...However, Hussein was not a Jihadist. He despised religious fanatics. He exterminated them every chance he got. ....

Outdated impression.

No, it's fact. He viewed them as a serious threat. ...is.

Your information is incomplete.

Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. They wanted him dead. He was a secular leader. Just like Assad is in Syria. Taking these people out, only further destabilizes the Middle East.
...However, Hussein was not a Jihadist. He despised religious fanatics. He exterminated them every chance he got. ....

Outdated impression.

No, it's fact. He viewed them as a serious threat. ...is.

Your information is incomplete.

Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.
...However, Hussein was not a Jihadist. He despised religious fanatics. He exterminated them every chance he got. ....

Outdated impression.

No, it's fact. He viewed them as a serious threat. ...is.

Your information is incomplete.

Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.

There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. They were allowed to invade after the US invasion. Just one very sad consequence of the Iraq War blunder.
Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?

Yes Mr. Frog darling, they all want it now, even half the Leftists are now liking Trump since he started the Much Loved Perpetual War Machine up again.

Most of the WORLD have HATED Trump for a year, but since last nights Extravaganza of which they all got to sit and eat popcorn and watch the footage of today....most of the WORLD now also LIKES Trump.

So it's okay Mr, Frog, WWIII is just around the corner now :smoke:

Let's face it - the rest of the world is gutless. They have missed the United states coming to their rescue and standing up against the 'evil', the 'unjust', the 'wicked', and the 'boogeymen' they are too cowardly to take on.

Yes, these nations cheer the US because we, at times, have the balls to do what others wish would happen but dare not do themselves.

This is why Trump has gone to NATO and the United Nations and told them to 'man up', start paying your fair share, start doing your part, or we are outta here. ... right before he all but wiped a Syrian air base off the face of the planet FOR THEM.

It would have been far cheaper for some nation - like Germany - by now to have sent some 'special team' to put a bullet in Assad's head than take in the overwhelming number of refugees who have swamped their country while causing all kinds of problems for them.
Outdated impression.

No, it's fact. He viewed them as a serious threat. ...is.

Your information is incomplete.

Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.

There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.
No, it's fact. He viewed them as a serious threat. ...is.

Your information is incomplete.

Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.

There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.
...However, Hussein was not a Jihadist. He despised religious fanatics. He exterminated them every chance he got. ....

Outdated impression.

No, it's fact. He viewed them as a serious threat. ...is.

Your information is incomplete.

Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.

Whilst Saddam Hussein was a POS, he WAS Secular, as such like with Assad, the Radical Islamic Extremist Fundamentalists considered him an Infidel.

There were none of these maniacs on the loose in Iraq when Saddam was in charge, he either had them in prison and under his foot OR they were under the soil.

When that idiot GWB and his lapdog Tony Blair um "liberated" Iraq, they created a vacuum and with the um "liberation" all the Radical Islamists that Saddam had in prison were set loose and they instantly stepped into the vacuum that had been created.

The other situation is in the HISTORY of Iraq, like Syria, there had NEVER been ONE suicide bomb, since the um "liberation" of Iraq there have been MULTIPLE suicide bombs EVERY SINGLE DAY for more than a decade, that's A LOT of dead men, women, children on top of the estimated 500,000 men, women, children and babies who died during the whole Shock and Awe Campaign.

These nations are not USED to ANY sort of Democracy, they are USED to having a Strong Man in charge, because WITHOUT a Strong Man in charge....well look what happens....Radical Islamist Extremist Fundamentalism that's what.
Last edited:
Your information is incomplete.

Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.

There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

^^^^ What you said :thup:
Your information is incomplete.

Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.

There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.
Your information is incomplete.

Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.

There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Look at this, it illustrates that Thou Must NOT Question The Official Narrative OR EVEN Asked Questions, IF you do, they will do their best to crucify you and destroy your career.

I have never heard of this lady before, she's a Democrat, she is openly questioning the Official Narrative about the sarin gas attack and why shouldn't she, there has been NO Independent Verification OR Independent Investigation into this.

The Uni-Party now in FULL WWIII footing, she's wandered OFF the plantation and her OWN want her career ENDED for daring to ask questions....is that what happens in a Democracy? Whatever happened to Free Speech and Independent Thought? Both are dead it seems.

Also the below Howard Dean is that the same Howard "Fucking Batshit Insane" Dean?

Liberal leaders call for challenge to Gabbard over Syria skepticism

(CNN) "A pair of veteran leaders on the left, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden, called on Hawaiians to vote Rep. Tulsi Gabbard out of office after the Democrat questioned whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was responsible for last week's chemical attack.

"People of Hawaii's 2nd District -- was it not enough for you that your rep met with a murderous dictator? Will this move you?" Tanden tweeted Friday in response to Gabbard's comments on CNN that she is "skeptical" Assad is responsible for the chemical attack."

Here's the full article, there also is a video of this Tulsi Gabbard being interviewed by some Propaganda spewing CNN Dittohead.

Liberal leaders call for challenge to Gabbard over Syria skepticism - CNNPolitics.com
Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.

There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

His comments re. opening Pandora's Box are accurate though.
Hussein was certainly no fan of the religious fanatics. ...

Again, you are incompletely informed.

There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites do now control Iraq.
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Lucy luvs her sum Assad.

He is a dictator, a butcher, tried to hide behind Putin, and got his Baathist ass kicked.

He needs to be killed soonest.

Chuckles now channeling his inner-valley gurrrl. :cuckoo:

Tom darling, don't forget that Jake is ALWAYS wrong about EVERYTHING.

Jake is also the type who jumps on ANY band wagon, he HATED Trump, now he wants to suck Trump's dick to show how much he LOVES him.
Again, you are incompletely informed.

There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.
There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.

Yeah, Mosul is another sad horrific result of the Iraq War blunder. It's now in complete ruins. And on top of the awful carnage, guess who gets to pay for rebuilding the decimated city? That's right, US Taxpayers. The rebuilding costs are estimated to be several $Billions. Seriously, 14yrs is long enough. We need to get the hell out of Iraq.
Yeah, Mosul is another sad horrific result of the Iraq War blunder. It's now in complete ruins. And on top of the awful carnage, guess who gets to pay for rebuilding the decimated city? That's right, US Taxpayers. The rebuilding costs are estimated to be several $Billions. Seriously, 14yrs is long enough. We need to get the hell out of Iraq.

Baloney....Iraq will again soon be swimming in oil money and have the finances to rebuild Mosul and their other cities. Hell, what's to rebuild....most of their structures are made of mud with little if any rebar. Iraq's problem will be booting out the Iranians who helped them whip ISIS.

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