WTF?? CPAC Crowd Waves Russian Flags @Trump

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@ CPAC, aka the Kremlin Federation, celebrating Putin just before Trump speech

CPAC attendees trolled into waving Russia flags during Trumpā€™s speech

No moron......they were waving Trump flags. The democrats who infiltrated the event put Trump's name on Russian flags, knowing that the people there, who don't care about Russia, wouldn't know the Russian flag......they just saw Trump's name....and are supporting him enthusiastically....that should scare you...he has the Support of the people who want change...and they aren't taking your bait....

If they didn't care about Russia and lack concern .... why did,

WH chief of staff urged the FBI to dispute Trump Russia report

"The White House on Friday defended chief of staff Reince Priebus against accusations he breached a government firewall when he asked FBI Director James Comey to publicly dispute media reports that Trump campaign advisers had been frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents.

"President Donald Trump's spokesman, Sean Spicer, argued Priebus had little choice but to seek Comey's assistance in rebutting what Spicer said were inaccurate reports about contacts during last year's presidential campaign. The FBI did not issue the statement requested by Priebus and has given no sign one is forthcoming.

""I don't know what else we were supposed to do," Spicer said."

"The Justice Department has policies in place to limit communications between the White House and the FBI about pending investigations. Trump officials on Friday not only confirmed contacts between Priebus and the FBI, but engaged in an extraordinary public airing of those private conversations."

Seems the NYT report will have legs, even when Trump&Co. seek to discredit the Free Press, another story with legs which is not going away. Donald, fake news is the forte of Spicer, not the Free Press. The press may be your enemy, but it is not the enemy of the American People.

Yeah...and that is a lie......the FBI guy who went to Priebus...his wife was supported for a democrat congressional seat by terry macauliffe, the clinton minion in virginia.....he told Priebus there was nothing to the report

They are lying to you about what happened....
That is not true.

Why is the admin crying if there is nothing wrong?

@ CPAC, aka the Kremlin Federation, celebrating Putin just before Trump speech

CPAC attendees trolled into waving Russia flags during Trumpā€™s speech

No moron......they were waving Trump flags. The democrats who infiltrated the event put Trump's name on Russian flags, knowing that the people there, who don't care about Russia, wouldn't know the Russian flag......they just saw Trump's name....and are supporting him enthusiastically....that should scare you...he has the Support of the people who want change...and they aren't taking your bait....

If they didn't care about Russia and lack concern .... why did,

WH chief of staff urged the FBI to dispute Trump Russia report

"The White House on Friday defended chief of staff Reince Priebus against accusations he breached a government firewall when he asked FBI Director James Comey to publicly dispute media reports that Trump campaign advisers had been frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents.

"President Donald Trump's spokesman, Sean Spicer, argued Priebus had little choice but to seek Comey's assistance in rebutting what Spicer said were inaccurate reports about contacts during last year's presidential campaign. The FBI did not issue the statement requested by Priebus and has given no sign one is forthcoming.

""I don't know what else we were supposed to do," Spicer said."

"The Justice Department has policies in place to limit communications between the White House and the FBI about pending investigations. Trump officials on Friday not only confirmed contacts between Priebus and the FBI, but engaged in an extraordinary public airing of those private conversations."

Seems the NYT report will have legs, even when Trump&Co. seek to discredit the Free Press, another story with legs which is not going away. Donald, fake news is the forte of Spicer, not the Free Press. The press may be your enemy, but it is not the enemy of the American People.
Right on cue. More fake news from the left. They aren't even pretending to be objective anymore.

White House says no pressure applied on FBI about Russia reports
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Friday, February 24, 2017
The White House continued to push back Friday afternoon against accusations that presidential Chief of Staff Reince Priebus acted inappropriately by asking the FBI to refute media reports about alleged contact between Trump campaign officials and Russia last year.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer cited a report on CNN claiming that the White House exerted ā€œpressureā€ on the FBI, and said it was untrue.

ā€œPressure, by definition, is applying force,ā€ Mr. Spicer said. ā€œIf we had said, ā€˜If you donā€™t do this, if you donā€™t do that,ā€™ thatā€™s pressure. That would have been wrong. I donā€™t know what else we were supposed to do. Had we not done anything, it would have been irresponsible and frankly malpractice.ā€

White House officials said FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe told Mr. Priebus on Feb. 15 after a meeting on an unrelated matter that a New York Times story on the alleged Russia connections was not accurate. Mr. Spicer said Mr. Priebus asked Mr. McCabe to tell the media about it, but both he and FBI Director James B. Comey declined.
Right on cue, the far and alt right trying to excuse the admin's attempt to politicize the FBI.

Comey won't give Trump anymore slack than he gave Clinton.
No, Russia was not our good friend. SM, you can allege alt facts all you want, but that does not make your allegation the truth.

However, interesting that an American Muslim is supporting Russia.

@ CPAC, aka the Kremlin Federation, celebrating Putin just before Trump speech

CPAC attendees trolled into waving Russia flags during Trumpā€™s speech

No moron......they were waving Trump flags. The democrats who infiltrated the event put Trump's name on Russian flags, knowing that the people there, who don't care about Russia, wouldn't know the Russian flag......they just saw Trump's name....and are supporting him enthusiastically....that should scare you...he has the Support of the people who want change...and they aren't taking your bait....

If they didn't care about Russia and lack concern .... why did,

WH chief of staff urged the FBI to dispute Trump Russia report

"The White House on Friday defended chief of staff Reince Priebus against accusations he breached a government firewall when he asked FBI Director James Comey to publicly dispute media reports that Trump campaign advisers had been frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents.

"President Donald Trump's spokesman, Sean Spicer, argued Priebus had little choice but to seek Comey's assistance in rebutting what Spicer said were inaccurate reports about contacts during last year's presidential campaign. The FBI did not issue the statement requested by Priebus and has given no sign one is forthcoming.

""I don't know what else we were supposed to do," Spicer said."

"The Justice Department has policies in place to limit communications between the White House and the FBI about pending investigations. Trump officials on Friday not only confirmed contacts between Priebus and the FBI, but engaged in an extraordinary public airing of those private conversations."

Seems the NYT report will have legs, even when Trump&Co. seek to discredit the Free Press, another story with legs which is not going away. Donald, fake news is the forte of Spicer, not the Free Press. The press may be your enemy, but it is not the enemy of the American People.

Yeah...and that is a lie......the FBI guy who went to Priebus...his wife was supported for a democrat congressional seat by terry macauliffe, the clinton minion in virginia.....he told Priebus there was nothing to the report

They are lying to you about what happened....

White House confirms conversation with FBI about Trump and Russia
Reince Priebus, FBI director James Comey and deputy director Andrew McCabe had a conversation which appears to violate justice department rules

White House confirms conversation with FBI about Trump and Russia
Obviously, this was done to mock the media and the left and you're all falling for it. No reason to make more of it than it is.

@ CPAC, aka the Kremlin Federation, celebrating Putin just before Trump speech

CPAC attendees trolled into waving Russia flags during Trumpā€™s speech

No moron......they were waving Trump flags. The democrats who infiltrated the event put Trump's name on Russian flags, knowing that the people there, who don't care about Russia, wouldn't know the Russian flag......they just saw Trump's name....and are supporting him enthusiastically....that should scare you...he has the Support of the people who want change...and they aren't taking your bait....

If they didn't care about Russia and lack concern .... why did,

WH chief of staff urged the FBI to dispute Trump Russia report

"The White House on Friday defended chief of staff Reince Priebus against accusations he breached a government firewall when he asked FBI Director James Comey to publicly dispute media reports that Trump campaign advisers had been frequently in touch with Russian intelligence agents.

"President Donald Trump's spokesman, Sean Spicer, argued Priebus had little choice but to seek Comey's assistance in rebutting what Spicer said were inaccurate reports about contacts during last year's presidential campaign. The FBI did not issue the statement requested by Priebus and has given no sign one is forthcoming.

""I don't know what else we were supposed to do," Spicer said."

"The Justice Department has policies in place to limit communications between the White House and the FBI about pending investigations. Trump officials on Friday not only confirmed contacts between Priebus and the FBI, but engaged in an extraordinary public airing of those private conversations."

Seems the NYT report will have legs, even when Trump&Co. seek to discredit the Free Press, another story with legs which is not going away. Donald, fake news is the forte of Spicer, not the Free Press. The press may be your enemy, but it is not the enemy of the American People.
Right on cue. More fake news from the left. They aren't even pretending to be objective anymore.

White House says no pressure applied on FBI about Russia reports
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Friday, February 24, 2017
The White House continued to push back Friday afternoon against accusations that presidential Chief of Staff Reince Priebus acted inappropriately by asking the FBI to refute media reports about alleged contact between Trump campaign officials and Russia last year.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer cited a report on CNN claiming that the White House exerted ā€œpressureā€ on the FBI, and said it was untrue.

ā€œPressure, by definition, is applying force,ā€ Mr. Spicer said. ā€œIf we had said, ā€˜If you donā€™t do this, if you donā€™t do that,ā€™ thatā€™s pressure. That would have been wrong. I donā€™t know what else we were supposed to do. Had we not done anything, it would have been irresponsible and frankly malpractice.ā€

White House officials said FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe told Mr. Priebus on Feb. 15 after a meeting on an unrelated matter that a New York Times story on the alleged Russia connections was not accurate. Mr. Spicer said Mr. Priebus asked Mr. McCabe to tell the media about it, but both he and FBI Director James B. Comey declined.

My serious question for the day is this: Is iceweasel stupid, or willfully stupid?
i'm hearing that there is a very deep investigation going on & that the times/dates/& places in the trump/russian dossier provided by the asset who has been considered reliable for years within the intelligence community all seem to be checking out.

why did flynn get paid to go to russia & lunch with putey poot? why didn't manafort register as a 'foreign agent' on behalf of Ukraine when he was working with trump on his campaign? tillerson & putin are bed buddies when it comes to potential oil excavation. then there's roger stone & carter page....

actually the tax returns that trump promised to provide... then reneged on can be released at any time. they do not have to wait until any 'audit' is finished. IF there is nothing untoward there to be seen... wouldn't THAT be a huge step taken to squash any skepticism? why wouldn't he do that then 'eh?

perhaps obama received further classified intel that made the decision to release info null & void. however gucifer, cozy bear, & fancy bear all well known hackers, & that info has been released as the responsible parties for the DNC hack.

tell me, TN.... do you believe that 5 million illegals voted in the election? that trump actually won the popular vote? that he had the most electoral votes ever won? that the crowd at his installation was really really HUGE?????? that he is 'more trusted than the media'?
And you idiots wonder why you lost the election. :lol:
When will you get it into that thick noggin, we are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic.
Libs create bs to validate bs meme.....believe their own bs ,,,lose election.....wonder wtf........blame stupid public.....sound familiar.....dems have learned nothing
The Majority of the American people rejected Trump..Fact

Electoral college baby!
i'm hearing that there is a very deep investigation going on & that the times/dates/& places in the trump/russian dossier provided by the asset who has been considered reliable for years within the intelligence community all seem to be checking out.

why did flynn get paid to go to russia & lunch with putey poot? why didn't manafort register as a 'foreign agent' on behalf of Ukraine when he was working with trump on his campaign? tillerson & putin are bed buddies when it comes to potential oil excavation. then there's roger stone & carter page....

actually the tax returns that trump promised to provide... then reneged on can be released at any time. they do not have to wait until any 'audit' is finished. IF there is nothing untoward there to be seen... wouldn't THAT be a huge step taken to squash any skepticism? why wouldn't he do that then 'eh?

perhaps obama received further classified intel that made the decision to release info null & void. however gucifer, cozy bear, & fancy bear all well known hackers, & that info has been released as the responsible parties for the DNC hack.

tell me, TN.... do you believe that 5 million illegals voted in the election? that trump actually won the popular vote? that he had the most electoral votes ever won? that the crowd at his installation was really really HUGE?????? that he is 'more trusted than the media'?
And you idiots wonder why you lost the election. :lol:

oh my. nothing there? nothing to see? we will see, won't we.... tell me how many times has your darling mango gone on alex jones 'eh? tell me why............. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....................
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