Xiden has higher approval


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020

If this was America in 1983 then Xiden would be at 15 percent yet he is high at 45

The conservative movement is dead
. The Dems are winning big in senate/gov in key states like
Michigan and Pennsylvania

American peon public all wants Marxism
An Emerson College poll released Friday found that 45% of voters said they approve of Biden’s performance — a 3-percentage-point increase since last month. Forty-nine percent disapprove of his performance, which is a 2-point dip from the last time around. Biden’s approval increase “appears to be largely driven by women voters,”

What do you expect. Women are the largest sector of unemployed adults who are less likely than men to be out there filling the tank or paying for the groceries. Besides, women like safe and who is less threatening than this?

You buffoons don’t realize that most Americans are lazy drug addicted losers who want free welfare
Most are just brainwashed plebs that believe whatever the MSM evening news tells them, and the MSM says Biden is doing great, and that the biggest threat is MAGA.
You buffoons don’t realize that most Americans are lazy drug addicted losers who want free welfare


It's easy to run your dumb mouth about half baked fantasies in your head, but go ahead and actually show it.
They are going to next eliminate you !!!
The greatest administration in U.S history!
He really is. Middle class first president. I like that. Not trickle down. Not pushing for more corporate tax breaks and deregulations that lead to train derailments. A real statesmen.

Notice they call Biden Xiden. But aren't the Chinese on Russia's side? Biden is on Ukraine's side. And Republicans seem to also be on Russia's side in the war. Or they want to "stay out of it". Kind of seems that China, Republicans and Russia are all on the same page to me.

When we were wrongfully in Iraq I'm sure Russia helped Iraq and Iran to fuck with us. Russians like to suggest Democratic Presidents are pussies and other foreign leaders will walk all over them. That's all bullshit. If Trump sides with Russia and Republicans want to let Russia take Ukraine, let that be a campaign issue for the 2024 elections.
He really is. Middle class first president. I like that. Not trickle down. Not pushing for more corporate tax breaks and deregulations that lead to train derailments. A real statesmen.

You IDIOT, he is doing the EXACT OPPOSITE. The SVB banking debacle is just the beginning. That was all about protecting the big guy leaving the rest of us twisting in the wind. A major partner in the bank was the CCP and other criminals of government, and they bailed them out illegally using YOUR money, in effect placing small banks and lending institutions in a slide.

The bond market is in the dumper now, the treasury has admitted it can't and won't cover FDIC losses, and the whole reason behind this is to put the small banks under, those are the ones who back small business. This country thanks to Biden's reckless spending and borrowing scheme is about to send the entire economic platform of the USA and US dollar into the dumper and you are calling him the best there ever was?

Missle class? Biden is wrecking the middle class you fool.

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