and 2C warmer with 120 ppm less CO2, dummy.
No I just know the difference between 'weather' and 'climate.'
Weather is what you get every day on TV from some cutie describing the next few days in your local area/region.
Climate is a long term Global phenomenon describing years, decades, or longer.

You clown.

No you don't. You don't know jack shit about the climate.

If you knew anything about the climate you could tell me why it was 2C warmer in the last interglacial cycle with 120 ppm less CO2 than today.

If you knew anything about the climate you could tell me why the earth transitioned to an ice house planet ~3 million years ago.

If you knew anything about the climate you could tell me why the northern hemisphere has a a higher threshold for extensive continental glaciation than the southern hemisphere.

If you knew anything about the climate you could tell me why climate fluctuations became more frequent and severe after the planet transitioned to an ice house world.

If you knew anything about the climate you could tell me why the warmest average global temperatures occur when the northern hemisphere receives the most sunlight.

If you knew anything about the climate you could tell me why the coldest average global temperatures occur when the northern hemisphere receives the least sunlight.

But you don't know anything about the earth's climate so you can't tell me jack shit about the earth's climate.
But why is it you people never want to acknowledge China? As if they didn't exist. That's why nobody takes you people seriously. You always leave out the most material information in any discussion. That's kinda ghey.

So China just this week opened up a mega-coal plant....on top of the 2-3 they will be opening between now and every month out to 2030! Fact.

But why is that conveniently ignored by you people?
Coal Is Cool for Coolies' Goals

Chinese coolies will beat our Diploma-Dipshit coolies every time. Since our educated eunuchs believe in Warmalarmie superstitions, maybe we can scare them straight by showing them what messages are in the fortune cookies the Chinese send to them.

I can understand why the GreenHeads want us riding on rickshaws. Auto emission pollute the cronyvirus's natural habitat. Just like the snail darter, the Ridley sea turtle, and the Rocky Mountain spotted owl, the virus is an endangered species that needs to be protected.
I've been accused of having some "far out" beliefs including: there was a race of master builders that predated the Great Flood, and more likely than not, our Moon cannot be a natural satellite.

In each case there are volumes of real scientific evidence for each supposition.

What I cannot accept is that microscopic increases in a deminimus trace gas is altering the climate on planet Earth. The closer you look, the more you see the preponderance of the evidence runs contrary to the theory: 450,000 years dataset shows CO2 LAGGING temperature, shutting the economy in 2020 did nothing to the CO2 readings at Mauna Loa. etc. It's like the woman in the black and blue dress and you're telling me that she's wearing an elephant.

I'm not convinced

The biggest "care" is where the money is going you 12 IQ fool.​

Renewables made up 92% of new generating capacity in the U.S. in the first half of 2021

[...]" recently released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)...

FERC’s latest monthly “Energy Infrastructure Update” report (with data through June 30, 2021) reveals that renewable energy sources accounted for 91.6% – or 10,940 megawatts (MW) – of the 11,940 MW of new capacity added during the first six months of the year. Wind led the capacity additions with 5,617 MW, followed closely by solar (5,279 MW). Further, wind and solar were the only sources of new capacity additions in June 2021.

Renewables now provide more than a quarter (25.1%) of total U.S. available installed generating capacity. A year ago, their share was only 23.0%. Wind is now more than a tenth (10.4%) of the nation’s generating capacity while utility-scale solar is nearly five percent (4.9%) … and that does not include distributed (e.g., rooftop) solar.

Moreover, FERC data suggest that renewables’ share of generating capacity is on track to increase significantly over the next three years (i.e., by June 2024). “High probability” generation capacity additions for wind, minus anticipated retirements, reflect a projected net increase of 21,129 MW while solar is foreseen growing by 44,385 MW. By comparison, net growth for natural gas will be only 13,241 MW. Thus, wind and solar combined are forecast to provide roughly five times more new net generating capacity than natural gas over the next three years.

If these numbers materialize, by June 2024, renewable energy generating capacity should account for almost 30 percent (29.4%) of the nation’s total available installed generating capacity.

Renewables made up 92% of new generating capacity in the U.S. in the first half of 2021 - Renewable Energy World

Renewable energy sources dominated new U.S. electrical generating capacity additions in the first half of 2021.
Lol....but not according to the US governments EIA statistics.

I'll go with that. Solar and wind combined making less than 10% of grid electricity.

:abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
abu afak you still haven't explained why your politicians ignored your climate rhetoric as they moved to the coast
I did explain.
But it's a non sequitur IAC
You are so ***** stupid
If two politicians (of 10,000) buy a house near the beach that no one predicts will be inundated in their lifetime, it means nothing.

You want to disprove or discredit a scientific theory with the actions of two politians
You ldiot!

You really are THEE stupidest post I have ever seen.
And on this board with ding, spookeras, Crusader, Toddster, Jc456, etc, that's really saying something.


I did explain.
But it's a non sequitur IAC
You are so ***** stupid
If two politicians (of 10,000) buy a house near the beach that no one predicts will be inundated in their lifetime, it means nothing.

You want to disprove or discredit a scientific theory with the actions of two politians
You ldiot!

You really are THEE stupidest post I have ever seen.
And on this board with ding, spookeras, Crusader, Toddster, Jc456, etc, that's really saying something.

Again... The sea level was 26 ft higher in the last interglacial and 2C warmer with 120 ppm less CO2, dummy.
Taking bows with my 12 IQ btw...:abgg2q.jpg:

Hey Abu....lace up those Adidas. Booster #5 coming soon dude!


I did explain.
But it's a non sequitur IAC
You are so ***** stupid
If two politicians (of 10,000) buy a house near the beach that no one predicts will be inundated in their lifetime, it means nothing.

You want to disprove or discredit a scientific theory with the actions of two politians
You ldiot!

You really are THEE stupidest post I have ever seen.
And on this board with ding, spookeras, Crusader, Toddster, Jc456, etc, that's really saying something.

But...but...but...Obama, gullibled by the tunes of billions for renewables, buys a mansion by the sea. So is Obama one of these ***** people with low IQ that you speak of?

You are the thickest **** I've ever met.

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