WTF is Happening to US?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

Another world war can happen only if we allow it to happen.

ISIS will be a problem as long as we keep doing what we do in the Mid East.

We seem to be unaware of the hate and suffering we cause. As long as we are in denial we will have problems with terrorists. If we keep listening to neo-cons we will lose it all.
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

Dear [MENTION=39025]jwoodie[/MENTION]
If you see the chaos in the world as the Collective
of all the local energy colliding, then what we
are doing here is trying to align our own magnets
and circuits, positive with positive, and negative with negative.

If we can organize our own thoughts and relations with each
other here, without colliding and clashing, then collectively
the people around the world are going through the same process.

That's on one level.

Now in physical literal terms, if you feel there is something
more you should be doing about the Iraqi and Afghan wars.
I support you in doing that.

I believe in supporting all Jewish Christian and Muslim leaders
to unite and reach out to help the people/leaders in those countries.

To shift the authority from the people making war
to the people who can lead peaceful rebuilding and reconstruction.

There are many grassroots groups who have been working for
years to build peace. we keep empowering the war making
groups with political and media attention, but it is the peacemaking
groups, the ones helping the families and communities,
rebuilding schools hospitals and infrastructure who need support.

So how can we help reinforce the people on the ground who
can keep their communities and countries together and
divert the attention from the ones in conflict making war?

A. if you can see how to help the actual groups in those
countries to get more support, then throw your focus there

B. if you are not directly tied to anything that can help
what are you connected with?
what issues or relations around you also need help
to disentangle, get away from war and destruction,
and focus on more productive angles?

Find where you are needed the most, where you energy can do the most
good, and trust that as long asyou do your part, so are other people doing theirs

If you feel you could be doing more, contact the local peace and justice
groups concerned about war, and find out what other activists are focusing on.
maybe there are nonprofit groups that are trying to intervene that need help.
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country?

No, I do not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country.

Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement?

No, I do not think the US has been weakened by every measurement.

Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

No, I do not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to it's knees.

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

Your hallucinations notwithstanding, we'll be fine.
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

Another world war can happen only if we allow it to happen.

ISIS will be a problem as long as we keep doing what we do in the Mid East.

We seem to be unaware of the hate and suffering we cause. As long as we are in denial we will have problems with terrorists. If we keep listening to neo-cons we will lose it all.

A major source of the problem is that too many people think like you do. If we refuse to recognize what the problem is we have no way of even a hope to deal with it.

I can appreciate the frustration terrorists have. They keep telling us why they want to kill us all and no one believes them. Everyone has their own agenda.

Boko Haram has it easy. Everyone in Nigeria knows why they are murderous thugs. There is little else to blame it on
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

Republicans have nothing to offer so they stir the pot.
What's happening to America is that the mainstream media has become a propaganda arm of the fascist administration.
You can't stop what the NeoCons and Progressives want to do in the Middle East (right now) but you CAN affect what happens in your local town.

First off, STOP encouraging your relatives to join the Military! Stop feeding the Military Industrial Complex with yer babies! I realize there isn't much else in the way of good jobs because of Free NOT Fair Trade agreements, but you gotta' put yer foot down somewhere right?

Go to your local City Offices and learn who your local leaders are and hold them accountable. No doubt of them took an Oath of Office so find out what it was and hold them accountable.

Ever serve on a Jury? Well why not? Don't weasel out of it, it's another way to vote! Ever just go to the local Courts and just watch the proceedings? Yes you can do that.

Get rid of Cable TV and start READING the news for a change. You'll notice a HUGE difference in the reporting AND your comprehension of it when you ditch TV. My Wife and I have been off it for 2.5 years now.

And be patient! It took us 70 years or more (since WWII) to get INTO this mess, it may take another 70 to get us out.
What's happening to America is that the mainstream media has become a propaganda arm of the fascist administration.

History tell us that what is going on has been happening longer than the alleged fascist administration has held it's power. The Iran hostages situation, the Marine barracks terrorism that killed over 200 US military personal in Beirut, The attack of Khobar Towers, and 9/11 just to name a few.
Don't forget, the MSM beat the war drums to invade Iraq while peddling false propaganda over ten years ago.
The people in power who think the US is evil, live in a region of the world we should of stayed out of and minded our own business within the US.
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

Are you going to sign up to go over and war monger?
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

United we stand, divided we fall. We are a divided country. :eusa_think:
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

United we stand, divided we fall. We are a divided country. :eusa_think:

In great part this has come to be because we allowed religion to become a very big part of our political forum.
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

United we stand, divided we fall. We are a divided country. :eusa_think:

In great part this has come to be because we allowed religion to become a very big part of our political forum.
Try telling that to our enemies, ISIS, the Taliban, et al. Religion is their political forum.
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

Another world war can happen only if we allow it to happen.

ISIS will be a problem as long as we keep doing what we do in the Mid East.

We seem to be unaware of the hate and suffering we cause. As long as we are in denial we will have problems with terrorists. If we keep listening to neo-cons we will lose it all.

Islamic Jihad existed BEFORE America and it exists today.

The goal then is still the same goal today.

Creating a World dominated exclusively by Islam and by a a single Caliph.

How does what we do or don't do in the Middle East or anywhere else change the Koran's instructions to Muslims to conquer the entire world?

If we didn't exist that would be their goal.

If we conquered every country in the M.E. that would still be their goal.
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

United we stand, divided we fall. We are a divided country. :eusa_think:

In great part this has come to be because we allowed religion to become a very big part of our political forum.

Organized religion in America is at it's lowest attendance rate ever, IINM.

What are you talking about?
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

United we stand, divided we fall. We are a divided country. :eusa_think:

In great part this has come to be because we allowed religion to become a very big part of our political forum.

Nonsense! Religion has ALWAYS been a very big part of America's political forum. Take a look at my signature line and visit the links. Religion is one of the main reasons America broke from England more than 200 years ago.
United we stand, divided we fall. We are a divided country. :eusa_think:

In great part this has come to be because we allowed religion to become a very big part of our political forum.
Try telling that to our enemies, ISIS, the Taliban, et al. Religion is their political forum.

Yes, and look what a mess they are. Our forefathers were right: leave religion out of politics. It is one of the things that has made our government and our country strong in the past.
Here we are fiddling with concocted issues like gay marriage and birth control while the world around us is exploding. Is another World War in the offing? We seem to be on a path to ruin, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Instead, we comfort ourselves with happy thoughts that the inevitable future is still a long way off.

Do you not think that ISIS poses a direct threat to our country? Do you not think that the US has been weakened by every measurement? Do you not think that many people in positions of power believe that we are an evil country that must be brought to its knees?

I don't ordinarily engage in despair, but the only bright light I see at the end of the tunnel we are in is a nuclear bomb. Is there any good news out there?:confused:

A number of reasons, mainly revolving around not many of our economic elites and the political leadership they finance having any common interest in the U.S. as a country, nor as a source for their wealth any more; this gets reflected in academia and the propaganda they purvey, left over '60's hyperbole and hubris, to name just a couple of reasons. There is no common culture or any effort at assimilation and a national value system, just a collection of identity politics peddlers and 'globalist' scams.

We've also outgrown the 'states' rights' doctrine long ago; it's now a major hindrance to unity and social cohesion; it has been obsolete since the invention of the railroads and telegraph, really.

This article explains some of it:

An Obama nomination — after the selective but intentional disenfranchisement of Michigan and Florida, the relentless race-baiting by Obama and his surrogates, and the venom from his supporters — is repugnant to many of us who, to use Arthur Schlesinger’s phrase, are unrepentant and unreconstructed liberals and New Dealers.
What we are witnessing is nothing short of the breakup of the historic Democratic coalition. Chris Bowers, Obama supporter and writer at Open Left, dreams of a cultural change in an Obama Democratic Party which is almost a parody of the brie and Chardonnay stereotype:
There should be a major cultural shift in the party, where the southern Dems and Liebercrat elite will be largely replaced by rising creative class types. Obama has all the markers of a creative class background, from his community organizing, to his Unitarianism, to being an academic, to living in Hyde Park to shopping at Whole Foods and drinking PBR. These will be the type of people running the Democratic Party now, and it will be a big cultural shift from the white working class focus of earlier decades.
Further illustrating their break with traditional liberalism, Markos Moulitsas has declared himself a libertarian Democrat, in other words: a politically correct Republican. These neo-liberals are really proposing a Party run by those who have little need for government and instead focus on identity politics, environmentalism, post-partisan government, and the rejection of American exceptionalism. The neo-liberals demonize the traditional Democratic base of poor white voters precisely because these voters rely on government and expect their leadership to fight partisan battles on their behalf. They are also deeply patriotic and weary of the moral relativism put forward by the likes of Jeremiah Wright.
The Neo-Liberal War on Blue-Collar Whites and the Breakup of the Democratic Party : NO QUARTER USA NET

The Democrats now depend on such non-issues as 'Gay Marriage' and other identity politics for votes, and exacerbating racial divides to the max. The 'creative class' has invented a new scapegoat to hide their own sociopathic needs by demonized working class whites as the root of all evil, despite the fact they had little power historically. They don't have to live up to their claims of such non-issues as 'education' and 'health care reform' and 'jobs' as long as they can wow the yokels with the spectre of evil whitey' out there, never mind the elites are the exact same elites that have always run and dominated things, and nowadays they now have much better money making opportunities in places like Red China and other 'business friendly countries, and plenty of illegals to keep the costs of gardeners and live-in maids dirt cheap. And, if things get hot here, they have the bucks to go live in Bermuda, or hire private armies to guard their gated communities; not many of those nasty angry proles will go all the way to the Hamptons or Greenwich, Conn. to riot, will they?
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In great part this has come to be because we allowed religion to become a very big part of our political forum.
Try telling that to our enemies, ISIS, the Taliban, et al. Religion is their political forum.

Yes, and look what a mess they are. Our forefathers were right: leave religion out of politics. It is one of the things that has made our government and our country strong in the past.

If a certain party could just leave religion alone I doubt that we would hear about it. Tearing things apart isn't necessarily progressive.
Try telling that to our enemies, ISIS, the Taliban, et al. Religion is their political forum.

Yes, and look what a mess they are. Our forefathers were right: leave religion out of politics. It is one of the things that has made our government and our country strong in the past.

If a certain party could just leave religion alone I doubt that we would hear about it. Tearing things apart isn't necessarily progressive.

True. Any idiot and a mob can demagogue and destroy things. It's hard work to get some sort of consensus that works at a practical level. IF you're some ideologue who just can't suffer any opinions and expertise that doesn't fit your simplistic world view, then you're part of the problem.

I do a lot of work at the local level, and it's not that hard to get things done that involve a fairly broad spectrum of political and religious backgrounds. Of course it takes some work and an attention span longer than 30 seconds, and there is little instant gratification and no real fame and a book deal or anything at the end.
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