WTF they burn our flag and..Embassy tweets apologies for hurt Muslim feelings;

It does, but I don't go apeshit....just like I would not expect people to go apeshit over insults to their religion....

Well, it depends on what buttons are pushed. I'm sure there are things that bug the holy shit out of you.

Now......taking that into account......

Saying that this is no big deal pushes Ladygunslinger over the edge.

You see she has a problem with stupidity.

If the left started saying this was a travesty every lib here would be blowing like a fog-horn.

She sure does......:lol::lol::lol:

Yup........her tolerance for Bull Shit is pretty low.
They can tear down every single flag on the planet and I won't care one iota. When idiots start telling them they have a right to tear down flags because their religion got insulted I take offense. The part I don't get is why that doesn't offend you.

It does, but I don't go apeshit....just like I would not expect people to go apeshit over insults to their religion....

Well, it depends on what buttons are pushed. I'm sure there are things that bug the holy shit out of you.

Now......taking that into account......

Saying that this is no big deal pushes Ladygunslinger over the edge.

You see she has a problem with stupidity.

If the left started saying this was a travesty every lib here would be blowing like a fog-horn.

She can't help herself.. note how she comes in to a thread where I post and makes a b-line for me, insulting me with post #1.. Then she whines and lies throughout each thread although my words are clear.. It's a pattern and happens often. I've been back two days and she's done in it in three separate threads.. Always targeting me.. Never said one word to her.. OBSESSIVE .. She pretends I don't piss her off but why come to threads I post in and single me out starting shit?! :) All in a days work..:eusa_angel:
I was just wondering......wasn't that cop-killer Obama supposed to end all of this?

Doesn't the Muslim world love us now?

Why are Americans being attacked in our embassies in Libya and Cairo as we speak?

Oh, I's Bush's fault.
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It over guys, don't make it sound bigger than it really is

Really? Because I'm trying incredibly hard this evening to understand that point of view and I'm really struggling.

As I see it - in Cairo and now Benghazi, Islamic fundamentalists have stormed US soil and either killed an American citizen (Benghazi) or pulled down our flag and put up the flag of the terrorist organization responsible for killing almost 3000 Americans on US soil and countless thousands of others around the world. The act of pulling down our flag and putting up their own was not simply a desecration of the beloved symbol of our nation, but also a symbol of domination and take-over...the embassy was no longer ours - but theirs.

How is this "no big deal?"

To add to what I feel is definitely a big deal (multiple attacks on US soil overseas, an embassy and a consulate), our government has responded by condemning not those engaged in violent, illegal, potentially lethal protest at act of war at worst...but rather by condemning individuals engaged in what we, as Americans, claim to be one of our most revered principles...the freedom of speech. is this "no big deal?"

I could grudgingly swallow a statement that condemns both the violent protestors and those who deliberately set out to to enflame them...but to leave out the violent individuals storming onto a US embassy seems unfathomable to me.

I'm open to hearing reasonable explanations why the response from the US was appropriate...or why individuals attacking our embassies and consulates because of slights made against their religion is nothing to get upset about.

Well, it depends on what buttons are pushed. I'm sure there are things that bug the holy shit out of you.

Now......taking that into account......

Saying that this is no big deal pushes Ladygunslinger over the edge.

You see she has a problem with stupidity.

If the left started saying this was a travesty every lib here would be blowing like a fog-horn.

She sure does......:lol::lol::lol:

Yup........her tolerance for Bull Shit is pretty low.

Well, she lives it daily...I would imagine it's pretty much 2nd nature for her....for quite a while.
Egyptians don't care about apologies, event though this was the right way....terry jones is responsible as well as Copt leaders in Egypt for making a movie showing an actor portraying Muhammad having sex and insulting their prophet....that is crossing all Lines

Freedom of Speech....

This is in Egypt though not here in America....the movie was streamed there or released there

Believe it or not, rights are not conditional on geography.
So now Obama is a cop killer....haha these guys don't care about any Americans they just want that ****** Obama out the white house ....right wingers ...
It over guys, don't make it sound bigger than it really is

Really? Because I'm trying incredibly hard this evening to understand that point of view and I'm really struggling.

As I see it - in Cairo and now Benghazi, Islamic fundamentalists have stormed US soil and either killed an American citizen (Benghazi) or pulled down our flag and put up the flag of the terrorist organization responsible for killing almost 3000 Americans on US soil and countless thousands of others around the world. The act of pulling down our flag and putting up their own was not simply a desecration of the beloved symbol of our nation, but also a symbol of domination and take-over...the embassy was no longer ours - but theirs.

How is this "no big deal?"

To add to what I feel is definitely a big deal (multiple attacks on US soil overseas, an embassy and a consulate), our government has responded by condemning not those engaged in violent, illegal, potentially lethal protest at act of war at worst...but rather by condemning individuals engaged in what we, as Americans, claim to be one of our most revered principles...the freedom of speech. is this "no big deal?"

I could grudgingly swallow a statement that condemns both the violent protestors and those who deliberately set out to to enflame them...but to leave out the violent individuals storming onto a US embassy seems unfathomable to me.

I'm open to hearing reasonable explanations why the response from the US was appropriate...or why individuals attacking our embassies and consulates because of slights made against their religion is nothing to get upset about.


I already responded to her I will type it again..
Don't you see? They want it to be BIG....REALLY BIG....they are half-hoping for blood.

I know since when was this that serious? All there was people who climbed and threw a flag....don't get me wrong this shouldn't have been an excuse to vandalize the embassy....but they make it sound like 9/11....unbelievable

This is the true comparison between those who go apeshit when their religion is perceived to be insulted and those who go apeshit when their flag is perceived to be insulted. Both loonies.

Well, Christians get upset and yell.......Muslims destroy things and commit murder.

I guess they're kind of sort of similar.
It does, but I don't go apeshit....just like I would not expect people to go apeshit over insults to their religion....

Well, it depends on what buttons are pushed. I'm sure there are things that bug the holy shit out of you.

Now......taking that into account......

Saying that this is no big deal pushes Ladygunslinger over the edge.

You see she has a problem with stupidity.

If the left started saying this was a travesty every lib here would be blowing like a fog-horn.

She can't help herself.. note how she comes in to a thread where I post and makes a b-line for me, insulting me with post #1.. Then she whines and lies throughout each thread although my words are clear.. It's a pattern and happens often. I've been back two days and she's done in it in three separate threads.. Always targeting me.. Never said one word to her.. OBSESSIVE .. She pretends I don't piss her off but why come to threads I post in and single me out starting shit?! :) All in a days work..:eusa_angel:

You poor persecuted baby... It's all about you, isn't it?
I know since when was this that serious? All there was people who climbed and threw a flag....don't get me wrong this shouldn't have been an excuse to vandalize the embassy....but they make it sound like 9/11....unbelievable

This is the true comparison between those who go apeshit when their religion is perceived to be insulted and those who go apeshit when their flag is perceived to be insulted. Both loonies.

Well, Christians get upset and yell.......Muslims destroy things and commit murder.

I guess they're kind of sort of similar.

All Christians? All Muslims?
This is in Egypt though not here in America....the movie was streamed there or released there

Freedom of Speech is a God given right.

Many won't agree with you that its god given....and remember freedom of speech doesn't allow you to provoke a huge population by demonizkng their religion.

Like is said if a Saudi shehikh made a movie about Jesus was a hobo and a pig who lied with magic and opened it in US theatres would Americans not be flipping out??

Would they be storming embassies?

didn't think so.
It does, but I don't go apeshit....just like I would not expect people to go apeshit over insults to their religion....

Well, it depends on what buttons are pushed. I'm sure there are things that bug the holy shit out of you.

Now......taking that into account......

Saying that this is no big deal pushes Ladygunslinger over the edge.

You see she has a problem with stupidity.

If the left started saying this was a travesty every lib here would be blowing like a fog-horn.

She can't help herself.. note how she comes in to a thread where I post and makes a b-line for me, insulting me with post #1.. Then she whines and lies throughout each thread although my words are clear.. It's a pattern and happens often. I've been back two days and she's done in it in three separate threads.. Always targeting me.. Never said one word to her.. OBSESSIVE .. She pretends I don't piss her off but why come to threads I post in and single me out starting shit?! :) All in a days work..:eusa_angel:

She does the same exact thing to me.

She's merely an annoyance. A child.

I know how to piss her off but choose not to.
Freedom of Speech is a God given right.

Many won't agree with you that its god given....and remember freedom of speech doesn't allow you to provoke a huge population by demonizkng their religion.

Like is said if a Saudi shehikh made a movie about Jesus was a hobo and a pig who lied with magic and opened it in US theatres would Americans not be flipping out??

Would they be storming embassies?

didn't think so.

No they would be kilimg Muslim Americans
This is the true comparison between those who go apeshit when their religion is perceived to be insulted and those who go apeshit when their flag is perceived to be insulted. Both loonies.

Well, Christians get upset and yell.......Muslims destroy things and commit murder.

I guess they're kind of sort of similar.

All Christians? All Muslims?

Mainly the ones we notice.

I didn't say all of them.....but then you knew that.
It over guys, don't make it sound bigger than it really is

Really? Because I'm trying incredibly hard this evening to understand that point of view and I'm really struggling.

As I see it - in Cairo and now Benghazi, Islamic fundamentalists have stormed US soil and either killed an American citizen (Benghazi) or pulled down our flag and put up the flag of the terrorist organization responsible for killing almost 3000 Americans on US soil and countless thousands of others around the world. The act of pulling down our flag and putting up their own was not simply a desecration of the beloved symbol of our nation, but also a symbol of domination and take-over...the embassy was no longer ours - but theirs.

How is this "no big deal?"

To add to what I feel is definitely a big deal (multiple attacks on US soil overseas, an embassy and a consulate), our government has responded by condemning not those engaged in violent, illegal, potentially lethal protest at act of war at worst...but rather by condemning individuals engaged in what we, as Americans, claim to be one of our most revered principles...the freedom of speech. is this "no big deal?"

I could grudgingly swallow a statement that condemns both the violent protestors and those who deliberately set out to to enflame them...but to leave out the violent individuals storming onto a US embassy seems unfathomable to me.

I'm open to hearing reasonable explanations why the response from the US was appropriate...or why individuals attacking our embassies and consulates because of slights made against their religion is nothing to get upset about.

Your painfully stupid or misinformed....this is why people who are new to the middle east scene should research more....they are no fundematlists they are young men who felt insulted but I'm not sure how it unraveled or who heard of it....

The flag is no al Qaeda flag sister... This is just a ordinary Islamic's not scary just because the flag is black...there are green ones, white ones the same thing al Qaeda didn't have ownership to a flag these flags are long ago

Here response again do you see?
Well, it depends on what buttons are pushed. I'm sure there are things that bug the holy shit out of you.

Now......taking that into account......

Saying that this is no big deal pushes Ladygunslinger over the edge.

You see she has a problem with stupidity.

If the left started saying this was a travesty every lib here would be blowing like a fog-horn.

She can't help herself.. note how she comes in to a thread where I post and makes a b-line for me, insulting me with post #1.. Then she whines and lies throughout each thread although my words are clear.. It's a pattern and happens often. I've been back two days and she's done in it in three separate threads.. Always targeting me.. Never said one word to her.. OBSESSIVE .. She pretends I don't piss her off but why come to threads I post in and single me out starting shit?! :) All in a days work..:eusa_angel:

You poor persecuted baby... It's all about you, isn't it?

<Wry grin> Old Bod.. easily manipulated and always the victim of her nastiness. I welcome you to come and challenge me.. it's like shooting ducks in a kiddie pool.. LMAO
BecauseIKnow Wrote:
Your painfully stupid or misinformed....this is why people who are new to the middle east scene should research more....they are no fundematlists they are young men who felt insulted but I'm not sure how it unraveled or who heard of it....

The flag is no al Qaeda flag sister... This is just a ordinary Islamic's not scary just because the flag is black...there are green ones, white ones the same thing al Qaeda didn't have ownership to a flag these flags are long ago

To begin, I find it fascinating that you feel the need to respond to someone asking politely for someone to explain their opinion so they can better understand it by calling them stupid - it explains a lot about you and your mindset...and I'm sure we'll all keep it in mind in future discussions with you...

That being said:
Protesters attack U.S. diplomatic compounds in Egypt, Libya -

In Libya, witnesses say members of a radical Islamist group called Ansar al-Sharia protested near the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi

The black flag, which hangs in full view from inside the complex, is adorned with white characters that read, "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger," an emblem often used by Islamic radicals.

Protesters storm consulate in Libya over prophet video - World News

Armed protesters stormed the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, setting it ablaze in response to an amateur video allegedly produced in the U.S. that has been viewed as insulting to the Prophet Muhammad.

Protesters climb U.S. Embassy walls in Cairo – This Just In - Blogs
The black flag, which hangs atop a ladder inside the compound, is adorned with white characters that read, "There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger," an emblem often used in al Qaeda propaganda.

American killed in attack on US Consulate in Libya, security official says, following Egyptian protest at US embassy | Fox News

In the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, a large mob stormed the U.S. Consulate, with gunmen firing their weapons, said Wanis al-Sharef, an Interior Ministry official in Benghazi. A witness said attackers fired automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades at the consulate as they clashed with Libyans hired to guard the facility.

Hours before the Benghazi attack, hundreds of mainly ultraconservative Islamist protesters in Egypt marched to the U.S. Embassy in downtown Cairo, gathering outside its walls and chanting against the movie and the U.S. Most of the embassy staff had left the compound earlier because of warnings of the upcoming demonstration.

The protesters on the wall then raised on the flagpole a black flag with a Muslim declaration of faith, "There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet." The flag, similar to the banner used by al-Qaida, is commonly used by ultraconservatives around the region.

So, looks like ONE of us is referring to information they gleaned from reading several major news sources...and ONE of us looks stupid right now because rather than explaining their point of view they just responded to call names. Hmm...

But hey...if you want to try again....and explain why you feel that Muslim extremists with or without weapons storming U.S. soil, killing and/or injuring people, and tearing down the symbol of American sovereignty over that patch of land the embassy or consulate sits on to put up a flag that echos sentiments al-Qaida likes to use when they kill people in the name of their God....all because a few people put out an offensive movie utilizing their free speech - which most of us claim to value....isn't a big deal. I'd still be happy to have that conversation. Cheers.

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