WSJ/NBC poll: Trump approval at only 40%

You can't blame them, clinging to the polls and political correctness.It's pretty much all they have left. :)
They have plenty, watching the far right screw up governance. A reckoning backlash will throw you back into the swamp.
You can't blame them, clinging to the polls and political correctness.It's pretty much all they have left. :)
Why is it do these creatures, when faced with losing more and more and more, or trying to reboot themselves and improve, choose to keep losing?
Like the polls that showed Clinton winning by a landslide. Why do people keep posting this delusional BS?
polls did not show Clinton winning by a landslide the day before the elections. Stop spreading fake news.

Here is what they showed- you might google before posting, just saying. Polls showed bulldyke with nearly 50% more ELECTORAL votes than the orange clown.

Here Are 7 Electoral College Predictions for Tuesday

With just hours to go until the polls close on Election Day, pollsters and predictors have released their final maps of the 2016 election—and most agree that Hillary Clinton will win, but no one agrees by how much.
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Does not matter, BTM. Elections have the consequence the victor must govern well, and, well, that has not happened.

Not really the topic, the poll can't be trusted, and the quality of how he is doing the job given the circumstances is an opinion.

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