Yanks go home

LOL... What a clown! We leave and japan is fucked.

In your opinion, but the people who live there want you out.
You occupied them for around three decades, now you won't take the hint to fuck off.

You don't understand the situation.

It's in print - The residents want you to fuck off.

You don't understand at all. You were just looking for another excuse to indulge your infantile, anti-American, inferiority complex nonsense.

Come on, dude, it's only two words.
Which part of "Fuck off" is causing you a problem?

I've posted links, and now a video. Not hard to work out....unless you're as thick as pigshit.
LOL... What a clown! We leave and japan is fucked.

In your opinion, but the people who live there want you out.
You occupied them for around three decades, now you won't take the hint to fuck off.

You don't understand the situation.

It's in print - The residents want you to fuck off.

You don't understand at all. You were just looking for another excuse to indulge your infantile, anti-American, inferiority complex nonsense.

Come on, dude, it's only two words.
Which part of "Fuck off" is causing you a problem?

I've posted links, and now a video. Not hard to work out....unless you're as thick as pigshit.

Who gives a shit what they want?
I've posted links, and now a video. ....

Have you ever actually spoken to people from Okinawa? Have you followed this topic for years, or did you just copy and paste what you thought was an excuse to vent your pissy little inferiority complex?
Who gives a shit what they want?

That sums it up - cheers for that.
This is the bastard attitude these people have to put up with.
You murder and rape, but don't care about the people as long as the west believes your lie about protecting them.
I've posted links, and now a video. ....

Have you ever actually spoken to people from Okinawa? Have you followed this topic for years, or did you just copy and paste what you thought was an excuse to vent your pissy little inferiority complex?

I read the reports, looked at the quotes, and watch the videos of mass demonstrations.
I'm sorry if they were all made up, and all the rapes and murders were lies designed to be anti American.
Perhaps the girls (maybe a few boys as well) should be happy to be raped by Americans.
Who gives a shit what they want?

That sums it up - cheers for that.
This is the bastard attitude these people have to put up with.
You murder and rape, but don't care about the people as long as the west believes your lie about protecting them.

Go suck a dick liberal...I truly dont give a fuck what you think.
All that matters is what happens in my life. Your boi in the whitehouse assured that.
I've posted links, and now a video. ....

Have you ever actually spoken to people from Okinawa? Have you followed this topic for years, or did you just copy and paste what you thought was an excuse to vent your pissy little inferiority complex?

I read the reports, looked at the quotes, and watch the videos of mass demonstrations.....

This morning. For five minutes. You are a pathetic little inferiority-complex clown. You know nothing about the issues involved.

I notice you never answered my question.
What a set of cock suckers.
You can see how these people feel about your military occupation, but you just don't care, assuming you're right because you're American.
What a set of cock suckers.
You can see how these people feel about your military occupation, but you just don't care, assuming you're right because you're American.

You have no idea what the actual situation is. You just need to indulge your inferiority complex yet again, gnat.
What a set of cock suckers.
You can see how these people feel about your military occupation, but you just don't care, assuming you're right because you're American.

You have no idea what the actual situation is. You just need to indulge your inferiority complex yet again, gnat.

Please explain what these demos mean, if they don't want Americans to fuck off.
Looks like a heck of a lot of people there want you to get lost.






So, please explain how these thousands of people want you there.
What a set of cock suckers.
You can see how these people feel about your military occupation, but you just don't care, assuming you're right because you're American.

You have no idea what the actual situation is. You just need to indulge your inferiority complex yet again, gnat.

Please explain what these demos mean, if they don't want Americans to fuck off.
Looks like a heck of a lot of people there want you to get lost.






So, please explain how these thousands of people want you there.

As I've said repeatedly...I really dont give a shit what they want.
To tell you the truth it'd be pretty damn funny if we left and china decided they wanted to move in.
Their cries for help would bring a tear to my eye.....from laughing so hard.
You keep proving my point, gnat. Googling doesn't mean you have the slightest idea what you are talking about.
What a set of cock suckers.
You can see how these people feel about your military occupation, but you just don't care, assuming you're right because you're American.

You have no idea what the actual situation is. You just need to indulge your inferiority complex yet again, gnat.

Please explain what these demos mean, if they don't want Americans to fuck off.
Looks like a heck of a lot of people there want you to get lost.






So, please explain how these thousands of people want you there.

As I've said repeatedly...I really dont give a shit what they want.
To tell you the truth it'd be pretty damn funny if we left and china decided they wanted to move in.
Their cries for help would bring a tear to my eye.....from laughing so hard.

Trying to prove you're as stupid as he is?
There's this place called Pearl Harbor,maybe you've heard of it.

Yes, the US invaded and occupied island where you stuffed the queen in prison until she abdicated, then held elections, but excluded all the local people from voting.
I believe Japan attacked it when the US tried to cut off their oil supply because you lot were using the US occupied Philippines to control the Pacific region close to Japan.

Is it that Pearl harbour, or don't you know your history?
As millions of Japanese troops were marching through Manchuria...............we refused to supply their conquest................so they attacked us and we pounded their ass to near oblivion.......................Just as we bombed Germany into oblivion...............................

They lost................and we have occupied these places with bases for a long time..................If they eventually want us out so be it............we have other spots to maintain our forward deployed forces..................but when I was stationed there many years ago I never saw the bs in this op..........been a long time ago though..............perhaps the young there are changing...........
Japan PM Shinzo Abe jeered at Battle of Okinawa ceremony - BBC News

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has been heckled at a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Okinawa.
Mr Abe was shouted at by locals, angry about the size of the US military presence on their island.

You refused to give the islands back until 1972, then maintained an unwelcome military control of the island....

US military forces in Japan are there very much with the approval and agreement of Japan. Folks in Okinawa are angry at the central government of Japan for what they see as a disproportionate percentage of the burden involved.


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