WTC-7 Was A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Consider the seismic records of the closest seismic recording station, at Palisades, NY (PAL). They show a very similar pattern for the leveling of WTC 1 and 2. In both cases there is about five seconds of high-amplitude movement, followed by about three seconds of movement at less than half that amplitude, and then by about 15 seconds of much weaker movement. In addition there is some still weaker movement starting about 12 seconds before the onsets of the high-amplitude movement. The main difference is that for WTC 1 the initial high-amplitude phase builds in intensity to a much higher spike than any seen for WTC 2.

The fact that the largest movement is followed by smaller movement has been cited as evidence that bombs, detonated at the starts of the collapses, generated the large movement, and that the debris impacting the ground contributed to the smaller subsequent movement. However, bombs, if detonated underground, would have generated strong P waves in addition to S waves. The fact that only strong S waves were reported is consistent with the theory that the largest movement was caused by building remains hitting the ground.

9-11 Research: Speed of Fall
we are talking about the fall of WTC7

9-11 Research: Rate of Building 7's Fall
that link is better for this discussion
Former California Seismic Safety Commissioner Endorses 9/11 Truth Movement

Prominent Engineer Calls for a New Investigation of 9/11

SAN FRANCISCO, CA July 16, 2007 -- San Francisco architect Richard Gage, AIA, founder of the group, 'Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth,' announced today the statement of support from J. Marx Ayres, former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council.
J. Marx Ayres

“We are proud to have the support of Marx Ayres, a nationally recognized expert in building energy systems and earthquake damage to building nonstructural systems, in our search for the truth about the events of 9/11.”, said Mr. Gage. “He has signed our petition requesting a reinvestigation of those tragic events and he has now gone even further by providing his personal statement of support for a new investigation of 9/11.”

Mr. Ayres is a nationally recognized expert in building air conditioning design and analysis, energy conservation, thermal energy storage, commissioning of HVAC systems, and earthquake damage to building mechanical systems, with over 55 years of experience. Co-founder of one of the largest building engineering firms in Los Angeles, Mr. Ayres has been in responsible charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects, including high rise offices, commercial centers, hospitals and laboratories, hotels and residential buildings, universities and colleges, schools, theaters and entertainment centers, jails and correctional facilities, TV and sound studios, governmental buildings and industrial facilities
In his statement, Mr. Ayres wrote, “I support the work of Dr. Steven Jones. He has provided a scientific foundation for the collapse of the three World Trade Center (WTC) towers. I read the FEMA September, 2002 report, prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers, and initially accepted their theory of the collapse of WTC 1 and 2. As more information became available on the web, I was motivated to research the subject in a more rigorous manner. I have carefully studied the Jones 2006 paper, “Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?” and concluded that it is a rational step-by-step study that meets the accepted standards for scientific building research. His critical reviews of the FEMA, NIST, and 9/11 Commission reports are correct.”

Mr. Ayres continues, “Steven Jones’ call for a ‘serious investigation’ of the hypothesis that the WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by impact damage and fire, but through the use of pre-positioned “cutter-charges” must be the rallying cry for all building design experts to speak out.”

Dr. Steven Jones is in the forefront of independent scientific researchers investigating the events of 9/11. A former professor of physics at Brigham Young University, his research indicates that the World Trade Center skyscrapers were destroyed not as a result of the impact of airplanes, but rather the result of intentional, controlled demolitions using precisely timed detonations of pre-planted explosives. In fact, one of the skyscrapers, 610 foot tall, 47-story, WTC Building 7, was not even hit by an airplane, yet it disintegrated and fell into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds. It is of interest to note that Building 7 was not even mentioned in the 9/11 Commission’s "
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Former California Seismic Safety Commissioner Endorses 9/11 Truth Movement

Prominent Engineer Calls for a New Investigation of 9/11

SAN FRANCISCO, CA July 16, 2007 -- San Francisco architect Richard Gage, AIA, founder of the group, 'Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth,' announced today the statement of support from J. Marx Ayres, former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council.
J. Marx Ayres

“We are proud to have the support of Marx Ayres, a nationally recognized expert in building energy systems and earthquake damage to building nonstructural systems, in our search for the truth about the events of 9/11.”, said Mr. Gage. “He has signed our petition requesting a reinvestigation of those tragic events and he has now gone even further by providing his personal statement of support for a new investigation of 9/11.”

Mr. Ayres is a nationally recognized expert in building air conditioning design and analysis, energy conservation, thermal energy storage, commissioning of HVAC systems, and earthquake damage to building mechanical systems, with over 55 years of experience. Co-founder of one of the largest building engineering firms in Los Angeles, Mr. Ayres has been in responsible charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects, including high rise offices, commercial centers, hospitals and laboratories, hotels and residential buildings, universities and colleges, schools, theaters and entertainment centers, jails and correctional facilities, TV and sound studios, governmental buildings and industrial facilities

Nobody cares.

Have you found any real accomplishments of your "movement" yet? If so, please list them.
Former California Seismic Safety Commissioner Endorses 9/11 Truth Movement

Prominent Engineer Calls for a New Investigation of 9/11

SAN FRANCISCO, CA July 16, 2007 -- San Francisco architect Richard Gage, AIA, founder of the group, 'Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth,' announced today the statement of support from J. Marx Ayres, former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council.
J. Marx Ayres

“We are proud to have the support of Marx Ayres, a nationally recognized expert in building energy systems and earthquake damage to building nonstructural systems, in our search for the truth about the events of 9/11.”, said Mr. Gage. “He has signed our petition requesting a reinvestigation of those tragic events and he has now gone even further by providing his personal statement of support for a new investigation of 9/11.”

Mr. Ayres is a nationally recognized expert in building air conditioning design and analysis, energy conservation, thermal energy storage, commissioning of HVAC systems, and earthquake damage to building mechanical systems, with over 55 years of experience. Co-founder of one of the largest building engineering firms in Los Angeles, Mr. Ayres has been in responsible charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects, including high rise offices, commercial centers, hospitals and laboratories, hotels and residential buildings, universities and colleges, schools, theaters and entertainment centers, jails and correctional facilities, TV and sound studios, governmental buildings and industrial facilities

Nobody cares.

Have you found any real accomplishments of your "movement" yet? If so, please list them.

Former California Seismic Safety Commissioner Endorses 9/11 Truth Movement

Prominent Engineer Calls for a New Investigation of 9/11

SAN FRANCISCO, CA July 16, 2007 -- San Francisco architect Richard Gage, AIA, founder of the group, 'Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth,' announced today the statement of support from J. Marx Ayres, former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council.
J. Marx Ayres

“We are proud to have the support of Marx Ayres, a nationally recognized expert in building energy systems and earthquake damage to building nonstructural systems, in our search for the truth about the events of 9/11.”, said Mr. Gage. “He has signed our petition requesting a reinvestigation of those tragic events and he has now gone even further by providing his personal statement of support for a new investigation of 9/11.”

Mr. Ayres is a nationally recognized expert in building air conditioning design and analysis, energy conservation, thermal energy storage, commissioning of HVAC systems, and earthquake damage to building mechanical systems, with over 55 years of experience. Co-founder of one of the largest building engineering firms in Los Angeles, Mr. Ayres has been in responsible charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects, including high rise offices, commercial centers, hospitals and laboratories, hotels and residential buildings, universities and colleges, schools, theaters and entertainment centers, jails and correctional facilities, TV and sound studios, governmental buildings and industrial facilities

Nobody cares.

Have you found any real accomplishments of your "movement" yet? If so, please list them.


So since you are unable to list a single accomplishment, can we safely assume that your "movement" is dead in the water?

yes the visable portion..then they make an assumption on no evidence that perhapes it slowed in the unseen portion so they can try to extended the collapse

Let's see how "smart" you really are eots.

Here's a COMPLETE video of the collapse of WTC7. Tell me how long it takes from beginning to end for it to collapse.
And don't try and say that you are taling about the free fall potion either because you have quoted your stooge, Steven Jones as saying this.
yet it disintegrated and fell into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds. I
So you believe the ENTIRE collapse took less than 7 seconds.

Here's the video.
[ame=]YouTube - Collapse of WTC7[/ame]

Let's see if you can even count. I doubt it.

Former California Seismic Safety Commissioner Endorses 9/11 Truth Movement

Prominent Engineer Calls for a New Investigation of 9/11

SAN FRANCISCO, CA July 16, 2007 -- San Francisco architect Richard Gage, AIA, founder of the group, 'Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth,' announced today the statement of support from J. Marx Ayres, former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council.
J. Marx Ayres

“We are proud to have the support of Marx Ayres, a nationally recognized expert in building energy systems and earthquake damage to building nonstructural systems, in our search for the truth about the events of 9/11.”, said Mr. Gage. “He has signed our petition requesting a reinvestigation of those tragic events and he has now gone even further by providing his personal statement of support for a new investigation of 9/11.”

Mr. Ayres is a nationally recognized expert in building air conditioning design and analysis, energy conservation, thermal energy storage, commissioning of HVAC systems, and earthquake damage to building mechanical systems, with over 55 years of experience. Co-founder of one of the largest building engineering firms in Los Angeles, Mr. Ayres has been in responsible charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects, including high rise offices, commercial centers, hospitals and laboratories, hotels and residential buildings, universities and colleges, schools, theaters and entertainment centers, jails and correctional facilities, TV and sound studios, governmental buildings and industrial facilities
In his statement, Mr. Ayres wrote, “I support the work of Dr. Steven Jones. He has provided a scientific foundation for the collapse of the three World Trade Center (WTC) towers. I read the FEMA September, 2002 report, prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers, and initially accepted their theory of the collapse of WTC 1 and 2. As more information became available on the web, I was motivated to research the subject in a more rigorous manner. I have carefully studied the Jones 2006 paper, “Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?” and concluded that it is a rational step-by-step study that meets the accepted standards for scientific building research. His critical reviews of the FEMA, NIST, and 9/11 Commission reports are correct.”

Mr. Ayres continues, “Steven Jones’ call for a ‘serious investigation’ of the hypothesis that the WTC 7 and the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by impact damage and fire, but through the use of pre-positioned “cutter-charges” must be the rallying cry for all building design experts to speak out.”

Dr. Steven Jones is in the forefront of independent scientific researchers investigating the events of 9/11. A former professor of physics at Brigham Young University, his research indicates that the World Trade Center skyscrapers were destroyed not as a result of the impact of airplanes, but rather the result of intentional, controlled demolitions using precisely timed detonations of pre-planted explosives. In fact, one of the skyscrapers, 610 foot tall, 47-story, WTC Building 7, was not even hit by an airplane, yet it disintegrated and fell into a pile of rubble in less than 7 seconds. It is of interest to note that Building 7 was not even mentioned in the 9/11 Commission’s "
OpEdNews - Article: Former California Seismic Safety Commissioner Endorses 9/11 Truth Movement

Check out this critical and well thought out explanation of why this guy believes it was a conspiracy.
William Steven Burgess said:
Since i usually don't like writing long synopsis, I'd just say that some how, some way, in some fashion...9/11 was an inside job.

Riveting to say the least.

Since eots seems to be stuck on people's credentials to lend credence to what they say, here is his bio.
William Steven Burgess bio said:
Have technical apprenticeship schooling and a little college, but no degree.

User Profile
More well thought out and explained reasoning. Looks like he researched BOTH sides and came to a conclusion.

Zubayr Shah said:
I was very Interested in finding the Truth about the 9/11 "Attacks" after George Bush kept on publicly denouncing the Name of Islam.

I myself am a Muslim and i feel this is a Un-fair Treatment by Mr.Bush.

After watching the Documentary "Farenheit 9/11" By Michael Moore and "Loose Change" (directed by Dylan Avery) I continued my Research into the "Attacks"

I am only 15 Years old and I am beginning to Grow support for the Truth with people amongst my Age group.

User Profile
These bios are hysterical! I just started reading some of them since eots seems to put so much into what they say. Here's a great one. I stopped reading after the last sentence. PRICELESS!!!

Zackary MacCormack Paris said:
I have to agree with the experts when they say it came down by demolition I can see the squibs clearly which I think is enough for me but when the molten lava part came


Hi Gam:

These bios are hysterical! I just started reading some of them since eots seems to put so much into what they say. Here's a great one. I stopped reading after the last sentence. PRICELESS!!!

Gam is here to push the Official Cover Story that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style from building fires :)cuckoo:). I stopped reading after the first sentence, because only two kinds of people push that NONSENSE.

1. DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Handlers/Ops/Assets.
2. Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES.

If anyone really thinks that Gam has made the "Building Fires Did It" Case :)confused:), then I have some swamp . . . I mean . . . waterfront property to sell you . . .

The guy has no interest whatsoever in discussing the EMPTY HOLE outside Shanksville (my Flight 93 Topic) . . .


. . . and no interest at all in discussing the EMPTY HOLE at the Pentagon (my Pentagon Topic) . . .


. . . because his handlers :)cool:) told him to stick to telling Official Cover Story LIES about the WTC Case. Thanks again for helping to prove my theory (#7, #8, #9) . . .



WTC-7 is already imploding at free fall speed, but there is 'no' sign of any building fires through any of the unbroken windows! And yet, this same skyscraper was reduced to this little pile . . .

Terral. Why did you lie about this photo?

Hi Gam:

Terral. Why did you lie about this photo?

Let's see: Gam is here pushing the Official Cover Story LIE that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style from building fires :)eusa_liar:), but I am the liar. :0)

That picture was taken from this page (here). Upon reexamination of the evidence, this picture (here) appears to be taken a few minutes before this one (here) showing the CD-signature 'kink' in the roof line. Therefore, WTC-7 was 'not' yet falling in the first picture that shows the penthouse still intact. However, we still see 'no signs' of any building fires through any of the unbroken windows 'and' WTC-7 was still brought down using Controlled Demolition (my original thesis). Gam is still the Official Cover Story LIAR . . .

Quite honestly, the angle of pre-collapse WTC-7 in the first picture threw me off a little bit. Now I realize that the camera is being held a few degrees off from perpendicular. Here is some more great video evidence that makes my case:


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Hi Gam:

Terral. Why did you lie about this photo?

Let's see: Gam is here pushing the Official Cover Story LIE that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style from building fires :)eusa_liar:), but I am the liar. :0)

That picture was taken from this page (here). Upon reexamination of the evidence, this picture (here) appears to be taken a few minutes before this one (here) showing the CD-signature 'kink' in the roof line. Therefore, WTC-7 was 'not' yet falling in the first picture that shows the penthouse still intact. However, we still see 'no signs' of any building fires through any of the unbroken windows 'and' WTC-7 was still brought down using Controlled Demolition (my original thesis). Gam is still the Official Cover Story LIAR . . .

Quite honestly, the angle of pre-collapse WTC-7 in the first picture threw me off a little bit. Now I realize that the camera is being held a few degrees off from perpendicular. Here is some more great video evidence that makes my case:



That's two *cough* mistakes *cough* you've admitted to now in your "evidence".

What about the this little gem Terral?

You know. Where you spew all this garbage about there being TONS of pictures of "thermite signatures" and "thermite froth" yet annotate the photo above saying that there is no "evidence of melting or fire" on the steel.


This is fun making you look like a complete ass.
Hi Gam:

This is fun making you look like a complete ass.

Laugh and have fun with it, while you can. WTC-7 was still taken down using Controlled Demolition ( and you are still guilty of pushing Official Cover Story LIES. Enjoy all of your days under the sun, because very soon Gam will be joining 'all lairs' (Rev. 21:8 = :evil:) where you belong . . .

Watch and see . . .


Hi Gam:

This is fun making you look like a complete ass.

Laugh and have fun with it, while you can. WTC-7 was still taken down using Controlled Demolition ( and you are still guilty of pushing Official Cover Story LIES. Enjoy all of your days under the sun, because very soon Gam will be joining 'all lairs' (Rev. 21:8 = :evil:) where you belong . . .

Watch and see . . .




Sorry Terral. I WON'T be going there. I was saved LOOONNNGGGG ago. You're bible thumping baloney does nothing to scare me.

Please address your annotation you provided saying that that there is no evdeince of "MELTING" or "BURNS" on the steel yet you claim there are "thermite signatures" everywhere.

Come of goofball. you can't do it can you. A third mistake/contradiction you've been called on.

Hi Gam:

This is fun making you look like a complete ass.

Laugh and have fun with it, while you can. WTC-7 was still taken down using Controlled Demolition ( and you are still guilty of pushing Official Cover Story LIES. Enjoy all of your days under the sun, because very soon Gam will be joining 'all lairs' (Rev. 21:8 = :evil:) where you belong . . .

Watch and see . . .


ya know, its people like YOU that drive most people away from Christ
you are one talked about here
no mean like the ones here...[ame][/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Alex Jones - Secrets in Bohemian Grove[/ame]
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Alex Jones is an asshole and a massive liar
you really should stop believing his bullshit
Alex Jones is an asshole and a massive liar
you really should stop believing his bullshit

so what you are saying is in your ignorance that you believe the existence of the Bohemia grove is a lie that the attendance and participation of world elite in pagan ceremonies does not occur ?...what part is a lie and do you realize that these facts are documented through many mainstream sources and history books found in most libraries ??
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