WW2 hero refuses medical care, so cops kill him in his nursing home

Its months later, was there any investigation?

Coverup. Very hard to get info on this case. Investigation was turned over to State Police and they issued a report, but it hasn't been released to public as far as I can tell. Med examiner determined incident was a homicide. Wrana, the victim, had four impacts to torso from bean bag rounds. Witness''s claimed five fired. Rounds fired from pump shot gun. Not advised to use weapon less than 21 feet from human target. Estimated distance in incident 10 feet. Police claim Wrana had 7 inch kitchen knife, later changed to 12 inch knife. Nursing home witness's say no knife, only a cane and shoe horn. Police claim victim was charging at police. Witness statements say he was standing up after taser attempt failed and as soon as he stood was peppered with the bean bag rounds.
Police refuse to issue name of officier armed with shot gun.
Wrana served in USAAC, Burma. Said to have been shot down at least once.
Sorry, no link. Info here came from surfing and noting bits from numerous sites. Might be something recent from a reporter named John Kass of the Chicago Tribune if anyone wants to research more. Can not vouche for reliability of above info. Med examiner reports came from news sources but witness info is kind of iffy.
It's a damn shame that local Police or Sheriffs would be so callus but it's also a shame that pot-head libertarians would use the incident for anti-Police propaganda.
Ya gotta love today's valiant men in blue (I mean black). They've given new meaning to "serve and protect." I realize that there are still some good cops and I respect the good ones for doing what's right but there seems to be a changing climate. Many forces seem to embrace the shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later mentality. They're quite Gestapo-like in their approach to dealing with civil matters.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37IfzgpBTLE]Cops Get Away with Attacking Citizens - YouTube[/ame]
There is no way to justify this.
Hell,we treat a wayward wildlife with more compassion. I mean seriously,all they had to do was leave him alone till nap time and the situation would have resolved itself.
Since cops are union, and put their support behind republicans(starting with Reagan) they have become very abusive...
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It's fucking cops. What do you expect from cops? Does anyone here really believe cops are the good guys?
It's a damn shame that local Police or Sheriffs would be so callus but it's also a shame that pot-head libertarians would use the incident for anti-Police propaganda.

The man is almost 100 years old and in a nursing home where he could not possibly have had access to a knife. The police are habitual liars and never hesitate to cover themselves at every turn. Even aliens from outer space could figure out in a split instant that he is a feeble old man and cause them to realize not to use even slight force on such individuals who are extremely prone to falling and breaking bones. Yet they Taser him and pump him in the stomach 3 times with a heavy bean bag. Get real dude.
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It's a damn shame that local Police or Sheriffs would be so callus but it's also a shame that pot-head libertarians would use the incident for anti-Police propaganda.

The man is almost 100 years old and in a nursing home where he could not possibly have had access to a knife. The police are habitual liars and never hesitate to cover themselves at every turn. Even aliens from outer space could figure out in a split instant that such a feeble old man would immediately cause them to realize not to use even slight force on such individuals who are extremely prone to falling and breaking bones. Yet they Taser him and pump him in the stomach 3 times with a heavy bean bag. Get real dude.

Habitual liars indeed. Pot head libertarians might not even know that 105 Police Officers died in the line of duty in 2013.
It's a damn shame that local Police or Sheriffs would be so callus but it's also a shame that pot-head libertarians would use the incident for anti-Police propaganda.

The man is almost 100 years old and in a nursing home where he could not possibly have had access to a knife. The police are habitual liars and never hesitate to cover themselves at every turn. Even aliens from outer space could figure out in a split instant that such a feeble old man would immediately cause them to realize not to use even slight force on such individuals who are extremely prone to falling and breaking bones. Yet they Taser him and pump him in the stomach 3 times with a heavy bean bag. Get real dude.

Habitual liars indeed. Pot head libertarians might not even know that 105 Police Officers died in the line of duty in 2013.

If the police were really doing their job, thousands at least would die each year, but instead they hide behind their Tasers like cowards and act as gods. When soldiers sign up for the military they pledge their lives and to act within reasobable means, but the police do none of this and only expect US to obey their every whim so that their pretty hides are almost never in danger.
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It's a damn shame that local Police or Sheriffs would be so callus but it's also a shame that pot-head libertarians would use the incident for anti-Police propaganda.

The man is almost 100 years old and in a nursing home where he could not possibly have had access to a knife. The police are habitual liars and never hesitate to cover themselves at every turn. Even aliens from outer space could figure out in a split instant that such a feeble old man would immediately cause them to realize not to use even slight force on such individuals who are extremely prone to falling and breaking bones. Yet they Taser him and pump him in the stomach 3 times with a heavy bean bag. Get real dude.

Habitual liars indeed. Pot head libertarians might not even know that 105 Police Officers died in the line of duty in 2013.

News flash: I am more likely to die on the job than a cop! Police officers are NOT in the top 10 most dangerous jobs...I'm #8. (Also note: last data I saw, the most common cause for death on duty was actually a car crash!)
What gave them cops the right to kill that man when he had the right to refuse that medical care? Why did it matter so much to them cops to begin with? What did they have to do with him?

God bless you and the man's family always!!!


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