WSJ: Special Counsel Mueller impanels Grand Jury in Russia Investigation.

The increased financial focus hasn't gone unnoticed by Trump, who warned Mueller, via an interview with The New York Times, that his financial dealings were a red line that investigators shouldn't cross. But the order establishing the special counsel makes clear Mueller is authorized to investigate any matters that "arose or may arise directly from the investigation."

So.... tough shit Comrade Trump. You have no say.
Don't you think that's why Trump wants to fire him? I wouldn't be so confident that this will be a cakewalk for the investigation.
Of course that's one of the big reasons trump wants him gone. Anyone who has gotten too close to Trump's secret affairs have already been fired.
This prez acts like a totally guilty man. Funny not one Trumpie has had the balls to admit it.
Once Mueller finds all the dirty and most likely illegal dealings of Trump's its curtains for him.

I'd bet anything he's laundering money thru Russia..
If he's done anything, that's most likely it. Just because so much Russian money laundering happens with Manhattan real estate. Been going on for years.
I don't know how anyone proves the seller knows what's happening, though.
I obviously don't know much about it, but buying real estate to "clean" up ill gotten gains doesn't necessarily mean the person you bought it from knows where your money came from, does it? Most of the transactions are shell companies, so a lot of the actual parties involved are secret.
Then there's this:
Trump: I don't have any business ties with Russia.
Trump Jr. : We do most of our business with Russia.
I'm sure Mueller is zeroing in on this contradiction.
You know there has to be a basis in fact or law to investigate. It's a 4th Amendment thing..
“This doesn’t mean he is going to bring charges,” Mr. Zeno cautioned. “But it shows he is very serious. He wouldn’t do this if it were winding down.”

Awe, he wants to look serious.

pity you aren't.

now be a good boy and leave this subject to people who aren't delusional.
Shit's gonna start hitting the fan soon. What I want to know is how involved in this mess was the GOP? To what level was that influence? Did it go all the way down to individuals running in districts? Was it just within the RNC? Is Fox News involved since they're state-run TV anyway? Were Conservative pundits and talking heads also involved? This is why the investigation needs to be broad.
We all know what Judge Sol Wachtler said about grand juries...
The Feds couldn't get Al Capone on his many crimes. They put him away for tax evasion.
But then again, Id bet Mueller's crew of lawyers are more plentiful and professional than back in Capone's day..
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in Washington to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections, a sign that his inquiry is growing in intensity and entering a new phase, according to people familiar with the matter.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Get yours ... :party::udaman:

apparently Donald wasn't very well-behaved in his financial dealings.

explains why he's refused to turn over his tax returns.

I wonder how much money-laundering he did for Russian oligarchs
Shit's gonna start hitting the fan soon. What I want to know is how involved in this mess was the GOP? To what level was that influence? Did it go all the way down to individuals running in districts? Was it just within the RNC? Is Fox News involved since they're state-run TV anyway? Were Conservative pundits and talking heads also involved? This is why the investigation needs to be broad.

I'm kind of looking forward to mike and Mitch and Paul answering those questions.
Federal investigators exploring whether Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russian spies have seized on Trump and his associates' financial ties to Russia as one of the most fertile avenues for moving their probe forward, according to people familiar with the investigation.
The web of financial ties could offer a more concrete path toward potential prosecution than the broader and murkier questions of collusion in the 2016 campaign, these sources said.
One year after the FBI opened an investigation, the probe is now managed by special counsel Robert Mueller. Sources described an investigation that has widened to focus on possible financial crimes, some unconnected to the 2016 elections, alongside the ongoing scrutiny of possible illegal coordination with Russian spy agencies and alleged attempts by President Donald Trump and others to obstruct the FBI investigation. Even investigative leads that have nothing to do with Russia but involve Trump associates are being referred to the special counsel to encourage subjects of the investigation to cooperate, according to two law enforcement sources.

One year into the FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail -

Goats reaction to the OP

You know there has to be a basis in fact or law to investigate. It's a 4th Amendment thing..
Read the OP. Mueller has latitude to go anywhere the Russian investigation takes him.
An investigation with this grand scope always includes finances.
And who's been more secret with their finances than Trump.
Ever ask yourself why??

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