There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion.
USMB seriously needs a 'Bullshit' Icon to slap on posts....

Al-Qaeda - Wikipedia
- Al-Qaeda was founded in 1988

Iraq War - Wikipedia
- The Iraq war began in 2003

Al-Qaeda came directly out of the Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen, which Osama bin-Laden was involved with.

Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen - Wikipedia

ISIS though did NOT exist UNTIL 2013, BUT prior to 2013 most of those who formed ISIS had been in Al-Qaeda in Iraq, they only changed their name when they got involved in the Syrian situation, calling themselves Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham * and also Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, both of which have the abbreviation of ISIS and then they also have referred to themselves as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant which is abbreviated as ISIL....they also of course are just known as Islamic State which is abbreviated as IS.

* Sham is sometimes referred to as the area that was dominated by Damascus, also the Arabic word al-Sham by itself also can refer directly the actual city of Damascus.

So let's go back PRIOR to ISIS/ISIL forming in 2013.

What we now know as ISIS/ISIL began in 1999 as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad and it's leader was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

In 2004 AFTER the ill-advised invasion of Iraq, JTJ and al-Zargawi pledged alligiance to Osama bin-Laden and Al-Qaeda, in 2004 they then all went into Iraq renaming themselves Al-Qaeda in Iraq and fought with other centralised and decentralised Iraqi Insurgency organisations, this went on from 2004-2011....in 2013 Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad aka Al-Qaeda in Iraq changed their name to ISIS/ISIL and also IS.

So if it hadn't of been for the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there would NOT be ISIS/ISIL/IS, because they came FROM that ill-advised invasion and INTO Syria.

"Following al-Zarqawi's pledge of allegiance to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network on 17 October 2004, the group became known as al-Qaeda in Iraq or Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn.[2][5][6][7] After several rounds of name changes and mergers with other groups, the organization is now known as Islamic State (IS)."

Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad - Wikipedia

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - Wikipedia
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There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.

You have obama to thank for isis.
That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.

You have obama to thank for isis.

I wasn't a fan of Obama, I have just made a long post re. ISIS.

Obama enabled ISIS to strengthen of course.
There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion. ...

That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.
Nice Guys Finish Last

If we use sarin gas on ISIS, Mosul will fall quickly and save us a lot of money and lives.
Yeah, Mosul is another sad horrific result of the Iraq War blunder. It's now in complete ruins. And on top of the awful carnage, guess who gets to pay for rebuilding the decimated city? That's right, US Taxpayers. The rebuilding costs are estimated to be several $Billions. Seriously, 14yrs is long enough. We need to get the hell out of Iraq.

Baloney....Iraq will again soon be swimming in oil money and have the finances to rebuild Mosul and their other cities. Hell, what's to rebuild....most of their structures are made of mud with little if any rebar. Iraq's problem will be booting out the Iranians who helped them whip ISIS.

"Iraq will again soon be swimming in oil money and have the finances to rebuild Mosul and their other cities."

Well before they can do all of that Tom, they have to completely destroy ISIS, which is difficult, they already one time before thought they had recaptured Mosul only for them now a few years later to find themselves having to attempt to recapture Mosul for a second time from ISIS.

I personally think that instead of the ill-advised invasion of Iraq that instead Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar and Bahrain all should have been Shock and Awed from aerial bombardment....Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11, Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9/11.

Saudi Arabia FUNDED 9/11, Pakistan has the Madrassas schools which are also funded by Saudi Arabia, Southern Pakistan, especially the Lahore region was full of Al-Qaeda, Qatar and Bahrain also were funding Al-Qaeda.
That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.
Nice Guys Finish Last

If we use sarin gas on ISIS, Mosul will fall quickly and save us a lot of money and lives.

The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to ISIS, they are not a proper army, they wear no recognisable uniform, so yes ALL and ANY options should be on the table for wiping them off the planet.

When ISIS cut peoples' heads off with knives including children, burn people alive, bury people alive including children, crucify people including children, throw people into vats of acid and all the other monstrous methods they use to slaughter people....then WHY should ANYONE care HOW these Satanic Devils are wiped off this planet and sent back to Hell where they were spawned.
"Iraq will again soon be swimming in oil money and have the finances to rebuild Mosul and their other cities."

Well before they can do all of that Tom, they have to completely destroy ISIS, which is difficult, they already one time before thought they had recaptured Mosul only for them now a few years later to find themselves having to attempt to recapture Mosul for a second time from ISIS.

I personally think that instead of the ill-advised invasion of Iraq that instead Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar and Bahrain all should have been Shock and Awed from aerial bombardment....Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11, Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9/11.

Saudi Arabia FUNDED 9/11, Pakistan has the Madrassas schools which are also funded by Saudi Arabia, Southern Pakistan, especially the Lahore region was full of Al-Qaeda, Qatar and Bahrain also were funding Al-Qaeda.

Iraq was about drawing al-Qaida in to be slaughtered and that was accomplished. The "nation building" was where we went off the tracks....still, the war was won until Obozo ran away and ISIS was emboldened. We're only months from the end of sunni ISIS. It's up to the government in Baghdad to include the sunni minority in the rebuilding of the country.
Is it on yet? I'm afraid it might be before the week is out. :(

I have it down to begin no later than May 1st.

The sad part is, it's looking like when Russia, US, NATO, and China should be coming together to kill ISIS, they're all going to be fighting amongst themselves and ISIS will just get stronger.

I have commented from the beginning, that there should be a Worldwide Coalition with ONE aim to collectively go in and totally destroy ISIS in Iraq, Syria, Libya and wherever else they appear.
There was no Al Qaeda or ISIS in Iraq before the US invasion.
USMB seriously needs a 'Bullshit' Icon to slap on posts....

Al-Qaeda - Wikipedia
- Al-Qaeda was founded in 1988

Iraq War - Wikipedia
- The Iraq war began in 2003

Al-Qaeda came directly out of the Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen, which Osama bin-Laden was involved with.

Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen - Wikipedia

ISIS though did NOT exist UNTIL 2013, BUT prior to 2013 most of those who formed ISIS had been in Al-Qaeda in Iraq, they only changed their name when they got involved in the Syrian situation, calling themselves Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham * and also Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, both of which have the abbreviation of ISIS and then they also have referred to themselves as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant which is abbreviated as ISIL....they also of course are just known as Islamic State which is abbreviated as IS.

* Sham is sometimes referred to as the area that was dominated by Damascus, also the Arabic word al-Sham by itself also can refer directly the actual city of Damascus.

So let's go back PRIOR to ISIS/ISIL forming in 2013.

What we now know as ISIS/ISIL began in 1999 as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad and it's leader was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

In 2003 AFTER the ill-advised invasion of Iraq, JTJ and al-Zargawi pledged alligiance to Osama bin-Laden and Al-Qaeda, in 2003 they then all went into Iraq renaming themselves Al-Qaeda in Iraq and fought with other centralised and decentralised Iraqi Insurgency organisations, this went on from 2003-2011....in 2013 Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad aka Al-Qaeda in Iraq changed their name to ISIS/ISIL and also IS.

So if it hadn't of been for the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there would NOT be ISIS/ISIL/IS, because they came FROM that ill-advised invasion and INTO Syria.

"Following al-Zarqawi's pledge of allegiance to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network on 17 October 2004, the group became known as al-Qaeda in Iraq or Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn.[2][5][6][7] After several rounds of name changes and mergers with other groups, the organization is now known as Islamic State (IS)."

Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad - Wikipedia

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - Wikipedia
Arabia Delenda Est

What later became ISIS was planted in Iraq 1998 by "our" oil companies' ally, Saudi Arabia. Just as they had been allies of the Nazis, the petrocratic Bush Dynasty did the Nazislamis a favor and refused to attack Zarqawi's group during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
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Is it on yet? I'm afraid it might be before the week is out. :(

I have it down to begin no later than May 1st.

The sad part is, it's looking like when Russia, US, NATO, and China should be coming together to kill ISIS, they're all going to be fighting amongst themselves and ISIS will just get stronger.

The way I see it, only one nation will benefit from a WWIII situation and that will be China, this of course is if China sits it out and doesn't get involved.

Alternatively, China could side with Russia, this would cause a considerable problem....the main other problem is that America literally thinks its invincible....NOTHING is invincible and EVERYBODY is mortal and as many times have shown NOTHING goes according to plan, something ALWAYS gets fucked up.

As has already been pointed out Iraq has been ongoing for 15 years and it's only a small country. I think it was the Neo-Conservative Kenneth Adelman who said "Iraq was going to be a cakewalk", yes well....15 years later :rolleyes-41:

Also where are all the troops going to come from, there would have to be a Draft, NO war has EVER been won from the air alone, you always have to put ground troops in.

China has a huge army of troops as it is, imagine if China brought in a Draft, they could easily raise a 200 MILLION man army, it'd be like Genghis Khan Part II.
The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.
Nice Guys Finish Last

If we use sarin gas on ISIS, Mosul will fall quickly and save us a lot of money and lives.

The Geneva Convention doesn't apply to ISIS, they are not a proper army, they wear no recognisable uniform, so yes ALL and ANY options should be on the table for wiping them off the planet.

When ISIS cut peoples' heads off with knives including children, burn people alive, bury people alive including children, crucify people including children, throw people into vats of acid and all the other monstrous methods they use to slaughter people....then WHY should ANYONE care HOW these Satanic Devils are wiped off this planet and sent back to Hell where they were spawned.

The Purpose of War Is for the Rulers to Emasculate the Ruled

The air-conditioned ethics of the Geneva Convention should not apply to us, either. It has cost the lives of many GIs and prevented victory.
The Uni-Party now in FULL WWIII footing, she's wandered OFF the plantation and her OWN want her career ENDED for daring to ask questions....is that what happens in a Democracy? Whatever happened to Free Speech and Independent Thought? Both are dead it seems.
There were several individuals with expert credentials asking the same questions about the Assad "chemical bombing."

Free speech is well and alive as long as you want to dismantle the Constitution to fit the Cultural Marxism agenda à la Frankfurt School. Other than that, shut up or you will suffer the consequences.
Is it on yet? I'm afraid it might be before the week is out. :(

I have it down to begin no later than May 1st.

The sad part is, it's looking like when Russia, US, NATO, and China should be coming together to kill ISIS, they're all going to be fighting amongst themselves and ISIS will just get stronger.

I have commented from the beginning, that there should be a Worldwide Coalition with ONE aim to collectively go in and totally destroy ISIS in Iraq, Syria, Libya and wherever else they appear.
Running on Empty

It won't stop the jihad unless the coalition partitions all Muslim oilfields among themselves in order to dry up the terrorists' funding. Don't believe what the globalist aristocracy tells you we can or can't do.
That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.
Nice Guys Finish Last

If we use sarin gas on ISIS, Mosul will fall quickly and save us a lot of money and lives.

Not only is that idea immoral and impractical, it's idiotic.
Yeah, Mosul is another sad horrific result of the Iraq War blunder. It's now in complete ruins. And on top of the awful carnage, guess who gets to pay for rebuilding the decimated city? That's right, US Taxpayers. The rebuilding costs are estimated to be several $Billions. Seriously, 14yrs is long enough. We need to get the hell out of Iraq.

Baloney....Iraq will again soon be swimming in oil money and have the finances to rebuild Mosul and their other cities. Hell, what's to rebuild....most of their structures are made of mud with little if any rebar. Iraq's problem will be booting out the Iranians who helped them whip ISIS.

You're mistaken. US Taxpayers will be receiving a hefty bill for the destruction of Mosul. And another sad result of the Iraq War blunder, is that it allowed the Shiites to seize power in Iraq. And they're aligned with Shiite Iran. It's more likely that they'll stop most Kurds and Sunnis from returning to Mosul. It's their city now.
That is incorrect.

The Iraq invasion opened Pandora's Box over there. It allowed the Jihadists to stream in by the Thousands. It also handed the country over to Shiites who are aligned with Shiite Iran. It's one of the biggest war blunders in history.

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you move the goalposts. Typical liberal.

How so? Jihadists have thrived since the Iraq Invasion. And the Shiites now control Iraq.

The Iraqi Army are now on their SECOND attempt at taking control of Mosul off ISIS AND prior to the ill-advised invasion of Iraq there was NO ISIS.

What we have is a combination of Selective Memory, Disinformation Campaign and denial not just being a river in Egypt. Also maybe some of this crowd are End Timers who WANT WWIII because they can't WAIT to get Raptured up to Jesus in Heaven, perhaps Jake is an End Timer, he certainly has a hard on for War War War.

You have obama to thank for isis.

More so Reagan and both Bush's. I'm no Obama fan, but he didn't have much to do with the creation of Al Qaeda and ISIS. That happened before he became President. However, his did nothing while knowing 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia and Qatar were arming ISIS in Syria. So he is somewhat culpable. But others are much more so.

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