WSJ: Special Counsel Mueller impanels Grand Jury in Russia Investigation.

Since Democrats hate Trump to the point where they're irrational....

Think to what depth of insanity they can plumb should they find themselves living under President Pence!

At least he is only a treason enabler, so that is a step up. Since Democrats would own the Congress, no problemo for the rest of trump's term.

Democrats so remind me off the little girl who was jonesing to "get her first period" so she'd be a big girl.....and then experiencing not just her first but 30 or so more years off dealing with them.

I could get behind Pence...

Do the math:

2-3 years of Trump's term and still eligible for two re-elections. A total of perhaps 11 years in office. Actuarial tables say Hillary and Nutty Old Uncle Bernie won't be around at that time, leaving the DNC with zero on the bench.
republicans and math


Max of 10 years per president, dummy.

Pence would end up like Ford, a never-elected president (not counting GeeW that is).
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Know what this grand jury means? Democrats will stay stuck on stupid right up until 11/6/18 and get their no agenda asses handed to them.

Grand jury issues subpoenas connected to Trump Jr.’s 2016 Russia meeting: report


Mueller impanels grand jury in Russia probe — suggesting he is seeking ‘large-scale series of prosecutions’
This investigation (if it shows anything), it should show that possibly Obama and the Democrats colluded in order to control the elections in the Demon-crats favor for decades to come. Then came Trump who threw a huge monkey wrench into the whole plan that was seemingly full proof as was to be found in the Demon-crats thinking or planning in which they had going. Now Trump was a bulldog who wanted to win this thing, so when someone stepped on his toes he jumped on them with both of his feet. The biggest thing is these groups who get their power from a Democrat government, then felt as if they lost their plans to plow over this nation with their own agenda's in which they we're paying for to the top politicians for whom were selling their souls and offices out by then pandering to these groups at the detriment to this country. It has went to far now, and Trump and his supporters best get loud and bold if they want this President to serve them for the next 7.5 years. A March on Washington should be considered by all who want to see this country restored, and it's relations with Russia and others restored. The investigation might reveal how Obama may have used U.S. Intel to spy on potential American rivals or his political enemies. I wouldn't put nothing past what these Demon-crats are capable of or have been doing in order to ensure their political power, and to ensure their influence in which they have been weilding, where as they were undermining the very under pinnings and/or foundations of this country without anyone challenging it until Trump came along. Go Trump, and drain the swamp even if it means becoming a leader that is not popular with any so called main stream media or special interest groups who hate you anyway. Time to work for mainstream America, and drain the swamp already.
This investigation (if it shows anything), it should show that possibly Obama and the Democrats colluded in order to control the elections in the Demon-crats favor for decades to come. Then came Trump who threw a huge monkey wrench into the whole plan that was seemingly full proof as was to be found in the Demon-crats thinking or planning in which they had going. Now Trump was a bulldog who wanted to win this thing, so when someone stepped on his toes he jumped on them with both of his feet. The biggest thing is these groups who get their power from a Democrat government, then felt as if they lost their plans to plow over this nation with their own agenda's in which they we're paying for to the top politicians for whom were selling their souls and offices out by then pandering to these groups at the detriment to this country. It has went to far now, and Trump and his supporters best get loud and bold if they want this President to serve them for the next 7.5 years. A March on Washington should be considered by all who want to see this country restored, and it's relations with Russia and others restored. The investigation might reveal how Obama may have used U.S. Intel to spy on potential American rivals or his political enemies. I wouldn't put nothing past what these Demon-crats are capable of or have been doing in order to ensure their political power, and to ensure their influence in which they have been weilding, where as they were undermining the very under pinnings and/or foundations of this country without anyone challenging it until Trump came along. Go Trump, and drain the swamp even if it means becoming a leader that is not popular with any so called main stream media or special interest groups who hate you anyway. Time to work for mainstream America, and drain the swamp already.
The biggest load of shit I've seen so far today.
I see you still don't notice the elephant in the room.
This investigation (if it shows anything), it should show that possibly Obama and the Democrats colluded in order to control the elections in the Demon-crats favor for decades to come. Then came Trump who threw a huge monkey wrench into the whole plan that was seemingly full proof as was to be found in the Demon-crats thinking or planning in which they had going. Now Trump was a bulldog who wanted to win this thing, so when someone stepped on his toes he jumped on them with both of his feet. The biggest thing is these groups who get their power from a Democrat government, then felt as if they lost their plans to plow over this nation with their own agenda's in which they we're paying for to the top politicians for whom were selling their souls and offices out by then pandering to these groups at the detriment to this country. It has went to far now, and Trump and his supporters best get loud and bold if they want this President to serve them for the next 7.5 years. A March on Washington should be considered by all who want to see this country restored, and it's relations with Russia and others restored. The investigation might reveal how Obama may have used U.S. Intel to spy on potential American rivals or his political enemies. I wouldn't put nothing past what these Demon-crats are capable of or have been doing in order to ensure their political power, and to ensure their influence in which they have been weilding, where as they were undermining the very under pinnings and/or foundations of this country without anyone challenging it until Trump came along. Go Trump, and drain the swamp even if it means becoming a leader that is not popular with any so called main stream media or special interest groups who hate you anyway. Time to work for mainstream America, and drain the swamp already.
Another ill informed Trumpie who is stil not aware Trump has stocked the swamp with wall st types... the same people he predicted Hilllary would use.
Ain't that sumpin.
Hey Dems

Since you seem to hate "treason" so much, why do you support:

Chelsea Manning
Hillary Clinton
Susan Rice

We learned today Trump's former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, was paid by both Russia and the data firm suspected of helping Russia with its fake news targeting.

This is going ...swimmingly.
Here it comes the swamps last swing, their last chance, their last hope, their last bite at the apple. This is where they try and convince Trump voters that he is unfit for office and must be impeached......This is where they get their payback and they can't wait.
Do it it swamp...if the voters see that we really are not a representative democracy and our vote means nothing to the swamp there will be hell to pay.
We learned today Trump's former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, was paid by both Russia and the data firm suspected of helping Russia with its fake news targeting.

This is going ...swimmingly.
So what? there is nothing wrong with that or illegal, if it was illegal the entire government would be in jail.
The Democrats Have A Russian Hoax.. Trump Has US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE
Russian hoax.
Ha ha ha ha
Yeah there's probably nothing there.

I don't know, it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia, except for the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing,

And the Tillerson thing,

and the Sessions thing,

and the Kushner thing,

and the Carter page thing,

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing,

and the Boris Epshteyn thing,

and the Rosneft thing,

and the Gazprom thing,

and the Sergey Gorkov thing,

and the Azerbaijan thing,

and the Donald Trump Jr. thing,

and the Sergey Kislyak thing,

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing,

and the Russian Business Interests thing,

and the Emoluments clause thing,

and the Alex Schnaider thing,

and the DNC hack thing,

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing,

and the Mike Pence "I don't know anything" thing,

and the Russian mysteriously dying thing,

and the Trump's public request to hack Hillary's email thing,

and the Trump's house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer King thing,

and the Russian Fertilizer King's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing,

and the Nuñes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing,

and the Nuñes personal investments in the Russian winery thing,

and the Cypress bank thing,

and the Trump not releasing his tax returns thing,

and the Republican party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing,

and the election hacking thing,

and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing,

and the Steele Dossier thing,

and the Leninist Bannon thing,

and the Sally Yates can't testify thing,

and the intelligence community's investigative reports thing,

and the Trump's constant reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" thing,

So there's probably nothing there since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie probably why Nuñes cancelled the investigation meetings all of this must be normal just a bunch of separate dots with absolutely no connection.
Here it comes the swamps last swing, their last chance, their last hope, their last bite at the apple. This is where they try and convince Trump voters that he is unfit for office and must be impeached......This is where they get their payback and they can't wait.
Do it it swamp...if the voters see that we really are not a representative democracy and our vote means nothing to the swamp there will be hell to pay.
Good start a revolution. A violent one. There's nothing more I'd like to see than you traitors mowed down by the military..
Lovely, watching Trumpbots start to $hit their pants... truly lovely...
You must be kidding...this??? please. The swamp is doing their best but it will not be enough. Trump has done nothing illegal. We have zero to worry about. Muller is way out of bounds but still we do not worry. When you are innocent you will win in the end. And I would not want to be a democrat of any kind when that happens.
Good start a revolution. A violent one. There's nothing more I'd like to see than you traitors mowed down by the military.
Hell to pay at the ballot box idiot.....and if you think the military is on your side you are as foolish as you appear.
We learned today Trump's former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, was paid by both Russia and the data firm suspected of helping Russia with its fake news targeting.

This is going ...swimmingly.
So what? there is nothing wrong with that or illegal, if it was illegal the entire government would be in jail.
After Mueller is done Trump's going to break Reagan's record of most people in an administration indicted or convicted..
Then you'll disappear in humiliation from this forum together..

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