@ B. Kidd Putin's response was along the lines of "Heeeeyyyy that's our ally... uhm... can we talk about this next week?"
Trump is saying that further military action will be done if required, and they say they are ready to do it again.

Yep, I guess even Putin is having buyer's remorse about getting Trump elected.

Especially if you are such a far left dolt as to have thought that Putin wanted Trump to begin with. Hillary water-bearers still abound.

Putin would have preferred Hillary because Hillary would have sat on her hands like Obama did.

Hillary did run on a losing proposition of a no-fly zone over Syria. But, that was way before this weeks' chem attack.
Lucy luvs her sum Assad.

He is a dictator, a butcher, tried to hide behind Putin, and got his Baathist ass kicked.

He needs to be killed soonest.

What happens then Jake um Einstein? What is The Plan?

That's right you don't know because your peabrain doesn't stretch that far. You should go and do the job yourself, phone The Pentagon and volunteer to be strapped to a Tomahawk missile that will then be DROPPED on Assad, volunteer Jake, be a PROPER macho man you little Beta Cuck you.
hahaha...Thank you for the laugh Lucy!
@ B. Kidd Putin's response was along the lines of "Heeeeyyyy that's our ally... uhm... can we talk about this next week?"

Please elaborate and try to make sense.

Sure. Putin kind of has to say something, after all we just attacked his ally. However, he didn't cancel our meeting with him next week, most likely he's still hoping we can fight ISIS together.

To take it a bit further, based on my personal opinion of Putin, he's not much interested in Assad, but rather protecting his interests in Syria - we didn't attack his shit, in fact we warned him to GTFO before attacking. Defending Assad's alleged gas attack isn't even remotely on his "want list" so he'll ultimately let this blow over and we'll move forward on plans for working together against ISIS next week.

You're being a fruit loop of a different color. I have a lot of respect for Christian's and their morals, they're an important, and good part of the fabric and foundation of this nation. There is however a line between respect and freedom that we have, and must maintain, in this nation.
@ B. Kidd Putin's response was along the lines of "Heeeeyyyy that's our ally... uhm... can we talk about this next week?"

Please elaborate and try to make sense.

Sure. Putin kind of has to say something, after all we just attacked his ally. However, he didn't cancel our meeting with him next week, most likely he's still hoping we can fight ISIS together.

To take it a bit further, based on my personal opinion of Putin, he's not much interested in Assad, but rather protecting his interests in Syria - we didn't attack his shit, in fact we warned him to GTFO before attacking. Defending Assad's alleged gas attack isn't even remotely on his "want list" so he'll ultimately let this blow over and we'll move forward on plans for working together against ISIS next week.
We down here in the "48" are prone to forgetting that there in AK you can see Russia from out your back door..... Gives you special insight and all.
We down here in the "48" are prone to forgetting that there in AK you can see Russia from out your back door..... Gives you special insight and all.

hmmm you may actually have something there. There are still pockets of "native" Russian's up here, those who stayed after the sale of Alaska. We've trained beside their soldiers, hosted them in our own homes, and gotten to know them a bit more than lower 48ers. Not to say their leadership is great in American terms, but then again, often times our own leadership hasn't been so great, eh?

Though for the record, my back yard is a military base as my city is basically the "wealthy suburb" where all the generals live. I get to watch our boys do all their arctic training and such; jumping out of planes and landing on skis no shit.
@ B. Kidd Putin's response was along the lines of "Heeeeyyyy that's our ally... uhm... can we talk about this next week?"

Please elaborate and try to make sense.

Sure. Putin kind of has to say something, after all we just attacked his ally. However, he didn't cancel our meeting with him next week, most likely he's still hoping we can fight ISIS together.

To take it a bit further, based on my personal opinion of Putin, he's not much interested in Assad, but rather protecting his interests in Syria - we didn't attack his shit, in fact we warned him to GTFO before attacking. Defending Assad's alleged gas attack isn't even remotely on his "want list" so he'll ultimately let this blow over and we'll move forward on plans for working together against ISIS next week.

If Putin truly wanted to move forward currently, then why did Russia cut the military back-channel line with us today?
military back channel? I heard he canceled air yapping, but we're not really flying around and our missiles didn't come from planes so it's a bit of a "wave of the hand" move imo. If he were seriously offended he'd have canceled our talks.
Also, UUUUUUGGGHHHH GDI that picture has ruined my fucking day. I can't get the image of that poor bastard out of my head! I'm trying to write and the loudest voice in my mind is going "Don't swallow, don't swallow, don't swallow, don't swallow" :/

~shakes fist at her curiosity and the internet~
Unlikely!!! best guess is it was a 'false flag' excuse by our NSC to send a message or something.... Russia will dance its typical jig puffing its chest out .... Rather, I do see a couple of our allies helping us obliterate Kim fat phuck Un in the very near future...

Kim fat phuck. That's priceless.

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