WT7: Silverstein vs the Official Gov't Report

2.25 seconds of free fall
given that the falling bit kept its shape on the way down.
is VERY significant. Given the keeping its shape feature
it very clearly indicates that the support under the falling bit
was removed all at the same time, otherwise, the building would
have tilted or deformed but it came down as a unit, keeping its shape as it fell.

All of which is irrefutable proof that GW Bush and a roudy band of girl scouts spent a wild weekend at the WTC wiring those buildings for demo.
Sheesh ... you CT loons are terminally stupid.

In the face of irrefutable evidence, you make silly jokes
about Dubya being personally involved in rigging the building for demolition.

Silly Rabbi......
Kicks R 4 Tridz!

The only irrefutable evidence here is that which proves you aren't bright enough to understand facetiousness, Princess, and at the end of the day your silly controlled demo CT fails for lack of reality. I'm betting your not bright enough to understand that either but you could ask an adult to explain it to you. :D
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Can't sleep. :(

I'm not sure whether it's been mentioned in this thread or not, but Larry Silverstein's WTC lease involved buildings 1, 2, 4, and 5, along with approximately 425k square feet of retail space. He wasn't the lease-holder for buildings 3, 6, or 7 (nor did he receive any insurance compensation for them), so his input on any decisions related to those buildings would have been totally irrelevant.

Having said that, even if he were the lease-holder on building 7, the notion that his input would have been sought out by the FDNY before abandoning all efforts to extinguish (or even contain) the ongoing fires in a high-rise building in such close proximity to other relatively undamaged structures ...is patently ridiculous.
Can't sleep. :(

I'm not sure whether it's been mentioned in this thread or not, but Larry Silverstein's WTC lease involved buildings 1, 2, 4, and 5, along with approximately 425k square feet of retail space. He wasn't the lease-holder for buildings 3, 6, or 7 (nor did he receive any insurance compensation for them), so his input on any decisions related to those buildings would have been totally irrelevant.

Having said that, even if he were the lease-holder on building 7, the notion that his input would have been sought out by the FDNY before abandoning all efforts to extinguish (or even contain) the ongoing fires in a high-rise building in such close proximity to other relatively undamaged structures ...is patently ridiculous.

Signature Line:
"The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence—a matter which we shall arrange for—of their rulers, will clamor: 'Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders—frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts—who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.'"
(Protocols 10:18)

Maybe you should get some sleep. I see you have gone from slightly unhinged CT to full bore Nazi. Curiously, I find many in the 9/11 CT Movement to be of the anti-Semite variety idiot. Quoting the Protocols of Zion should attract just the sort of attention you desire. Enjoy. Sieg Heil, Bubba. :D
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It's curious, Sayit, that you chose to address the quote in my signature line rather than the facts in the post itself. Transparent, but curious nonetheless.

Can't sleep. :(

I'm not sure whether it's been mentioned in this thread or not, but Larry Silverstein's WTC lease involved buildings 1, 2, 4, and 5, along with approximately 425k square feet of retail space. He wasn't the lease-holder for buildings 3, 6, or 7 (nor did he receive any insurance compensation for them), so his input on any decisions related to those buildings would have been totally irrelevant.

Having said that, even if he were the lease-holder on building 7, the notion that his input would have been sought out by the FDNY before abandoning all efforts to extinguish (or even contain) the ongoing fires in a high-rise building in such close proximity to other relatively undamaged structures ...is patently ridiculous.

Signature Line:
"The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence—a matter which we shall arrange for—of their rulers, will clamor: 'Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders—frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts—who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.'"
(Protocols 10:18)

Maybe you should get some sleep. I see you have gone from slightly unhinged CT to full bore Nazi. Curiously, I find many in the 9/11 CT Movement to be of the anti-Semite variety idiot. Quoting the Protocols of Zion should attract just the sort of attention you desire. Enjoy. Sieg Heil, Bubba. :D

Why should a quotation from a work partially plagiarized from Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu, ou la Politique de Machiavel au XIX. Siècle. Par un Contemporain, in which the spirits of Montesquieu and Machiavelli render a thinly-veiled attack on the despotism of Napoleon III, be viewed as evidence of antisemitism? :dunno:

I just liked the passage from the forgery on the basis of its seeming applicability to events in the post-911 era.

Not that I mind the characterization, mind you. Nowadays being labeled an anti-Semite seems par for the course for anyone with legitimate criticisms about US policies, foreign and domestic, ...which is not to say that my signature line should be interpreted as such a criticism. :doubt:

For the one-time benefit of anyone with no meter for sarcasm, I haven't a racially prejudiced bone in my body, although my saying so will likely do little to alter the ad homs of a mental midget like Sayit.
Can't sleep. :(

I'm not sure whether it's been mentioned in this thread or not, but Larry Silverstein's WTC lease involved buildings 1, 2, 4, and 5, along with approximately 425k square feet of retail space. He wasn't the lease-holder for buildings 3, 6, or 7 (nor did he receive any insurance compensation for them), so his input on any decisions related to those buildings would have been totally irrelevant.

Having said that, even if he were the lease-holder on building 7, the notion that his input would have been sought out by the FDNY before abandoning all efforts to extinguish (or even contain) the ongoing fires in a high-rise building in such close proximity to other relatively undamaged structures ...is patently ridiculous.

So, are you one of those unbelievable idiots who thinks that the "Protocols of Zion" is a real book, when in reality, that shit has been debunked 100s of times over? Really?

Looks like we got another Jew-hater in our midst. Color me totally surprised.
So, are you one of those unbelievable idiots who thinks that the "Protocols of Zion" is a real book, when in reality, that shit has been debunked 100s of times over? Really?

No, I'm just a humble layman with more than a passing appreciation for the art of embedding truths in works of fiction.
Doesn't anyone want to discuss Larry Silverstein's lease, in light of his puzzling statement during the infamous PBS documentary? :dunno:

Lots of unanswered questions there.

For instance, on whose authority was he acting when he told the FDNY official to "pull it" (whatever the hell he meant by that)?
...Not that I mind the characterization, mind you. Nowadays being labeled an anti-Semite seems par for the course for anyone with legitimate criticisms about US policies, foreign and domestic, ...which is not to say that my signature line should be interpreted as such a criticism. :doubt:

For the one-time benefit of anyone with no meter for sarcasm, I haven't a racially prejudiced bone in my body, although my saying so will likely do little to alter the ad homs of a mental midget like Sayit.

I find amusing the braying of a goose-stepping member of the Master Race who quotes from The Protocols and then, with straight face, refers to another person as "a mental midget." Carry on, Bubba. :lol:

For the one-time benefit of anyone with no meter for sarcasm, I haven't a racially prejudiced bone in my body, although my saying so will likely do little to alter the ad homs of a mental midget like Sayit.

...the braying of a goose-stepping member of the Master Race...


To all of you well-intentioned "mental midgets" out there: please accept my heartfelt apology for sullying the tag by using it in reference to Sayit.
Quote: Originally Posted by Capstone View Post
Can't sleep.

I'm not sure whether it's been mentioned in this thread or not, but Larry Silverstein's WTC lease involved buildings 1, 2, 4, and 5, along with approximately 425k square feet of retail space. He wasn't the lease-holder for buildings 3, 6, or 7 (nor did he receive any insurance compensation for them), so his input on any decisions related to those buildings would have been totally irrelevant.

Having said that, even if he were the lease-holder on building 7, the notion that his input would have been sought out by the FDNY before abandoning all efforts to extinguish (or even contain) the ongoing fires in a high-rise building in such close proximity to other relatively undamaged structures ...is patently ridiculous.

Doesn't anyone want to discuss Larry Silverstein's lease, in light of his puzzling statement during the infamous PBS documentary? :dunno:

Lots of unanswered questions there.

For instance, on whose authority was he acting when he told the FDNY official to "pull it" (whatever the hell he meant by that)?

In your first post (above) you claim to be aware that WTC7 was not leased to Silverstein Properties and that his firm collected no insurance money from its demise. That would end any rational poster's interest but apparently not those who quote from The Protocols.
I can't speak factually of the conversation but I can speculate:
Perhaps the fire commish thought Silverstein was the lessor of WTC7 and called him hoping to find another water source or perhaps it was a courtesy call to inform him that there was no way to stop the fires in that building.
As you and I both noted, Silverstein had no authority to pull anything and was likely giving his blessing to the fire commish to do what was prudent. :D
Quote: Originally Posted by Capstone View Post
Can't sleep.

I'm not sure whether it's been mentioned in this thread or not, but Larry Silverstein's WTC lease involved buildings 1, 2, 4, and 5, along with approximately 425k square feet of retail space. He wasn't the lease-holder for buildings 3, 6, or 7 (nor did he receive any insurance compensation for them), so his input on any decisions related to those buildings would have been totally irrelevant.

Having said that, even if he were the lease-holder on building 7, the notion that his input would have been sought out by the FDNY before abandoning all efforts to extinguish (or even contain) the ongoing fires in a high-rise building in such close proximity to other relatively undamaged structures ...is patently ridiculous.

Doesn't anyone want to discuss Larry Silverstein's lease, in light of his puzzling statement during the infamous PBS documentary? :dunno:

Lots of unanswered questions there.

For instance, on whose authority was he acting when he told the FDNY official to "pull it" (whatever the hell he meant by that)?

In your first post (above) you claim to be aware that WTC7 was not leased to Silverstein Properties and that his firm collected no insurance money from its demise. That would end any rational poster's interest but apparently not those who quote from The Protocols.
I can't speak factually of the conversation but I can speculate:
Perhaps the fire commish thought Silverstein was the lessor of WTC7 and called him hoping to find another water source or perhaps it was a courtesy call to inform him that there was no way to stop the fires in that building.
As you and I both noted, Silverstein had no authority to pull anything and was likely giving his blessing to the fire commish to do what was prudent. :D
no logic allowed....!
Quote: Originally Posted by Capstone View Post
Can't sleep.

I'm not sure whether it's been mentioned in this thread or not, but Larry Silverstein's WTC lease involved buildings 1, 2, 4, and 5, along with approximately 425k square feet of retail space. He wasn't the lease-holder for buildings 3, 6, or 7 (nor did he receive any insurance compensation for them), so his input on any decisions related to those buildings would have been totally irrelevant.

Having said that, even if he were the lease-holder on building 7, the notion that his input would have been sought out by the FDNY before abandoning all efforts to extinguish (or even contain) the ongoing fires in a high-rise building in such close proximity to other relatively undamaged structures ...is patently ridiculous.

Doesn't anyone want to discuss Larry Silverstein's lease, in light of his puzzling statement during the infamous PBS documentary? :dunno:

Lots of unanswered questions there.

For instance, on whose authority was he acting when he told the FDNY official to "pull it" (whatever the hell he meant by that)?

In your first post (above) you claim to be aware that WTC7 was not leased to Silverstein Properties and that his firm collected no insurance money from its demise. That would end any rational poster's interest but apparently not those who quote from The Protocols.
I can't speak factually of the conversation but I can speculate:
Perhaps the fire commish thought Silverstein was the lessor of WTC7 and called him hoping to find another water source or perhaps it was a courtesy call to inform him that there was no way to stop the fires in that building.
As you and I both noted, Silverstein had no authority to pull anything and was likely giving his blessing to the fire commish to do what was prudent. :D
no logic allowed....!

Certainly not when confronting small-minded knuckle draggers like Cap. :D
It's curious, Sayit, that you chose to address the quote in my signature line rather than the facts in the post itself. Transparent, but curious nonetheless.

Can't sleep. :(

I'm not sure whether it's been mentioned in this thread or not, but Larry Silverstein's WTC lease involved buildings 1, 2, 4, and 5, along with approximately 425k square feet of retail space. He wasn't the lease-holder for buildings 3, 6, or 7 (nor did he receive any insurance compensation for them), so his input on any decisions related to those buildings would have been totally irrelevant.

Having said that, even if he were the lease-holder on building 7, the notion that his input would have been sought out by the FDNY before abandoning all efforts to extinguish (or even contain) the ongoing fires in a high-rise building in such close proximity to other relatively undamaged structures ...is patently ridiculous.

Signature Line:
"The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence—a matter which we shall arrange for—of their rulers, will clamor: 'Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders—frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts—who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.'"
(Protocols 10:18)

Maybe you should get some sleep. I see you have gone from slightly unhinged CT to full bore Nazi. Curiously, I find many in the 9/11 CT Movement to be of the anti-Semite variety idiot. Quoting the Protocols of Zion should attract just the sort of attention you desire. Enjoy. Sieg Heil, Bubba. :D

Why should a quotation from a work partially plagiarized from Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu, ou la Politique de Machiavel au XIX. Siècle. Par un Contemporain, in which the spirits of Montesquieu and Machiavelli render a thinly-veiled attack on the despotism of Napoleon III, be viewed as evidence of antisemitism? :dunno:

I just liked the passage from the forgery on the basis of its seeming applicability to events in the post-911 era.

Not that I mind the characterization, mind you. Nowadays being labeled an anti-Semite seems par for the course for anyone with legitimate criticisms about US policies, foreign and domestic, ...which is not to say that my signature line should be interpreted as such a criticism. :doubt:

For the one-time benefit of anyone with no meter for sarcasm, I haven't a racially prejudiced bone in my body, although my saying so will likely do little to alter the ad homs of a mental midget like Sayit.

You should have quoted Lenin (John) instead and been less offensive.
It's curious, Sayit, that you chose to address the quote in my signature line rather than the facts in the post itself. Transparent, but curious nonetheless.

Maybe you should get some sleep. I see you have gone from slightly unhinged CT to full bore Nazi. Curiously, I find many in the 9/11 CT Movement to be of the anti-Semite variety idiot. Quoting the Protocols of Zion should attract just the sort of attention you desire. Enjoy. Sieg Heil, Bubba. :D

Why should a quotation from a work partially plagiarized from Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu, ou la Politique de Machiavel au XIX. Siècle. Par un Contemporain, in which the spirits of Montesquieu and Machiavelli render a thinly-veiled attack on the despotism of Napoleon III, be viewed as evidence of antisemitism? :dunno:

I just liked the passage from the forgery on the basis of its seeming applicability to events in the post-911 era.

Not that I mind the characterization, mind you. Nowadays being labeled an anti-Semite seems par for the course for anyone with legitimate criticisms about US policies, foreign and domestic, ...which is not to say that my signature line should be interpreted as such a criticism. :doubt:

For the one-time benefit of anyone with no meter for sarcasm, I haven't a racially prejudiced bone in my body, although my saying so will likely do little to alter the ad homs of a mental midget like Sayit.

You should have quoted Lenin (John) instead and been less offensive.
what fun would there be in that?
In your first post (above) you claim to be aware that WTC7 was not leased to Silverstein Properties and that his firm collected no insurance money from its demise. ...

Silverstein's lease and the terms of the decision that led to the widely publicized 2007 settlement are matters of public record.

...That would end any rational poster's interest but apparently not those who quote from The Protocols.

"That would end any rational poster's interest" ...in what? :dunno:

Certainly not the issue on which this entire thread was based!

In fact, any rational person's interest in the whole Silverstein vs. the Official Gov't Report thing ...should be piqued upon discovering that Lucky Larry had no business to have been involved with any sort of judgement calls concerning buildings 3, 6, or 7, much less the reported decision to "pull it" (read: abandon all efforts to extinguish or contain the ongoing fires, which [*]the Government's own scientificlackeys would have us believe eventually caused a "global collapse" with a period of "freefall" that lasted for approximately 8 stories: a forced partial concession of a physical impossibility, in light of the purported absence of the simultaneous removal of all support columns and beams across the entire breadths and widths of all 8 of those floors, for which there wasn't so much as an attempt to explain it); but I digress. The two-pronged point is this: Larry Silverstein's own televised comments aren't consistent with a personal acknowledgement of his own irrelevance WRT the matter of building 7's future prospects on 9/11/2001, and THAT should be very interesting to people on all sides of this debate (at least to those with IQ's higher than their ages, I mean).

...Perhaps the fire commish thought Silverstein was the lessor of WTC7 and called him hoping to find another water source or perhaps it was a courtesy call to inform him that there was no way to stop the fires in that building. ...

In which case, Silverstein's failure to set the Official straight prior to providing input on the matter of "pull[ing] it", would be far more defensible as an act of ignorance than one of intentional silence that would have ultimately misled a public safety official.

...As you and I both noted, Silverstein had no authority to pull anything and was likely giving his blessing to the fire commish to do what was prudent. :D

Knowing (or even suspecting) that the Official believed him to have authority on the matter, but allowing that Official to proceed with his blessing under false pretenses, would have been inexcusable.

Personally, I have my doubts that such a conversation ever transpired.

The question, in my mind, is WHY? Why would Larry have admitted to this act of ignorance-based negligence (at best) or potentially criminal malfeasance (at worst)? His PBS appearance has certainly done him no favors.

Today, more than ever before, a lot of people in the US and around the world have come to see the man as an insider on perhaps the most heinous false flag operation ever foisted upon the human race.

*NIST NCSTAR-1A, Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center potentially Building 7, pg. 45 (Washington, DC. November 2008.)
In your first post (above) you claim to be aware that WTC7 was not leased to Silverstein Properties and that his firm collected no insurance money from its demise. ...

Silverstein's lease and the terms of the decision that led to the widely publicized 2007 settlement are matters of public record.

...That would end any rational poster's interest but apparently not those who quote from The Protocols.

"That would end any rational poster's interest" ...in what? :dunno:

Certainly not the issue on which this entire thread was based!

In fact, any rational person's interest in the whole Silverstein vs. the Official Gov't Report thing ...should be piqued upon discovering that Lucky Larry had no business to have been involved with any sort of judgement calls concerning buildings 3, 6, or 7, much less the reported decision to "pull it" (read: abandon all efforts to extinguish or contain the ongoing fires, which [*]the Government's own scientificlackeys would have us believe eventually caused a "global collapse" with a period of "freefall" that lasted for approximately 8 stories: a forced partial concession of a physical impossibility, in light of the purported absence of the simultaneous removal of all support columns and beams across the entire breadths and widths of all 8 of those floors, for which there wasn't so much as an attempt to explain it); but I digress. The two-pronged point is this: Larry Silverstein's own televised comments aren't consistent with a personal acknowledgement of his own irrelevance WRT the matter of building 7's future prospects on 9/11/2001, and THAT should be very interesting to people on all sides of this debate (at least to those with IQ's higher than their ages, I mean).

...Perhaps the fire commish thought Silverstein was the lessor of WTC7 and called him hoping to find another water source or perhaps it was a courtesy call to inform him that there was no way to stop the fires in that building. ...

In which case, Silverstein's failure to set the Official straight prior to providing input on the matter of "pull[ing] it", would be far more defensible as an act of ignorance than one of intentional silence that would have ultimately misled a public safety official.

...As you and I both noted, Silverstein had no authority to pull anything and was likely giving his blessing to the fire commish to do what was prudent. :D

Knowing (or even suspecting) that the Official believed him to have authority on the matter, but allowing that Official to proceed with his blessing under false pretenses, would have been inexcusable.

Personally, I have my doubts that such a conversation ever transpired.

The question, in my mind, is WHY? Why would Larry have admitted to this act of ignorance-based negligence (at best) or potentially criminal malfeasance (at worst)? His PBS appearance has certainly done him no favors.

Today, more than ever before, a lot of people in the US and around the world have come to see the man as an insider on perhaps the most heinous false flag operation ever foisted upon the human race.

*NIST NCSTAR-1A, Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center potentially Building 7, pg. 45 (Washington, DC. November 2008.)

Certainly fools who find 'truth" in the Protocols of Zion. :lol:
Certainly fools who find 'truth" in the Protocols of Zion. ...

Maybe the topic is worthy of its own thread based on methodological parallelism, in which the original poster could carefully lay out some of the uncanny similarities between the fictional work and real-life events/states of political affairs around the world over the past few decades.

I wonder whether such an endeavor would be possible without specific regard to ethnicity or religious affiliations of the text's 'real-life' counterparts. :eusa_think:
Thread bump.

So as I mentioned before, there are some tough hurdles to making the explosives argument. However, there are some issues I still have with the fire-induced collapse theory.

I realize that steel doesn’t need to be heated to 1,800F to weaken, so the fact that a building fire can’t reach that temp is somewhat insignificant. However, I still have these questions:

1.) If you view movies of the WTC7 collapse, the roof appears to be rather horizontal throughout the fall. This tells me that the 81 support beams throughout were collapsing/snapping/breaking at approximately the same time. Given that fire is the main culprit here, doesn't that seem a bit miraculous and unlikely? I mean, an asymmetrical fire might heat up a number of columns in one/two areas to consistent temperatures, but all 81 columns collapsing simultaneously? From fire? That’s a tough one for me to swallow:


2.) I’ve read that steel-framed high rises are OVERENGINEERED to survive the instances of extremely temperatures, and in ALL OTHER EXAMPLES of long lasting fires in steel frame buildings (there was one that raged 18 hours in the early 1990’s, I believe) collapses were always, without exception partial and localized to the very specific areas that endured the most heat.

What happened with WTC7 exactly? Should we throw the architects/engineers in jail for gross negligence? I mean, PARTS of the building were burning for only around 7 hours or so and the entire 40+ story building seemed to collapse like it was a house of cards! Shouldn’t we immediately tear down any and all buildings constructed by those same firms?

3.) Given that in the history of mankind no other steel framed skyscrapers have ever completely collapsed due to fire alone, how in God’s name was WTC7’s collapse predicted in advance so accurately (by the Fire Dept, BBC news)? There are absolutely zero precedents prior – in the past 70+ years of modern skyscraper firefighting, of how a building behaves before it collapses - so what sort of “signs” were they going off of that would allow them to ACCURATELY predict the collapse of WTC7 within 20-30 min before it happened?

4.) I've read that both nanothermite and molten steel were discovered at ground zero and that these two things can't be explained. Is that true?

Again, I’m open for a kind and respectful argument. If you’re going to be arrogant or condescending, then go somewhere else, please.
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You seem to be another that tries to make the facts fit what you want to be true.

Go find a video of the entire collapse of the building. You know what I mean, One that shows the 8+seconds of the beginning of the collapse before the so called roof line even begins to move....
You seem to be another that tries to make the facts fit what you want to be true.

Go find a video of the entire collapse of the building. You know what I mean, One that shows the 8+seconds of the beginning of the collapse before the so called roof line even begins to move....

Would love to see it if you have a link. Again, I don't have a definitive opinion on the subject yet. Just asking questions.

Also, (as I mentioned) wouldn't it be a good idea to reexamine every building these architects/engineers built to make sure they don't collapse from fire too? 5-7 hours of fires on only a few floors doesn't seem like it should be able to bring down a 40 story structure, especially given that no other steel framed skyscraper collapsed prior to this event due to fire alone. Doesn't the collapse point to a major design or structural flaw?
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