WTF Chuck: Working Class Spends Money On 'Booze & Women'

Yeah, yeah...let's all pretend that our "poor" aren't our greatest liability. Let's pretend the 'poor' doesn't represent the majority of the folks smoking cigarettes, smoking weed, with drinking problems, drug addictions...etc etc
Come on guys...stop the madness, sack up and learn to appreciate the whole truth. Stop dumbing yourselves down for the sake of PC. Don't be scared.
execute them, bury them in a mass grave and we'll all be better off.

WOW...that's fucked up.
Just give the habitual bottom feeders a tent, a fishing pole and a bus ticket to a resource rich forest somewhere far, far away and wish them luck.
How about a college degree instead?

Haha...just give them one huh?
Were our "poor" not provided with options?
Free public school k-12 > Free college and or interest free loans?
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
"You can't turn a sows ear into a silk purse."

True, and look at how many folks are dropping out of "free HS" - the reality is that there's always gonna be a percentage of folks who don't find education (HS degree, college degree) worth their time.

Remember the days when people were ashamed to be on welfare and pay with food stamps?
People would do their shopping in the middle of the night with hopes of avoiding people and sparing them from embarrassment.
Socialists/ Liberals have glamorized the use of welfare to the point where people are shameless and proud to be using other people's money. It's fucking pathetic.
I'm going to have to disagree with the entire premise that "non rich" folk are screwed in America.

The reality is that there are shit tons of businesses out there who are looking for people to fill positions that pay good money. The jobs, the opportunity, is there; you maybe can't find it "where you are." I'm speaking generally here, but I'll try to explain. That is to say, for example, I wanted to be an architect, but there's almost no architect jobs up here in Alaska and I wasn't willing to leave Alaska for whatever reason so there it is - I /chose/ not to be an architect even though the jobs /are/ out there, they're not where I am.

The secondary kind of problem with these good jobs that are open is that they might require a certain level of responsibility or dedication that a lot of folks aren't willing to give - for example, I wanted to have kids so I wasn't going to take on a CEO job that required me to be away from home all the time - I /chose/ not to be a CEO, but the job is out there.

RE education: There are indeed some great jobs that folks need an education for no doubt, but there's also a lot that just require some dedication and patience. Two of my boys elected /not/ to go to college, even though we saved for them to go and had the money set aside for them; they both got on the job training + $20/h pay. A degree is not a guarantee that you will get a good job, if you're not willing to go where the job is then the degree is actually a bit of a "liability" for you personally (the costs and the bill part is most certainly a "liability" to your future.) Sure a degree might help you get a good job (it looks great on paper to those doing the hiring,) but it's not 100% "necessary" to get a good job. Hell given the crap happening with colleges this past year, I would not be at all surprised if some college degrees are actually looked at as a negative by some business owners (I know a couple business folk who have stated that they'd never hire someone who graduated in California - I disagree with their premise [because of the shit happpening down there this past year] (that is borderline discrimination, it is total generalization, etc in my book) but I'm just giving that as an example. There's probably some business folk who wouldn't consider a degree from a "fly-over state" as worth a shit too.)

Why do Republicans keep trying to fuck over them and make their lives worse instead of better? Policies do matter.

No one is trying to fuck over anyone you dolt.

The R's believe that lowering taxes on the rich and on businesses is good for the economy, and will offer better jobs to the poor, and also bring up the middle class as well.

Just because /you/ don't believe their plan will work, doesn't NOT mean they are "trying to fuck over" anyone...

I was raised on a farm - and I know a two-story outhouse ain't good.

I see we have the usual suspects, (Trumpsters), pretending that they are not in the economic sector, that Grassley just insulted.
Most of you losers spend a ton of time on USMB, writing nothing but over-used talking points, indicating a low educational level.
The people, who Grassley suggested deserve humongous tax breaks, wouldn't ever be on a political message board, let alone posting talking points redundantly.
You Trumpsters, are the people Grassley just insulted. Exactly, who in the fuck do you think you're fooling? :dunno:

Soooo, your post count suggests you're a total fuckin loser.
I see we have the usual suspects, (Trumpsters), pretending that they are not in the economic sector, that Grassley just insulted.
Most of you losers spend a ton of time on USMB, writing nothing but over-used talking points, indicating a low educational level.
The people, who Grassley suggested deserve humongous tax breaks, wouldn't ever be on a political message board, let alone posting talking points redundantly.
You Trumpsters, are the people Grassley just insulted. Exactly, who in the fuck do you think you're fooling? :dunno:

Soooo, your post count suggests you're a total fuckin loser.

As does your avatar.
I'm going to have to disagree with the entire premise that "non rich" folk are screwed in America.

The reality is that there are shit tons of businesses out there who are looking for people to fill positions that pay good money. The jobs, the opportunity, is there; you maybe can't find it "where you are." I'm speaking generally here, but I'll try to explain. That is to say, for example, I wanted to be an architect, but there's almost no architect jobs up here in Alaska and I wasn't willing to leave Alaska for whatever reason so there it is - I /chose/ not to be an architect even though the jobs /are/ out there, they're not where I am.

The secondary kind of problem with these good jobs that are open is that they might require a certain level of responsibility or dedication that a lot of folks aren't willing to give - for example, I wanted to have kids so I wasn't going to take on a CEO job that required me to be away from home all the time - I /chose/ not to be a CEO, but the job is out there.

RE education: There are indeed some great jobs that folks need an education for no doubt, but there's also a lot that just require some dedication and patience. Two of my boys elected /not/ to go to college, even though we saved for them to go and had the money set aside for them; they both got on the job training + $20/h pay. A degree is not a guarantee that you will get a good job, if you're not willing to go where the job is then the degree is actually a bit of a "liability" for you personally (the costs and the bill part is most certainly a "liability" to your future.) Sure a degree might help you get a good job (it looks great on paper to those doing the hiring,) but it's not 100% "necessary" to get a good job. Hell given the crap happening with colleges this past year, I would not be at all surprised if some college degrees are actually looked at as a negative by some business owners (I know a couple business folk who have stated that they'd never hire someone who graduated in California - I disagree with their premise [because of the shit happpening down there this past year] (that is borderline discrimination, it is total generalization, etc in my book) but I'm just giving that as an example. There's probably some business folk who wouldn't consider a degree from a "fly-over state" as worth a shit too.)

Why do Republicans keep trying to fuck over them and make their lives worse instead of better? Policies do matter.

No one is trying to fuck over anyone you dolt.

The R's believe that lowering taxes on the rich and on businesses is good for the economy, and will offer better jobs to the poor, and also bring up the middle class as well.

Just because /you/ don't believe their plan will work, doesn't NOT mean they are "trying to fuck over" anyone...

I was raised on a farm - and I know a two-story outhouse ain't good.

Well in my opinion you're a political hack who doesn't have any idea what you're talking about when it comes to economy, supply and demand. You also suffer from a hatred for both the rich and business owners. Therefore you're trying to fuck over America.

How's that work for ya?
execute them, bury them in a mass grave and we'll all be better off.

WOW...that's fucked up.
Just give the habitual bottom feeders a tent, a fishing pole and a bus ticket to a resource rich forest somewhere far, far away and wish them luck.
How about a college degree instead?

Haha...just give them one huh?
Were our "poor" not provided with options?
Free public school k-12 > Free college and or interest free loans?
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
"You can't turn a sows ear into a silk purse."

True, and look at how many folks are dropping out of "free HS" - the reality is that there's always gonna be a percentage of folks who don't find education (HS degree, college degree) worth their time.

Remember the days when people were ashamed to be on welfare and pay with food stamps?
People would do their shopping in the middle of the night with hopes of avoiding people and sparing them from embarrassment.
Socialists/ Liberals have glamorized the use of welfare to the point where people are shameless and proud to be using other people's money. It's fucking pathetic.

Remember em, yea. Alaska's still living them for the most part. Up here we're military and capitalist for the most part so it's kind of "the norm" so to speak.
Chuck neglected to mention the taxpayer money that Congress uses to quietly settle sexual harassment claims - which I assume is spent mostly on women.
I see we have the usual suspects, (Trumpsters), pretending that they are not in the economic sector, that Grassley just insulted.
Most of you losers spend a ton of time on USMB, writing nothing but over-used talking points, indicating a low educational level.
The people, who Grassley suggested deserve humongous tax breaks, wouldn't ever be on a political message board, let alone posting talking points redundantly.
You Trumpsters, are the people Grassley just insulted. Exactly, who in the fuck do you think you're fooling? :dunno:

Soooo, your post count suggests you're a total fuckin loser.

Certainly, not a loser of your level. I'm very happy, I am not you.
Personally, I think this mentality of "us vs them" is exceptionally detrimental to America.

Yet again, we've gotten into this dumb mentality of trying to "marginalize" the "other side" using bullshit accusations and it's come to a head, again, this year. Unfortunately, I don't think American's as a whole have learned the lesson yet, we'll probably have to do it over and over - so the pendulum swings.
I see we have the usual suspects, (Trumpsters), pretending that they are not in the economic sector, that Grassley just insulted.
Most of you losers spend a ton of time on USMB, writing nothing but over-used talking points, indicating a low educational level.
The people, who Grassley suggested deserve humongous tax breaks, wouldn't ever be on a political message board, let alone posting talking points redundantly.
You Trumpsters, are the people Grassley just insulted. Exactly, who in the fuck do you think you're fooling? :dunno:

Soooo, your post count suggests you're a total fuckin loser.

Certainly, not a loser of your level. I'm very happy, I am not you.

I agree. Grassley is a dinosaur.
GOP Senator Implies Those Who Aren’t Millionaires Waste Money On ‘Booze, Women’

That’s why the richest deserve a break on estate taxes, says Chuck Grassley.

In an astonishing defense of dropping “death taxes” for individual estates worth more than $5.5 million, GOP Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley implied that people not currently affected by that tax are “spending every darn penny ... on booze or women.”

“I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing — as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies,” Grassley told the Des Moines Register in an interview published Saturday. Grassley, who serves on the Finance Committee, made the remark when asked about the Senate tax reform measure which would double the exemption for estates to $11 million for an individual and $22 million for a couple. Heirs would inherit the estates tax-free.

Grassley’s comment triggered a wave of criticism on social media. Many complained that the working class is, in fact, spending “every darn penny” on raising their kids, caring for elderly parents, health care and putting food on the table. One Twitter user complained that the GOP was turning America into a version of “The Hunger Games.”

More: GOP Senator Implies Those Who Aren't Millionaires Waste Money On 'Booze, Women'

Wow! Just Wow! It takes a real neanderthal to make such an ignorant statement. However, Grassley has proven many times that he is an ignorant neanderthal.

Yeah, yeah...let's all pretend that our "poor" aren't our greatest liability. Let's pretend the 'poor' doesn't represent the majority of the folks smoking cigarettes, smoking weed, with drinking problems, drug addictions...etc etc
Come on guys...stop the madness, sack up and learn to appreciate the whole truth. Stop dumbing yourselves down for the sake of PC. Don't be scared.
execute them, bury them in a mass grave and we'll all be better off.

WOW...that's fucked up.
Just give the habitual bottom feeders a tent, a fishing pole and a bus ticket to a resource rich forest somewhere far, far away and wish them luck.
How about a college degree instead?

Haha...just give them one huh?
Were our "poor" not provided with options?
Free public school k-12 > Free college and or interest free loans?
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
"You can't turn a sows ear into a silk purse."
I was being funny, trying to anyhow.
Our schools are packed with people with no ambition, no drive, no plan, they simply attend school as the end and not the means to an end. They work on degrees like, women studies, English, Music appreciation, because their easy and they can spend their time drinking or gaming instead of studying. Why give money to people who are going to blow it on frivolous things like degrees that won't get them a job?
execute them, bury them in a mass grave and we'll all be better off.

WOW...that's fucked up.
Just give the habitual bottom feeders a tent, a fishing pole and a bus ticket to a resource rich forest somewhere far, far away and wish them luck.
How about a college degree instead?

Haha...just give them one huh?
Were our "poor" not provided with options?
Free public school k-12 > Free college and or interest free loans?
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
"You can't turn a sows ear into a silk purse."

True, and look at how many folks are dropping out of "free HS" - the reality is that there's always gonna be a percentage of folks who don't find education (HS degree, college degree) worth their time.

And it's the fault of the socialists who have manifested the belief system among the poor that "welfare" is their right and not just a "fund" designed to help good hard working people who have fallen on hard times.
When all the jobs are automated what will the people do then? With no jobs to pay the rent with what hope do we have?
WOW...that's fucked up.
Just give the habitual bottom feeders a tent, a fishing pole and a bus ticket to a resource rich forest somewhere far, far away and wish them luck.
How about a college degree instead?

Haha...just give them one huh?
Were our "poor" not provided with options?
Free public school k-12 > Free college and or interest free loans?
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
"You can't turn a sows ear into a silk purse."

True, and look at how many folks are dropping out of "free HS" - the reality is that there's always gonna be a percentage of folks who don't find education (HS degree, college degree) worth their time.

And it's the fault of the socialists who have manifested the belief system among the poor that "welfare" is their right and not just a "fund" designed to help good hard working people who have fallen on hard times.
When all the jobs are automated what will the people do then? With no jobs to pay the rent with what hope do we have?

It is not possible to automate all jobs. AI isn't up to the task, and probably never will be. Even so, you are making an argument that's so far out there in the future that no one can predict it; new skill sets will be needed (maybe it'll be artists, AI will /never/ be able to handle art, acting, etc.), there is no way to predict what advances of technology will come out (maybe we'll harness something that provides free unlimited power - aka bills go down,) there is no way to predict that the US will even still exist at all.

You have to stick to reality and "likely" shit or you're basically just inventing crap that fits your present agenda. It's like saying that Christian's should be able to force everyone to follow their rules/beliefs in the bible because there's a Hell; an idea/agenda based entirely upon unknowns.
GOP Senator Implies Those Who Aren’t Millionaires Waste Money On ‘Booze, Women’

That’s why the richest deserve a break on estate taxes, says Chuck Grassley.

In an astonishing defense of dropping “death taxes” for individual estates worth more than $5.5 million, GOP Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley implied that people not currently affected by that tax are “spending every darn penny ... on booze or women.”

“I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing — as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies,” Grassley told the Des Moines Register in an interview published Saturday. Grassley, who serves on the Finance Committee, made the remark when asked about the Senate tax reform measure which would double the exemption for estates to $11 million for an individual and $22 million for a couple. Heirs would inherit the estates tax-free.

Grassley’s comment triggered a wave of criticism on social media. Many complained that the working class is, in fact, spending “every darn penny” on raising their kids, caring for elderly parents, health care and putting food on the table. One Twitter user complained that the GOP was turning America into a version of “The Hunger Games.”

More: GOP Senator Implies Those Who Aren't Millionaires Waste Money On 'Booze, Women'

Wow! Just Wow! It takes a real neanderthal to make such an ignorant statement. However, Grassley has proven many times that he is an ignorant neanderthal.

How many rich people did you see in line to spend a $1,000 on a phone?


right... because all poor people are spending $1,000 on a phone.

so, let's get this straight... you losers don't want a minimum wage. don't want to educate people unless they're wealthy. don't think people should be able to afford health care and pharmaceuticals....

but you berate them for not being able to save when they can barely afford to live?

it's so cute how when people talk about screwing working people, you automatically pretend that poor people (who in your head are black) are living high on the hog off of your money.

at this point, there is nothing to think about people like Grassley and you ilk other than that there is a deep strain of evil that runs through a third of the country that thinks this is ok.

if I believed in hell, I'd say there's a special place there for all of you
It is not "elitist" to say someone has messed up financial priorities... How many times you think I've told my kids they're wasting their money on stupid shit? Am I "elitist" against my kids?

The estate tax is nothing more than stealing from children, its money that parents saved going to their kids... Hell it hits spouses too; here you're trying to grieve the loss of your partner and the fucking gov is standing there with a proverbial gun demanding money. Then there's the "double taxation" issue; which is a double edged sword I won't get into detail on (interest not paid taxes on, but sometimes they've paid tax on it before they put it in the bank, etc.)
It's the same problem as enrolling kids in college because their parents went there. Legacies gives children of rich people unfair advantage.

What is "unfair"? The luck of the draw?
It is not "elitist" to say someone has messed up financial priorities... How many times you think I've told my kids they're wasting their money on stupid shit? Am I "elitist" against my kids?

The estate tax is nothing more than stealing from children, its money that parents saved going to their kids... Hell it hits spouses too; here you're trying to grieve the loss of your partner and the fucking gov is standing there with a proverbial gun demanding money. Then there's the "double taxation" issue; which is a double edged sword I won't get into detail on (interest not paid taxes on, but sometimes they've paid tax on it before they put it in the bank, etc.)
It's the same problem as enrolling kids in college because their parents went there. Legacies gives children of rich people unfair advantage.

What is "unfair"? The luck of the draw?

It's not even "luck of the draw" though. Parents [legacies] don't "accidentally" invest money for their children and grand children's future, and they don't "accidentally" learn how to do that crap out of thin air. There is a concerted effort to do it - that's not "luck of the draw" that's having heirs who think about more than themselves.
So why did Chuck stereotype you?

He didn't, it doesn't apply to me.

Sure it does. You a multi millionaire?

If not, he was talking about you.



Wake up or keep the blinders on, that's your choice.

But this really isn't a topic with much grey area for interpretation. He was talking about you, me and probably 99.9% of the people on this website.

You seem to think I should actually care, what he said has no bearing on me, so why should I be offended? Does it apply to you? If it does maybe you could look at reorganizing your priorities.

Of course it has impact on you.

You're getting either a shitty improvement on your taxes or no improvement at all while millionaires are getting a substantial tax cut.

And he's justifying it because he's saying anyone who doesn't get to take advantage of the estate tax (ie. You) don't deserve it because you spend your money frivolously.

You may not spend your money like that but you're ok with him generalizing you and giving the Lions share of tax gains to people who don't need it.

This is hurting you and you don't care. Literally insane.
Hmmm.... people that waste every darn penny on "Booze, Women", sounds like he's talking about his colleagues in Congress.

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