Ya'll ready for another Trump rally?

Colorado should be a Sanctuary for legal citizens .....not criminal illegals alliens !!!!!!!!!!

4 MORE YEARS the crowds shout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES
Hiked Colorado and went to Estes Park last summer. Liberal virus is infecting the state with all the California style development and liberal lunacy.

Hopefully Colorado is waking up now!!!!!!!!!!!! byt the amazing answer from this great crowds I'd say they are!:2up:

the arena seats 8000. A small NBA stadium is twice that size.
Bernie or Biden can't fill it.
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

That tells us that most of those rally goers have nothing better in life...just bunch of useless critters with too much time on their hand. But hey a circus can be entertaining I guess

"Useless critters", right? Small-town deplorables, bitterly clinging to their God, their guns, their antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment...

Have fun the next five years wondering why you lost another election.

I dont lose elections I'm surrounded by hard working people from all colors who share the same values as I do (acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, anti racism ....)
I'm glad those critters that support a bully and a pussy grabber cant afford where I live.

Where did you find 12 people like you? And if you value acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, and anti racism, why is it you cannot ever accept Trump or his supporters, why do you never include other's rights to vote the candidate that best represents THEIR values, why are you never open minded about any ideas or policies Trump or the Right have in mind? And if anti bigotry and racism, why are you always bigoted towards conservatives and blind to the racism of your own party?

You want me accept bigotry? racism? bullying? name calling? attacks? that's what trump spews on daily basis. If one supports that yes I do have a problem with that. THAT been said I agree with lot of policies from the right and the left, I'm an independent but i know damn well as a minority the right harbors more racism and bigotry....and they don't shy from it either.

I'll give you an example: I have kids and we know lot of families with kids...if we knew one of the parents encourages bullying, racism, name calling we will cut ties with them so why in the hell would i want to put a bully, racist, bigot.....in charge of the whole nation and here we are sitting all day long teaching our kids to be kind, not to bully, and we are all humans?
you telling me America didn't have any intelligent, capable, respectful, intelligent, inclusive human being to lead? The right had many choices, but they wanted the one that represents their ambitions (racism, bigotry, white supremacy, make america white again,....).

"Bigotry, racism, bullying." You do accept it. You are part of the intolerant crybaby left.
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

View attachment 307832

Colorado is a blue state: Obama in 2008 and 2012, Hillary in 2016. President Trump is going into the bellies of your beasts and ripping out their entrials from the inside out.

Let's see any of those puny weak Dems hold a rally in a large city of any Red state.

Houston, Dallas and San Antonio are blue in the sea of red here on Tejas, so I am sure we ( us Texans ) will see Commie Bernie here...
Colorado should be a Sanctuary for legal citizens .....not criminal illegals alliens !!!!!!!!!!

4 MORE YEARS the crowds shout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES
Hiked Colorado and went to Estes Park last summer. Liberal virus is infecting the state with all the California style development and liberal lunacy.

Hopefully Colorado is waking up now!!!!!!!!!!!! byt the amazing answer from this great crowds I'd say they are!:2up:

the arena seats 8000. A small NBA stadium is twice that size.
Bernie or Biden can't fill it.

I'm uh, afraid "fill it" is not what a POTUS is for. Perhaps you're thinking of your ass.
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

If you've seen one nazi rally, you've seen them all.

You're thinking of the Bernie rally. That's down the hall, second door on the left...

Fight breaks out at Bernie Sanders rally over "Black Guns Matter" t-shirt


trump could hold a rally on the moon and 2 trillion aliens will show up

No need. They already show up here.

It goes right back to the old adage "There's a sucker born every minute" --- well that one too but I was thinking of "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American publiic".


Sheep will show up just because you tell them to. Actual aliens must look at us and think, 'how bizarre". That's why they stay away.
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Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

If you've seen one nazi rally, you've seen them all.

You're thinking of the Bernie rally. That's down the hall, second door on the left...

Fight breaks out at Bernie Sanders rally over "Black Guns Matter" t-shirt


trump could hold a rally on the moon and 2 trillion aliens will show up

legal or ILlegal aliens?
Colorado should be a Sanctuary for legal citizens .....not criminal illegals alliens !!!!!!!!!!

4 MORE YEARS the crowds shout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES
Hiked Colorado and went to Estes Park last summer. Liberal virus is infecting the state with all the California style development and liberal lunacy.

Hopefully Colorado is waking up now!!!!!!!!!!!! byt the amazing answer from this great crowds I'd say they are!:2up:

the arena seats 8000. A small NBA stadium is twice that size.
Bernie or Biden can't fill it.

I'm uh, afraid "fill it" is not what a POTUS is for. Perhaps you're thinking of your ass.

Thank you for supporting this great President. Be sure to watch his rally this afternoon. :04:
Oh gee I didn’t see that coming. Trump looking for another excuse to not shut the fuck up.

Got yer tickets yet, Spanky? :laughing0301:
What do you even get out of it? He’s just going to ramble incoherently like an ADHD moron like he does at any of his rallies. What do you even think you’ll learn from attending these?
You're not very bright - arya? You go to a rally to support a cause, not for an education. Stupid ass.
But since your here, I'll educate ya - Trump rallies celebrate the following: freedom, liberty, property rights, God, guns, and babies. Now get the hell out of here.

Spelled a coupla terms wrong there (Kansas) chief, lemme help ya out. They celebrate the following: fear, polarization, envy, dehumanization, classism, racism, paranoia, fear, elitism, fake celebrity, fake news, fake geography, fake history, fear, suspicion, hate, religious bigotry, CULTISM, monumental ignorance, fear and oh yes loathing.

And the sniveling sycophants here fall all over themselves to line up and enable it, which is exactly why they've been mocked throughout.

None so blind.

BTW I take it you've been to one of these worshipfests. When you were there, in Kansas City, were you in Kansas or Missouri?
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Hiked Colorado and went to Estes Park last summer. Liberal virus is infecting the state with all the California style development and liberal lunacy.

Hopefully Colorado is waking up now!!!!!!!!!!!! byt the amazing answer from this great crowds I'd say they are!:2up:

the arena seats 8000. A small NBA stadium is twice that size.
Bernie or Biden can't fill it.

I'm uh, afraid "fill it" is not what a POTUS is for. Perhaps you're thinking of your ass.

Thank you for supporting this great President. Be sure to watch his rally this afternoon. :04:
Hopefully Colorado is waking up now!!!!!!!!!!!! byt the amazing answer from this great crowds I'd say they are!:2up:

the arena seats 8000. A small NBA stadium is twice that size.
Bernie or Biden can't fill it.

I'm uh, afraid "fill it" is not what a POTUS is for. Perhaps you're thinking of your ass.

Thank you for supporting this great President. Be sure to watch his rally this afternoon. :04:

Too funny.
Hiked Colorado and went to Estes Park last summer. Liberal virus is infecting the state with all the California style development and liberal lunacy.

Hopefully Colorado is waking up now!!!!!!!!!!!! byt the amazing answer from this great crowds I'd say they are!:2up:

the arena seats 8000. A small NBA stadium is twice that size.
Bernie or Biden can't fill it.

I'm uh, afraid "fill it" is not what a POTUS is for. Perhaps you're thinking of your ass.

Thank you for supporting this great President. Be sure to watch his rally this afternoon. :04:

I'm afraid I'm fresh out of fawning obsequious sycophancy. I'll see if I can find some at the supermarket.

Gonna march down there right now.

Hopefully Colorado is waking up now!!!!!!!!!!!! byt the amazing answer from this great crowds I'd say they are!:2up:

the arena seats 8000. A small NBA stadium is twice that size.
Bernie or Biden can't fill it.

I'm uh, afraid "fill it" is not what a POTUS is for. Perhaps you're thinking of your ass.

Thank you for supporting this great President. Be sure to watch his rally this afternoon. :04:

:rofl: :clap2:

This recalls how Rump (when he was an orange boy) punched out his music teacher. She must have suggested that musical instruments exist.

For those who don't know, Montana is a very wonderful place in Germany. And of course when I say "is" I mean "isn't".

Trekking to a Rump rally "has been the hardest experience of my entire life" ROFL

Course, he could mean that a coupla different ways.

2:00 -- "I'm like really freaked out, I get nervous driving on highways" --- while shooting video and driving like 88 mph
Oh gee I didn’t see that coming. Trump looking for another excuse to not shut the fuck up.

Got yer tickets yet, Spanky? :laughing0301:
What do you even get out of it? He’s just going to ramble incoherently like an ADHD moron like he does at any of his rallies. What do you even think you’ll learn from attending these?
You're not very bright - arya? You go to a rally to support a cause, not for an education. Stupid ass.
But since your here, I'll educate ya - Trump rallies celebrate the following: freedom, liberty, property rights, God, guns, and babies. Now get the hell out of here.

Spelled a coupla terms wrong there (Kansas) chief, lemme help ya out. They celebrate the following: fear, polarization, envy, dehumanization, classism, racism, paranoia, fear, elitism, fake celebrity, fake news, fake geography, fake history, fear, suspicion, hate, religious bigotry, CULTISM, monumental ignorance, fear and oh yes loathing.

And the sniveling sycophants here fall all over themselves to line up and enable it, which is exactly why they've been mocked throughout.

None so blind.

BTW I take it you've been to one of these worshipfests. When you were there, in Kansas City, were you in Kansas or Missouri?
Waaaaahhhhh! You lose.
I've been listening to Cavuto today to see if he acknowledges the trip to the woodshed Trump dealt out to him last night but so far nothing. Which woman was he talking about? I assume it was one of the token demodummies. I can't stand that skinny screech owl Jessica Tarlov but she's not on Cavuto that I've ever seen.
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

That tells us that most of those rally goers have nothing better in life...just bunch of useless critters with too much time on their hand. But hey a circus can be entertaining I guess

"Useless critters", right? Small-town deplorables, bitterly clinging to their God, their guns, their antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment...

Have fun the next five years wondering why you lost another election.

I dont lose elections I'm surrounded by hard working people from all colors who share the same values as I do (acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, anti racism ....)
I'm glad those critters that support a bully and a pussy grabber cant afford where I live.

Where did you find 12 people like you? And if you value acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, and anti racism, why is it you cannot ever accept Trump or his supporters, why do you never include other's rights to vote the candidate that best represents THEIR values, why are you never open minded about any ideas or policies Trump or the Right have in mind? And if anti bigotry and racism, why are you always bigoted towards conservatives and blind to the racism of your own party?

You want me accept bigotry? racism? bullying? name calling? attacks? that's what trump spews on daily basis. If one supports that yes I do have a problem with that. THAT been said I agree with lot of policies from the right and the left, I'm an independent but i know damn well as a minority the right harbors more racism and bigotry....and they don't shy from it either.

I'll give you an example: I have kids and we know lot of families with kids...if we knew one of the parents encourages bullying, racism, name calling we will cut ties with them so why in the hell would i want to put a bully, racist, bigot.....in charge of the whole nation and here we are sitting all day long teaching our kids to be kind, not to bully, and we are all humans?
you telling me America didn't have any intelligent, capable, respectful, intelligent, inclusive human being to lead? The right had many choices, but they wanted the one that represents their ambitions (racism, bigotry, white supremacy, make america white again,....).

BORING! But typical. When in doubt ,play the "Race" card. Never come up with any realistic proposals.
Great Trump rally going on right now.....even better than last night's
That tells us that most of those rally goers have nothing better in life...just bunch of useless critters with too much time on their hand. But hey a circus can be entertaining I guess

"Useless critters", right? Small-town deplorables, bitterly clinging to their God, their guns, their antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment...

Have fun the next five years wondering why you lost another election.
I dont lose elections I'm surrounded by hard working people from all colors who share the same values as I do (acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, anti racism ....)
I'm glad those critters that support a bully and a pussy grabber cant afford where I live.
Where did you find 12 people like you? And if you value acceptance, inclusive, open minded, anti bigotry, and anti racism, why is it you cannot ever accept Trump or his supporters, why do you never include other's rights to vote the candidate that best represents THEIR values, why are you never open minded about any ideas or policies Trump or the Right have in mind? And if anti bigotry and racism, why are you always bigoted towards conservatives and blind to the racism of your own party?
You want me accept bigotry? racism? bullying? name calling? attacks? that's what trump spews on daily basis. If one supports that yes I do have a problem with that. THAT been said I agree with lot of policies from the right and the left, I'm an independent but i know damn well as a minority the right harbors more racism and bigotry....and they don't shy from it either.

I'll give you an example: I have kids and we know lot of families with kids...if we knew one of the parents encourages bullying, racism, name calling we will cut ties with them so why in the hell would i want to put a bully, racist, bigot.....in charge of the whole nation and here we are sitting all day long teaching our kids to be kind, not to bully, and we are all humans?
you telling me America didn't have any intelligent, capable, respectful, intelligent, inclusive human being to lead? The right had many choices, but they wanted the one that represents their ambitions (racism, bigotry, white supremacy, make america white again,....).
"Bigotry, racism, bullying." You do accept it. You are part of the intolerant crybaby left.
What left? I'm talking about the orange racism, bigotry and bullying.
It’s staggering how many people are getting involved with trump

Mind blowing !!

Before the actual rally for 2 days and nites people gathers and parties on the outside

They are there to witness a big turning point in world history and life

They come there 2 days early to be part of this monster movement ...

They feel more home there with people who knows the govt is so crooked ... they are there like fighting a major war against evil

They feel that patriot feeling of fighting the evil

And look at the numbers who get in and so
Many more on the outside

And look at all the you tubers bringing it and the comments in the thousands as people watch and write. That writing makes them feel the same as the thousands who comes 2 days darker

And then the you tube viewers. 50 k or so watching live each channel and all the others that watches at other times non live

All that adds up to trump winning in a landslide and becoming the hero of the world

And from that trump will change America’s crooked system that brings in the unwise to vote so that crooks can rob the nation

Trump will stop that with a logic test for voters !!

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