That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.
Nice Guys Finish Last

If we use sarin gas on ISIS, Mosul will fall quickly and save us a lot of money and lives.

Either way, US Taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for rebuilding Mosul. It's time to get the hell outta Iraq.
Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Trump is taking a page right out of George Bush's playbook. For those who don't remember, Bush kept antagonizing Saddam Hussein throughout much of 2002, hoping to provoke Hussein into attacking us, thereby giving Bush the excuse he was looking for to invade. Hussein didn't fall for it and Bush ended up just invading Iraq anyway.

That's exactly what Trump is doing now. He wants to go to war with North Korea and he's trying to provoke Kim Jong Un into attacking us, giving him the excuse he needs to launch a full scale war.

Trump showed his cards....


Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Trump is taking a page right out of George Bush's playbook. For those who don't remember, Bush kept antagonizing Saddam Hussein throughout much of 2002, hoping to provoke Hussein into attacking us, thereby giving Bush the excuse he was looking for to invade. Hussein didn't fall for it and Bush ended up just invading Iraq anyway.

That's exactly what Trump is doing now. He wants to go to war with North Korea and he's trying to provoke Kim Jong Un into attacking us, giving him the excuse he needs to launch a full scale war.

Trump showed his cards....



'Wag the Dog False Flags' are common with US Presidents. Whenever things go sour on the home front, a good ole Bombing or Invasion distracts the American Sheeple sufficiently. Most Americans are dumbed-down and love their wars. It's all they know.

It's pretty simple, Trump's approval numbers were in the tank, hence this False Flag in Syria. There is no strategic value in Assad ordering such an attack. It makes no sense to those who have common sense. It is what it is.
Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Trump is taking a page right out of George Bush's playbook. For those who don't remember, Bush kept antagonizing Saddam Hussein throughout much of 2002, hoping to provoke Hussein into attacking us, thereby giving Bush the excuse he was looking for to invade. Hussein didn't fall for it and Bush ended up just invading Iraq anyway.

That's exactly what Trump is doing now. He wants to go to war with North Korea and he's trying to provoke Kim Jong Un into attacking us, giving him the excuse he needs to launch a full scale war.

Trump showed his cards....



'Wag the Dog False Flags' are common with US Presidents. Whenever things go sour on the home front, a good ole Bombing or Invasion distracts the American Sheeple sufficiently. Most Americans are dumbed-down and love their wars. It's all they know.

It's pretty simple, Trump's approval numbers were in the tank, hence this False Flag in Syria. There is no strategic value in Assad ordering such an attack. It makes no sense to those who have common sense. It is what it is.
True, but now he's poking North Korea with a stick for absolutely no fucking reason and L'il Kim has nukes and might be the one leader on the planet who's crazier than Trump.
Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Trump is taking a page right out of George Bush's playbook. For those who don't remember, Bush kept antagonizing Saddam Hussein throughout much of 2002, hoping to provoke Hussein into attacking us, thereby giving Bush the excuse he was looking for to invade. Hussein didn't fall for it and Bush ended up just invading Iraq anyway.

That's exactly what Trump is doing now. He wants to go to war with North Korea and he's trying to provoke Kim Jong Un into attacking us, giving him the excuse he needs to launch a full scale war.

Trump showed his cards....



'Wag the Dog False Flags' are common with US Presidents. Whenever things go sour on the home front, a good ole Bombing or Invasion distracts the American Sheeple sufficiently. Most Americans are dumbed-down and love their wars. It's all they know.

It's pretty simple, Trump's approval numbers were in the tank, hence this False Flag in Syria. There is no strategic value in Assad ordering such an attack. It makes no sense to those who have common sense. It is what it is.
True, but now he's poking North Korea with a stick for absolutely no fucking reason and L'il Kim has nukes and might be the one leader on the planet who's crazier than Trump.

'Wag the Dog.' I mean, if you disagree with all these wars, you must be a dern 'America-Hater.' Most Americans really are dumbed-down sheep. Trump's gonna see a bump in his approval numbers after this False Flag. And that's gonna encourage him to take it further. There will be much more carnage to come. Bet on that.
Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Trump is taking a page right out of George Bush's playbook. For those who don't remember, Bush kept antagonizing Saddam Hussein throughout much of 2002, hoping to provoke Hussein into attacking us, thereby giving Bush the excuse he was looking for to invade. Hussein didn't fall for it and Bush ended up just invading Iraq anyway.

That's exactly what Trump is doing now. He wants to go to war with North Korea and he's trying to provoke Kim Jong Un into attacking us, giving him the excuse he needs to launch a full scale war.

Trump showed his cards....



'Wag the Dog False Flags' are common with US Presidents. Whenever things go sour on the home front, a good ole Bombing or Invasion distracts the American Sheeple sufficiently. Most Americans are dumbed-down and love their wars. It's all they know.

It's pretty simple, Trump's approval numbers were in the tank, hence this False Flag in Syria. There is no strategic value in Assad ordering such an attack. It makes no sense to those who have common sense. It is what it is.
True, but now he's poking North Korea with a stick for absolutely no fucking reason and L'il Kim has nukes and might be the one leader on the planet who's crazier than Trump.

'Wag the Dog.' I mean, if you disagree with all these wars, you must be a dern 'America-Hater.' Most Americans really are dumbed-down sheep. ....

How do you know that?
Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Trump is taking a page right out of George Bush's playbook. For those who don't remember, Bush kept antagonizing Saddam Hussein throughout much of 2002, hoping to provoke Hussein into attacking us, thereby giving Bush the excuse he was looking for to invade. Hussein didn't fall for it and Bush ended up just invading Iraq anyway.


Meaningless partisan revisionism.
Will it come from this administration? Can Trump start it?
Trump is taking a page right out of George Bush's playbook. For those who don't remember, Bush kept antagonizing Saddam Hussein throughout much of 2002, hoping to provoke Hussein into attacking us, thereby giving Bush the excuse he was looking for to invade. Hussein didn't fall for it and Bush ended up just invading Iraq anyway.

That's exactly what Trump is doing now. He wants to go to war with North Korea and he's trying to provoke Kim Jong Un into attacking us, giving him the excuse he needs to launch a full scale war.

Trump showed his cards....



'Wag the Dog False Flags' are common with US Presidents. Whenever things go sour on the home front, a good ole Bombing or Invasion distracts the American Sheeple sufficiently. Most Americans are dumbed-down and love their wars. It's all they know.

It's pretty simple, Trump's approval numbers were in the tank, hence this False Flag in Syria. There is no strategic value in Assad ordering such an attack. It makes no sense to those who have common sense. It is what it is.
True, but now he's poking North Korea with a stick for absolutely no fucking reason and L'il Kim has nukes and might be the one leader on the planet who's crazier than Trump.

'Wag the Dog.' I mean, if you disagree with all these wars, you must be a dern 'America-Hater.' Most Americans really are dumbed-down sheep. ....

How do you know that?

If you oppose these endless wars, you are considered an 'America-Hater' by dumbed-down sheep. You 'Hate the Troops' too and so on and so on...
Trump is taking a page right out of George Bush's playbook. For those who don't remember, Bush kept antagonizing Saddam Hussein throughout much of 2002, hoping to provoke Hussein into attacking us, thereby giving Bush the excuse he was looking for to invade. Hussein didn't fall for it and Bush ended up just invading Iraq anyway.

That's exactly what Trump is doing now. He wants to go to war with North Korea and he's trying to provoke Kim Jong Un into attacking us, giving him the excuse he needs to launch a full scale war.

Trump showed his cards....



'Wag the Dog False Flags' are common with US Presidents. Whenever things go sour on the home front, a good ole Bombing or Invasion distracts the American Sheeple sufficiently. Most Americans are dumbed-down and love their wars. It's all they know.

It's pretty simple, Trump's approval numbers were in the tank, hence this False Flag in Syria. There is no strategic value in Assad ordering such an attack. It makes no sense to those who have common sense. It is what it is.
True, but now he's poking North Korea with a stick for absolutely no fucking reason and L'il Kim has nukes and might be the one leader on the planet who's crazier than Trump.

'Wag the Dog.' I mean, if you disagree with all these wars, you must be a dern 'America-Hater.' Most Americans really are dumbed-down sheep. ....

How do you know that?

If you oppose these endless wars, you are considered an 'America-Hater' by dumbed-down sheep. You 'Hate the Troops' too and so on and so on...

Empty-headed partisan nonsense.
'Wag the Dog False Flags' are common with US Presidents. Whenever things go sour on the home front, a good ole Bombing or Invasion distracts the American Sheeple sufficiently. Most Americans are dumbed-down and love their wars. It's all they know.

It's pretty simple, Trump's approval numbers were in the tank, hence this False Flag in Syria. There is no strategic value in Assad ordering such an attack. It makes no sense to those who have common sense. It is what it is.
True, but now he's poking North Korea with a stick for absolutely no fucking reason and L'il Kim has nukes and might be the one leader on the planet who's crazier than Trump.

'Wag the Dog.' I mean, if you disagree with all these wars, you must be a dern 'America-Hater.' Most Americans really are dumbed-down sheep. ....

How do you know that?

If you oppose these endless wars, you are considered an 'America-Hater' by dumbed-down sheep. You 'Hate the Troops' too and so on and so on...

Empty-headed partisan nonsense.

Bullshite. Y'all Warmongers are are very quick to label anyone who opposes these endless wars, as being 'Gosh Dern America-Haters.' You truly believe you're the 'Good Patriots.' But in reality, you're just misguided sheep.
True, but now he's poking North Korea with a stick for absolutely no fucking reason and L'il Kim has nukes and might be the one leader on the planet who's crazier than Trump.

'Wag the Dog.' I mean, if you disagree with all these wars, you must be a dern 'America-Hater.' Most Americans really are dumbed-down sheep. ....

How do you know that?

If you oppose these endless wars, you are considered an 'America-Hater' by dumbed-down sheep. You 'Hate the Troops' too and so on and so on...

Empty-headed partisan nonsense.

Bullshite. Y'all Warmongers are are very quick to label anyone who opposes these endless wars, as being 'Gosh Dern America-Haters.' .....

Kid, you are just one of an endless supply of brainless, irrelevant partisan parrots making noise you are incapable of understanding.
'Wag the Dog.' I mean, if you disagree with all these wars, you must be a dern 'America-Hater.' Most Americans really are dumbed-down sheep. ....

How do you know that?

If you oppose these endless wars, you are considered an 'America-Hater' by dumbed-down sheep. You 'Hate the Troops' too and so on and so on...

Empty-headed partisan nonsense.

Bullshite. Y'all Warmongers are are very quick to label anyone who opposes these endless wars, as being 'Gosh Dern America-Haters.' .....

Kid, you are just one of an endless supply of brainless, irrelevant partisan parrots making noise you are incapable of understanding.

Nah, it's just the reality. Y'all Warmongers hate anyone who opposes these costly deadly endless wars.
We just can't get enough war.
We love it and want more of it. Lol

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo disappointed tonight, WHERE are the bombs falling? They are NOT falling, WTF I painted my toenails especially for tonights anticipated Extravaganza and it's not happening.

Jake needs to phone The Pentagon and threaten to perform an act of Civil Disobedience unless they start dropping bombs, who cares who they drop bombs on, just pick some random country they'll do :smoke:
Painting your toenails now that's getting serious. Let have them bombs.

View attachment 120872

Too bad that is a Harpoon, not a Tomahawk!
How do you know that?

If you oppose these endless wars, you are considered an 'America-Hater' by dumbed-down sheep. You 'Hate the Troops' too and so on and so on...

Empty-headed partisan nonsense.

Bullshite. Y'all Warmongers are are very quick to label anyone who opposes these endless wars, as being 'Gosh Dern America-Haters.' .....

Kid, you are just one of an endless supply of brainless, irrelevant partisan parrots making noise you are incapable of understanding.

Nah, it's just the reality. Y'all Warmongers hate anyone who opposes these costly deadly endless wars.

Go back for more programming, brainless.
If you oppose these endless wars, you are considered an 'America-Hater' by dumbed-down sheep. You 'Hate the Troops' too and so on and so on...

Empty-headed partisan nonsense.

Bullshite. Y'all Warmongers are are very quick to label anyone who opposes these endless wars, as being 'Gosh Dern America-Haters.' .....

Kid, you are just one of an endless supply of brainless, irrelevant partisan parrots making noise you are incapable of understanding.

Nah, it's just the reality. Y'all Warmongers hate anyone who opposes these costly deadly endless wars.

Go back for more programming, brainless.

Back at ya.

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