Yale Economics Professor Advocates for "Mandatory Euthanasia" of the Elderly

I hope this weirdo is on a watch-list with a law enforcement agency somewhere. I fully understand the authentic academic mind - pure brilliance coupled with not enough common sense to get in out of the rain. Things become thought exercises notwithstanding the otherwise harsh consequences that would result from application. In an undergraduate physics class years ago we studied nuclear weapons. The thermonuclear explosive device is a work of sheer engineering brilliance. In fact, it is just beautiful. I realized readily how physicists and engineers could get enthusiastic about working in the nuclear program despite the fact that success meant having the ability to stockpile weapons that could blow up the Earth many times over. Academics have a certain disconnect. Frankly, this is a good thing, in my opinion, as it allows the subject to engage in a pure academic pursuit without regard to things that may induce bias.

Now, all that said, either this Yale prof is one of those brilliant academics whose handlers gave a little too much slack leash to, or he is a fucking menace and needs to be evaluated for psychosis and anti-social behavior. Imagine touting mass murder of the elderly to solve any problem. Back in my day we had a term for such craziness. We would say that he is one "fucked up motherfucker". But in his brilliant, emotionally retarded head, obviously this is the solution. It's like the super intelligent just have zero capacity to consider and evaluate ethics. They are like dogs. They lack certain characteristics that set us apart from the animals.

Moreover, given that economics is said to be a social science, and Yale has a soulless automaton dispensing such ideas to the young minds of mush, this is an absolute travesty. It is sick. It is unhinged. And it is absolutely not the least bit surprising given today's state of higher education.

the super intelligent are genetically defective RE having morals (or however you put it)??

No, it has nothing to do with IQ. It has to do with the ability to think about things on a level that goes beyond brain cells and IQ... and there are plenty of dumb people who push this kind of utilitarianism.. namely liberals in Congress. Obummer was called "most pro abortion senator"

Frankly, it goes back to how a person is raised.

All kids should be raised Catholic. The Catholic Church --I do NOT speak of the Vatican which is sold out to Satan. I speak of the Sedevacantist Catholic Church-- seems to be about the only one left that teaches that human life is sacred from cradle to grave
the super intelligent are genetically defective RE having morals (or however you put it)??

No, it has nothing to do with IQ. It has to do with the ability to think about things on a level that goes beyond brain cells and IQ... and there are plenty of dumb people who push this kind of utilitarianism.. namely liberals in Congress. Obummer was called "most pro abortion senator"

Frankly, it goes back to how a person is raised.

All kids should be raised Catholic. The Catholic Church --I do NOT speak of the Vatican which is sold out to Satan. I speak of the Sedevacantist Catholic Church-- seems to be about the only one left that teaches that human life is sacred from cradle to grave
Jews teach that too. Just sayin.’

What is truly bizarre to me is that this subhuman ghoul is genetically Japanese.

I shared so many happy years with my American-born Japanese husband and his first and second generation Japanese parents. I was always inspired by the respect and tender regard with which my husband cared for his parents.

I hope this animal's parents are dead and cannot hear the filth coming out of it.

Of late I have seen several articles specifically directed to killing off the Japanese elderly. The reason is that Japan accepts no refugees. There is very little immigration to Japan and little of that black and brown. If the Japanese elderly are killed off Japan would let in more immigrants.
Technically, we have the ability to keep someone alive (brain activity) for 150+ years. At some point, we are going to have to decide when to pull the plug.
At some point each person is going to have to decide when to pull the plug, or their loved one.
As in for instance, my father. Upon getting diagnosed with brain cancer he signed a DNR (Do not resuscitate). But a DNR goes beyond that as well. It also includes the refusal of any medical treatment that will not improve their chances for longterm life.
My father in the last 4-5 days, essentially starved to death on copious amount of morphine to make him unaware of that fact.
Not that young idiots are aborting their children more than having them. 6 children per family was the ratio back when SS was created, that was more than enough future workers to keep the Ponzi Scheme going. Today it is 1.2 children per family(how do you have 2/10th of a child, i will never know) so SS can not sustain itself.

We just need to raise taxes to maintain current levels of funding ... or run at 90% without additional taxes ... SS is bare minimum, save for yourself if you want better ...

Is that 6 children per family after attrition? ... this is still practiced throughout the world, where the elderly would spend their declining years; so the more children, the better retirement ... places where the government is unable to provide for any kind of pension program ... and China is the poster-child of this, multi-generational households are the norm, your sons never move out ... so when the "one child only" is a girl, the parents are screwed, bound to end their lives homeless and abandoned ...

... or so I'm told ...
We just need to raise taxes to maintain current levels of funding ... or run at 90% without additional taxes ... SS is bare minimum, save for yourself if you want better ...

Is that 6 children per family after attrition? ... this is still practiced throughout the world, where the elderly would spend their declining years; so the more children, the better retirement ... places where the government is unable to provide for any kind of pension program ... and China is the poster-child of this, multi-generational households are the norm, your sons never move out ... so when the "one child only" is a girl, the parents are screwed, bound to end their lives homeless and abandoned ...

... or so I'm told ...
Why raise taxes "AGAIN" when you can cut 50% of the non essential government workforce, you know because they are non essential, to reduce government pork so that money can go to people who actually contributed to society?

By the way, this country isnt the rest of the world, it has turned into a Progressive shithole, where babies are executed more than 3 time felons. Maybe clear the prisons of those repeat offenders and that also would also be less taxes spent on bullshit people.
Why raise taxes "AGAIN" when you can cut 50% of the non essential government workforce, you know because they are non essential, to reduce government pork so that money can go to people who actually contributed to society?

By the way, this country isnt the rest of the world, it has turned into a Progressive shithole, where babies are executed more than 3 time felons. Maybe clear the prisons of those repeat offenders and that also would also be less taxes spent on bullshit people.

Sounds like you've issues beyond retirement ... my comments are concerned with advocating a termination date on people ... like in Logan's Run ... and that this is a better option than ... well, you know ... raising taxes ...

Why are you using the internet if you object to progress? ...
Sounds like you've issues beyond retirement ... my comments are concerned with advocating a termination date on people ... like in Logan's Run ... and that this is a better option than ... well, you know ... raising taxes ...

Why are you using the internet if you object to progress? ...
I got a real good idea, when you feel that i have outlived my usefulness, come on down and try to terminate me, Mano e mano. See who still is breathing after the encounter. You win, then you get to continue your existence, i win then i terminate a fucking retard.
I hope this weirdo is on a watch-list with a law enforcement agency somewhere. I fully understand the authentic academic mind - pure brilliance coupled with not enough common sense to get in out of the rain. Things become thought exercises notwithstanding the otherwise harsh consequences that would result from application. In an undergraduate physics class years ago we studied nuclear weapons. The thermonuclear explosive device is a work of sheer engineering brilliance. In fact, it is just beautiful. I realized readily how physicists and engineers could get enthusiastic about working in the nuclear program despite the fact that success meant having the ability to stockpile weapons that could blow up the Earth many times over. Academics have a certain disconnect. Frankly, this is a good thing, in my opinion, as it allows the subject to engage in a pure academic pursuit without regard to things that may induce bias.

Now, all that said, either this Yale prof is one of those brilliant academics whose handlers gave a little too much slack leash to, or he is a fucking menace and needs to be evaluated for psychosis and anti-social behavior. Imagine touting mass murder of the elderly to solve any problem. Back in my day we had a term for such craziness. We would say that he is one "fucked up motherfucker". But in his brilliant, emotionally retarded head, obviously this is the solution. It's like the super intelligent just have zero capacity to consider and evaluate ethics. They are like dogs. They lack certain characteristics that set us apart from the animals.

Moreover, given that economics is said to be a social science, and Yale has a soulless automaton dispensing such ideas to the young minds of mush, this is an absolute travesty. It is sick. It is unhinged. And it is absolutely not the least bit surprising given today's state of higher education.
As long as he gets to speak freely without getting "canceled" is all I care about.

I like people creating radical solutions to thought problems.
I got a real good idea, when you feel that i have outlived my usefulness, come on down and try to terminate me, Mano e mano. See who still is breathing after the encounter. You win, then you get to continue your existence, i win then i terminate a fucking retard.

Come get me, yellow-bellied coward ...

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