Yale Bans Photo Journalist for Capturing Director Ripping up of Constitution on Camera

Yale Bans Photo Journalist for Capturing Director Ripping up of Constitution on Camera

Journalist? Self-promoting hack asshole you mean.

Comrade. should exposing the party be a capital offense? Should those who expose the contempt you have for America be killed?

So far the only thing he is disputing is whether the individual is a journalist, never mind the whole thing was reported in the media...
Funny how he blames the guy who 'outed' him... Typical Liberal.
Nope, but I'm glad they kicked that little asswipe to the curb, where he belongs.

Gives him a great platform to speak from when he sues...
It's private property, he has zero grounds to sue, and, do you not respect Property Rights? For shame...

Yale accepts federal monies for tuition and research. As such they are subject to federal regulations and of course all laws. Yale is violating those rules. Hence a law suit from the journalist.
So do General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman. That doesn't mean I can run about their offices with a video camera harassing employees.

Ever hear of national security idiot?
Yale doesn't have research that concerns national security?
Yale doesn't have research that concerns national security?

Probably not where the media was. Are you this ill informed or just play dumb so you can try and make a lame point?
So you think any place that accepts federal money is open to the public like a park, and that you as a taxpayer are entitled to roam freely and harass people? I'm guessing you didn't read: "O'Keefe has been banned from going onto campus anywhere except to areas generally open to the public, like the Library."
James O'keefe is journalist now? When the editor of The Blaze calls your work unethical I think it's safe to say you shouldn't be taken seriously.

show me a journalist from the lamestream that has any ethics? I'd take Okeefe at his word more than say someone like, Brian Williams, Dan Rather, etc
Yale Bans Photo Journalist for Capturing Director Ripping up of Constitution on Camera

Journalist? Self-promoting hack asshole you mean.

I am sure having your idols confronted is disturbing. Tissue?
Nope, but I'm glad they kicked that little asswipe to the curb, where he belongs.
But the asshole that tore up the Constitution is your hero, right?

Ya know, the paper he ripped up is the very one that protects his right to do that. Ironic as hell, really.
Yale doesn't have research that concerns national security?

Probably not where the media was. Are you this ill informed or just play dumb so you can try and make a lame point?
So you think any place that accepts federal money is open to the public like a park, and that you as a taxpayer are entitled to roam freely and harass people? I'm guessing you didn't read: "O'Keefe has been banned from going onto campus anywhere except to areas generally open to the public, like the Library."

I agree private property should be allowed to do as they please within their borders, as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of others. Thing is, the government attaches string to their funding which counters this, nothing I did or said, just fact. Get it changed.
Yale doesn't have research that concerns national security?

Probably not where the media was. Are you this ill informed or just play dumb so you can try and make a lame point?
So you think any place that accepts federal money is open to the public like a park, and that you as a taxpayer are entitled to roam freely and harass people? I'm guessing you didn't read: "O'Keefe has been banned from going onto campus anywhere except to areas generally open to the public, like the Library."

So you admit a private school accepting federal funds is not completely private. Now it is just a matter of how far does the access go. By the way, Yale allowed him into a "private" area, until they disagreed with how he used the access.
Yale Bans Photo Journalist for Capturing Director Ripping up of Constitution on Camera

Journalist? Self-promoting hack asshole you mean.

I am sure having your idols confronted is disturbing. Tissue?
Nope, but I'm glad they kicked that little asswipe to the curb, where he belongs.
But the asshole that tore up the Constitution is your hero, right?

Ya know, the paper he ripped up is the very one that protects his right to do that. Ironic as hell, really.
The reprint is just that, and no real value. Admire the principle, not the paper.
Yale doesn't have research that concerns national security?

Probably not where the media was. Are you this ill informed or just play dumb so you can try and make a lame point?
So you think any place that accepts federal money is open to the public like a park, and that you as a taxpayer are entitled to roam freely and harass people? I'm guessing you didn't read: "O'Keefe has been banned from going onto campus anywhere except to areas generally open to the public, like the Library."

So you admit a private school accepting federal funds is not completely private. Now it is just a matter of how far does the access go. By the way, Yale allowed him into a "private" area, until they disagreed with how he used the access.
That's how it works many times, on Private Fucking Property.
I have some contempt for America and much more for your ilk, who aren't Americans.

My ilk are not American, Comrade?

What about you of the Khmer Rouge? Is your promoting of the ideals of Pol Pot "American?" I mean, you hate freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and you have openly called for genocide of Jews.

American? Not you.
I have some contempt for America and much more for your ilk, who aren't Americans.

My ilk are not American, Comrade?

What about you of the Khmer Rouge? Is your promoting of the ideals of Pol Pot "American?" I mean, you hate freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and you have openly called for genocide of Jews.

American? Not you.
I'm a liberal, dumbass, and we founded the place and not for your kind.
anyone notice with the Obama's election, the mask has come off from a lot of the Socialist/commies/ fascist that were disguising themselves as Democrats/liberals?

it's time to take our country back from them. VOTE out the progressive/commie in 2016
True liberty is you, as an individual, can burn or shred the founding document of our liberal nation, it's allowed here.

He has the right to shit on his couch and then roll in it. Normal people will recognize what he is by his actions. This is an anti-liberty scumbag, destroying the document that protects his right to be a pile of shit.

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