Wuhanvirus Finally Hits My Wife's Side of the Family

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
Western Lands
Just found out that one of my wife's nephews (and she has many, including nieces) is in ICU in Nashville.
Doesn't know yet if he is incubated. He's in his mid-40's and also don't know about pre-existing conditions.
My wife is the oldest of 8 brothers and sisters and I was keeping my fingers crossed that no one in her giant extended family would get this Chink shit!

It ain't over, til it's over.
Just found out that one of my wife's nephews (and she has many, including nieces) is in ICU in Nashville.
Doesn't know yet if he is incubated. He's in his mid-40's and also don't know about pre-existing conditions.
My wife is the oldest of 8 brothers and sisters and I was keeping my fingers crossed that no one in her giant extended family would get this Chink shit!

It ain't over, til it's over.
Sorry to hear this. I hope her nephew gets through this.
Sorry to hear it OP!

At 47 he's got a better than average chance! Still...you just never know with this virus.

Prayers for him! Be strong for the rest of the family...they're going to need it.

My sis was having a minor breakdown on sunday & I needed to give her a pep talk about keeping a PMA (positive mental attitude) and how important it is right now.
Just found out that one of my wife's nephews (and she has many, including nieces) is in ICU in Nashville.
Doesn't know yet if he is incubated. He's in his mid-40's and also don't know about pre-existing conditions.
My wife is the oldest of 8 brothers and sisters and I was keeping my fingers crossed that no one in her giant extended family would get this Chink shit!

It ain't over, til it's over.
Prayers up for your family and you, B. Kidd. :hands:
B. kidd, sorry to hear. What age?

Hopefully he can recover, B Kidd. Prayers.

Some of her family don't like him because he speaks his mind and leaves no one in doubt where they stand with him.
He's a good judge of character and I always liked him from the beginning.
We get along great, tho' my wife doesn't like him cause he had one of her son's number and disagreed with it.
But, such is family!
He felt ill 1 week ago, was taken to the hospital yesterday due to having problems breathing, and I just found out that they put him on a respirator today.
He's "incubated"? He should feel better when the eggs hatch.

I said that I don't know if he is.

Do you even understand what incubated means?
Leave it to you when someone is down to get your jollies over the misuse of a word. Feel better now? Because you are obviously very sick.

It's okay.
I ain't no medical expert.
Rude behavior to score a point when someone is speaking of a sick family member here, in my opinion, is not ok.
i hope he can get off the ventilator soon, B Kidd.
He's "incubated"? He should feel better when the eggs hatch.

I said that I don't know if he is.

Do you even understand what incubated means?
Leave it to you when someone is down to get your jollies over the misuse of a word. Feel better now? Because you are obviously very sick.

It's okay.
I ain't no medical expert.
Rude behavior to score a point when someone is speaking of a sick family member here, in my opinion, is not ok.
i hope he can get off the ventilator soon, B Kidd.

Michael has the same kind of outlook that alot of men have.
If I get sick, weather it out, and if not, a hospital is the last resort.
It's just the way alot of us are built!
He's "incubated"? He should feel better when the eggs hatch.

I said that I don't know if he is.

Do you even understand what incubated means?
Leave it to you when someone is down to get your jollies over the misuse of a word. Feel better now? Because you are obviously very sick.

It's okay.
I ain't no medical expert.
Rude behavior to score a point when someone is speaking of a sick family member here, in my opinion, is not ok.
i hope he can get off the ventilator soon, B Kidd.

It is ok to not be ok. I forgive you.

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