WSJ: Special Counsel Mueller impanels Grand Jury in Russia Investigation.

Mueller Just Walked Into A Trap

Oh nooos!

Will it be like a boomerang you deplorables keep telling us will happen one day soon?
Shit's gonna start hitting the fan soon. What I want to know is how involved in this mess was the GOP? To what level was that influence? Did it go all the way down to individuals running in districts? Was it just within the RNC? Is Fox News involved since they're state-run TV anyway? Were Conservative pundits and talking heads also involved? This is why the investigation needs to be broad.

I'm kind of looking forward to mike and Mitch and Paul answering those questions.

Don't forget the "good boy" Jerrad.
Let's see if the Grand Jury lets the Comrade get away with his lies.


The Orange Douche is on it.


Well, Under it!
Shit's gonna start hitting the fan soon. What I want to know is how involved in this mess was the GOP? To what level was that influence? Did it go all the way down to individuals running in districts? Was it just within the RNC? Is Fox News involved since they're state-run TV anyway? Were Conservative pundits and talking heads also involved? This is why the investigation needs to be broad.

I'm kind of looking forward to mike and Mitch and Paul answering those questions.

I agree. Too bad Putin didn't also hack and broadcast the RNC emails.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury in Washington to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections, a sign that his inquiry is growing in intensity and entering a new phase, according to people familiar with the matter.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia Probe

Get yours ... :party::udaman:

apparently Donald wasn't very well-behaved in his financial dealings.

explains why he's refused to turn over his tax returns.

I wonder how much money-laundering he did for Russian oligarchs

The IRS missed that?
I agree. Too bad Putin didn't also hack and broadcast the RNC emails.

From what I've read, they probably did hack the RNC and are sitting on those things until the time comes to use it. The FSB's style is no different than the KGB's. They dig up dirt on you (usually sexual in nature) and then hold that over you. I bet one dollar American that the Russian hackers have all that shit from the RNC. That's how they get the RNC to do its changing the RNC Platform's Ukraine stance to a pro-Russian one. That shit alone should be enough to implicate the GOP and the Conservative Movement.
“This doesn’t mean he is going to bring charges,” Mr. Zeno cautioned. “But it shows he is very serious. He wouldn’t do this if it were winding down.”

Awe, he wants to look serious.
Yes, it's desperation on full display. He and his 16 lawyers must make it look as if they actually have something even though they don't.

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