WTF. Our marines were NOT allowed Live AMMO at the embassy and now people are dead

If your idols put Marines and Embassy staff in danger because they didn't allow the Marines to defend the Embassy then they need a public trial to send them both to Federal Prison for life.

Reality is idiots like you cover up their dirty deeds and even try to keep them office, because you're scumbags.

From the Time article posted somewhere on this thread:
UPDATE II: The Marines said late Thursday that any reports “of Marines not being able to have their weapons loaded per direction from the ambassador are not accurate.”

As I suspected, nothing but a rumor swallowed whole by a bunch of people that think marines are acting against the best interest of their country.

If only I could neg the op again.

I did it for you
Wasn't the Ambassador killed by a rocket grenade being fired at the Embassy grounds? Damn....the Marines could have shot it out of the sky.

If he was killed by a rocket grenade, explain how the boy was completely intact when the paraded it around the streets. There are already pictures of this posted on this board, so I will not do so here.
Why do you keep repeating things that aren't true? His body wasn't paraded around the streets.

there was a picture of it posted on this board dumb ass.

I did not want to do this, because the pictures are a bit disturbing...
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If he was killed by a rocket grenade, explain how the boy was completely intact when the paraded it around the streets. There are already pictures of this posted on this board, so I will not do so here.
Why do you keep repeating things that aren't true? His body wasn't paraded around the streets.

there was a picture of it posted on this board dumb ass.

I did not want to do this, because the pictures are a bit disturbing...

Update on the Murder of Ambassador Stevens | Power Line
It is a picture of him being helped to the hospital not dragged through the streets.

You really, really, really are stupid.
Why do you keep repeating things that aren't true? His body wasn't paraded around the streets.

there was a picture of it posted on this board dumb ass.

I did not want to do this, because the pictures are a bit disturbing...

Update on the Murder of Ambassador Stevens | Power Line
It is a picture of him being helped to the hospital not dragged through the streets.

You really, really, really are stupid.

if you believe that, then YOU are the stupid one.
there was a picture of it posted on this board dumb ass.

I did not want to do this, because the pictures are a bit disturbing...

Update on the Murder of Ambassador Stevens | Power Line
It is a picture of him being helped to the hospital not dragged through the streets.

You really, really, really are stupid.

if you believe that, then YOU are the stupid one.

Yeah...people often beat and drag bodies by trying to lift them with a cell phone in their mouth.
The reports talks about Cairo, not Libya.

But it would explain why we have a dead Ambassador in Libya

Wasn't the Ambassador killed by a rocket grenade being fired at the Embassy grounds? Damn....the Marines could have shot it out of the sky.

I have a feeling that the embassy guards would make someone walking around with an rpg one of their first priorities
Seems the job of some posters is to post untruths, rumors, anything that will reflect badly on the other political party. The rumors and untruths can quickly become the truths for still other posters and if done correctly soon we can have a major conflict going. It's the Elm Street thing in real life.
We should make a point to elect leaders that do not lose their cool in a crisis and find out the facts first, otherwise our leaders are just part of the mob mentality.
What apology? There was no apology at all. Hate to break it to you English-language-challanged people...but "condemning" is not "apologizing" no matter how many times you lie about it.

There have been three official apologies, so far. One by the Cairo embassy, which reports directly to Obama. One by Obama himself, and one by Hillary Clinton, who reports directly to Obama.

This incompetent fool is a cluster fuck.
Well, first of all, it seems pretty likely that this story is entirely fictional - but even if it wasn't, there's no reason to assume that Obama had anything to do with it.

The buck stops with Bush.

It's funny, you leftists demanding that Obama bears no responsibility for anything, is a tacit acknowledgement that Bush was the last actual leader we had.

Obama: The little train who couldn't.
I believe the last report I saw was he died of smoke inhalation when the house went up in flames.


A few facts; the security detail was Blackwater, not Marines. The attack was not on the Embassy, which is in Tripoli, it wasn't even the Consulate, but rather a safe house that was secret. Death was by asphyxiation due to smoke, as you stated. The Ambassador was in a safe room and shielded from direct fire, but the terrorists had been supplied with schematics and cut the air supply to the safe room.

This was a 100% inside job, directed by the Libyan government in conjunction with Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood forces. The Libyan government provided the location of the "secret" safe house and the plans that allowed the Al Qaeda forces to murder Chris Stevens.
So I open the link finally and the first thing is this:

UPDATE: A Marine spokesperson at the Pentagon denied reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

Pentagon Lt. Col. Chris Hughes told the outlet: “The ambassador and RSO (Regional Security Officer) have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. No restrictions on weapons or weapons status have been imposed. This information comes from the Det Commander at AMEMB (American Embassy) Cairo.”

Big surprise.:lol:
So I open the link finally and the first thing is this:

UPDATE: A Marine spokesperson at the Pentagon denied reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

Pentagon Lt. Col. Chris Hughes told the outlet: “The ambassador and RSO (Regional Security Officer) have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. No restrictions on weapons or weapons status have been imposed. This information comes from the Det Commander at AMEMB (American Embassy) Cairo.”

Big surprise.:lol:

I for one, am shocked. :rolleyes:

However I'm going to go out on a limb and say people are still going to treat this as "possibly true".
I believe the last report I saw was he died of smoke inhalation when the house went up in flames.


A few facts; the security detail was Blackwater, not Marines. The attack was not on the Embassy, which is in Tripoli, it wasn't even the Consulate, but rather a safe house that was secret. Death was by asphyxiation due to smoke, as you stated. The Ambassador was in a safe room and shielded from direct fire, but the terrorists had been supplied with schematics and cut the air supply to the safe room.

This was a 100% inside job, directed by the Libyan government in conjunction with Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood forces. The Libyan government provided the location of the "secret" safe house and the plans that allowed the Al Qaeda forces to murder Chris Stevens.
The next time we want facts, we won't ask you, nor should you volunteer things you pull out of your ass.
So I open the link finally and the first thing is this:

UPDATE: A Marine spokesperson at the Pentagon denied reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

Pentagon Lt. Col. Chris Hughes told the outlet: “The ambassador and RSO (Regional Security Officer) have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. No restrictions on weapons or weapons status have been imposed. This information comes from the Det Commander at AMEMB (American Embassy) Cairo.”

Big surprise.:lol:

To believe the OP's story you first had to believe that marines were dishonorable enough to post job details on the internet.

Notice who was willing to believe it.
So I open the link finally and the first thing is this:

UPDATE: A Marine spokesperson at the Pentagon denied reports that U.S. Marines defending the American embassy in Egypt were not permitted by the State Department to carry live ammunition in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

Pentagon Lt. Col. Chris Hughes told the outlet: “The ambassador and RSO (Regional Security Officer) have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. No restrictions on weapons or weapons status have been imposed. This information comes from the Det Commander at AMEMB (American Embassy) Cairo.”

Big surprise.:lol:

I for one, am shocked. :rolleyes:

However I'm going to go out on a limb and say people are still going to treat this as "possibly true".

The basic rule in rightwing mythology is,

the more the Right likes a myth, the less chance there is that facts debunking it will have any effect.

They love this one, so do the math.
The next time we want facts, we won't ask you, nor should you volunteer things you pull out of your ass.

Rati, you've never accepted a fact in your life.

{Capt. Fathi al-Obeidi, whose special operations unit was ordered by Libya's authorities to meet an eight-man U.S. Marine force at Benghazi airport, said that after his men and the Marines had found the American survivors who had evacuated the blazing consulate, the ostensibly secret location in an isolated villa came under an intense and highly accurate mortar barrage.

"I really believe that this attack was planned," he said, adding to suggestions by other Libyan officials that at least some of the hostility towards the Americans was the work of experienced combatants. "The accuracy with which the mortars hit us was too good for any regular revolutionaries."}

US diplomats, Marine rescue team were also attacked at safe house, Libyans say - World News

Mindless twat.
The next time we want facts, we won't ask you, nor should you volunteer things you pull out of your ass.

Rati, you've never accepted a fact in your life.

{Capt. Fathi al-Obeidi, whose special operations unit was ordered by Libya's authorities to meet an eight-man U.S. Marine force at Benghazi airport, said that after his men and the Marines had found the American survivors who had evacuated the blazing consulate, the ostensibly secret location in an isolated villa came under an intense and highly accurate mortar barrage.

"I really believe that this attack was planned," he said, adding to suggestions by other Libyan officials that at least some of the hostility towards the Americans was the work of experienced combatants. "The accuracy with which the mortars hit us was too good for any regular revolutionaries."}

US diplomats, Marine rescue team were also attacked at safe house, Libyans say - World News

Mindless twat.

Thank you for admitting that the consulate was attacked.

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