WV house overrides Governors veto of pro gun bill

WV House overrides Tomblin's veto on permitless concealed carry bill

Awesome! Good job folks! Another pro 2nd amendment victory!
From the article:

"Tomblin vetoed the bill on Thursday over safety concerns from law enforcement."

Screw the safety concerns of law enforcement! Who the hell do they think they are?

2aguy should be along any minute now to get on his knees in front of you to show you how much he appreciates you posting this tidbit.

It wasn't over safety concerns, but over how much the sheriffs would lose if residents no longer had to pay for permits.

Safety concerns? Like anyone that would shoot a cop would think twice about carrying without a permit. "Well I was going to shoot that pig, but I'd have to break a law if I carried without my permit."

And no, the lives of an agent of the state don't trump our rights.

No rights are unlimited and yes, lives can limit rights. Gun rights proponents are the only ones that seem to think there should be no limits of THEIR rights.
Wait what, West Virginia has an Anti-2nd Amendment Communist/Progressive Governor? WTF West Virginians? How'd that happen? Anyway, good seeing a victory for the Constitution. Isn't happening much these days.

But seriously West Virginia, ya gotta get the Communists/Progressives outta there. They've decimated your coal industry for God's sake. I'm seriously surprised a Communist/Progressive is Governor. So come on West Virginians, i know you can do better.

We have a conservative Democrat for governor. Get real.
He replaced Manchin when Manchin went to Capitol Hill.

Oh, makes more sense. Appointed? Because i can't believe West Virginians support a Party that completely decimated their coal industry. Hopefully, the Democrats will get the boot soon.

Appalachian Democrats are generally very pro coal
WV House overrides Tomblin's veto on permitless concealed carry bill

Awesome! Good job folks! Another pro 2nd amendment victory!
From the article:

"Tomblin vetoed the bill on Thursday over safety concerns from law enforcement."

Screw the safety concerns of law enforcement! Who the hell do they think they are?

2aguy should be along any minute now to get on his knees in front of you to show you how much he appreciates you posting this tidbit.

It wasn't over safety concerns, but over how much the sheriffs would lose if residents no longer had to pay for permits.

Safety concerns? Like anyone that would shoot a cop would think twice about carrying without a permit. "Well I was going to shoot that pig, but I'd have to break a law if I carried without my permit."

And no, the lives of an agent of the state don't trump our rights.

No rights are unlimited and yes, lives can limit rights. Gun rights proponents are the only ones that seem to think there should be no limits of THEIR rights.
Yes rights are unlimited. They were important enough for our founders to include them in the founding set of rules for our country. ANY law limiting gun ownership,use,carrying,etc is illegal and unconstitutional.
WV House overrides Tomblin's veto on permitless concealed carry bill

Awesome! Good job folks! Another pro 2nd amendment victory!
From the article:

"Tomblin vetoed the bill on Thursday over safety concerns from law enforcement."

Screw the safety concerns of law enforcement! Who the hell do they think they are?

2aguy should be along any minute now to get on his knees in front of you to show you how much he appreciates you posting this tidbit.

It wasn't over safety concerns, but over how much the sheriffs would lose if residents no longer had to pay for permits.

Safety concerns? Like anyone that would shoot a cop would think twice about carrying without a permit. "Well I was going to shoot that pig, but I'd have to break a law if I carried without my permit."

And no, the lives of an agent of the state don't trump our rights.

No rights are unlimited and yes, lives can limit rights. Gun rights proponents are the only ones that seem to think there should be no limits of THEIR rights.
Yes rights are unlimited. They were important enough for our founders to include them in the founding set of rules for our country. ANY law limiting gun ownership,use,carrying,etc is illegal and unconstitutional.

Free speech does not allow you to endanger the public by yelling fire in a crowded theatre. Nor does it allow you to commit libel or slander. It does not allow you to foment a riot.

Religious freedom does not allow you marry multiple wives or commit cruelty to animals or abuse children.

Even from our founding rights had limits.
One of the biggest ironies in the whole gun rights vs. mass shootings debate is that those arguing against any and all restrictions or registration of guns, or increased background checks to try to reduce gun violence are perfectly happy to turn around and trade off other people's rights by calling for surveillance of mosques or a muslim database.
WV budget and public employees health insurance are facing a crisis, but the Republican legislature sure has their priorities in order - pass concealed carry permit.

Can't they do that tomorrow?
One of the biggest ironies in the whole gun rights vs. mass shootings debate is that those arguing against any and all restrictions or registration of guns, or increased background checks to try to reduce gun violence are perfectly happy to turn around and trade off other people's rights by calling for surveillance of mosques or a muslim database.
They hate State Surveillance and Gun Control, except if Sand ******* are involved. Or Jews or ******* or Wetbacks and any darkies in Odium's case...
Might make criminals think twice. And that could be the thing it takes to save life. Ya never know. Granny could be packin. ;)
Granny was always allowed to. Now she needs no permit, and no training. True for her and the criminals. What could possibly go wrong...

Now she'll be allowed to conceal. Don't mess with Granny. That would be my advice.
She always was allowed to. And so are the criminals, now...

No, they are not allowed to.
Lots of criminals still have guns, legally. And now they can carry them hidden, that's legal.

Define a criminal. and if they use the gun to commit a crime, they still get punished for that even if they don't get punished for carrying concealed without a permit (under the old rules).
Great news for the average criminal, no permit needed so, you can't be charged with that any longer...

They are called criminals for a reason. Do you really think they care about whether a permit is required?
One less thing to charge them with. Handgun down your pants, have a nice day, Sir...
If a convicted criminal carries he is charged with possessing carry and having a firearm illegally there is no need for concealed carry laws for legal owners.
Granny was always allowed to. Now she needs no permit, and no training. True for her and the criminals. What could possibly go wrong...

Now she'll be allowed to conceal. Don't mess with Granny. That would be my advice.
She always was allowed to. And so are the criminals, now...

No, they are not allowed to.
Lots of criminals still have guns, legally. And now they can carry them hidden, that's legal.

Define a criminal. and if they use the gun to commit a crime, they still get punished for that even if they don't get punished for carrying concealed without a permit (under the old rules).
Criminal, you know, someone who has broken a criminal law.
Great news for the average criminal, no permit needed so, you can't be charged with that any longer...

They are called criminals for a reason. Do you really think they care about whether a permit is required?
One less thing to charge them with. Handgun down your pants, have a nice day, Sir...
If a convicted criminal carries he is charged with possessing carry and having a firearm illegally there is no need for concealed carry laws for legal owners.
Legal owners include what you people call thugs. And the no training requirement, brilliant...
Great news for the average criminal, no permit needed so, you can't be charged with that any longer...

They are called criminals for a reason. Do you really think they care about whether a permit is required?
One less thing to charge them with. Handgun down your pants, have a nice day, Sir...
If a convicted criminal carries he is charged with possessing carry and having a firearm illegally there is no need for concealed carry laws for legal owners.
Legal owners include what you people call thugs. And the no training requirement, brilliant...

Thugs are those that misuse guns.
Might make criminals think twice. And that could be the thing it takes to save life. Ya never know. Granny could be packin. ;)
Granny was always allowed to. Now she needs no permit, and no training. True for her and the criminals. What could possibly go wrong...

Now she'll be allowed to conceal. Don't mess with Granny. That would be my advice.
She always was allowed to. And so are the criminals, now...

No, they are not allowed to.
Lots of criminals still have guns, legally. And now they can carry them hidden, that's legal.

Criminals are criminals. They don't submit to background checks to obtain firearms. And they certainly don't open-carry. They conceal their illegal firearms. But now, the playing field is balanced. They may have to think twice about beating and raping. They won't know for sure if their potential victims are armed or not. And if that saves just one life, it'll be a success.
Great news for the average criminal, no permit needed so, you can't be charged with that any longer...

They are called criminals for a reason. Do you really think they care about whether a permit is required?
One less thing to charge them with. Handgun down your pants, have a nice day, Sir...
If a convicted criminal carries he is charged with possessing carry and having a firearm illegally there is no need for concealed carry laws for legal owners.
Legal owners include what you people call thugs. And the no training requirement, brilliant...

How so? Criminals can't legally obtain firearms. So the question of open-carry or concealed is irrelevant. Obviously they'll conceal their illegal firearms.
WV House overrides Tomblin's veto on permitless concealed carry bill

Awesome! Good job folks! Another pro 2nd amendment victory!
From the article:

"Tomblin vetoed the bill on Thursday over safety concerns from law enforcement."

Screw the safety concerns of law enforcement! Who the hell do they think they are?

2aguy should be along any minute now to get on his knees in front of you to show you how much he appreciates you posting this tidbit.
Screw anyone's concerns when it comes to MY rights. Oh and their pathetic "concerns" are asinine since people can ALREADY carry concealed in WV this just makes it to where now when its COLD out which it does happen in WV they can wear a coat or sweatshirt over their holster. Cry about it.

It is not your right to be able to carry a gun without a permit. That's well established in case law.
Now she'll be allowed to conceal. Don't mess with Granny. That would be my advice.
She always was allowed to. And so are the criminals, now...

No, they are not allowed to.
Lots of criminals still have guns, legally. And now they can carry them hidden, that's legal.

Define a criminal. and if they use the gun to commit a crime, they still get punished for that even if they don't get punished for carrying concealed without a permit (under the old rules).
Criminal, you know, someone who has broken a criminal law.

A criminal would be one seriously dumb criminal if they open-carried their firearm. Obviously they'll conceal their illegally-obtained firearms. So the question of open-carry or concealed isn't even an issue.

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