WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Alex Jones is an asshole and a massive liar
you really should stop believing his bullshit

so what you are saying is in your ignorance that you believe the existence of the Bohemia grove is a lie that the attendance and participation of world elite in pagan ceremonies does not occur ?...what part is a lie and do you realize that these facts are documented through many mainstream sources and history books found in most libraries ??
no, just HIS take on what actually happens there
Alex Jones is an asshole and a massive liar
you really should stop believing his bullshit

so what you are saying is in your ignorance that you believe the existence of the Bohemia grove is a lie that the attendance and participation of world elite in pagan ceremonies does not occur ?...what part is a lie and do you realize that these facts are documented through many mainstream sources and history books found in most libraries ??

I would say that it's all Bullshit, where are the pictures of the world leaders he claims are there every July? To the best of my knowledge there are no pagan festivals in July either, as the early Christians actually planned their Christian holidays as close as they could to the pagan holidays to make it easier for the people to switch religions. You really should study these things more before opening your trap.
Alex Jones is an asshole and a massive liar
you really should stop believing his bullshit

so what you are saying is in your ignorance that you believe the existence of the Bohemia grove is a lie that the attendance and participation of world elite in pagan ceremonies does not occur ?...what part is a lie and do you realize that these facts are documented through many mainstream sources and history books found in most libraries ??

I would say that it's all Bullshit, where are the pictures of the world leaders he claims are there every July? To the best of my knowledge there are no pagan festivals in July either, as the early Christians actually planned their Christian holidays as close as they could to the pagan holidays to make it easier for the people to switch religions. You really should study these things more before opening your trap.
bvullshit is what Alex Jones is best known for
if there is a nutty conspiracy to be believed, Alex Jones is all over it

think of him as George Noory to the 100th power
Hi Gam:

That's two *cough* mistakes *cough* you've admitted to now in your "evidence".

We agree. I am the 911Truther that 'does' own up to any mistakes in my original WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Thesis. Gam is the guy pushing Official Cover Story LIES with no intentions of admitting that you are running diversion for the out-of-control Bush/Obama Administrations.


This is still a pre-collapse picture of WTC-7 showing no signs of building fires through any of the unbroken windows.


This is still a picture of WTC-7 taken minutes later showing the "Kink" in the roof line typical of a Controlled Demolition Implosion.


This is still a picture of the little pile 'and' a picture that shows adjacent building faces virtually untouched.

This is fun making you look like a complete ass.

The two minor changes in my WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Proposal affect nothing in any of my conclusions that WTC-7 was DEFINITELY taken down using Controlled Demolition:

[ame=]WTC-7 CD-style Implosion[/ame]

This is still a video clip of WTC-7 imploding into its own footprint 'and' Gam has not even begun to make any "Building Fires Did It" Case. The massive skyscraper includes thousands of 2800-degree red-iron support connections (pic) that had to be 'cut' in order for the entire structure to collapse CD-style into its own footprint for which Gam has 'no' explanation whatsoever. Here is just one of many problems with your "Building Fires Did It" hypothesis for this WTC-7 Case:

Click Here

This picture shows the aftermath of WTC-1 also collapsing CD-style into its own footprint with WTC-7 standing tall 'above' the "expanding pyroclastic dust clouds" (#5 here). Most people fail to realize that WTC-7 stood 350 feet 'away' from WTC-1 . . .


. . . so go right ahead and explain how 'Building Fires Did It' in the first place. Gam is quick to point out that the penthouse collapsed 'before' the main WTC-7 structure. Okay. Fine. So how does that happen when WTC-7 is 350 feet away and we can see that nothing struck the upper floors of the 47-story skyscraper? The obvious answer is that WTC-7 was wired for implosion, which has been my explanation from day one. The fact that Gam has managed to locate two minor errors in my CD Explanation in NO WAY makes his "Building Fires Did It" Case.

Yes. Gam is having lots of fun, because only one side of this deliberation process is taking these 911Truth Topics seriously. Gam still has no precedent for building fires causing the CD-style collapse of any steel-frame skyscraper in the history of this planet, so my side of this debate will have the last laugh . . .


Gam is quick to point out that the penthouse collapsed 'before' the main WTC-7 structure. Okay. Fine. So how does that happen when WTC-7 is 350 feet away and we can see that nothing struck the upper floors of the 47-story skyscraper?

I'll make this as simple as I can Terral. Let's discuss one aspect of a the structural system of a building. Do you understand what loads are? Do you understand how loads are distributed throughout a structure so that the weight load is not carried by one individual columns or beam, but by ALL the columns and beams?

Here's an example. Do you know how some companies have team building exercises? Some of them have one person lay on their backs on the ground and have, for example, 10 people surround that person, put two fingers from each hand underneath them and then lift them up? After that, let's knock that number down to five people and try it again. Do you think that each of the five people will have to lift more weight per person than when they had 10 people? Let's get only one person. What then?

Now, if you have columns connected by beams, this helps distribute the load to the other columns. If you start breaking connections of those beam to other columns, you start to overload single columns.

Now throw in the fact the the column/s are being heated from the office fires. They don't have to be heated to melting to be affected. Steel starts to lose it's strength at 650F. As the temperature rises, the steel continues to lose more of it's strength.

So through thermal expansion of the fires breaking connections throughout the system, fires lessening the support strength of the steel columns, what do you expect to happen?

If a steel column loses 80%-90% of it's strength at 1000F, what happens as it tried to support the load it was designed for? You said yourself that office fires reach temps of 800F-1000F. So steel does NOT need to melt to fail.

If the building was NOT on fire, where was all the smoke coming from?

Your claim that heat races to colder parts of the structure meaning that no steel beam or column would reach strength-lessening temperatures is completely stupid because there was a CONSTANT heat source in the office fire. If your statement were true then things I've seen in steel mills never happened. I have never seen a crane clamp lifting a bright red steel slab fresh from a furnace, turn red due to your "FAST HEAT CONDUCTION" crap. I have never seen rollers in a slab mill turn red due to your "FAST HEAT CONDUCTION" crap.

If you apply a constant heat source to one area of steel, it's going to heat up. It's not going to quickly dissipate. That's why they INSULATE STEEL to begin with.

Even if that DID insulate the steel, did the also insulate the connections to make sure those weren't affected by heat?

Tell me why, based on your HEAT CONDUCTION crap, this crane clamp isn't red by now if heat transfers as quick as you say.
Alex Jones is an asshole and a massive liar
you really should stop believing his bullshit

so what you are saying is in your ignorance that you believe the existence of the Bohemia grove is a lie that the attendance and participation of world elite in pagan ceremonies does not occur ?...what part is a lie and do you realize that these facts are documented through many mainstream sources and history books found in most libraries ??

I would say that it's all Bullshit, where are the pictures of the world leaders he claims are there every July? To the best of my knowledge there are no pagan festivals in July either, as the early Christians actually planned their Christian holidays as close as they could to the pagan holidays to make it easier for the people to switch religions. You really should study these things more before opening your trap.

it is called summer solstice asshole...and you should really take your own advice

[ame=]YouTube - 1981 News report about Bohemian grove[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove[/ame]
so what you are saying is in your ignorance that you believe the existence of the Bohemia grove is a lie that the attendance and participation of world elite in pagan ceremonies does not occur ?...what part is a lie and do you realize that these facts are documented through many mainstream sources and history books found in most libraries ??

I would say that it's all Bullshit, where are the pictures of the world leaders he claims are there every July? To the best of my knowledge there are no pagan festivals in July either, as the early Christians actually planned their Christian holidays as close as they could to the pagan holidays to make it easier for the people to switch religions. You really should study these things more before opening your trap.

it is called summer solstice asshole...and you should really take your own advice

[ame=""]YouTube - 1981 News report about Bohemian grove[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove[/ame]
damn, Nixon was paranoid about just about EVERYONE
big deal

and the summer solstice is in JUNE
i liker how you dismiss it with a stupid Nixon comment and ignore the second 1981 NBC piece that is many of the participants and that they preform can be of the opinion this is of no spiritual relevance and is just some strange and gay way of entertainment but it is pure denial not to
acknowledge the fact the world elite including presidents gather every year at the grove and preform pagan rituals to ancient deities
i liker how you dismiss it with a stupid Nixon comment and ignore the second 1981 NBC piece that is many of the participants and that they preform can be of the opinion this is of no spiritual relevance and is just some strange and gay way of entertainment but it is pure denial not to
acknowledge the fact the world elite including presidents gather every year at the grove and preform pagan rituals to ancient deities
Nixon was the second one
and the first one wouldn't load when i responded
well it pretty much answers Ollie's misinformed belief that the grove and the ceremony is not a fact
ok, i gave it a watch, nothing in it backs your take on it
you fail once again

OMG who ever heard of such a thing

a summer camp of sodomy ..and pagan ceremonies..preformed by grown men of major power and influence type summer camp ?
and again, your video didnt say anything about all that
thats just more alex jones bullshit lies

Alex Jones

yes and david gergen and Alex ask honest questions and gergen is evasive and lies ..he does not deny any of it he just goes on a spin about respect..he does not say there is no such ceremony.. he is none of your dam is very clear in this exchange who is honest and who is deceitful and has something to hide..your blah blah Alex Jones routine is just a diversion from these facts
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Alex Jones

yes and david gergen and Alex ask honest questions and gergen is evasive and lies ..he does not deny any of it he just goes on a spin about respect..he does not say there is no such ceremony.. he is none of your dam is very clear in this exchange who is honest and who is deceitful and has something to hide..your blah blah Alex Jones routine is just a diversion from these facts
saying "none of your damn business" is not saying there ARE those things going on either, fucking idiot
no one is denying the idols at the grove or the rituals preformed..not even gergen.. it has been in existence a long time and was a favorite retreat for Goering before the war and he wrote of its spiritual roots and ceremonies there are many pictures of the ceremonies from the early 1900s up to the alex Jones film all basically the same and there have been all kinds of reports of rampant homosexuality other than from Nixon and in fact gergen even touched on it in his statement to the washington post..the only thing open for debate is its significance..if your consider it morally corrupt and hypocritical or just some demented good fun for the good old harm done
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Greetings to All:

All of the evidence points directly to inside-job terrorists taking down WTC-7 by Controlled Demolition on 9/11.

More lies

All the evidence?

All of it?

If something goes against your belief, does it become non-evidence by the wave of some magic wand?

Terral - is English a second language for you?

Do you know what evidence is? Who gave you the power to decide what is or is not evidence? What rules of law apply here? Do you even care about the law?
Terral, since this is YOUR thread about YOUR theory and how you know for a FACT that WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolition using thermite, please explain this contradiction to me.

You claim that thermite signatures/thermite froth are everywhere. In this photo you say that the columns have been cut by thermite yet annotate the same photo to say that there is no signs of burns or melting anywhere on the columns/beams.


Care to address this? Why do you debunk your own claim in the same photo?

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