Ya'll ready for another Trump rally?

Go Trump! 306 to 232! Lock her up!

Actually it's 304. Here's an easy way to remember --- Mike Pence got 305.

And if you're thinking of the Word Series game it was "lock him up"
Lol, hillary was only able to round up a lousy 232 of the kind of votes that win a presidential election. She must have been campaigning for the wrong kind of votes, lol.
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

If you've seen one nazi rally, you've seen them all.

You're thinking of the Bernie rally. That's down the hall, second door on the left...

Fight breaks out at Bernie Sanders rally over "Black Guns Matter" t-shirt


At least they weren't all in walkers.

Sanders supporters are wimps.
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

View attachment 307832

Colorado is a blue state: Obama in 2008 and 2012, Hillary in 2016. President Trump is going into the bellies of your beasts and ripping out their entrials from the inside out.

Let's see any of those puny weak Dems hold a rally in a large city of any Red state.

Actually Colorado didn't vote for Hillary in 2016. Colorado is way more purple than "blue".

So it's all a numbers game in your world is it? That's as deep as your intellect plunges? "How many show up"?
Rally is going amanzing!!!! President Trump is ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:

watch here LIVE

LIVE: President Donald Trump Rally | Colorado Springs, Colorado

All hail the Chosen One! Chant with me: Trump is greater than god! Trump is greater than god! Trump is greater than god!
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

President Trump is amazing. He has more energy than most people HALF his age. Truly incredible!
Rally is going amanzing!!!! President Trump is ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:

watch here LIVE

LIVE: President Donald Trump Rally | Colorado Springs, Colorado

All hail the Chosen One! Chant with me: Trump is greater than god! Trump is greater than god! Trump is greater than god!

Thank you for professing your love for our great president. Nicely done!
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

View attachment 307832

Colorado Governor is Democrat, so you might be correct it is Klan Country...

Even though the Klan governor Colorado had was a Republican, alllllll righty then.
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

That tells us that most of those rally goers have nothing better in life...just bunch of useless critters with too much time on their hand. But hey a circus can be entertaining I guess

"Useless critters", right? Small-town deplorables, bitterly clinging to their God, their guns, their antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment...

Have fun the next five years wondering why you lost another election.

Seen one, you've seen them all.

I am happy that Tucker is no longer getting bumped for these spectacles.

Agreed. For some strange reason, Trump never seems to have anything of substance to talk about. He just speaks in superlatives and vague references, never anything specific.
Thanks SO much for your undying support for our fantastic president. Wonderful to see!
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

President Trump is amazing. He has more energy than most people HALF his age. Truly incredible!

That's why it is so sweet to have all these lefties loathing Trump on this thread. The Trump hating lefties who have come here to whine about Trump are the icing on the cake in a Maga rally thread.
Tonight....Colorado Springs.

"President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are hosting a “Keep America Great Rally” Thursday evening at the Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs.

Doors open to the general public 2:00 p.m. Thursday and the rally begins at 5:00 p.m. All times are local. Check back for live updates throughout the day and evening!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH: Sights and sounds from the festive crowd at the TRUMP RALLY in Colorado Springs

President Trump is amazing. He has more energy than most people HALF his age. Truly incredible!

That's why it is so sweet to have all these lefties loathing Trump on this thread. The Trump hating lefties who have come here to whine about Trump are the icing on the cake in a Maga rally thread.

Yep, it's hilarious to laugh at their sorry asses!
Rally is going amanzing!!!! President Trump is ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:

watch here LIVE

LIVE: President Donald Trump Rally | Colorado Springs, Colorado

All hail the Chosen One! Chant with me: Trump is greater than god! Trump is greater than god! Trump is greater than god!

Please tell us how you feel about Trump being the president.

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