Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Excellent question you posted froggy! It is THE QUESTION of the hour.

Remember, everyone, Risk is different than Probability. Risk (R) = Probability (P) multiplied by a measure of Consequences (C)

R = P X C.

Considering the consequences of a nuclear war with Russia, the Risk at present is off the charts even if the probability of such a scenario is only 1 in 1000. And I think P is more like 1 in 100.

It would happen via rapid escalation of conventional war with Russia to the use of relatively small battlefield nukes, then tactical nukes (goodbye NATO HQ in Brussels), then Strategic nukes (goodbye Washington DC and Moscow and perhaps most everyone in the northern hemisphere.
Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Excellent question you posted froggy. It is THE QUESTION of the hour.

Remember, everyone, Risk is different than Probability. Risk (R) = Probability (P) multiplied by a measure of Consequences (C)

R = P X C. Considering the consequences of a nuclear war with Russia, the Risk at present is off the charts even if the probability of such a scenario is only 1 in 1000. And I think P is more like 1 in 100.

It would happen via rapid escalation of conventional war with Russia to the use of relatively small battlefield nukes, then tactical nukes (goodbye NATO HQ in Brussels), then Strategic nukes (goodbye Washington DC and Moscow and about everyone in the northern hemisphere.
Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?

Yes Mr. Frog darling, they all want it now, even half the Leftists are now liking Trump since he started the Much Loved Perpetual War Machine up again.

Most of the WORLD have HATED Trump for a year, but since last nights Extravaganza of which they all got to sit and eat popcorn and watch the footage of today....most of the WORLD now also LIKES Trump.

So it's okay Mr, Frog, WWIII is just around the corner now :smoke:
He does the deal.

Well I'm already thinking what Martini's I should have at Martini O'Clock on Day One of WWIII :smoke:

There will be room in my adequate bunker Mr. Frog, you're very welcome :thup:
We want to get in on some of the action Lucy.

In Answer to Born on the Fourth of July, DQ wrote Born on the 31st of June

Johnny Carson made that joke about sissyboy HeirGuardsman Danny Quayle, the Kokomo Commando. "This may be our last chance, honey. Tomorrow they're...they're sending me to (gulp)...to Muncie."
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Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Only Girlymen Bicker With One Another

The United States, Russia, China, and their allies against Islam, starting with partitioning the Muslim oilfields and confiscating their bank accounts. For our own survival, we must stop this petty squabbling among the advanced nations and recolonize the Third World.

Also, we should not repeat the conflicts among superior nations that we had the last time we put the savages in their place. No more feralphilia about the "oppressed natives"; that treason must be silenced. Self-determination for Stone Age tribes geneticall determined to destroy is what led to enabling this existential threat.

It's a good thing that nutjobs like this ^^^^^^ are a completely irrelevant and tiny minority.
We've been headed for it for many years. We've gone insane with our aggressive foreign interventionism. We're invading and bombing too many countries. I've lost count on how many at this point.

Americans have allowed the Permanent War Warmongers to seize control. We're rapidly becoming a militarized Police State. It really is beginning to look like '1984.' Wars that have no end. There's no 'victories' or 'losses.' They just drag on forever. It's a very depressing time for sure.
We've been headed for it for many years. We've gone insane with our aggressive foreign interventionism. We're invading and bombing too many countries. I've lost count on how many at this point..

That would explain why the Obama election marked a change in that republican dominated trajectory, and hence the nobel peace prize for 2009. Changing the direction the world was spiraling into, and the world took notice.
We've been headed for it for many years. We've gone insane with our aggressive foreign interventionism. We're invading and bombing too many countries. I've lost count on how many at this point.

Americans have allowed the Permanent War Warmongers to seize control. We're rapidly becoming a militarized Police State. It really is beginning to look like '1984.' Wars that have no end. There's no 'victories' or 'losses.' They just drag on forever. It's a very depressing time for sure.
If you remember back in the 60s they always said if George Bush sr. Ever got to be President he'd take us to war.
no quds. basiji part.
my work was in departmant .... for veteran and family of victim iran-iraq war.give them benefit....

and organize ceremony for chants death to usa . burning usa and israel flag and .....looooool:biggrin::biggrin:

If you remember back in the 60s they always said if George Bush sr. Ever got to be President he'd take us to war.

In the 60's they were saying Barry Goldwater would take us to war. By the 80's they were saying Ronald Reagan would take us to war. I dont remember a time when people were concerned about Bush 41 starting a war. And if they were, they shouldn't have worried. The Gulf war that Bush got us into, although more like was thrust upon him, involved a huge coalition of other counties, a UN resolution, and the support of the free world.
We've been headed for it for many years. We've gone insane with our aggressive foreign interventionism. We're invading and bombing too many countries. I've lost count on how many at this point..

That would explain why the Obama election marked a change in that republican dominated trajectory, and hence the nobel peace prize for 2009. Changing the direction the world was spiraling into, and the world took notice.

But he didn't deliver. He bombed more countries than his predecessor did. He continued the Permanent War Agenda.
We've been headed for it for many years. We've gone insane with our aggressive foreign interventionism. We're invading and bombing too many countries. I've lost count on how many at this point.

Americans have allowed the Permanent War Warmongers to seize control. We're rapidly becoming a militarized Police State. It really is beginning to look like '1984.' Wars that have no end. There's no 'victories' or 'losses.' They just drag on forever. It's a very depressing time for sure.
If you remember back in the 60s they always said if George Bush sr. Ever got to be President he'd take us to war.

We've had continuous war for several decades. Both Democrat and Republican Presidents are responsible for it.
If you remember back in the 60s they always said if George Bush sr. Ever got to be President he'd take us to war.

The Gulf war that Bush got us into, although more like was thrust upon him, involved a huge coalition of other counties, a UN resolution, and the support of the free world.
Read My Lips. Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed.

Kuwait has no right to exist. For 5,000 years, it belonged to whoever ruled Mesopotamia. The only reason patrician petrocrat Bush the First had to attack Saddam was that Saddam was lowering the price of oil and "our" oil companies' 1,000+$ profit margins. In order to destroy more of our mortal enemy, Iran, he needed to produce beyond his jihadi OPEC quotas.
If you remember back in the 60s they always said if George Bush sr. Ever got to be President he'd take us to war.

The Gulf war that Bush got us into, although more like was thrust upon him, involved a huge coalition of other counties, a UN resolution, and the support of the free world.
Read My Lips. Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed.

Kuwait has no right to exist. For 5,000 years, it belonged to whoever ruled Mesopotamia. The only reason patrician petrocrat Bush the First had to attack Saddam was that Saddam was lowering the price of oil and "our" oil companies' 1,000+$ profit margins. In order to destroy more of our mortal enemy, Iran, he needed to produce beyond his jihadi OPEC quotas.

I agree with most of what you've stated. He was just a US/West Puppet behaving badly. However, Hussein was not a Jihadist. He despised religious fanatics. He exterminated them every chance he got. That's why it's so tragically ironic, that the Iraq invasion actually allowed Islamic Terrorists to flourish there. The Iraq War was a horrific blunder for sure. It should have never happened.
...However, Hussein was not a Jihadist. He despised religious fanatics. He exterminated them every chance he got. ....

Outdated impression.

No, it's fact. He viewed them as a serious threat. Ironically, the US invasion actually allowed Terrorists to flow into Iraq by the Thousands. There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS there before the invasion. Just another sad example of what a brutal blunder the Iraq War is.

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