WTF they burn our flag and..Embassy tweets apologies for hurt Muslim feelings;

It over guys, don't make it sound bigger than it really is

Really? Because I'm trying incredibly hard this evening to understand that point of view and I'm really struggling.

As I see it - in Cairo and now Benghazi, Islamic fundamentalists have stormed US soil and either killed an American citizen (Benghazi) or pulled down our flag and put up the flag of the terrorist organization responsible for killing almost 3000 Americans on US soil and countless thousands of others around the world. The act of pulling down our flag and putting up their own was not simply a desecration of the beloved symbol of our nation, but also a symbol of domination and take-over...the embassy was no longer ours - but theirs.

How is this "no big deal?"

To add to what I feel is definitely a big deal (multiple attacks on US soil overseas, an embassy and a consulate), our government has responded by condemning not those engaged in violent, illegal, potentially lethal protest at act of war at worst...but rather by condemning individuals engaged in what we, as Americans, claim to be one of our most revered principles...the freedom of speech. is this "no big deal?"

I could grudgingly swallow a statement that condemns both the violent protestors and those who deliberately set out to to enflame them...but to leave out the violent individuals storming onto a US embassy seems unfathomable to me.

I'm open to hearing reasonable explanations why the response from the US was appropriate...or why individuals attacking our embassies and consulates because of slights made against their religion is nothing to get upset about.

Your painfully stupid or misinformed....this is why people who are new to the middle east scene should research more....they are no fundematlists they are young men who felt insulted but I'm not sure how it unraveled or who heard of it....

The flag is no al Qaeda flag sister... This is just a ordinary Islamic's not scary just because the flag is black...there are green ones, white ones the same thing al Qaeda didn't have ownership to a flag these flags are long ago

Here response again do you see?

It usually leads to armed aggression.

Those idiots merely lit the fuse.

You are right about one thing, unless you live over there and understand the culture you're pretty much clueless. Muslims relish in their complexities. Complexities of their religion, complexities of their language, complexities of their history.
BecauseIKnow Wrote:
Your painfully stupid or misinformed....this is why people who are new to the middle east scene should research more....they are no fundematlists they are young men who felt insulted but I'm not sure how it unraveled or who heard of it....

The flag is no al Qaeda flag sister... This is just a ordinary Islamic's not scary just because the flag is black...there are green ones, white ones the same thing al Qaeda didn't have ownership to a flag these flags are long ago

To begin, I find it fascinating that you feel the need to respond to someone asking politely for someone to explain their opinion so they can better understand it by calling them stupid - it explains a lot about you and your mindset...and I'm sure we'll all keep it in mind in future discussions with you...

That being said:
Protesters attack U.S. diplomatic compounds in Egypt, Libya -

In Libya, witnesses say members of a radical Islamist group called Ansar al-Sharia protested near the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi

Protesters storm consulate in Libya over prophet video - World News

Protesters climb U.S. Embassy walls in Cairo – This Just In - Blogs

American killed in attack on US Consulate in Libya, security official says, following Egyptian protest at US embassy | Fox News

Hours before the Benghazi attack, hundreds of mainly ultraconservative Islamist protesters in Egypt marched to the U.S. Embassy in downtown Cairo, gathering outside its walls and chanting against the movie and the U.S. Most of the embassy staff had left the compound earlier because of warnings of the upcoming demonstration.

The protesters on the wall then raised on the flagpole a black flag with a Muslim declaration of faith, "There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet." The flag, similar to the banner used by al-Qaida, is commonly used by ultraconservatives around the region.

So, looks like ONE of us is referring to information they gleaned from reading several major news sources...and ONE of us looks stupid right now because rather than explaining their point of view they just responded to call names. Hmm...

But hey...if you want to try again....and explain why you feel that Muslim extremists with or without weapons storming U.S. soil, killing and/or injuring people, and tearing down the symbol of American sovereignty over that patch of land the embassy or consulate sits on to put up a flag that echos sentiments al-Qaida likes to use when they kill people in the name of their God....all because a few people put out an offensive movie utilizing their free speech - which most of us claim to value....isn't a big deal. I'd still be happy to have that conversation. Cheers.

Excellent post.
So...let me get this straight....we think they are crazy for getting all upset over insults to their Prophet....but you get all upset over them tearing down our flag...

Crazy for being upset over dissing a religion.

Not Crazy for being upset over dissing a flag.


They can tear down every single flag on the planet and I won't care one iota. When idiots start telling them they have a right to tear down flags because their religion got insulted I take offense. The part I don't get is why that doesn't offend you.

It does, but I don't go apeshit....just like I would not expect people to go apeshit over insults to their religion....

Funny, I thought you were one of the people that said that burning a Qur'an in Florida put American troops in danger. When did your position change?
And their religion stands for something for them too.

Don't get me wrong....I think they are primitive, and superstitious, and behaving stupidly....but you are behaving in exactly the same way. I can't contact them and tell them they are stupid....I can tell you.

I don't give a fuck what their religion stands for, what I care about is what I stand for. Do you think we should apologize to Christians for The Last Temptation of Christ? If you don't, you are beneath contempt.

I boycotted that I boycotted the Passion or whatever it was called. I certainly did NOT go apeshit over it. Am I beneath contempt because I DIDN'T go apeshit?

Boycotting movies is going apeshit. Either go see them, or don't, don't pretend you are better than others simply because you don't like a movie.
BecauseIKnow Wrote:
Your painfully stupid or misinformed....this is why people who are new to the middle east scene should research more....they are no fundematlists they are young men who felt insulted but I'm not sure how it unraveled or who heard of it....

The flag is no al Qaeda flag sister... This is just a ordinary Islamic's not scary just because the flag is black...there are green ones, white ones the same thing al Qaeda didn't have ownership to a flag these flags are long ago

To begin, I find it fascinating that you feel the need to respond to someone asking politely for someone to explain their opinion so they can better understand it by calling them stupid - it explains a lot about you and your mindset...and I'm sure we'll all keep it in mind in future discussions with you...

That being said:
Protesters attack U.S. diplomatic compounds in Egypt, Libya -

In Libya, witnesses say members of a radical Islamist group called Ansar al-Sharia protested near the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi

Protesters storm consulate in Libya over prophet video - World News

Protesters climb U.S. Embassy walls in Cairo – This Just In - Blogs

American killed in attack on US Consulate in Libya, security official says, following Egyptian protest at US embassy | Fox News

Hours before the Benghazi attack, hundreds of mainly ultraconservative Islamist protesters in Egypt marched to the U.S. Embassy in downtown Cairo, gathering outside its walls and chanting against the movie and the U.S. Most of the embassy staff had left the compound earlier because of warnings of the upcoming demonstration.

The protesters on the wall then raised on the flagpole a black flag with a Muslim declaration of faith, "There is no god but God and Muhammad is his prophet." The flag, similar to the banner used by al-Qaida, is commonly used by ultraconservatives around the region.

So, looks like ONE of us is referring to information they gleaned from reading several major news sources...and ONE of us looks stupid right now because rather than explaining their point of view they just responded to call names. Hmm...

But hey...if you want to try again....and explain why you feel that Muslim extremists with or without weapons storming U.S. soil, killing and/or injuring people, and tearing down the symbol of American sovereignty over that patch of land the embassy or consulate sits on to put up a flag that echos sentiments al-Qaida likes to use when they kill people in the name of their God....all because a few people put out an offensive movie utilizing their free speech - which most of us claim to value....isn't a big deal. I'd still be happy to have that conversation. Cheers.

I was talking about Egypt not Libya...and idiot similar flags.....the flag never belonged to alqaeda it was way before them....

These aren't no extremists in Egypt in Libya they could be but Libya is still recovering from the civil war and people are still killing each other, it's dangerous for everyone
It over guys, don't make it sound bigger than it really is
Really? Because I'm trying incredibly hard this evening to understand that point of view and I'm really struggling.

As I see it - in Cairo and now Benghazi, Islamic fundamentalists have stormed US soil and either killed an American citizen (Benghazi) or pulled down our flag and put up the flag of the terrorist organization responsible for killing almost 3000 Americans on US soil and countless thousands of others around the world. The act of pulling down our flag and putting up their own was not simply a desecration of the beloved symbol of our nation, but also a symbol of domination and take-over...the embassy was no longer ours - but theirs.

How is this "no big deal?"

To add to what I feel is definitely a big deal (multiple attacks on US soil overseas, an embassy and a consulate), our government has responded by condemning not those engaged in violent, illegal, potentially lethal protest at act of war at worst...but rather by condemning individuals engaged in what we, as Americans, claim to be one of our most revered principles...the freedom of speech. is this "no big deal?"

I could grudgingly swallow a statement that condemns both the violent protestors and those who deliberately set out to to enflame them...but to leave out the violent individuals storming onto a US embassy seems unfathomable to me.

I'm open to hearing reasonable explanations why the response from the US was appropriate...or why individuals attacking our embassies and consulates because of slights made against their religion is nothing to get upset about.

Your painfully stupid or misinformed....this is why people who are new to the middle east scene should research more....they are no fundematlists they are young men who felt insulted but I'm not sure how it unraveled or who heard of it....

The flag is no al Qaeda flag sister... This is just a ordinary Islamic's not scary just because the flag is black...there are green ones, white ones the same thing al Qaeda didn't have ownership to a flag these flags are long ago

Strange, Obama has been telling us for four years that only fundamentalists take offense and commit acts of violence, and that normal Muslims are no different than us.

Has he been lying to us?
Really? Because I'm trying incredibly hard this evening to understand that point of view and I'm really struggling.

As I see it - in Cairo and now Benghazi, Islamic fundamentalists have stormed US soil and either killed an American citizen (Benghazi) or pulled down our flag and put up the flag of the terrorist organization responsible for killing almost 3000 Americans on US soil and countless thousands of others around the world. The act of pulling down our flag and putting up their own was not simply a desecration of the beloved symbol of our nation, but also a symbol of domination and take-over...the embassy was no longer ours - but theirs.

How is this "no big deal?"

To add to what I feel is definitely a big deal (multiple attacks on US soil overseas, an embassy and a consulate), our government has responded by condemning not those engaged in violent, illegal, potentially lethal protest at act of war at worst...but rather by condemning individuals engaged in what we, as Americans, claim to be one of our most revered principles...the freedom of speech. is this "no big deal?"

I could grudgingly swallow a statement that condemns both the violent protestors and those who deliberately set out to to enflame them...but to leave out the violent individuals storming onto a US embassy seems unfathomable to me.

I'm open to hearing reasonable explanations why the response from the US was appropriate...or why individuals attacking our embassies and consulates because of slights made against their religion is nothing to get upset about.

Your painfully stupid or misinformed....this is why people who are new to the middle east scene should research more....they are no fundematlists they are young men who felt insulted but I'm not sure how it unraveled or who heard of it....

The flag is no al Qaeda flag sister... This is just a ordinary Islamic's not scary just because the flag is black...there are green ones, white ones the same thing al Qaeda didn't have ownership to a flag these flags are long ago

Strange, Obama has been telling us for four years that only fundamentalists take offense and commit acts of violence, and that normal Muslims are no different than us.

Has he been lying to us?

In Egypt there was no violence and everything is over, it wasn't as big as the media tried to make it seem like
Freedom of Speech is a God given right.

Many won't agree with you that its god given....and remember freedom of speech doesn't allow you to provoke a huge population by demonizkng their religion.

Like is said if a Saudi shehikh made a movie about Jesus was a hobo and a pig who lied with magic and opened it in US theatres would Americans not be flipping out??

Would they be storming embassies?

didn't think so.

Well, it depends on what buttons are pushed. I'm sure there are things that bug the holy shit out of you.

Now......taking that into account......

Saying that this is no big deal pushes Ladygunslinger over the edge.

You see she has a problem with stupidity.

If the left started saying this was a travesty every lib here would be blowing like a fog-horn.

She can't help herself.. note how she comes in to a thread where I post and makes a b-line for me, insulting me with post #1.. Then she whines and lies throughout each thread although my words are clear.. It's a pattern and happens often. I've been back two days and she's done in it in three separate threads.. Always targeting me.. Never said one word to her.. OBSESSIVE .. She pretends I don't piss her off but why come to threads I post in and single me out starting shit?! :) All in a days work..:eusa_angel:

She does the same exact thing to me.

She's merely an annoyance. A child.

I know how to piss her off but choose not to.

This is choice.
Many won't agree with you that its god given....and remember freedom of speech doesn't allow you to provoke a huge population by demonizkng their religion.

Like is said if a Saudi shehikh made a movie about Jesus was a hobo and a pig who lied with magic and opened it in US theatres would Americans not be flipping out??

Would they be storming embassies?

didn't think so.

No they would be kilimg Muslim Americans

You have examples?

Didn'tthink so.
Your painfully stupid or misinformed....this is why people who are new to the middle east scene should research more....they are no fundematlists they are young men who felt insulted but I'm not sure how it unraveled or who heard of it....

The flag is no al Qaeda flag sister... This is just a ordinary Islamic's not scary just because the flag is black...there are green ones, white ones the same thing al Qaeda didn't have ownership to a flag these flags are long ago

Strange, Obama has been telling us for four years that only fundamentalists take offense and commit acts of violence, and that normal Muslims are no different than us.

Has he been lying to us?

In Egypt there was no violence and everything is over, it wasn't as big as the media tried to make it seem like

It never is.

Like I've said before......these folks see this as an opportunity.

This has been building all year. We'll see.......

But, on second glance I noticed you said there was no violence.

I guess a female reporter being brutally beaten and gang-raped wasn't violence.
Last edited:
Btw the banner is a monotheistic pledge nothing to do with al Qaeda

al Qaeda isn't far behind though.

Most of these idiots can't grab their ass with both hands. The pros will soon follow.

There is no such thing as alqaeda anywhere I Egypt...there are little militant groups who go by other names I don't know why people refer to them as al Qaeda...,al Qaeda has no organization's different groups
Your painfully stupid or misinformed....this is why people who are new to the middle east scene should research more....they are no fundematlists they are young men who felt insulted but I'm not sure how it unraveled or who heard of it....

The flag is no al Qaeda flag sister... This is just a ordinary Islamic's not scary just because the flag is black...there are green ones, white ones the same thing al Qaeda didn't have ownership to a flag these flags are long ago

Strange, Obama has been telling us for four years that only fundamentalists take offense and commit acts of violence, and that normal Muslims are no different than us.

Has he been lying to us?

In Egypt there was no violence and everything is over, it wasn't as big as the media tried to make it seem like

Deliberately attacking personal property that belongs to someone else does not count as violence in your world?
BecauseIKnow Wrote:
I was talking about Egypt not Libya...and idiot similar flags.....the flag never belonged to alqaeda it was way before them....

These aren't no extremists in Egypt in Libya they could be but Libya is still recovering from the civil war and people are still killing each other, it's dangerous for everyone

So while you continue to drop insults rather than engaging in meaningful admit fully that you either didn't read my post correctly the first time - because I clearly mentioned both events, or you lack reading comprehension skills...yet, I'm the one who is "stupid," or an "idiot?" Wow, you're losing any credibility you ever might have had here, lol.

There's nothing "non-violent" about violating a nation's embassy tearing down the flag that flies above it - tearing it apart and burning in to shreds and placing another flag in its place. You seem unable to answer the simple question so perhaps its best if we just stop now and I'll open it up to others...

Why are these incidents of violence against our nation "no big deal?"
BecauseIKnow Wrote:
I was talking about Egypt not Libya...and idiot similar flags.....the flag never belonged to alqaeda it was way before them....

These aren't no extremists in Egypt in Libya they could be but Libya is still recovering from the civil war and people are still killing each other, it's dangerous for everyone

So while you continue to drop insults rather than engaging in meaningful admit fully that you either didn't read my post correctly the first time - because I clearly mentioned both events, or you lack reading comprehension skills...yet, I'm the one who is "stupid," or an "idiot?" Wow, you're losing any credibility you ever might have had here, lol.

There's nothing "non-violent" about violating a nation's embassy tearing down the flag that flies above it - tearing it apart and burning in to shreds and placing another flag in its place. You seem unable to answer the simple question so perhaps its best if we just stop now and I'll open it up to others...

Why are these incidents of violence against our nation "no big deal?"

Lmao in the middle east climbing up a wall and throwing a flag down is not considered violent lol. They aren't pussies there it takes a bit more for it to be violence

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